♬ 71 - Zombie Bob
In the common area.
Adam wraps Bob with tin foil foil while Leo, Bree and Chase hand in hand with McKayla walk in.
"Uh, Bob? Why are you wrapped in tin foil?" Bree asks "It's not just tin foil. I'm also wearing three layers of pasta, tomato sauce, and cheese." Bob says.
"I turned him into a human lasagna pan. Forty-five minutes in the sun, and it's Bob appetit." Adam says "That's disgusting" McKayla says "That's Adam and Bob" Chase says.
"You know, given what I've seen of Bob's training, this might be the most productive use of him yet." Leo says "Mm, don't move. You need more oregano." Adam says.
Perry and Mason walk in "Why does it smell like tomatoes and sauce in here?" Mason sees Bob "Oh forget it" Mason sighs "Mm, lasagna! Got any garlic bread?" Perry says "You betcha. They're strapped to my shins." Bob says.
"And then they ask me why I don't like teenagers" Mason says frustrated "You don't like human beings dad" McKayla says "You can't lie and say they aren't annoying" Mason says.
"You're a great example of this" Chase thinks.
"I'll be back. Save me the greasiest piece." Perry says "Hey, where are you off to, and how long can you stay there?" Leo asks Perry.
"Your cheap father forgot to pay the trash bill. I am so sick of working for a guy who won't let me throw trash in the ocean." Perry blows her nose on napkin and tosses it on the floor.
"Revolting indeed" McKayla says sarcastically, Perry leaves via the hydraloop and Douglas walks in.
"Guys, check it out. This is gonna change our bionic academy forever." Douglas says "What? You will make your students smarter" Mason scoffs "Rude dad, very rude" McKayla says.
"Actually he's right. I found a way to replicate Chase's bionic intelligence." Douglas says "What?" Chase says "Yeah. Remember how Giselle Vickers wanted to give your intelligence to all of her androids? Well, this intelligence duplicator will wirelessly add it to everyone's chip." Douglas says.
"Wait, so you're gonna make me like him?" Bree points to Chase "Pass." Bree says "Rude Bree, very rude" McKayla says, Chase hugs her waist and she lays her head on his shoulder.
"Don't worry. The four of you won't be affected. Your chips are older models, and Leo doesn't have one." Douglas says, Leo makes a frustrated face.
"But if this works, all the students will be just as smart as you. I just have to find someone to test it on."And do you really think that someone's just gonna let you randomly experiment on them?" Chase says.
"Well I have a suggestion" Mason points to the other side of the room, where Adam walks up to Bob "Sorry, Bob. It's getting cloudy. I'm gonna have to cook you in here with my heat vision." Adam says.
"Will it hurt?" Bob asks "Let's find out together." Adam smirk "Okay." Bob says, Adam fires his heat vision at Bob "Ooh, something's cookin'!" Bob smiles.
"Bob it is." Douglas says, everyone agrees.
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In the Mentor's Quarters.
Bob is with Douglas, Chase and Luke at the counter looking at a computer.
Adam walks in "All right, Bob, now that we've made body lasagna, we should do something important. What do you think, CPR training, volunteer work? Ooh, got it. We should figure out how many students we can cram into the pool." Adam says.
"Easy. All you have to do is divide the average mass of the students by the pool's volumetric capacity." Bob says "Aah!" Adam shouts "What'd you do to my Bob?!" Adam says "Cool, right" Luke says "You don't even know what the word cool means" Adam says "Uh and do you know?" Luke asks, Adam glares at him.
"Thanks to my intelligence upgrade, Bob is now as brilliant as Chase." Douglas puts his arm around Chase "Yep, I'm finally the whole package." Bob says.
"You sure are lil buddy..." Luke pats Bob on the back "Just stay away from Bree and you'll remain the whole package" Luke walks away Bob frowns
"Isn't it great? I have an intellectual peer. We've been bonding for hours about the stock market, physics, and ancient philosophies." Chase smirk "Although we did have that tiff about Socrates. Ah, good times." Bob says.
