Part 10: A Scarful Encounter
In the alleyway, it was still raining as Nepgear had finished sobbing, her eyes now red.
For Ales though, he was still sobbing as he repeatedly clapped his hands together and placed them on the wall, still in distress from seeing Nina and Alexander's bloody remains.
From above, Purple and Black Heart saw what was going on in the alleyway.
"It's so cruel." Said Black Heart. "If the devil really does interfere with this world, then we've seen his work tonight."
"The devil's work huh?" Said Purple Heart. "The State Alchemists are all human artillery if nothing else works, and, when our military calls it's their duty to respond regardless of how grotesque the scenario. Tp serve, they have to distance themselves from emotional attachments. In that way, they're not so different from Tucker."
"With all do respect Neptune, Alex. He's."
"I know Noire."
"He's still just a little kid." Both of them said.
Back in the alleyway, Nepgear turned around and wide eyed when she saw Alex's boss, Führer King Bradley.
"A-Alex? Then around."
Ales turned around, showing his somber eyes as he saw Bradley.
"There's no use Alex."
"You can't go around trying to bring everything living creature that dies on you back to life Alex. It's not possible and it's not healthy."
Alex just got more upset as Bradley continued speak.
"Anyway, who'd you be helping by bringing back a malformed chimera. It's an ugly world out there Alex and from here on out it's only going to get uglier from the path you've chosen. Just be thankful it wasn't you and get on with your life."
"W-What? Get on with my life!?" Shouted Alex as Bradley walked up to Alex and grabbed his wrist.
"There's a reason you became a State Alchemist. Right Alex? Can you really afford to get distracted by every little lost cause?"
Bradley looked behind and saw some vehicles arrive.
"This is up to the investigations department now. Step aside and leave."
Alex got out of Bradley's grasp and just ran away again with Nepgear following him.
Eventually, Alex just sat on the steps leading to the entrance of the Planeptune Basilicom, with his head hung low and arms resting.
Nepgear sat a few steps above him in worry about how Alex was feeling right now.
Then, Nepgear looked up and saw Purple Heart walk down the steps until she stood next to Alex.
"Ally. I hate to say his, but, you'll end up handling more cases like this. Sometimes, you might even get your own hands dirty. Are you gonna get shut down like this everytime?"
Purple Heart knew it was harsh to be this hard on Alex but she knew it had to be done.
Alex simply chuckled.
"Easy for you to say. Your never looked down upon. You beloved by all your people." He said, clutching his arms.
"I may be called a Dog Of The Black Ops. I may even be cursed as a devil, but, it doesn't matter. I'm still gonna figure out the truth. I know the truth. I know I'm not a devil. I know I'm not a god like you girls."
He then stood up.
"I'm human."
He then looked up and shouted.
He looked down again.
"I couldn't even do anything to save one innocent little girl. So, what good am I then?" Asked Alex, waiting for an answer.
Purple Heart and Nepgear didn't know what to say. They didn't expect Alex to just lose all of his self confidence like this.
Alex once again ran off not caring where he went.
Nepgear was about to follow but Purple Heart stopped her.
"No need Nep Jr. I can handle this. I care for him as much as you. You've been through a lot so go and rest."
Nepgear nodded and went inside the Basilicom as Purple Heart took off to find Alex.
Eventually, Purple Heart had caught up to Alex as she sat a few steps above him but still nearby as Alex once again kept his head low.
"Wanna open up some more? I don't mind."
"Ya know, I've been thinking about this for a while now. I put all my trust in Alchemy, but, in the end, what is it? Alchemy is the signs of understanding the flow of matter and it's laws. The process of comprehension, deconstruction, and reconstruction, and, the world flows too as it's still full of laws. Everything circulates. Even death is a part of that circulation. I must accept the flow."
"Yikes. When I said open up and I didn't mean for you to go on a full philosophical speech." Said Purple Heart trying to somewhat ease the tension.
"I thought I had figured it out, yet, here I am again. Desperately trying to do the impossible."
Alex chuckled.
"I'm such a hopeless idiot. All this time and I haven't grown up one bit."
Purple Heart looked at Alex, not wanting to stop his talking, as she let him open up.
"I thought maybe the rain could wash maybe wash away some of this gloom that's following me, but right now, every drop that hits my face is even more depressing."
Purple Heart stood up, about to comfortably hug Alex, until, a man showed up, Scar.
"You boy. Your The Flame Alchemist Alex Mustang. Correct?" Asked Scar.
Alex looked up to stare at Scar with his lost eyes.
Scar got his hand ready, as if he was gonna strike.
"Ally!" Alex's eyes regained focus as Purple Heart grabbed and moves him away from Scar's attack as the clock behind them rung.
Time felt slow until Alex came back and placed his hands on the ground to trap Scar.
"What the hell is going on here!?"
Alex then heard and saw Scar break through the wall as Alex noticed his eyes were deadset on killing him.
'W-Who the hell is this guy? What does he want from me? This is bad. This is really bad. I have to move, now!' Thought Alex.
"Let's go Neptune! Run for it! Shouted Alex as he ran off with Purple Heart following suit.
As they both ran down the stairs, Scar some how jumped down and landed at the end.
"Oh no you don't." He said, his left hand glowing blue as all of a sudden, as he made the stairs blow up as Purple Heart hanged from the ledge holding onto Alex.
Scar simply put his hand on the wall blowing up the rest off the stairs as both fell to the lower level.
Scar walked towards them.
