Phoebe's POV:
Mason and I walk out of the school and parked by the school buses were a blue Prius nearby. "There's her car." I point and Mason nodded.
"Yeah, her car's here. Do you want us to look around the school and see if we could find her?" Mason asked Liam on the phone.
I lean close to Mason to hear his response. "Yeah, definitely," Liam answered. "Call me or Olivia as soon as you find her."
"Got it." He replied before he ended the call. "Good thing we didn't leave campus yet."
"Honestly, I think she's probably in the bathroom but we can check the hallway where Kira's locker is." I chuckle as we pull open the doors.
We walk inside the now empty halls, the only sound of our footsteps echoing at each step we took.
"Lydia?" Mason's voice echoed. "Are you here?"
I peek my head inside the empty classrooms, seeing only the empty rows of desks lined up. "Not in here." I spoke as I walked out.
As we turned to the next hallway, my eyes trail to the sleeve of a jacket on the stairs to the next floor. "Isn't that Kira's?" He asked.
I shrug but we continue to walk towards it. As we got closer, there was also a phone placed beside it and I assumed it had to be Lydia's.
Mason reached down and picked up the phone. "No wonder she's not answering." He turns on the phone and the first thing that pops on the screen is a blurry picture of what seemed like a skeleton monster.
"What is that?" I whisper, an uneasy feeling settling in my stomach.
Out of nowhere, a figure steps in front of us which causes us both to look up and my eyes widen at the sight of the same skeleton monster in the picture in front of us, letting out a low growl.
Uh oh.
Olivia's POV:
Derek finishes locking the last handcuff on Liam's wrist. "All good?" I asked. Liam jerked his arms upward and it kept it locked in place. "Perfect."
"I brought something to help you." Derek spoke as he pulled out triskelion. "This has been with my family for centuries. It's a very powerful, supernatural talisman. We use it to teach Betas how to control themselves on a full moon." He hands the object to him and Liam glances down at it.
Stiles cleared his throat which causes me to look at him and Derek, noticing the warning glare he was giving Stiles. "Yes, it's powerful. Very powerful."
➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵
A few hours of just driving, it was nighttime which meant the moon was already out and the effects were already hitting Liam.
He grunted as he tugged at the handcuffs and I look down to his hand, seeing his claws already extended as he tightly held onto the triskelion.
"Whatever you were gonna teach me..." Liam heavily breathed out and looked up, showing his eyes glowed yellow. "I think you better start."
Phoebe's POV:
"Hey, hey, hey. Phoebe, wake up."
I shot my eyes open and the first thing I see is Lydia's concerned expression along with Mason who was rubbing the side of his head with a pained expression. "Lydia?" I rasp and carefully push myself to sit up.
"Are you okay?"
I hold the side of my head. "Just my head but..." I grunt, feeling the ache on the side.
"Yeah, it's probably gonna hurt a lot." She whispered and my eyes widen, instantly remembering the skeleton creature.
"There was this guy. Huge, really huge." I try to explain. "He had a skull helmet or something."
She nods. "Yeah, I know. I saw it too."
Mason pats down for his phone. "My phone's gone."
I look around for my backpack but realize the Berserker must have taken it too. "The one time I decide to leave my phone in there." I groan. "He took my bag."
"Yeah, I think that's the point." Lydia mused.
"Okay, well, why?" Mason questioned. "What's he gonna do to us?"
"I don't know," Lydia sighed out. "but it definitely doesn't want us to leave."
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Why do you keep saying 'it'?" A growl comes out from the end of the hallway of the basement, causing all of us to slowly stand up from our spots. "Nevermind."
Mason peeks his head to the side of the wall. "What is that thing?"
"Not human."
Olivia's POV:
"Liam, you with me?" Derek called out to him, who was now sweating as he tried to keep himself calm. "We have a mantra that we use. You repeat it, you focus on the words. It's like meditating. You say the words until you feel control coming back to you."
"Okay, okay, okay!" Liam groaned out, tightly clutching on the triskelion. "What are the words?"
"Look at the triskelion. See the symbol?" He pointed to the object Liam held in his hands. "I have a tattoo on my back, it's the same thing. Each spiral means something."
"Alpha, Beta, Omega." Stiles spoke up and I glance up to him, seeing his eyes slightly widened in realization.
"It represents the idea that we can always rise to one and fall back to another." Derek continued to explain. "Betas can become Alphas."
"Alphas can become Betas." Stiles added.
"Can Alphas become Omegas?" Liam asked and I nod in agreement.
"All you have to do is say the three words. With each one, you're telling yourself you're getting calmer, more in control." He gestured to him. "Go ahead."
"Alpha, Beta—"
"Slower." Derek sternly cut him off.
Liam took a deep breath. "Alpha...Beta...Omega.." He let out a groan and Stiles worriedly looks to me, seeing that I was still sitting beside Liam. "Alpha...Beta...Omega."
"That's good. Keep repeating it." I encourage.
"Remember, every time you say the words, you're getting calmer." Derek added and Liam nodded.
