Just Me and You
I sat up in a bed. I was back in Jon's personal safehouse. I could hear him on the phone with someone. Is this death? Teasing me with what could have been? "Hey Teddy Bear! Glad to see you up." He wasn't wearing his mask for once. His face was lined with worry. "Are you OK?" "Jon.... Y-you died. I watched you get shot. You died. Am I see too? Did Daithi find me and strangle me?" He frowned and sat at my side and hugged me. "No Teddy Bear." He pulled my head into his chest. I could hear his heart beating. "As long as my heart beats we are OK. Your ok. Alright?" "But I saw you die! You got shot in the face!" "Well... Yeah... But the bullet she used was rubber. They were all rubber bullets. And turns out. Terroriser didn't kill her. Right now her and Daithi are sitting in the infirmary at the base." I learned my head on his shoulder. "I don't want to deal with that. Can we just stay here and try to be normal human beings." He wrapped his arms around me. "Yeah. I'd like that." He kissed my forehead. I sigh. "But we both know normal life will never take to us. We need that adrenaline rush that we get when we're are out there being White Owl and Rabid Raccoon." He laughed "yeah. We'd be bored all day." I smiled mischievously. "Yeah. But how about we take this opportunity of peace for just me and you." "Just us?" I nodded. "I want to spend time with the man I love after almost loosing him." "I agree fully!" He then jumped onto the bed and started to beat me with a pillow.
I woke up after a long night of just me and Jon doing stupid shit. I slipped out from under the covers and got dressed. I moved quietly and made it to the kitchen. "Hey Teddy Bear." I heard from behind me. "Damn." He laughed at me. He then stepped around me as he walked into the kitchen to make coffee. I couldn't help but stare at his back. Still scarred and burned from a mission he went on a while ago. I wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned my head against his arm. "I love you." I said. He looked over at me. "Your weird." He then laughed. "I know. You made me this way." I said. He turns and face me. My arms still around him. He put his arms around me. "Good. I don't think I'd like a non weird, crazy and funny you." "Yeah. I don't think I'd like that kind of me, either." He then kissed me. I could feel his hands running down my back towards my butt so I stepped on his foot. His hands flew off me and he jumped "Ow!" I laughed. "What you do that for?" "Because I didn't want your hands on my butt." "Aww! But it's such a cute butt! WHY CANT I TOUCH THE BUTT?!" He then grabbed at my butt jokingly and I booked it out of the room with him in tow laughing about touching the butt. I was laughing too. I love him so much. Even though some people call him Crazy, Insane, Freak. I would never agree. He is Funny, Adorable, Sweet, Kind. I can't see the man they see. Then we both stopped running when there was a knock at the door. I went and answered it. I unlocked the deadbolt but kept the chain lock on. I opened the door till the chain wouldn't let it open anymore. "What do you want?" I then saw it was Cartoonz. When he saw me he looked shocked. I shut the door and unlocked the chain and opened the door. "What are you doing here?" He asked. Then Delirious rounded the corner to the door. Cartoonz seemed to calm down when he saw Delirious. "Should have known you brought your girl here. This is the third safehouse of yours I checked. Glad to find you guys." I looked at Delirious how come he knew where this place was? "Hey Toonz. Uh... What's up?" Jon is still shirtless, maskless, and in his boxers still. "Oh... Uh... Vanoss wanted you guys for Meg and Daithi's trial. They need your guys vote." We both nodded. "I'll... Go get dressed then. No need for me to show up naked. Besides all the lady's would be like-" "Delirious shut up and go get dressed." I said. He smiled and walked back into our room. "Thanks Toonz. We will be over shortly." He nodded and then left. I shut the door and locked it.
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