"Yeah, I learned so much from these two that thanks to them I can make considerable progress in my studies and projects" Luke smiles
"Bob, you're scaring me. I demand you burp the entire alphabet right now." Adam says.
"Can you believe it? Douglas' intelligence duplicator actually worked." Chase says "And I wasn't betting any money on that" Luke chuckles "Oh really?" Douglas tells the two.
"You don't have the best track record." Chase says "I made you, didn't I?" Douglas smirk, Adam picks off lasagna from Bob "Hey, look. Leftover lasagna." Adam eats it
"Ew" Luke says "And you also made him." Chase tells Douglas.
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In the common area.
Perry sets down flag and hums fanfare "Welcome to the United Republic of Perryland." Perry says.
Mason and McKayla walks in "What?" McKayla asks "I know I'm gonna regret this, but what's Perryland?" Leo asks "And why does this flag have a cow on it?" Bree says "That's an ox. Know your meats." Perry says.
"So why is there an ox on the flag?" McKayla asks "It's a strong animal just like the leader of this newest country, me" Perry says "Country?" McKayla asks.
"When I went to pay the garbage bill, they told me you'd never registered the island as a country, so I seized the opportunity. As of today, you're all second-class citizens of Perryland." Perry says "Aw see she has an imaginary country, how cute" Mason says sarcastically.
"It's real, This is the official charter. Read it and weep." Perry gives them the official charter "It's just a piece of paper" McKayla says "Yeah, you expect us to believe that's real?" Leo says "Oh, it's real. Just ask my muscle." Perry blows whistle and a group of men in camo come marching in.
"This is bad. This is very, very bad." Leo says "Who are they?" Bree asks "They're on loan from a tyrant friend of mine." Perry says "How did these guys get past me?" Mason asks "Because now they work for me just like you, you're my official bodyguard" Perry says.
"Oh no way Queen of Oxen, I will never submit to you" Mason says "I'll double your salary" Perry says "Where do I sign?" Mason says "Dad!" McKayla says "Princess, the adults are talking" Mason says.
"You're not going to work for a woman who named her cat dictator of Perryland" McKayla says "Don't be ridiculous. He's vice-dictator, and he reports to me." Perry says.
"That's ridiculous" McKayla says "Shh, Now, join me in singing the Perryland national anthem." Perry clears her throat and the soldiers salute.
"♫ O Perryland ♫ You're all at my command ♫ You'll do what I say ♫ While I eat rack of lamb ♫ Your sweat and tears will bring me cheers ♫ Your robot hands will fan my face ♫ From dawn to dusk, O Perryland ♫ I stand on top of you ♫ O Perryland. I stand on top of you ♫" Perry sings in an operatic voice.
"Oh now I'm going to have nightmares about that sound" McKayla says scared "When did you have time to write that?" Leo says, Perry shrugs "The most poetic thing I've ever seen" Mason says, McKayla scoffs "Stop sucking up, Dad" McKayla walks out.
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In the cafe in front of training area.
Chase and Bob are playing chess when Adam walks in "Ah, you're still hanging out with Chase? No one should have to suffer this long, it's enough, poor McKayla has to go through this" Adam says "I heard that" McKayla walks in.
"Great game. Another draw. Wanna go triple check your homework?' Chase asks Bob "I already did, but one can never be too right." Bob says.
"Okay, that's still weird" McKayla thinks seeing Bob smart.
"You know, if signs of affection didn't strike me as frivolous, I'd hug you right now." Chase says "You never seemed to find my signs of affection frivolous" McKayla says "Because you are affable" Chase says "And scorching...And other words that apply in a torrid way" Chase thinks "Aw" McKayla says.
Chase looks at Bob "Oh, what the heck!" Chase starts hugging him "Whoa, whoa, Bob." Adam pulls them apart.