"Neptune hang on!" Alex placed his hands on the ground as a large needled was formed as Alex and Purple Heart grabbed onto to escape however it didn't go far as Scar destroyed it right when it launched.
Thankfully, it crash landed into the city as Ales continued to run with Purple Heart flying right next to him.
"Dammit! What the hell is this guy's problem!?"
Alex and Purple Heart turned into an alleyway to escape Scar however, an explosion occurred in front of them blocking the path as Scar had cornered them.
"Who are you anyways!? Why are you after us!?" Asked Alex.
"As long as there are creators like you in this world there must also be destroyers." Said Scar.
"Well Neptune, it looks like we're gonna have to fight." Said Alex as he formed a a sword from the ground as Purple Heart summoned her HDD Weapon into her hand.
"Gutsy one aren't you? But."
Alex and Purple Heart both charged at Scars about to strike, until, Scar places his hand on Purple Heart's left abdomen, causing a massive wound to appear ad she shouted in pain, reverting back as she held her side, as it bleed.
"Neptune!? You bastard!" Alex shouted running at Scar as Scar simply grabbed his wrist.
"Your to slow!" Scar used his right hand to destroy Alex's left wrist but nothing happened as Alex simply was launched back.
"A metal wrist plate on your left arm? No wonder you didn't take a lot of damage. Most unusual." Said Scar as Alex removed his jacket and formed his wrist metal plate into a blade.
"Ally! Don't! Just run away!" Said Neptune as she struggled to even crawl as her self healing ability as a CPU was slowly making progress.
"You idiot! I'm not gonna leave you behind Neptune!"
Alex charged at Scar to strike again, however this time, Scar grabbed his left arm, away from the metal plate
"If you can make Alchemy by clapping your hands together, then allow me to remove one!"
Scar's lightning traveled up to Alex's shoulder, where his left shoulder had exploded, as his left arm was now dislocated, as blood spurted everywhere.
"Ally!" Shouted Neptune as Alex fell to the ground clutching his now bloody and dislocated left shoulder in pain.
"Without both arms, you can no longer use your Alchemy." Said Scar walking to Alex as he tried to crawl away only to fall to the floor, as he stayed there.
"I'll give you a moment to pray to god." Said Scar.
"A-Ally! Runaway! Ally!" Shouted Neptune
Alex chuckled.
"Unfortunately, there isn't any god I'd like to pray to. Am I the only one your trying to kill today? Or are you gonna go after Lady Purple Heart back in the alleyway as well?"
"If she interferes I'll eliminate her, but, Flame Alchemist you are the only one who's receiving judgment today. You alone." Said Scar.
"Okay. In that case."
Alex turned his head to look at Scar.
"In that case, I want your word. Promise me you won't hurt Lady Purple Heart and any of the CPU's."
"A-Ally?" Said a shocked Neptune.
"I will keep that promise." Said Scar.
"No Ally. What're you trying to do? What're you thinking!? Run! Get up and run!" Pleaded Neptune as Scar was about to kill Alex.
"Stop! Don't touch him! No! No you can't! STOP IT!" Pleaded Neptune even louder as a bullet was sent at Scar causing all three to be in shock.
Alex was then lifted to his feet by non other than IF.
"IF? When did you?"
"Got here in the nick of time. Thank Histoire that she sent me and Nepgear in time." Said IF
Nepgear was currently in HDD, as Purple Sister flew around Scar sending countless bullets at him. One of which knocked off his shades, as Alex gasped.
"D-Dark skin and, red eyes? It all makes sense know. Scar's an Ishvalan!" Shouted Alex.
Scar noticed too many people had come so he slammed his hand on the ground and caused a dust cloud to form as it went away to show he had escaped.
"Huh? Oh no Neptune." Said Alex as she immediately rushed to the alleyway as Neptune sat down with her head hung low.
Alex ran in front Neptune and kneeled down as IF and Purple Sister all saw the damage to Neptune's right abdomen and gasped before calming down knowing she's eventually recover.
"Neptune! Are you okay!? Come on Neptune talk to me!" Said Alex.
That was until, Neptune slapped Alex hard in the cheek causing IF and Purple Sister to wide eye.
"Ow! The hell was that for Neptune!?"
"Why didn't you run away when I told you too!? What kind of idiot are you!? You baka!"
"What!? No way! I'm not just gonna run away and leave you behind!"
"Which is exactly why your an idiot you baka!" Shouted Neptune as she slapped Alex again.
"Ow! Why do you keep slapping me like that for!? If I had run away you could've been killed you know that!?"
"And maybe I wouldn't have been! Making the decision to die is one that only an idiot does!"
"Hey easy on the idiot stuff!"
"I'll say it all I want too!" Said Neptune as she grabbed Alex's shirt and pulled him close for a face to face.
"Survival is the only way Ally! Live on! Learn more about Alchemy! You can do so many things by not dying like an idiot! I won't allow you to abandon hope by choosing a meaningless death!" Said Neptune as tears formed and fell from her face.
Alex was shocked. He had never seen Neptune, a girl who was always so cheerful and upbeat, break down and cry.
'Histoire did tell me that Neptune cares deeply for her friends. If she's crying over me, then, she really must care for me that much.' Ales thought as he chuckled.
"Look at me Neptune. I've really fallen apart. Haven't I? I look like I belong in a junkyard."
The raincloud went away as the sunset shined.
"But, your still alive." Said Neptune.
"Yeah. I am."
Alex then hugged Neptune with his one good arm as Neptune returned it, as they stayed like that for a bit.
Part 10: A Scarful Encounter: End
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