Brutal Loneliness
Please listen to Brutal Loneliness by Luxid! (might've gotten the chapter title from the song >:)
Jimmy's Perspective-
"Thanks." Jimmy said, leaving Ms. Harp's office.
He had had enough of Eliot and just convinced Ms. Harp to have him switch shifts with someone else, so now he was working with Cleo.
Jimmy yawned as he walked out to the café, looking around for Scott.
He then saw it.
The thing that crushed him.
The thing that broke him beyond repair.
The thing which was Eliot and Scott kissing.
Jimmy quickly hid behind the corner as Scott and Eliot broke apart.
Eliot and Scott stared at each other, Eliot was smiling, and Scott was shocked.
"So?" Eliot asked, holding Scott's hand, "Will you give me a second chance?"
"I- "
"YOU BITCH!" Jimmy shouted, pointing an accusing finger at Scott, tears in his eyes.
"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" He shouted.
"I- Jimmy I can explain!" Scott said, getting up and walking towards Jimmy.
Jimmy shook his head, tears starting to fall.
"I don't wanna hear it! You are a lying cheating bitch, and I don't want anything to do with you! I hate you!"
Jimmy made his way towards the door and Scott grabbed his hand.
"Jimmy, please." Scott pleaded, tears shimmering in his eyes.
Jimmy stared at him before shaking his head and dashing out in the pouring rain.
"JIMMY!" Scott shouted after Jimmy, but Jimmy shook his head and started to run faster.
He didn't care if he didn't have a ride home.
He would run home.
Jimmy then slipped and fell.
He coughed as he shakily picked himself up.
He sighed and wiped the tears from his eyes as he thought about the closest house before he took off running again.
Grian's Perspective-
"Why'd you pick the Animal Crossing map?" Grian asked and Scar shrugged.
The count down then started and Grian held the gas button.
"GO!" Mario Kart shouted and Grian and Scar zoomed off.
Just then, the doorbell rang.
"Grian, dear, can you get that?" Grian's mother asked from the other room.
Grian sighed as he paused the game.
"Yeah!" He called.
He walked up to the door, Scar following, and he opened it.
Grian gasped as he saw his friend, shaking from the cold, soaking wet from the rain, and crying from who knows what.
"T-Timmy?! What happened?" Grian asked and Jimmy shook his head, barging in.
"S-stupid Scott, that fucking b-bitch. C-cheating on me with h-him just like t-that! I l-loved him! But NO! I f-fucking hate him!" Jimmy cried.
"Hey, hey, calm down." Scar said, "Take a deep breath."
Jimmy shook his head, "I c-can't! I can't do anyth-thing!"
Grian bit his lip, not knowing what to do, but luckily his boyfriend did.
"Fine." Scar said, "But let's at least get you into some warm clothes. Grian, do you mind sparing some?"
Grian shook his head and led Jimmy to the bathroom.
Grian then handed Jimmy a spare red sweater and sweatpants.
He then went out to tell his mother what was going on.
After a couple of minutes, Jimmy walked out, a depressed look on his face.
"Tim, do you wanna- "
"I don't wanna talk about it." He said sternly, "I just wanna go home."
Scar and Grian exchanged concerned looks.
"I'm not going to ask my mom to drop you off until you tell us what happened." Grian said, folding his arms.
Jimmy rolled his eyes.
"You wanna know what happened?! Fine." Jimmy spat.
He took a heavy breath.
"Scott kissed Eliot."
Scar and Grian's eyes widened.
"Yeah." Jimmy said, folding his arms and looking down at the floor, an angry expression painted onto his face, "Scott and Eliot. They're both fucking bitches, they deserve each other."
"Is that what really happene- "
"YES!" Jimmy shouted, interrupting Grian, "I saw it with my own eyes! Scott and Eliot were kissing! Scott's cheating on me! All this time I thought he loved me! I thought we had something but NO! He just threw that away! I FUCKING HATE HIM!"
Scar and Grian flinched as Jimmy shouted at the top of his lungs, his voice cracking as he started to cry.
"I thought Scott was a good guy." Jimmy said, trying to breathe, "I thought he wouldn't do that to me, but I was wrong."
"I'm sure that's not what happened." Grian said, "Scott's not that kind of guy."
"Well, we'll never know because I never wanna talk to him again."
Grian sighed and Scar patted his back.
"Now can I go home? I told you what happened and please...please, I can't deal with this anymore."
Grian nodded.
"Yeah, yeah I'll go get my mom."
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