"Why waste your time doing stupid science stuff when we can do something useful. Let's go grab a couple of jellyfish and wear 'em as wigs." Adam says "I'm sorry, old friend, but I'm afraid we don't have much in common anymore." Bob leaves.
"Aw poor Adam" McKayla thinks.
"I can't believe it. You stole my best friend." Adam says "I did not steal him. We just...Yeah, you know what, you're right. I stole him." Chase chuckles.
"That's not very cool" McKayla thinks.
"You know what? Fine. I don't need you guys. I still got my bionic bros, right, guys?" Adam turns to them, the bionic bros turn around, each holding a book.
"Aw, quit reading. I told you it was bad for you." Adam slaps book out of one of their hands.
"Look, how you would feel if I started hanging out with Luke?" Adam says, Chase shrugs "Luke doesn't have the patience to hang out whit you" Chase says "So how come we've already gone out to the arcade twice huh?" Adam says, Chase gasps.
"What? Did he hang out whit Luke? And he didn't tell me anything?!...whit my bro Luke!!!" Chase thinks annoyed "Okay don't be a possessive friend Chase, I know he's your only friend but be fair here" he thinks.
Douglas walks in "Douglas, what is going on with them?" Adam asks "Not a thing. My intelligence upgrade worked so well on Bob, I decided to give it to all the other students." Douglas says.
"What?! First you steal my Bob, then you take my....that guy, that guy, and him?" Adam says "Well technically he stole my Luke first then" Chase thinks.
"I know I should be questioning everything that's going on but right now all I can focus on is how strong Chase's arms are...Stop McKayla focus!" McKayla thinks.
"Who wants to discover a new element for the periodic table?" Chase raises his arms "Damn" McKayla bites her lip "Yeah!" Students celebrate.
All the students and Chase leaves the room "Don't worry, Adam. I'll be your friend." Douglas says, Adam scoffs "I'm not that hard up." Adam says "Adam!" McKayla says "You wanna hang out?" Adam asks McKayla, She rolls her eyes and leaves.
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In the Mentor's Quarters.
Leo and Bree walk in to discover Perry completely redecorated the room to fit her own tastes.
"Owch my eyes!!" Luke covers his eyes due to the visual pollution that Perry made in the room "You cannot just come in here and take over our home." Bree says.
"Of course I can. In Perryland, Perry does whatever Perry wants." Perry says "Okay, look, you may own the island, but we still need to sleep in our capsules." Bree says.
"Fine. Because Dear Leader is a compassionate goddess, you may recharge your robot batteries right before bedtime." Perry says "What would we do without your compassion?" Luke says sarcastically.
"And FYI, I changed the lock on that door, so you're gonna have to buy key cards from me. They're twenty bucks each." Perry says "What?" Leo says "That's insane!" Bree says "Fine. They're forty bucks." Perry says.
"Uncle Mason aren't you going to say anything?" Luke asks Mason who is standing just next to Perry silently, he shakes his head "He's going to keep quiet, take $200 off his salary for every sentence. His kiss-ass voice is very annoying" Perry says, Mason glares at her.
"So now he just stands there like a British Guard?" Luke asks "Yup. Now Mason get them out of here. I have work to do." Perry claps her hands and soldiers with wheelbarrows of sand walks in as Mason walks up to them.
"Wait, what is that?" Leo asks "Sand to fill the pool with. Vice-dictator Mr. Whiskers is helicoptering in tomorrow, and he demanded a much bigger litter box." Perry says.
"Ew." Leo says "That's disgusting." Bree says "This is insane" Luke says "Don't worry, you can still swim in it." Perry says, she and a soldiers laugh "It's not that funny. Get back to work!" Perry aggressively tells the soldier.
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In the common area.
Bob is talking to other students "I can't even fathom what we were like before the intelligence upgrade. I mean, how obtuse was I? I was so beyond obtuse, I was Bob-tuse." Bob says. All of the students laugh and Adam rolls his eyes, Douglas walks in.
