We were working all day. Well, it's not fun when you're working on your birthday...
and it's Ruhana's birthday.
These days we aren't paired together so maybe I should be glad just to have her by my side.
My job is simple-- to click pictures as Ruhana distracts the corrupt leader of a political party. We're playing television reporters interviewing the said man casually, but yeah our jobs were done.
I click at the extravagant gold coated interiors as I pretend to nonchalantly examine my camera. No one notices.. Aha!
'Kisi ko sone ka thikana nahi...aur isko sone ka ghar chahiye.... Kya sunehri duniya hai...'
I wonder when the differences between rich and poor would vanish and look at the corrupt leader.
The man is smiling now Ruhana is about to wrap up the interview. And I almost feel sorry for the man who's just about to be exposed. Just a little.
Once we are outside I grin at Ruhana...the sun illuminates her beautiful face. I keep staring at her with a smile--
"Did you take the photos, Sam?" she asks.
"Yeah ... kal subah this proof will go to the commissioners office." I grin at her.
She smiles. She's so beautiful when she smiles I can't help myself. Making sure that no one's close by, I pull her to myself.
I'm glad this is a remote location alright... Holding her close I let out a sigh. My camera dangles from my neck, but I push it to a side and hug her close.
"Hey!!" she exclaims, but puts her arms around me. "What's happening Sam? What's this all of a sudden? We're still working!"
She's complaining but she still hugs me.
I press my lips to her ear and grin when she quietly sighs. Then I whisper-- " Happy birthday Ruu.."
I slightly pull back to look at her. She looks at me with wide eyes.
"What? You remember?" she asks, laughing a little.
"Of course I do.. We've been so busy I haven't made enough plans.. But for now..."
I lean down to kiss her lips. She hits me on the shoulder at first, but soon responds holding me tight. She opens her lips just as eagerly, our tongues entwined and we hold each other lost in our love land.
I never want this kiss to end....I never want to part from her even for air...
but eventually...
I have to.
I look at her beautiful face. She's blushing a little but the anger is evident on her face now-- "you! Tum ab bolte ho! Subah se kyun nahi bola agar yaad hai to? And we're together all day! You didn't wish me once!"
I throw my hands in the air- "Kaise bolta Ruu? And boldia to this kiss wouldn't have happened, no?"
She chuckles. Good she's not angry at me. I cup her face and lean down to touch my forehead to hers--
"I love you Ruhana..."
I told her this many times. But today on her birthday I want to say it again--
"I love you too, Sam," she responds once again, hugging me close and quickly pecking my lips. I want to kiss her soft pink lips again but she holds a finger against my lips.
"Don't be in such a hurry," she chides me, "save some for later tonight..."
"Haha someone has naughty thoughts?" I tease.
We exchange grins. I reach for her hand. I bring her hand up to place a soft kiss-- and she does the same--
"Yep... that's for tonight... and now... we return home." she says.
"Nope," I correct her, "now let's party!"
It's been six blissful months since we're living together now. We head to our sweet home. Ruhana wants to take the bath first-- she hurries into the bathroom-- and I hurry after her--
She gives me a look finding me standing near the door--
"What?" I raise my brow. "I want to take a bath too-- and I can't wait!"
Ruhana giggles-- "can't wait for what?"
"You know what--" I take a step close and turn on the shower.
We both are still clothed. The shower makes our clothes cling to our bodies-- the cold water only heating up the moment. Weird, we never flirted like this when we were best friends-- well, we're best friends even now and more than that at the same time.
I pull her against me and kiss her lips once again. She kisses me back smiling against my mouth and calling me naughty. She runs her hands in my hair-- she likes to tug at it a lot. I take this moment to place a trail of kisses down her neck--
She shivers a little as I bite down gently.
"You! Don't give me a hickey!" she chides me-- but bites me in return-- haha some naughty girl she is.
We both look at each other and laugh, splashing water from the bathtub at each other and giggling.
And before we know we're kissing again-- and it takes us another two hours to come out of the shower. Ahem!
