Okay, da person that may it may have not randomly tagged me was NocturnalCraziness
1. Am able to stay awake for a month, without taking a nap.
2. I once jumped off a Cliff for 5 fucking dollars.
3. I think lele pons is 'SOOOO' fucken funny.
4. I went to Yale at the age if 13(unbelievable right?)
5. Deep down am also a shady bitch.
6. I was born in Russia, but ain't ever learned the language.
7. I can drink 10 bottle's of tequila in 4 minutes without stopping.
8. Am sub to pewdiepie.
9. I fear lighting bugs/snow
10. My dog always attacks me to get the fuck off my lazy ass, and stop watching Friends. Just so I can give him a pat on the head and tell him how much of a good boi he is for a whole hour while the cat watches.
Okay here's ma joke.
Why are black people so tall?(I wish it waz true tho, am fucking short as hell)
Because there Knee-grows.
*bangs drum*
No? Not funny? Well, I stole this joke from mother ant damn way...
One thing for ma story?
Well.... I have been making a few lil chapters but I don't think I'll ever publish it. Butttt, I'll say dis, Let's see how hard you shady bitches can fight.
Andddd for ma tags, now understand I have no fucken friends on here like dat, other then Bach, so y'all is random.
1. Yaoibachelor666
2. DaAwesomeManYT
3. frumhere
4. WingedKelpie
5. jamielakenovels
7. brendaagenda
8. _XxXLilPrincessXxX_
Okay... That's all I got, and if y'all do see dis... Uhh...
*Sips tea*
Wass up ma dudes? Haha.. Okay am fucking leaving..
*walks off to gay stories*
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