"I cannot live in a world with this many Chases." Adam says "I have bigger problems. I just found out that Perry now owns the island, and has installed herself as dictator." Douglas says "Oh, that explains why her face is on all of the toilet seats." Adam says.
"The first law that "Dear Leader" Perry passed says that I must serve as her personal servant and massage therapist." Douglas says worried "It's about time somebody put you to work. What do you do here again?" Adam asks.
"I have to go fix this." Douglas says "Okay, but Douglas, before you go, can you please just maybe...." Adam suas as Douglas leaves via hydraloop.
"Oh, the frivolities of your consistent blunders." Bob says, the students laugh.
"That's it, Bob. If Douglas won't fix you, I will." Adam scans all the students with the intelligence duplicator "All right, that should do it. Let's see if it worked. Quick, Bob, spell your name backwards." Adam tells Bob and he bleats like a sheep.
"Uh-oh." Adam says, McKayla and Chase walk in "Guys, what's wrong with Bob?" Adam asks the students, all the students bleat in response.
"Adam. What's going on?" Chase put your hands on your hips "I was trying to dial everyone's intelligence level back to normal and... Oh, what do you want from me? I'm obtuse." Adam says.
"Adam, you're not obtuse" McKayla tries to console Adam because she sees how being without Bob hurt him "You must've dialed it back too far. You downgraded their intelligence to the level of a farm animal." Chase says.
"Yeah, well, for Bob, that's still an upgrade." Adam says "You don't get it. Bob and all the students are brainless zombies." Chase says "Oh my God, isn't this dangerous?" McKayla asks "Calm down, we can still dial It back" Chase says.
"Where's the intelligence duplicator?" Chase asks Adam, a loud chewing is heard from offscreen, and then Bob is shown eating the intelligence duplicator.
Chase runs over to Bob "Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no!" Chase rips it out of his hands "Damn It" McKayla says.
"Hey, in my defense, normal Bob probably would've done that, too." Adam says "Eh probably" McKayla says.
They start pushing the students out of the way "Now that Bob destroyed the intelligence duplicator, there's no way to turn them back to normal." Chase says.
"No problem. We'll just get rid of these students, and have Douglas whip us up a new batch." Adam says, McKayla slaps him on the back of the head "Shut up!" McKayla says.
"Owch! Calm down. It's not like they're a danger to anyone." Adam says "Yes, they are. They're a danger to themselves." Chase says as a student flops over chair.
"What are we gonna do? If we can't find a way to bring them back, every one of our students will be completely useless." Chase says "They can't live like this at all" McKayla says, Bob starts chewing on console.
"Ugh. Worse than that, I think you and I are gonna be on the hook for some very expensive dental work." Adam says.
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In the Mentor's Quarters.
Perry is sitting in a chair while a soldier is painting a portrait of her "Make every mole count." She tells him.
Bree, Luke and Leo walk in "Hey, Perryland peasants. Check out this thing I found in the weapons room." Perry unveils laser fist "It shoots lasers." She smiles.
"Hey I designed this!" Luke says trying to get the laser fist he designed and has been working along with Chase since he arrived on the island "And now you're going to see me use it" Perry says.
"You never know when you machine people are gonna turn on us fleshies." Perry says, students walk into Mentor's Quarters, bleating.
"What's going on?" Perry asks "No idea" Luke says "It's a rebellion. They're trying to take me out so that they can rule Perryland. Well the only way that's gonna happen is over Dear Leader's dead body." Perry says.
"Well, you had a good run." Leo says "Back off. I've got a battle to fight." Perry looks "No, no, no, you cannot attack them. They're innocent." Bree stops her.
"I'm not gonna attack them. I'm just gonna give them a gentle warning. A gentle 15,000-volt warning." Perry says, Perry starts aiming, Luke nimbly takes a screwdriver out of his pocket and quickly grabs Perry's wrist and takes out a key piece so that the laser wrist can work.
"Aha!" Luke throws the piece and catches it on the air with a smirk "Damn that was so hot" Bree smile, Luke winks at her "Fun-killer" Perry says.
