This will be my last book I know some of my books haven't had the best grammar and punctuation I am now 20 and was about 15 when I started I believe. I loved every second of making these books it was an amazing escape of feelings and all the feedback about how you guys felt the emotions that was the goal I wrote these books as if I was living them. Some of the heartbreak in my books and tragedies that have happened have happened to me. Not anything supernatural of course that part is fiction but the break ups the sexual assault the rape they are things that I have encountered either in my life and it was an outlet that let me express those emotions. Some things happened to me and somethings I saw others around me go through. But enough of that point is it's been an amazing run and to the people who do read my books I love every single one and I hope you love this last book it's going to be similar and some old characters may be in it who knows what's in store for it thanks for reading this message if you skipped that's fine here's to my last book hope you like it it's called The Wolf in the Lab
Rynns POV
''Mommy I don't like broccoli!'' I said.
''Rynn one more bite and then we can go get some ice cream'' Mommy said.
''OKAY!'' I yelled and she laughed as I took the bite of broccoli.
''Okay lets go then a deal is a deal'' She said and I smiled with broccoli pieces in my teeth and she chuckled and picked me up.
''Mommy is daddy coming?'' I asked.
''Probably not tonight love'' She said.
The memory faded out as I came back to reality. The beeping monitor that rang through my ears a million times every day drove me insane. Ten years. For ten years I've heard the same beep over and over as it detected my heartbeat.
''Subject eight-eight-zero-four-one-nine'' He started. Another thing I've heard everyday.
''Subject went through extensive testing over the years and seems to have fully healed despite the trauma the body has been through'' He said
''Soldier training was completed last week and subject is ready for assignment X'' He finished.
Assignment X the big assignment they could never put a human up against. Why? Because the last ten they sent in over fifty years all were dead. Either were found out or died in secret through the assignment. Collateral damage they call it.
''Are you ready'' He said.
''Like I have a choice.'' I said and he smirked. A smirk one day I will wipe clean off his face.
Lets give you a few more details incase you haven't caught on. When I was seven I was bitten by a werewolf. Brutal I know. My parents are gone from the accident from it and I was found by police. In the hospital the military picked me up almost immediately and I have been here ever since. Even worse part is what they put me through all the 'tests' which is just stabbing me and injecting my body with parasites to see how my body reacts. That is worse then the actual transition. But enough about that.
''Kyle insert the chip'' He said.
Kyle looked at me and nodded. I nodded back and he came up to me and held my arm.
''The wolfsbane should no longer be in your system. You have three minutes before this room is swarmed with soldiers the door on the right is open run out down the hall is a ladder climb up and the helicopter is prepared please tell me you remember the training.'' He said.
''I do'' I said.
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