A/N: Based off the picture above.
Dick has some nightmares and Wally is there for him.
Wally crunched up his eye brows in his sleep as he was slowly being awaken by the movement in the bed. He was still half asleep, so he wasn't registering that Dick was spending the night as was asleep next to him.
Wally shook his head and rolled over, trying to go back to sleep, ignoring the fidgeting beside him.
Dick was turning and twisting in the bed side Wally as his nightmare grew stronger by each passing second. His face was crunched up in pain, as cold sweat prick at his skin with tears rushing from his closed eyes. He gasped and then all of a sudden screamed at the top of his lungs, kicking out with his feet.
Wally's eyes immediately shot open and wide by the ear-splitting scream. He quickly turned around to see Dick beside him in a fit. Wally feared that either Aunt Iris or Uncle Barry would be rushing into the room soon but then he realized that they were probably used to being awaken by Dick's screams when he stayed over. Wally ran his hand through his firey red hair and felt terrible for Dick.
Dick was crying and screaming out in pain and fear. His arms and legs were thrashing around in the bed, almost hitting Wally a few times.
Wally bent over and began shaking him, trying to wake him up from the nightmare he was trapped in.
"Come on Dickie...come on, wake up'' Wally pleaded to Dick with fear in his voice. After a bout a minute longer of him screaming Dick shot up in the bed, his blue eyes wide with tears streaming down his face like a waterfall.
Dick quickly glanced up and over at Wally, his lip quivering a bit. He sniffled and blinked a few times, not saying a word. But what could he say?
Wally already knew everything there was about him, he knew about his past, his parents and the god awful nightmares that he got almost every single night.
"C-c-c..." Dick tried to speak but his voice was horse from all the screaming and each time his tried to talk a small sob would erupt from him, along with more tears. Wally sighed and reached over to touch Dick's hand but as soon as his fingers brushed against Dick's warm skin, Dick jumped slightly and pulled his hand back.
"C-can we go b-back to sleep?" Dick asked him, clearly he didn't want to talk about it or spend much more thought about it. Wally just nodded his head 'yes' and watched as Dick sighed and then laid slowly down. Wally sat up where he was for a few more minutes, just keeping his eyes on Dick.
"I-I'm fine'' Dick whispered as he rolled onto his side, curling up into a ball.
Wally closed his eyes, he knew Dick was anything but fine right now, but he decided to lay back down in his bed and hope for the best.
Wally laid there very still and silent as he felt the small shakes of the bed as Dick silently cried himself back to sleep. After awhile, just after Dick had finally calmed down some and managed to fall back asleep, Wally finally shut his eyes and allowed himself to drift back off into sleep.
[1 hour later]
Again Wally was awaken by a scream. He quickly sat up in his bed but his green eyes widen when he saw that the spot beside him was empty. He quickly looked around his room.
"Dick?!?" said Wally and he suddenly heard a small gasp and a sniffle and lean over his bed to see Dick sitting on the ground beside Wally's side of the bed.
Wally sighed and slowly got off his bed, and sat down beside Dick. Wally looked over at Dick who had his face buried within his hands, that and his whole body were shaking. Wally could see the tears flowing down Dick's face. Wally felt sad for Dick. He slowly reached over and placed his hand upon Dick's shoulder that was shaking from the sobs of his pained heart and shattered soul.
Just then, Dick threw himself over at Wally. He gripped tightly onto Wally's t-shirt and cried his eyes out. Wally could feel Dick whole self shaking so he quickly yanked a blanket from his bed and wrap the two of them up and then wrapped his arm around Dick and held his tight to his chest.
Dick cried and cried for hours, not saying anything about the nightmares he was having tonight but nothing needed to be sad either. They both understood each other so well that words didn't need to be shared between the two of them.
Eventually after many tears and sweet nothings Wally whispered to Dick, Dick had finally shut his eyes and fell asleep. Wally reached over and gently brushed the tears off of Dick's face and then smiled down at the one he loved. He then lean forward and planted a small kiss upon Dick's cheek before swooping Dick up into his arms and carrying back to the bed, where he laid Dick down slowly.
Once Dick was laid down, Wally climbed in next to him and laid down on his back and glanced over at Dick. As soon as his back hit the mattress, it was like Dick knew it and rolled over towards him, placing his head upon Wally's chest and reaching out and grabbing ahold of his t-shirt once more. Wally smiled a bit and moved forward to kiss the top of Dick's head. He wrapped his arms tightly around Dick in a protective way just before he shut his emerald eyes and fell asleep.
For the rest of the night, they slept peacefully in each other's arms.
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