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In the common area.
Adam is trying to fix intelligence duplicator "Ah, come on. Get back together." Adam. beats the duplicator parts together.
"Wow, I can't believe that didn't work." Chase says sarcastically "Well, I don't see you doing anything." Adam says "This is all your fault." Chase says.
"We wouldn't even be in this mess if you hadn't touched the device in the first place." Chase says "You don't have any proof of that. The only person who knows whether I did it or not is me, because I was the one who did it." Adam tells Chase "Seriously" Chase glares at him.
"Stop! It was an accident" McKayla tries to interrupt the argument "And I wouldn't have touched the device if you hadn't stolen my best friend." Adam says upset.
Chase and McKayla look at each other "You're right, I'm sorry" Chase says, McKayla smiles.
Douglas arrives via the hydraloop "Chase, why does it sound like a bionic barnyard in here?" Douglas asks "Adam used your intelligence duplicator and turned all of our students into mindless zombies." Chase says.
"Heh. Kind of funny, right?" Adam says nervously "It's quite weird actually" McKayla says.
"Then Bob ate the device, so we have no way of turning them back to normal." Chase tells Douglas"See? This is why I always have to make two of everything around here." Douglas shows another intelligence duplicator.
"Yes! Problem solved." Chase says "It's about time someone adapted to the unpredictable and messy way things go around here" McKayla says.
Leo runs in screaming "Speaking of which," McKayla says "Sound the alarm. Perry's on a rampage." Leo says, Luke, Bree and Perry walk in.
"I don't wanna hurt you. I just wanna shoot you with a laser as soon as the goofy one over there gives me the part I need" Perry advances on Luke "Hey get away from him Terry!" Bree pulls Luke behind her.
"What is going on? Why are you want to shoot at them? And Mason, why aren't you doing anything?" Douglas asks Mason in the corner of the room "He's pretty much a slave now" Luke explains "Told ya" McKayla tells Mason, he just glares at her.
"These students are trying to oust me from power." Perry tells Douglas "No they're not." Douglas says "They're not?" Perry asks "No." Douglas says "Oh, okay." Perry says.
"huh that was easy, ask her to give the island back too" Luke whispers to Douglas who frowns.
"I have been telling you that for an hour. Why do you stop when he tells you?" Bree asks Perry "Because he's the future king." Perry chuckles at Douglas and leaves whit Mason "I really don't want to be in your shoes right now Dude" Luke tells Douglas.
"Okay if we already have the duplicator, we just need to gather all the students in one place" McKayla says "Where?" Leo asks "I have an idea." Adam smirk.
Adam is smiling while every single student is contained in the drained pool in the Mentor's Quarters.
"Good idea, Adam. I can't believe they're not smart enough to find their way out of the pool." Chase says "Literally like farm animals," McKayla says.
"Ooh, we can finally figure out how many people we can cram in there. Everybody count off." Adam counts as the students continue to bleat "Ah, hold on. Somebody said five twice." Adam says.
"Are you sure he shouldn't be there too?" Luke says "Give him a break, he's useful when he wants to be" Chase smiles, Luke shrugs "You should know since you've been hanging out with him in arcades around" Chase crosses his arms.
Luke looks at him "I can explain" Luke says "Too late Adam already told me everything" Chase looks away, Luke sighs.
"Hey, whatever happened to your military goon squad?" Leo asks Perry "When they found out they weren't getting paid, they threatened to quit, so I had to fire on them." Perry says "You mean fire them." Bree says "Nope." Perry says showing the laser fist piece she stole from Luke's pocket.
"Wait what about my dad?" McKayla asks worried, Perry remains silent "Oh my God!" McKayla says worriedly and leaves.
Douglas walks in "Okay. This better work. Otherwise I'll have to get rid of these kids and whip up a whole new batch." Douglas says "That's what I said!" Adam says.
Douglas scans all of the students in the pool with the intelligence duplicator.
