♬ 67 - Space Elevator
In the common area.
Donald walks in "Heads up, we got a visitor coming." Donald says "Is it a government agent, coming to take us away?" Adam asks, Donald frowns "Our secrets been out for a year. Why would they take us away now?" Chase asks "Let's just say, I've done some things." Adam suspiciously says.
"I don't doubt it" McKayla says "It's my chief scientist, Dr. Ryan. He is by far the smartest man I have ever worked with." Donald says, Luke frowns and Chase makes an indignant face "Ahem!" Chase clears his throat loudly.
"Oh, you are right. I'm sorry." Donald puts his hand on Chase's shoulder "I am the smartest man I have ever worked with." Donald laughs "A smart guy wouldn't say that" McKayla mutters "What did you say McKayla?" Donald says "Who is Dr. Ryan?" McKayla forces a smile.
"Dr. Ryan was head of his class at MIT. And he's been Davenport Industries' employee of the month twice! That's never happened. Well, except, of course for me." Donald says "You named yourself employee of the month at your own company?x Leo asks, Donald nods.
"I think you love you a little too much." Leo says "It's not because I love myself. It's because I'm better than everyone else." Donald says "If you have to reaffirm that to yourself, maybe it's not true" Luke says, turning his mouth towards McKayla so she can hear, the two of them bump their fists "Busted!" They singy songy.
The hydraloop opens and Dr. Ryan steps out "Hey, hey! Wassup, dudes?" Dr. Ryan says "Ladies dudes." He tells Bree and McKayla.
"This is your esteemed chief scientist?" Bree asks "And employee of the month. Got the parking space and everything. I don't drive, but my mom uses it when she picks me up. That's right, twenty-eight, still living rent-free in my parent's basement. Jealous?" Dr Ryan turns to Bree and McKayla.
"No" Bree walks away "Not even close" McKayla says.
"Dr. Ryan is here to construct and test Davenport Industries new space elevator." Donald says "Space elevator?!" Chase shouts "Like the one you were working on?" Luke asks Chase, who nods indignantly.
"You see, this why people are out of shape. You should be building space stairs." Adam says "I confess I'm surprised you thought of that" McKayla says "Well, thanks" Adam says.
"It's a highly advanced transport that climbs a tether all the way to our space stations. Since it's held up by gravity. we can resupply without ever using a rocket." Dr Ryan explains and sees Chase huff angrily "Chase, you look confused an/or constipated. Do you have a question?" Dr Ryan asks.
"Yes! Why is he working on this? The space elevator was my project. I've been working on it for years." Chase says indignantly "And he went very far with this project, it's remarkable" Luke supports "This guy knows what he's talking about" Chase thinks.
"Yes, but I had to pass it off so you could focus on being a mentor." Donald tells Chase.
"Shouldn't he have at least asked Chase's opinion on this?" McKayla thinks "Would it hurt to ask me first?" Chase thinks indignantly.
"Don't worry, Dr. Ryan's been working off your research" Donald says "You gave him my research?!" Chase shouts angryly "Yes, and it's been very helpful. It's always good to know what's wrong so you can find out what's right." Dr Ryan says "Look, another egomaniac, everything we needed today, right?" Luke smiles sarcastically.
"Oh, no. Mr. Davenport, you can't let him do this!" Chase says "Check his résumé, Chase. He's one of the greatest minds of our time." Donald says "I'm sure he can't surpass the smartest man in the world" Luke says, Chase agrees "He's so real for that" McKayla raises an eyebrow at her cousin.
Dr. Ryan giggles "I just designed a photo app that puts your face on a dog's butt." Dr Ryan shows them "I want to see if you can do that with that phone on your ass" McKayla thinks irritably "Don't ask me where I would put your face!" Chase thinks angryly.
Luke just frowns in disbelief "Oh! No argument here, this guy is a genius." Adam chuckles "Only if he's a genius at your level" Luke looks disapprovingly at Adam.
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In the Mentor's Quarters.
"So that'll be the launch pad for the space elevator. What do you think?" Donald shows Dr. Ryan everything "I'll have to do some calculations, but...sounds legit." Dr. Ryan.
"I already did the calculations. In my head. They're totally legit." Chase says, McKayla presses her lips together feeling sorry for how much this bothers her boyfriend.