"Alpha...Beta...Omega." His voice practically growled out.
"Oh, god." Stiles quickly tried to back away but I stayed put. "Derek, I don't think the powerful talisman of self-control is working."
Liam's heavy breaths were now forming to growls, his eyes glowing yellow along with his teeth sharpening.
"Liam, say it again!" Derek persisted.
Liam lets out a roar as he tried to stand, causing the van to rock. He yanks off the handcuff from his wrist on the side I was sitting on but I quickly wrap my arm around his, forcing it in place.
"Liam, say the words!" I shout, trying to hold his arm still as he angrily growled. "You have to calm down!"
"Olivia?" Allison asked with concern and I turn my head, seeing her eyes widened in shock.
"I think we're gonna need to go a little faster!" Stiles raised his voice with a panicked expression.
Liam yanks off his other arm free and Derek grabs ahold of it, forcing his claws away from his face.
"We're almost there!" Braeden shouted as she tried to keep the van from turning over.
"Derek, I don't think Alpha, Beta, Omega is resonating with him!" Stiles stammered.
"Thanks for the tip, Captain Obvious." I retort, pulling my face away from Liam as he attempted to bite me. "Liam, focus!"
"Olivia, how did you stay in control of your powers?" Derek asked. "How did you figure it out?"
My eyes widen and I quickly turn to Liam. "Liam, look at me!" I call out and he angrily snapped his head to me. "When I was trying to figure out how to heal myself, Phoenixes have something similar to what werewolves do to stay human. We find an anchor to keep us in place."
"What can be my anchor?" Liam growled out.
"It can be anyone! Your parents, your friend Mason, some girl you have a crush on at school, your grandma, pizza man, anyone!" I grunt, feeling his claws dig into my arm. "Someone that you care for a lot!"
"Tell him your anchor! I think it's working!" Stiles shouted, helping Derek try to keep Liam's claws away from his face.
I hesitantly meet Allison's eyes, debating whether to lie or not. "Uh..."
"Olivia!" Derek and Stiles yell in unison.
"Okay, okay! It was Allison!" I blurt out. "I constantly worried about her safety because she was the first person I cared about in our shitty town. I died protecting her and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. If it weren't for her, who knows where I would be now." I ramble but Liam continued to try to slash at my face. "It's not working! What other mantra is out there?"
"Wait, I have one!" Stiles exclaimed. "Liam, what three things cannot long be hidden?"
Liam's arm begins to loosen under my arm but I grip tighter. "Liam, look at him!" I grunt.
"What three things cannot long be hidden?" Stiles asked again and Liam stops squirming under my grip. "What three things?"
"The sun...the moon," Liam panted, his eyes slowing diminishing to his regular eye color. "the truth."
"That's it. Say it again." I encourage, watching his claws retract.
"The sun, the moon..." He shakily breathed out, pulling his hand away from Derek and I finally release his arm.
"Derek?" Braeden called out in concerned and I hesitantly look up, seeing Allison already staring with a solemn expression.
"We're okay." Derek assured and I look away from Allison, leaning my head on Liam's shoulder.
"The sun, the moon, the truth." Liam calmly repeated.
"Good job, Liam." I pat his leg. "Scott would be proud...I'm proud of you."
"Thanks, Olivia."
As we drove passed by more architectural structures from La Iglesia, Liam let out a sigh of relief.
"I can't believe I did it." He softly chuckled. "For a minute there, I thought I was gonna tear the three of you apart."
Stiles nodded slowly. "Yeah. That would've made for an awkward ride home. So, thanks."
"Think you can bring the same level of control and strength inside La Iglesia?" Derek questioned.
Liam confidently flicked his wrist, his claws instantly appearing which causes me to smile.
"All right. We might actually be able to do this." Stiles nodded with an impressed expression.
Derek is the first to open the backdoor of the van, but instantly a large boney hand grabs ahold of his shirt, yanking him out of the van and harshly threw him on the ground.
Before Derek could get up, the Berserker picks him up once more and slams his body on the broken wall, pounding its fists into Derek's chest repeatedly.
"Derek!" I try to jump out of the van but the sound of gunshots ring through my ear and Liam pulls me back inside, him and Stiles covering me for protection just in case.
Once the shots finish, the boys uncover me and we quickly hop out from the van, seeing Braeden crouched down to Derek's level.
"Move, I can heal him." I say to Braeden and quickly rush to his side, seeing the large stab wound from the Berserker's dagger-shaped bone.
"How bad is it?" Peter asked from behind me.
I press my hand against his wound but Derek slaps it away. "No, don't." Derek coughed. "I'm fine, I'm fine! Just get to Scott!"
"Are you kidding? No, let me heal you." I scold and try to push his hands aside but his hands stayed in place. "Derek."
"You need all the strength you have to beat Kate and the Berserkers. You can't drain yourself." He cleared his throat. "Just find him. We'll be right behind you. Go!"
"Okay." Peter spoke before I heard his footsteps sprint inside.
