Chapter 15
"Shana, that wasn't very nice."
My mother is trying to sound disappointed in my behavior with Tommy last night, but she can't hide a smile. I'd told her everything about the disastrous dinner at Charlie's house, to recruiting Liv, to going home with Tommy. I only got home a few hours ago and I'm thinking I should probably stop in at work to organize a few things before the weekend. Lord knows I'm not going in on a Saturday.
Mom's making me some waffles, which is stalling my ready ritual. I'm sitting at her kitchen table in my bathrobe with a wet head of hair. I hope I don't miss my blowdry window while eating breakfast.
No matter. All that's waiting for me at the store is a pile of bills anyway. It's so boring to have to sit down and write checks all day. I'm thinking of pawning the task off on Suki when the phone starts ringing from my bedroom.
I lunge into my room and grab the phone off its hook. "Hello!"
His voice is barely a whisper. "Last night was incredible."
"Thanks, I thought so, too."
"Why didn't you stay? I woke up in a great mood, but then got sad when I realized you weren't there."
Shit. It's Charlie.
"Oh, I knew we both had work this morning, so I thought it would be best to go home and turn in early."
"Smart girl. You wouldn't have gotten much sleep if you'd stayed here, believe me."
I fake a giggle which sounds completely forced to my ears. It is, but I hope Charlie doesn't notice. I'm guessing no, because he starts in with, "I was thinking of heading up to Lake George for the holiday, and that maybe you'd want to join me? It's sort of a tradition to do the Fourth at the lake. We can get a hotel room or just sleep on the boat, your choice."
Hmmm. I could use a relaxing few days on Charlie's boat. I haven't even seen it yet, but he's been taunting me with its existence almost since the day we met. How better to spend the Fourth of July than out on a pristine lake, watching the fireworks with my boyfriend?
Before I can even answer, he adds, "I should warn you, Ashleigh is voting for staying on the boat, by the way."
Ashleigh? Like I really want to spend my Fourth of July crammed onto a boat with that little demon. It would be Cape Fear, The Poseidon Adventure, and Titanic all rolled up into one, real life nightmare. With Ashleigh at the helm.
Bye, bye, romantic weekend.
"So, what do you say?"
"Ooh. It sounds so great, Charlie, but I already told Livia I'd go down to the beach with her for the holiday. It's sort of our tradition. We're not leaving until Sunday night, though, so can I see you this weekend before we both leave?"
Charlie sounds crestfallen, but he agrees.
I hang up the phone and go back to the kitchen table where my waffles are waiting for me. I squirt a huge dollop of whipped cream on top and then slather the whole pile with a gallon of blueberry syrup and wolf it down.
Then I call Livia to see if I can tag along next week.
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