We freshen up eventually and the doorbell rings. Naina arrives with a huge present in her hand.
A big, life sized teddy bear. I frown at the brown bear, wondering if Ruhana needs one when she has me to cuddle
"There's more. This little one is from Ash!" she says handing Ruhana a basket.
Ruhana removes the towel and squeals looking at the little dalmatian pup sleeping inside. Aw it's cute-- but pets can be annoying! No ?
"Isn't Ash here?" I ask Naina.
She shakes her head. "He's working. Maybe he'll join us later."
"Oh don't bother him!" snaps Ruhana, "but he has my thanks."
Naina laughs. I let out a strained laugh too. Someone still holds a grudge against Ash. The guy is nice deep down but for some reason Ruhana still doesn't approve him.
Aw she's pouting now. I laugh and pull Ruhana close. She looks cute in that sea blue gown, I've only noticed her outfit now, she's too beautiful.
Naina squeals at us, "I'm so happy for you both!"
And then she invites her to this private pub Asher owns. Of course we aren't telling Ruhana the last part-- because she'd probably won't like it. We've got nothing to do so the three of us immediately head out in our cars.
The music is blazing. Ruhana isn't pleased to see Ash but the guy wishes her Happy birthday. She smiles a little at him saying the pup he gave is cute.
Ah, some progress. Ash smiles briefly but doesn't extend the conversation. He pulls Naina into a hug.
"I've missed you!" he says. "You're gone for too long..."
Naina laughs and hugs him back while Ruhana mutters save your mushy romance for later--
I laugh and seize Ruhana by the arm. A beautiful song plays and we dance together.
"Are you happy?" I ask her.
I want her to be happy. It's what I want. I've hurt her a lot in the past because of my stupidity, but now I'd never.
"I am..." she nods, leaning against my chest.
I wrap my arms around her. Good to see she isn't annoyed anymore.
"Everything fades away when we're together isn't it?" I ask while kissing her forehead.
"Good. you're smiling."
"Yeah." she nods and pecks me on the lips.
I chuckle and just hold her close for the rest of the song.
"Ash is a good man. So you must stop worrying..." I tell her.
She snorts. "He might be good. But our Naina is too good for him!"
I laugh and tap her on the cheek. Maybe coming to this pub isn't a good idea. But this should happen here-- I want everyone to be present when I surprise her --- hm, I'll keep the suspense.
The song ends and I close her eyes with my palm.
"Hey!" she squeals.
I step away from her just as a spotlight is focused on her. A lot of our friends surround us. I hide amongst them, and she searches for me.
I appear on stage a little far away, and take the mic in hand, and I tell her how much I love her.
"Ruhana you're everything I want! You're the one who taught me what love is-- you're the one who loved me as I am-- and I want it for a lifetime. Will you marry me, Ruu? I promise to love you until eternity..."
Ruhana being Ruhana scolds me first. "You idiot! Sam! What are you doing there-- ahh this is--"
I've never seen her laugh and cry at the same time. Then she runs to hug me on the stage. Our friends, Ash Naina, and others from the NF clap for us. I slip the engagement ring on to her finger and she hugs me close.
"Thank You, Sam," She says with tears in her eyes, "this is the best birthday ever!"
When we part the hug, she still has some tears in the corner of her eye. I kiss them away..
"Your birthday isn't over yet... More will come sweetheart.. Remember? The night is still young..."
She blushes a little and hits me on the chest. I hug her once more and shout in the mic-- "I'LL LOVE YOU FOREVER RUHANA!"
She giggles but takes the mic from me-- "AND YOU SILLY STUPID SAMMIE!! I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER TOO, DUFFER!"
Everyone laughs. Our friends and well-wishers congratulate us. And it's a new beginning
Sorry!! I'm so late!! I don't know what else to add here... but yeah I did make some changes.
PREE: takes the mic on the stage: SOREY LATE UPDATE BUT ♥️I'LL LOVE YOU FOREVER YAAR... HAPPY BIRTHDAY BELATED ONCE AGAIN>♥️ may all your dreams come true!"
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