The day after her detention, Julia was walking through the corridors towards the Great Hall when she passed an unpleasant face. Severus Snape was stalking out of the hall admist a group of Slytherins.
Julia glared at the boy, at first because she didn't like him in general, then because she realised that he was meant to be meeting up with Lily, and it looked an awful lot like he was about to bail on her.
She had heard the red-haired girl talking about it earlier that morning in the dorm, she remembered because she had rolled her eyes at the sound of his name.
"Oi, Snape!" She shouted to draw his attention.
He and his 'friends' turned to look at her, confusion clear on his face.
"Where the bloody hell do you think you're going?" She demanded, marching closer to him so she wouldn't have to shout.
"What are you on about?" He asked defensively, "I'm allowed to go where I want."
Julia gave a short laugh, "No. You don't get to go where you want, not when you promised Lily that you would meet her in the Great Hall."
Snape's friends scoffed in the background, but she ignored them; focusing all her anger on the greasy git in front of her.
"Lily will be fine, she can handle me not showing up on one occasion," Snape rolled his eyes.
"Except it's not one occasion, is it Severus? In fact, it's more like eight or nine or twelve occasions," Julia practically growled, stepping closer to him.
"What I want to know is why you're keeping such a close track of what I do," Snape glared at her.
Julia wanted to reply that actually it was Lily who she kept a close track of, but that wouldn't go down well.
"Don't flatter yourself Snape," she scoffed in disgust, "You're lucky Lily even achknowledges your existence after that stunt you pulled last year, if I find out you've upset her one more time, I'll hex you so hard your mum will be able to feel it," Julia threatened through gritted teeth, "Do you understand?" She asked, the look on her face showing Snape that it would be unwise to say no.
The boy didn't reply, he watched her through narrowed eyes as his friends wearily took in the situation.
"Do you understand?" She repeated, emphasising every syllable to get it through his thick skull.
"Yes," he muttered angrily.
Julia smiled - a sarcastic 'was that so hard?' kind of smile - and said, "Now go meet Lily and try to be a good fucking friend for once in your life."
Snape started marching back towards the hall, his metaphorical tail between his legs, when Mulciber spoke up.
"Are you really going to let some bratty little Gryffindor tell you what to do Severus?" He asked viciously.
Snape froze. Now he had a choice, one that Julia very much enjoyed watching him struggle to make. He could walk back over to the Slytherins and get thoroughly hexed by Julia, or he could keep on walking to the hall, meet Lily and lose any respect the Slytherins had for him.
Julia smirked as he shuffled his feet anxiously, either way he was screwed and he knew it.
"Yeah, but don't forget that this is Thorne we're speaking about," Avery muttered quietly to the others, probably thinking she was out of earshot. "She sent that Ravenclaw to the hospital wing for two weeks when he insulted her family, he should probably do what she says."
Julia's smirk grew; she was loving everything about this situation.
Mulciber let out an obnoxious laugh, "You think she scares me? She wouldn't dare do anything when there are six of us and one of her!" He cried loudly.
Julia raised an eyebrow, subtly slipping her wand from it's holster and into her hand.
"Stupefy," she whispered, flicking it at the overconfident boy.
His friends let out shocked yells as he fell unconscious to the ground, turning to glare at her, but she had already started walking away.
"Let's go Snape," she commanded as she passed him, satisfied to hear his footsteps trailing after her.
"Stay there and wait for Lily," she intructed, pointing by the door and turning to walk to the Gryffindor table, when his voice stopped her.
"You're not even friends with Lily," He called, "Why are going to all this length to make sure she's happy."
Julia went very still at that question. How could she answer that without giving everything away? Snape was the worst person to find out about her sexuality - he would tell the whole school at the first chance he got.
"Because she deserves to be happy," She said eventually, thinking carefully over what she said, "And a bastard like you doesn't get to ruin that for her."
With that she finally reached the Gryffindor table and sat down, tucking in straight away.
She was pleased to see that, as she was stuffing some toast in her face, Lily arrived and Snape acted like nothing had happened - ie. he was still a dick just slightly less than normal.
Protective Julia is the best, who agrees?
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