Training Day
I got back to my base and slipped into my room. I changed and laid down. I just started to drift to sleep when someone started to bang on my door. "What?!" I yelled. "Wake up call! Training day!" It was my second in command. Amy. She had no idea what I did at night. "Go ahead with out me. I just got to bed! I've been up all night doing paperwork!" I said. I guess it wasn't a complete lie. I was up all night and I did do some paper work. I heard her sigh "Go to bed! And tomorrow go to bed early. It's not healthy to stay up all night!" I heard her walk away. Good finally some piece and quiet.
I managed to get six hours of sleep in me before I was awakened by a Delirious trying to be sneaky. He was climbing in through my window. I proper my head up on my arm. "What are you doing?" I asked once he made it in. He jumped "Damn. Jodi you scared me." "Coming from the guy who was just sneaking in through my window? Looking like a psycho killer." "Good point Teddy Bear." I chuckled. He's been calling me Teddy Bear since we first met. He just been doing it more since we started to date. Even doesn't know. He thinks I hate Delirious. Delirious jumped into the bed next to me. He put his cold hands against my bare arms. "Jesus! Your hands are freezing." "Well its cold outside Teddy Bear." "Why are you here?" "I couldn't sleep." "So you decided to sneak into my room?" "Yeah." "Really?" "Yeah. I was lonely so I came here to cuddle with my Teddy Bear." I kissed his mask. He took it off and fell asleep. I then fell asleep soon after.
"God Damn I if get woken up one more time I swear to God." I muttered when I head snickering. I opened my eyes and I saw Moo and Lui standing in the door way. "Aww I didn't realize how cute they were." I then remembered Delirious was sleeping behind me. His arms were around me and his face was in my back. "You two say anything about this your dead." I then saw a mischievous grin come from Lui he then turned an ran yelling on the top of his lungs "Delirious and Jodi! Sitting in a Tree! K.I.S.S.I.N.G! First comes Love! then come Marriage the come a babylirious in a baby carriage!" I then felt Delirious move. "I'm gonna fucking kill that squeaker." He said tiredly. He then got up and put on his mask. " I better get running before Evan tries to kill me." He laughed and left the room. "Moo what are you still here?" "Well... You said you'd help me train a bit more... You know Because Evan keeps yelling at me for begin the slowest one." I nodded. "Close my door and let me get dressed, me and you will do some one on one training. But I won't be holding back. Because an enemy won't be holding back either." He shut the door. I sighed. I threw the covers off and slipped into a grey shirt and black pants and that jacket I stole from Evan. He had like three so I took one. I threw on a pair of shoes and exited my room. "Come on Moo." We hopped to fighting ring me and one of the gang member Mel made. I took off the jacket. And put my fists up. "Ready to get your ass kicked?" "No not really." I laughed and I threw the first punch. He blocked it. "Good." I then tried to turn and ram him with my elbow but he blocked it. "Nice. Now when fighting the best way to defeat an opponent is to use their momentum against them. Like if they are lunging forward you could easily grab their arm and pull them past you and throw them on the ground." I taught Moo some good fighting moves because Moo is more of a gun person but knowing how to fight hand to hand combat is going to be very important in a fight. I then heard "Well look at that. Moo is holding his own against the big bad bird." I flipped Moo onto his back and turned to the voice. "Terroriser. Ring. Now. Moo take a break." "I really need to learn to keep my mouth shut don't I..." Brian said as he climbed into the ring. "Yes you do. Now I'm going to make you eat those words." I could see the terror in his eyes. He is fucking petrified of me. Good. He tried to throw the first punch. I blocked it and used that to pin him to the ground. I had his face pinned in the mat. I let go and got up. "You see what I did there Moo? He threw the first punch I twisted his arm back and pinned him. In a fighting scenario I would have knocked him out after I had him pinned." Terroriser moaned from the floor. "Next time Terroriser. I advice you to keep your wise ass comments to your self. Now what are you doing in my base?" He slowly go up "I was told to tell you that Evan is pissed at you and Delirious. And that He can't say much since ha has been having a relationship with one of your members." "Who?" "Mary. Your in house doctor." "Aww. That's nice for them. And tell my brother that if he has such a problem he can come fight it out in the ring." I smiled. "Uh... Ok... That it?" "Yup. Oh an why are you playing messenger? I though Droid was a messenger." "Droid is out sick. Some sort of bug or something." I nodded. "That sucks." "Yeah. I better go. Evan might get mad if I don't hurry up." I nodded. "Alright. Get home safe." "Will do. And thanks for making my arm hurt! You Bitch!" "You want round two?" I said snidely "No! I'm leaving!" He then ran out the door. I laughed and shaked my head. Evan has some quite unique members.
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