Chase walks up to Bob "Bob, name an element in the periodic table." Chase says "Uh, lasagna." Bob says "That's my Bob. Welcome back, buddy." Adam opens his arms and Bob hugs him, all of the students start to clamber out of the pool.
"I'll be inside preparing for the royal bathing. Good news." Perry turns to Bree and Leo "You two get to scrape my heels" Perry leaves.
"Oh yeah we still have that problem" Luke says "So what do we do?" Bree asks "Same thing I did in high school detention. Grab a bucket and a cheese grater, and let your mind drift somewhere else." Leo says frustrated.
"I went through all the paperwork, and I can't find a legal fix that will remove her from power." Douglas says "Well, then I'm afraid we have no choice. We have to relocate the academy." Chase says.
"Well, there is one possible legal solution. If Perry were married, her spouse would own half the island, too." Leo suggests "Oh this is going to be good" Luke chuckles.
"We all know there's no person in their right mind who's gonna marry her." Douglas says, Adam, Bree, Chase, Luke and Leo turn to look at Douglas.
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Douglas and Leo dressed up in the training area, redecorated as a wedding reception.
"I can't believe this is happening." Douglas says tearfully "I can't believe Perry only has one guest." Leo says.
The students, Luke and McKayla are sitting on the groom side of the aisle, and a training dummy is on the bride side. Adam walks in wearing a black robe.
"All right. I signed up online. I'm officially allowed to marry you and Perry." Adam says "You almost look official. Nice touch with the robe." Leo says "Oh, no, this was just 'cause I was chilly." Adam takes off the robe to reveal a tank top and swim shorts.
"All right, let's do this. Hit it, Bob." Adam says, Bob presses the keyboard and it starts playing synthesized polka music before he realizes his mistake and switches it to processional music.
Chase walks down the aisle begrudgingly, throwing flowers, and grimacing every step "This is ridiculous" he thinks, McKayla giggles biting her lip "He's so adorable" she thinks, Chase finally gets to the front and lets the basket thud to the ground he sits next to McKayla.
"Aw that was so cute" McKayla says, Chase looks at her "If you say so" Chase rolls his eyes, he sighs "You look beautiful" Chase says looking at the light blue dress that McKayla wears.
He puts his hand on her leg and holds the hem of her dress, caressing her skin with his fingertips, McKayla blushes and gives a delicate smile, looking into his eyes.
"Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me" Chase quickly removes his hand from her leg as they hear Mason approach from behind carrying a chair "Is anyone sitting here? No? Great!" Mason puts his chair between Chase and McKayla.
McKayla unties the skirt of her dress and crosses her legs with a frustrated look on her face and Chase rolls his eyes. "Am I late for the party?" Mason asks "No you're just ruined" Chase thinks.
Perry walks down the aisle next with Bree holding her dress from behind.
Luke smiles at Bree "Wow she looks so beautiful" Luke thinks.
Perry stops ando looks at the training dummy on the bride's side "Thank you for coming." She tells it.
Perry finally gets to Douglas "Aren't you going to lift my veil?" Perry asks "Actually, I was hoping there was a second one that I could cover it with." Douglas says, he reluctantly lifts her veil.
"I've been dreaming of this since I was a little girl. This is exactly how I pictured it." Perry says "On an island filled with bionic superhumans?" Bree questions "You don't know what I dreamed. You weren't there." Perry says angryly.
"Hear ye, hear ye. We are gathered here to join Theresa Cherry Perry and Douglas Orville Davenport in marriage." Adam says, Leo wide his eyes "Orville?" Leo asks.
"Given everything that's happening right now, do you really think that that is gonna embarrass me?" Douglas says "Of course not, it's cute" McKayla says gently as Chase, Luke and Mason look at her confused "Thanks McKayla" Douglas smiles, McKayla shrugs with a smile.
"If anyone here sees a reason why these two should not be married, please raise your hand." Adam says, Bree, Douglas, Luke, McKayla, Mason Leo, Chase, and all of the students raise their hands.
