Chapter Eleven: The Final Chamber
It was funny when you knew such a narrow yet deep slice of someone's life.
What Vanessa knew of Warren, she knew well. She knew deep. She knew how his face looked when he cried. She knew his desperation, his anger, his fear. She knew his deepest, most vulnerable state. She knew it well.
But, as for breadth? Well, she couldn't tell you his favorite sports team. Or how he celebrated his birthdays.
And when a gap like that appears, you tend to fill it in. You spread your thin slice until the frosting covered a semblance of a cake and you called it a day. Vanessa felt like she knew all of him.
But, she didn't. That much was obvious when she entered the final chamber.
The way his shock turned to anger and hatred, betrayal curling his lip. The way he straightened and stepped in front of Kendra, not once taking his eyes off Vanessa. The way vitriol poured off every syllable. These ways were foreign. She didn't know the Warren that spoke to her now. "We've got company."
Vanessa felt Kendra's eyes fall on her and Errol's shadow trailing her ascent, but all she saw was Warren. It was Warren. It was always Warren.
But, that was the past. That was two years ago—flying free with the windows down, spooning soup from warm hands, tumbling and kissing like lovesick teenagers.
The now was harsh, cold. The humongous white cavern reminded her of where she should probably be—an asylum. Warren and Kendra both had short rods in their hands and hovered about thirty feet below a catwalk that cut through the chamber.
Kendra and Warren discussed something under their breath and traded weapons. Terror struck at Vanessa. Warren with a sword? She knew his abilities. She could not be on the sharp end. Could she fight him?
But did she want to?
"I propose a truce," Vanessa said. She saw surprise flicker over Warren's face before hardening back into hatred and anger. This face—this Warren? She didn't recognize him.
She bet he could say the same for her.
"A convenient idea, since we have the weapons," Warren growled.
The verbal blow blew over her. Fully smothered under the weight of the mission, Vanessa snapped into order. "How many times have you slain the guardian?"
"None of your business," Warren said. "Come no closer."
He acted like he didn't know her.
Vanessa stopped her ascent, with Errol following suit.
That was probably fair. He didn't really know her anyway.
But, Vanessa knew him.
"You do not look well, Warren," she said.
Warren shifted his hands on his pole and nodded at Errol. "Neither does your friend."
Was he jealous? Maybe that was Vanessa's egotistical side saying that. But...
"I think you two could use some assistance."
"What got him?" Warren said, still stuck on Errol. "The hobgoblin?"
Vanessa smiled. This was too good. "He was injured before we entered the tower."
"I picked up a bar of gold on the back porch," Errol said. "Apparently it was stolen from a troll. He took it back very impolitely after we left the yard."
Muffled laughter came from beneath Kendra's hand, and Vanessa held in her own. Kendra faced Errol's glare and tilted her head. "Your real name is Christopher Vogel?"
"I have many names," he said stiffly. "My parents gave me that one."
"We elected to fight the Cyclops," Vanessa said. Enough of Errol's talk. "Lots of bare skin for my darts. And we deduced from the ax and the ape not to enter the nearby chamber armed. But this cat may pose a problem. How many times has it died? We've seen once."
"You better turn around and clear out of here," Warren said.
To Vanessa, she almost felt like they were on a mission again. She kept sliding into it—debriefing what she had been up to. But, Warren wore the betrayal freshly.
Also, as Vanessa squinted, she saw bandages around his midsection and claw marks on his legs. She felt muted concern, but took inventory efficiently. If he didn't work with her, she'd have to get rid of him. Panic threaded her pulse.
"I hope you aren't counting on other help." Vanessa adjusted her ponytail. They needed to realize a truce was the only way forward. She couldn't fight Warren and Kendra. Please. Not them. Time to bend the truth. "We found Tanu in the woods and took care of him. He will be asleep until this time tomorrow."
"I'm surprised you came in person," Kendra said bitterly.
"Where finesse is required, I prefer my own body."
