The Other Side
A/N: This is a song fic. so the song will be above and they song lyric will be in bold, plus it is a failsafe fic, so please enjoy!
-Song: Ruelle The other side.-
P.S. this might suck cause I am literally falling asleep writing this, I've been up for almost 2 days straight, so yeah. I'll probably had to edit this a lot. But anyway enjoy it!
The time left was ticking by before their fear filled eyes.
Dick glanced up and over at Wally who had his eyes glued to Dick. Dick sighed seeing so much emotion on his best friend's face. They both knew they didn't have much time left and that this was the end, for them and the world that they tried so desperately to save.
I don't want to know who we are without each other it's just too hard
Dick reached out for Wally's hand. Dick looked at their joined hands then at the timer. Only a few more seconds left, so he had to get this out before he died.
"Wally...'' said Dick as he slowly looked up to meet the ginger's face.
"Yeah?" questioned Wally.
"I have to tell you this,'' said Dick who then quickly removed his masked from his eyes, becoming just Dick Grayson. "I love you and I've been in love with you for the longest and that is why I need you to leave. I need you to go Wally!"
Wally pulled his hand out of Dick's and knelt down before his best friend. "There is no way I am going without you, that just isn't happening.'' said Wally but Dick shook his head. He didn't have time for this, he had to save Wally, he needed to.
I don't want to leave here without you I don't want to lose part of me
"Wally please...'' began Dick but Wally cut him off by cupping his face. Wally slowly moved closer, almost touching his nose to Dick's.
"I love you too'' said Wally who smiled down at Dick. Tears filled Dick's eyes and he quickly leaned forward and pressed his lips against Wally's and got lost within it. In that single moment, nothing else mattered to them, everything faded away.
But as soon as they pulled back the timer was still ticking down and they were about to met their end and Dick just couldn't have that.
"I need you to go please, because I love you Wally'' said Dick.
"But Dickie, I can't.'' said Wally.
"Yes you can, I believe in you. I need you to do this, please Wally,'' Dick said as a tear escaped his eyes, "do it for me.''
Wally inhaled, he couldn't just get up and leave Dick to die all alone in here. He just couldn't do that.
"Dickie, I-''
"Wally, I will be fine. All you have to do is vibrate through the door and then there might be a way to open it from the outside, plus M'gann and J'onn are already outside, they can help you. Please Wally, Go!" Dick loudly said and Wally took a step back.
"Maybe there was a possible way to get out of here and for the both of them to be safe and alive'' thought Wally who nodded his head and then quickly moved down and planted a sweet and gently kiss against Dick's lips.
Once he pulled back he could see all the tears not being held in anymore fall down Dick's sweet face.
"I'll be back for you'' said Wally who stood up and walked over towards the metal doors. He glanced over his shoulder to see Dick shake his head 'yes' but there was something held within his eyes that upset Wally.
He then tried his hardest and eventually vibrated through the metal doors, shocking himself dearly by this, he has never ever vibrated through anything before.
"I did it!" cheered Wally who then turned towards the door to find a way to open it but found nothing at all. "NO!" thought Wally as fear filled up his heart.
"M'GANN! J'ONN!! SOMEONE HELP ME!! M"GANN!" screamed out Wally through the mind link but got no response. "HELP ME!! PLEASE I NEED TO SAVE MY BIRDY! HELP!!"
Just then the ground which he was standing on began to shake and he knew the explosion was setting off.
"DICK!" screamed Wally as he raced towards the door and tried his hardest to vibrate back through but he just couldn't. His nose began to bleed like crazy and he felt lightheaded all of a sudden but he just couldn't stand back while the boy he has loved from the first time he laid eyes on him goes up in flames right next to him.
"I love you Wally'' came Dick's voice through the mind link and then everything went completely silent.
"Dick?" questioned Wally but then he suddenly felt a sharp, stabbing pain in his chest and knew that his birdy, Robin was gone.
Wally threw a punch at the door and could instantly feel the heat behind it and knew if he stayed here right now that he would die too. A piece of his wanted to but he knew that Dick wanted him out of there so he could have the chance to live. And then it hit him, that look on Dick's face was him knowing full well that he wasn't getting out of there alive, that he was going to die but he was going to be saving someone he loved, someone he cherished a lot. Wally knew how terrible Dick felt about his parent's deaths and not being able to save them from dying but this time, Dick did save someone he loved and he was happy and welcomed death as long as the other one didn't have to.
Will I recover?
That broken piece, let it go and unleash all the feelings
Wally quickly turned around and ran as fast as he could away from the whole mother ship exploding. As soon as he was far enough away from the blast, Wally fell to the ground not from exhaustion, even though he was exhausted, but from pain and sadness.
His heart was broken and his soul was shattered without the light and warmth Dick offered him and the world.
He was over come with so much sadness, so much grief that he just allowed his whole self collapse on the ground without a care right now about how the world was going to continue on. They may make him a bad hero but his whole world was just lost before him, he felt so hollowed out and numb right now, nothing else mattered.
So he laid down and closed his eyes and a heaviness took over him, dragging him off to sleep.
What Wally didn't know was that he maybe out of the ship but, he wasn't completely successful in vibrating out. Some things on the inside didn't match up where they were supposed to be or didn't go back together.
So as he just laid their drifting off into sleep, he was slowly bleeding to death from the inside out.
All of a sudden his eyes popped open and he sat up quickly and realized that he was in Mount Justice and that everything seemed fine. He then thought about Dick and looked over to see him sitting on stone table with his knees to his chest.
Without waiting, Wally zoomed over and stood before Dick, who then slowly glanced up at him. You didn't have to be a detective to see how much pain the young boy truly was in. In a quick second Wally moved closer towards Dick and then Dick jumped forward and wrapped his arms tightly around Wally's neck and gave him a tight squeeze.
Did we ever see it coming?
Will we ever let it go?
After a bit talking about the fail safe mission, Batman allowed Robin to stay a little bit with he was super glad about. So he picked Dick up bridal style and raced off towards his room for some peace and quite.
They both sat silently on Wally's bed not saying or doing anything at all. Dick's eyes were glaze over, as if he was thinking about something deeply.
The air in the room felt super heavy. Wally didn't know if he could ask Dick about what happened with the two of them kissing.
We are buried in broken dreams
It felt like they were living in a dream, like nothing they knew was true at all. So without much thought he reached over and pulled Dick close to his chest and surprisingly Dick didn't flinch away from the touch.
Dick all of a sudden threw his arms tightly around Wally's waist as he buried his head in his stomach and cried out in some much pain and guilt.
Time went on at a normal pace but for these two if felt like forever. Dick was now sitting/curled up on Wally's lap right now as he ran his finger through Dick's ebony hair. He pulled Dick closer as he thought about the mission they went on.
I don't want to know what it's like to live without you
Don't want to know the other side of a world without you
Wally then slowly moved farther up on his bed, with Dick still safely tucked away in his arms. He then laid back with Dick and closed his eyes tightly shut as the whole day play out not as nicely as Wally wanted.
He still couldn't image that Dick died and that I did nothing to stop it.
Wally loved Dick completely and he would always be there by his side no matter what. Because she believed in him like Nightwing said.
Wally loved Dick deeply and Dick felt the exact same way as well.
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