"Hey guys I think I forgot my--" Lafayette stops in the doorway as the occupants of the basement are all... Well... Drunk. "I can see zis is not ze best time..." the Frenchman blurts in utter terror, about to slam the door shut when Washington and Burr both run up to him.
Washington holds the door open, "YOOO!" he greets less than politely.
Burr grabs Lafayette by the wrist and pulls him back inside, Washington slamming the door half-shut behind him. Before he can escape, Washington gets ahold of Lafayette's other arm. "Get yo ass back in here," Washington commands.
Burr, still tugging Lafayette by the wrist (and having been lonely) hisses, "Mine!"
"Fine have him," Washington lets Lafayette go to the Frenchman's relief, "I got someone else in mind." Washington eyes Hamilton, who is still sitting on the arm of the couch talking to himself.
Cue another cough. This one is more violent, and Jefferson turns, trying to think of some way to comfort smol Jemmy.
Lafayette turns to Burr, "What exactly are you doing?"
Jefferson settles on awkwardly patting Madison on the head, saying "There there."
Washington turns back to Lafayette (now holding the bottle of whiskey that had been stationed on the table) and announces to the room, "We need to get him into the party." He proceeds to thrust the bottle towards Lafayette.
Lafayette eyes it with disgust. "What is zat??"
"Alcohol???" Washington philosophically points out.
"Oui," Lafayette rolls his eyes, still off-put by his intoxicated peers, "I see zat."
Washington shrugs and examines the bottle in his outstretched arm, "Whiskey maybe," he says, "I dunno."
"Um," Lafayette starts.
"Y'know what just," Washington gives up. He shoves the whiskey physically into Lafayette.
Lafayette looks around, panicking, "Hamilton??" he shouts, "Help?"
Hamilton glances up, "Wat who said that?"
Hamilton notices Lafayette standing against the wall, "Oh hiya Lafayette," he looks around again, "Save? From who?"
Madison coughs. "Washington." He coughs again. No one has any idea if that was intentional. Lafayette points at Washington who, at this point, basically has him pinned to the wall with the bottle of whiskey and nods.
Hamilton snaps out of something and stands up, "Jesus fuck, Wash." He walks across the basement and directs his attention to Washington. "Yo d'ya wanna go somewhere else Wash?" he asks softly.
"This is a party why would I want to?!" Washington protests. Hamilton pulls him away from Lafayette, who is probably scarred for life, and drags him back to the couch.
As 'Real Gone' ends, Jefferson finally registers that Lafayette is here but not why.
Burr, now loitering by the karaoke machine, grins as he turns the song back to 'Love is an Open Door'.
"OH MI GOOOOOODD," Washington joyfully exclaims.
Jefferson turns to Madison, confused, "What the hell...?"
"I have. No idea," he responds truthfully, despite the fact that he had payed full attention to the earlier events.
Washington grabs Hamilton by the arm, drags him to the karaoke machine, and shoves a microphone into his hand.
At last unnoticed, Lafayette begins to inch towards the door.
"Um," Hamilton says into the microphone.
"Sing with me," Washington tells him. It is an order. Not a request. An order.
Burr interjects, seeing the man who is trying to escape, "THE WINDOW'S OPEN SO'S THAT DOOR LAFAYETTE DON'T OPEN THAT DOOOR!!"
Lafayette begins to have second thoughts about leaving, for more reasons than one.
"Can I just say something crazy?" Hamilton talk-sings at maximum cringe.
"I love crazy," Washington responds.
As they speak, Lafayette takes out his phone. They are now live-streaming on Periscope.
The singing duo remain oblivious to this. "All my life has been a series of doors in my face," Hamilton sings flawlessly.
Comments are coming in.
"But then suddenly I bump into you," he continues.
What address is that im coming
"I was thinking the same thing 'cause like," Washington replies. Lafayette is suffocating in his own laughter. "I've been searching my whole life to find my own place," he sings.
"We're still at Washington's great uncle's from the party," Lafayette manages to supply through fits of laughter.
"Maybe it's the party talkin'," Washington grabs Hamilton's chin and almost breaks his neck, "Or the chocolate fondue."
"But I was thinking we leave..." Lafayette says into his phone speaker quietly.
what.... the hell wait are they drunk?
Washington has walked across the way to Lafayette, and somehow not noticing the fact that he's being videoed, randomly grabs his shoulders.
Jefferson, having been watching the karaoke singers, turns and sees that Lafayette is filming.
"IT'S TOO LATE FOR ME NOW SAVE YOURSELVES!!!" Lafayette yells to his viewers. Hamilton and Washington go back to singing.
Madison, of course, had been for the most part the only person who noticed that Lafayette was filming. Now that he knew Jefferson had noticed, he took a chance.
(How do you fanfiction)
(Also I was Lafayette I'm sorry I love writing in a French accent)
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