"We have no intention of harming anyone," Errol said. "Kendra, we just want to take the artifact and leave all of you in peace. This can still end well for you and your family."
Warren's eyes narrowed as he took in the offer. With a flick of his wrist, he soared closer to Vanessa, yet stayed far enough away to be safe.
His hand twitched for his sword and Vanessa noticed. "Sorry if we're out of reach," she said drily.
"Either you will depart, or I will emphatically insist." Warren raised his sword to a fighting position and locked his eyes on Vanessa. She couldn't believe it. Logically, she knew that one day she probably would end up fighting Warren. But, her heart had just never believed her brain. She stayed silent, and Errol answered instead.
"We could fight," he said. "But trust me, brave as she may be, it would not take much for me to wrest that lance from the girl." Errol pushed off of Vanessa, and they both drifted and landed softly against opposite walls.
Vanessa reigned in her annoyance at being pushed like that, and took a deep breath. "A contest between us will end in injuries none of us can afford," she said. "Why not first slay the beast together?"
"Because I don't want to be stabbed in the back," Warren said. His knowing eyes found hers and for the first time, they truly looked at each other, raw and real. It burned through her.
She looked away.
"You don't imagine you can walk out of here without the artifact?" Errol asked. "There are always safeguards against such actions."
"I'm well aware," Warren said. "I can handle the cat."
Vanessa eyed the black cat on the catwalk. It was massive, larger than a full-grown lynx. Light rippled off its sleek screen as it prowled the catwalk. This could not have been the first iteration. "How many times have you killed the beast?"
"Three times," Warren said.
"So this is its fourth life," Errol said. "Hang me if it has less than nine."
For once, Errol was probably right. And, looking how Warren did? He was not going to survive five more fights.
"At your best, uninjured, this guardian is too much for you or any single person," Vanessa said. "All together we may have a chance."
"I will not arm you," Warren said.
Vanessa fought against rolling her eyes. They needed to convince Warren with something stronger than words, and also needed to get the spear Kendra had. She nodded at Errol, and they both kicked off the wall and fell toward Kendra. Warren fell with them, but had nothing to kick off to propel him.
Panic widened Kendra's eyes and she shot up, out of grasp, but Errol and Vanessa just shot up with her. As they closed in, Kendra threw her spear towards Warren and yelled. "Catch!"
Now, she was going to play keep away?
Warren narrowly missed another impalement, and the spear clattered down on the catwalk. The big cat jumped to it, and bared its teeth in defiance.
Together, Errol and Vanessa shot down to the catwalk, but Errol hit the catwalk hard. As Vanessa landed with her feet gracefully, she rolled her eyes at Errol's crumpled form. Could he do anything right?
Warren moved, sword in hand, toward the cat and the fallen spear. Absolutely not. Two weapons for one person was not fair. Vanessa dashed to the lynx from the other side.
Panic twitched the cornered cat's whiskers, and it jumped away from the spear and towards easier prey: Errol.
With the background noise of Errol's screams, Vanessa dove and grabbed the spear. Unfortunately, so did Warren, and his hand wrapped right on top of hers. It was just as coarse as she remembered, but so, so warm. His eyes met hers, and he pulled his hand away, burned.
Warren retreated and ran to Errol's rescue instead. Vanessa got the same idea. It would be dumb to lose the only person solidly on her side immediately.
The cat sprang for Errol, but he vanished and reappeared a few feet to the left. Turning, the lynx locked its eyes on him once again, but he used his elementary magic and raised a shower of smoke and sparks.
Seriously? This was her partner? A birthday party magician?
The lynx stalked through the mist and latched its teeth onto Errol's forearm, shaking and dragging him like a freshly caught bird who still needed a broken neck.
Vanessa finally made it to his side and stabbed straight through the lynx's side. Warren alighted beside her and decapitated the lynx in one fell swoop. The head rolled to the side, and Vanessa and Warren both breathed deeply as their eyes locked on each other.
What did Dougan always call them? The dream team?
It seemed that that was still true.
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