Nobody else dared to move and I look to Braeden, seeing her saddened expression. "Listen to him." She softly spoke.
"Olivia, go save him." Derek whispered and I feel a hand tug my arm. "Go."
"Come on, we'll come back for him as soon as we find Scott and Kira." I hear Allison say and I reluctantly nod before I stand up from the ground.
The five of us quickly sprint inside the ruins but it felt like hours from the amount of time we spent running inside. It was like some sort of maze.
Somehow we caught up to Peter but he abruptly stops in the middle of the pathway. "Okay, everyone stop, stop, stop, stop, stop!" He panted. "We gotta figure out where we are, then, we gotta figure out how to find Scott and Kira."
"Olivia, didn't you memorize this place when Kate captured you?" Malia questioned. "Why aren't you leading us?"
"Oh yeah, Kate gave me the grand tour of La Iglesia and gave me snacks when I was held hostage." I remarked sarcastically. "Of course I didn't memorize this place!"
"Guys, we can't argue or we'll never find them." Allison stood in between us. "We have to stay calm."
Stiles' phone rings from his pocket and he quickly fishes it out. "How do I even have service?" He whispered before clicking answer. "Hi...Dad" He trailed off. "Look, I know you're angry--" He stops and I could practically hear the muffled lecture from Sheriff. "Okay, well, when I get back, you can ground me and Olivia's dad can talk to her later."
"He must have figured out I left my phone in the hospital when I snuck out." I cringe.
"You want me to lie?" Stiles asked as he looked over at all of us. "Well, you can help by checking on Lydia. She was at the school when we called Mason and Phoebe to look for her, but now we're not hearing back from either of them. I don't know, Dad, I don't know what I'm doing. You know, I'm just...I'm trying to save my friends."
I held my hand out for Stiles to give me the phone and he nods, putting the device in my hand. "Sheriff, if it's one of the Berserkers at the school, you're gonna need firepower. A lot if you want to take it down."
"I'll figure something out." Sheriff spoke. "Just a heads up, your dad told your mom everything that happened at the loft and about you sneaking off to Mexico."
"Okay. Well...gotta go, bye." I say and end the call, handing Stiles his phone back. "I'm so screwed when we get home."
"What do we do now?" Liam asked.
I catch Malia's eyes widen. "Duck!" She yelled. We all drop to the ground in time to see the arm of the Berserker swing over our heads.
"Get down! Get back!" Peter yelled, forcing all of us to run ahead of him. "Run! Go, go, go, go, go!"
Phoebe's POV:
"I don't hear it," Lydia whispered as the three of us leaned against the wall but she took a step forward. "Come on."
"No, no, no." Mason whispered as he shook his head frantically.
"Are you crazy? There's only way out on this side of the basement." I scolded. "We'll get ourselves killed before we even reach the entrance."
"I know, but if we don't get ourselves out of here, someone's going to die." Lydia emphasized.
"How do you know that?" Mason questioned.
"I just do." Her tone laced with frustration. "We have to at least see if he's blocking the exit."
Mason slowly took a step forward to peek his head but instantly leans against the wall as soon as we heard the heavy footstep from the monster. "Yeah, he's blocking it." He stammered.
Olivia's POV:
"Go find Kira and Scott!" Malia tossed Kira's sword into my hands. "Liam and I will fight it off."
I hand the sword to Stiles. "I'll stay—"
"No, you have to stay with them in case you run into another Berserker." Peter immediately cuts me off. "You, Stiles, and Allison have to find them."
I worriedly glance at Liam and he nods in reassurance. "I'll be fine, Olivia. Go!"
I groan and reluctantly follow after Stiles and Allison, continuing to sprint inside the ruins.
"Kira?" I yell out, igniting a flame in my hand to provide some light for us to see. "Kira?"
"Scott!" Stiles shouted as he looked around the place with his mini flashlight.
"They could be anywhere." Allison groaned. "How are we supposed to find them?"
Not too long after her question, the sound of movement causes us to stop.
"Did you guys hear that?" Stiles whispered. Allison and I slowly nod, not daring to say a word.
I move my hand around and cautiously take a step forward, noticing the slight movement behind the wall. I bring the light closer and a head peeks out, revealing to be Kira.
"Oh thank god." I sigh in relief, putting the flames away and see the line of blood trickle from the side of her head. "Are you okay?"
I hear Allison's and Stiles' footsteps follow behind me. "I'm okay, I healed. But you have to listen to me. It's Scott." She frantically explained. "You guys, it's Scott."
"Kira, take a breath. You're still bleeding." Allison tried to say but Kira shook her head.
"No, you guys have to understand. The Berserker. It's him. Kate did it."
My eyes widen in realization. "Oh my god."
Stiles furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Wait, what is she talking about?"
"She made him into one of them. I don't know how, but it's him. If they don't know it--"
"Malia, Peter, and Liam could kill him." I finish for her and she nodded her head.
"That's why Lydia's not here. They won't know they're killing Scott." Stiles' eyes widen in realization and he hands Kira her sword. "We gotta go. Now."
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