"Nothin'? Nobody? No one here objects? Not a soul? Good." Adam says, everyone puts their hands down.
"By the power vested in me by some random site on the internet, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the...""Cue the music!" Douglas interrupts, processional starts to play again and the students clap weakly.
"Hold on. There's still one minor formality to make this...beautiful arrangement official. You have to sign a marriage license." Leo says "Of course." Perry signs it.
"Congratulations. You're now Douglas Orville Perry." Perry smiles to Douglas.
"We did it!" Leo says "Ha! As your husband, I now own half the island." Douglas says "You may think you own half of what's mine, but in Perryland, the lady takes it all. Read the charter." Perry says
"Come on, Dougie-poo. It's honeymoon time." Perry starts pulling Douglas "Ahg what a nightmare" Luke cringes "Oh, my evil past has finally caught up to me." Douglas suas tearfully "Not so fast!" McKayla says.
"Hold on there, bridezilla. Joke's on you. I switched documents." Bree says "Ha!" McKayla says "What are you talking about?" Perry says.
"Oh, this isn't a marriage license. You just signed a contract that gives total ownership of the island back to us." Bree smiles "That's my Bree" Luke says proudly, Bree looks at him "Uh I mean our Bree" Luke clears his throat.
"What? Give me that!" Perry says angryly, Bree super speeds out of the room.
"Wait, so they're not actually married?" Bob asks, everyone shakes their head "Well, if those two can't make it, what chance do any of us have?!" Bob says and walks out.
"You may have taken my island and my man, but you will never take my laser fist!" Perry unveils laser fist from under bouquet.
Perry begins firing randomly around the room, causing everyone in the room to scream and run away.
Chase quickly grabs McKayla's hand "What?" McKayla asks "Do you feel like running away from your dad?" Chase suggests. McKayla quickly sees Mason trying to stop Perry.
"And this still exactly how I pictured it!" Perry shouts "Hey as your boss I tell you..Ahh!" Mason ducks dodging a laser "Thanks for nothing!" Perry tells the training dummy.
McKayla laughs "Absolutely" McKayla pulls Chase into a passionate kiss, Chase runs his hands down her back to her hips, he breaks the kiss and gently kisses her neck as she grabs his hair, Chase sighs heavily "Come on" McKayla says and pulls him with her out of the mess.
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In the common area.
"Well, now that zombie-pocalypse is over, I can finally use the intelligence duplicator to make all the students smart again." Douglas says "It's about time." Chase says.
"Whoa, whoa. Hold on. Did you ever think maybe Bob doesn't wanna be super intelligent?" Adam says "Oh, I don't mi...""Nobody cares, Bob." Adam interrupts.
"Look, just because you can change someone doesn't mean you should. I mean, Bob might not be as smart as everyone, but he's Bob. That's why I love him."Adam at Bob "And Chase...you're Chase. And that's why...Well, I'll stop there." Adam says, Chase makes a frustrated face.
'That might be the smartest thing he's ever said. Did you hit him with the intelligence duplicator?" Douglas asks Chase.
"You know, Adam's right. We should destroy it. Where'd it go?" Chase asks, a loud chewing is heard offscreen and Bob is seen chewing the intelligence duplicator "Ah, told you normal Bob would do that, too" Adam laughs.
Luke walks up to Chase who Rolls his eyes "Come on Chase, we need to talk..." Luke says "I already told you I don't want to talk about this Luke. You can go to the arcade with whoever you want, I don't care" Chase says.
"Oh seriously because it's not what it seems" Luke says "Why don't you bother your new friend instead of me?" Chase starts to leave the room and Luke follows him "Because you're my only best friend" Luke says.
"Oh you think I'm stupid for believing that" Chase says uncomfortable "It was just once" Luke says, Chase leaves "I thought about you the whole time" Luke says leaving too.
Adam laughs "Those two have a weird thing going on" Douglas says "Oh that's what he gets for stealing my Bob" Adam pats Bob on the back.
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