Here for food
Washington has just come out of the bathroom, presumably ready to go to sleep (9:00, as customary for Washington). But across the well-lit basement at the snack table, there are two young men loitering. Burr has dragged a chair from the corner behind the table and has practically buried his face in chips, completely unaware of Washington's return. Jefferson, on the other hand, is perched atop a stack of antique chairs lazily sipping his iced tea. He is glaring at nothing in particular in the distance. Both men are startled when Washington clears his throat. Burr looks up. Jefferson doesn't acknowledge the existence of either of them.
"Why are you guys still here?" Washington asked, almost rhetorically.
Burr continually hugs the bowl of chips to his chest as he explains, perfectly rationally in his mind, "FOR FOOD.........". He starts to make his way across the room to hide with the chips in the closet.
"Uhhhhh..." Jefferson starts, intermittently glancing concernedly at Burr and at Washington. It is unclear what this is a response to.
Washington sighs, clearly annoyed by the immaturity of his colleagues, "Well, you can get food at your nearest Publix too."
"I think Burr's right though," Jefferson glances at the man who is currently trying to close the closet door with his foot, apparently not wanting to put the chips down.
Burr glances out of the half-closed closet door, and addressing Washington, hisses, "Nope! These chips were tainted with the touch of... ladddiesss."
Jefferson rolls his eyes in disgust, "Oh god. Burr please."
"Burr. Jeez," Washington comments.
Burr turns his head in Jefferson's direction, "Burr yes."
"BURR NO," Jefferson screeches in a mock-dramatic tone.
'Honestly what is wrong with Burr,' the readers of this fan-fiction think as Burr cries, "BURR YEEESSS!"
"Goddammit, I need something to shut you all up," Washington says in his customary done-with-you-people voice. Evidently, he needs some alcohol. 'Thank god for my inattentive great uncle,' Washington thinks as he strolls over to the in-wall cabinet stocked with pre-made whiskey and coke mixed in plastic cups. "Please shut up," he addresses the room. He takes two.
Burr whips the closet door open, "Washington SHUT UP."
Meanwhile, somehow the most brightly-clad of the three sits unnoticed, now with his attention on his iced tea again. He thinks about how great iced tea is. No, not that unsweet shit. GOOD iced tea. Like just sweet tea. Or peach tea. But only iced. As he is contemplating this, the man across the room is also thinking about his drink.
'THIS IS DAMN GOOD SHIT' Washington thinks as he takes a swig of his drink.
Burr, seeing no reason to be doing nothing at that point, runs out of the closet, chips forgotten, and snatches the iced tea from Jefferson's hand. Jefferson leaps from his perch, furiously staring at the evil, evil man who dared to steal his iced tea. Their gazes are locked in a death match.
Washington decides it's better to ignore them, and with that, turns on the television and hurls himself (and his drinks) onto the couch.
Jefferson wins the death stare standoff. Burr, being overwhelmed, drops the plastic cup of tea, and the not-completely-victorious staring contest winner grumbles inaudibly before heading to the table to get more. Burr is still in shock.
"Idiots..." Washington says under his breath.
Jefferson, having gotten more tea, whirls around. Evidently the comment didn't go unnoticed as the young man yells across the room to the man on the couch, "WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT ME?!"
"nope," Burr has recovered and attempts to dash back to the closet. He stops dead when he lays eyes on a large, boxy machine in the back corner of the room, "Wait... Is that a karaoke machine?"
"What? No," Washington turns, clearly terrified of what is to come. "Nooo why would you think that?"
Washington rushes and throws a blanket over the machine.
"Heyyyyyy," Jefferson says. He looks at Burr to see if he's thinking the same thing as he is.
"Yes. It is." Burr's eyes sparkle with childlike wonder as he pulls back the blanket.
Burr is thinking what Jefferson was thinking.
(HEY if you like/hate/whatever this PLEASE comment. It's weird to have reads but not comments and I wanna hear what y'all think)
(Strangely enough, we do not own Hamilton)
(Or any Disney songs)
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