Chapter 2
Chloe's pov
Oh. Did I not mention. I'm married to the most abusive guy on this earth. Plus, this is the best part, he's an alcoholic.
"Oliver your drunk" I said sitting up.
"Don't talk to me like that you stupid bitch!" He yelled
His hand went right across my face and the familiar sting filled my cheek.
"Why the hell are you home! Your supposed to be at work! Was there another man in my house!" He yelled and he started to beat me again. There were days where he loves me then the others I just get beaten.
When he finished beating me I was to scared to even whimper. He walked out and buddy came to me and put his nose under my neck and whined.
"I'm okay buddy" I said and I cried.
I was tired of it. I grabbed my bags and all my stuff and I went to his room to check if he was asleep and he was. The good thing is he's a heavy sleeper. I took my stuff to the truck and put my suitcases in there. I went inside and packed all my evidence for my parents case. I took everything I needed including buddy.
I wrote him a note as well.
"I'm done with you take your ring and stay out of my life you abusive alcoholic bastard" and I put a smiley face
I grabbed my keys and I took some of his cash from the vault not even caring how much I took because it was basically mine but he claimed it as his. I took over a million dollars and put it in a bag and put it in my truck and I finally left.
"Its time we get the hell out of here buddy" I said and he wagged his tail.
We drove for what felt like days but it was only 8 hours. I had to stop for gas and I quickly went to pay and ran back to the truck and put the gas. I was basically in the middle of nowhere and I was starving and it was time to feed buddy. I looked around and I saw a little diner. Perfect. I finished putting gas and I drove to the diner and parked. I walked in and I ordered some food.
"Running?" The lady said to me.
"Excuse me" I said
"Your black eye dear and that busted lip ain't fooling no body and the fact that you got a dent in your ring finger only means one thing." She said
"You left your abusive husband didn't you" she said and I sighed and nodded
"Well dear good for you here this is on the house and this is for the little pup in your truck" she said and gave me some water bottles.
"Thank you-" I said waiting for her to give me her name.
"Margie" she said and smiled
"Thank you margie" I said and smiled
I started to walk out when I saw three big guys walk in they were huge and by huge I mean really buff. Their eyes were yellow where the white was supposed to be it was gross. I quickly walked out and got in the truck and fed buddy. I looked in the diner and one of the guys caught my eye. He looked so familiar. It clicked I looked in my parents case files and I saw his picture. I filled with anger but I knew I couldn't take him. I called Amanda and she quickly answered.
Amanda- Chloe where the hell are you!
Me- somewhere in I think Fairbanks alaska
Me- Amanda my job means alot to me but my life means more. I left Oliver.
Amanda-no wonder he's going ape shit downstairs in the lobby looking for you
Me-i got tired of it you out of everyone in that station know what's going on.
Amanda-ill tell chief and we will have him arrested
Me-as much as I want him to rot Amanda you don't have to I'm not pressing charges
Amanda-your joking! Chloe this man his hurt you so many times you can't even count anymore!
Me-i know but I'm fine now I'll be good here
Amanda-i guess I'll tell chief you quit then. You know your his favorite agent.
Me-trust me in gonna miss it and chief as well.
Amanda-be safe and whatever you do Chloe never look back.
Me-i won't I promise
Amanda-bye Chloe
Me-bye amanda
I finished eating and I took buddy out so he could use the restroom and I got back in the truck and the guys were still in the diner. I turned on my truck and I drove off. My parents were killed but I don't know by who and I can't just ask if he did it.
I drove for a few more hours and I finally saw a little clearing and I parked there and got off so I could stretch. I looked around and it was so quit you heard the crickets perfectly clear.
"You are tresspassing" I heard and I jumped up scared.
"You scared me I'm sorry for trespassing I was just stopping to stretch I have been driving for almost a day" I said
"You know it's dangerous at night to be out here all alone" he said
He was a bit of an old guy maybe in his 40's he has a blank face you couldn't see his emotions he hid them so well.
"You also got quite the bruiser on your eye and your lip is messed up" he said
"I should go now" I said
"You should its not safe out here" he said and I opened my truck door and got in and I turned on the car and drove off.
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