"Well, then if you'll excuse me, I need to get to work" Dr. Ryan starts playing an air guitar "what a freak" McKayla thinks "No, Just No" Chase think "What is he doing?" Chase asks "Shh. It's his process." Donald says, McKayla and Chase look at each other, both incredulous.
"This isn't fair. You can't let him build my elevator without me!" Chase says "You know what? You're right. Dr. Ryan?" Donald says "I'm in the bridge, I'm in the bridge." Dr. Ryan continues to play air guitar and then stops "Thank you, thank you. Proceed." Dr. Ryan says.
"Oh...I want Chase to join you on the project." Donald says, Chase scoffs "Thank you." Chase says "As your assistant." Donald says "What?!" Chase says, McKayla sighs.
"This guy is a joke. I bet he doesn't know anything about tensor equations." Chase says "Not much, just that...Tensors are used to represent correspondences between sets of geometric vectors for applications in Newtonian physics." Dr. Ryan quickly says, Chase tries to hide his surprise "Roughly." Chase says.
"Come on, Chase. You guys are gonna make a terrific team." Donald says, McKayla caresses Chase's shoulders which eases his tension.
"Don't worry, assistant dude. I'll make sure you're very involved in the process. I'll even let you play air drums." Dr. Ryan starts playing air drums.
"Quick, catch my sticks!" Dr. Ryan says, Chase catches the invisible sticks in shock, and Donald and Dr. Ryan start playing air instruments, Chase throws down the sticks and walks away in disgust.
McKayla passes her hand over her forehead at the same time she wants to console Chase, it is inevitable for her to take on his pain.
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In the common area.
Chase walks in anger and McKayla follows him "Chase, walk slower" McKayla says "I can't believe that guy is going to run My project!" Chase says irritated.
"Yes, I know, he's not the most suitable for this" McKayla says "Seriously, Mr Davenport thinks he's better for this than me!l?!" Chase paces back and forth.
"Chase" McKayla tries to keep up with his pace "Oh No, he can't do that, who is a mere assistant on his own project?" Chase says "Chase!" McKayla says.
"Well, why am I worried? He'll fail if he leaves me out...but what if he doesn't fail?" Chase says worriedly, McKayla turns his face to her "Hey stay calm" McKayla says calmly.
Chase sighs "Why do you care?" McKayla says "Didn't you hear my six minute freak out just now?" Chase says as McKayla holds his chin.
McKayla tilts her head "I mean you're so much better than Dr. Ryan so it's just illogical to freak out about this" McKayla says "Do you really think that?" Chase asks.
"Pretty Much" McKayla says quietly, she knows perfectly how to soften Chase's ego and knows that this is his weak point, the crucial piece to make either him stand or fall apart.
"You're the smartest and most capable guy to build that elevator, Dr. Ryan should fear you" McKayla says softly, Chase breathes heavily, Chase is speechless "She knows how to be intense when she wants" he thinks.
"I am, right" Chase says nervously, McKayla smiles "You're very smart Chase, and you don't need to prove anything to anyone" McKayla says putting her hand on his chest.
Chase smirk "You're my smarty boy" McKayla says softly, and hugs his waist, Chase feels butterflies in his stomach "Smarty Boy, I like that" he thinks.
Chase holds her shoulders "I love you" Chase says softly and leans in, squeezing her shoulders a little, Chase presses his lips against hers softly.
McKayla eases his lips so that he connects his lips better with hers, McKayla stands on her tiptoes, getting at his level, Chase dares to move his lips against hers more and she follows, letting out a sideways smile.
McKayla slowly unzips Chase's jacket all the way so she can hug his waist and bask in the warmth inside his jacket. Chase has the reflex to move his body slightly away from her when he hears the jacket's zipper being opened.
Chase breaks the kiss "Woah! okay!" Chase laughs nervously, McKayla looks at him holding his waist "Yeah, well. Maybe you're right. Unfortunately my dad doesn't think so" Chase says, clearing his throat.
"Aw Chase" McKayla says, Chase shakes his head, still irritated with everything, McKayla lays her head on his chest.
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By the space elevator.
Chase and Luke walk up to Dr. Ryan "Look at this mess. Don't you know how to clean up after yourself?" Chase asks seeing the mess on the floor, Luke looks around, adjusting his crooked glasses.
"Chase, geniuses can't be bothered with little things like cleaning and uh..." Dr. Ryan sniffs himself "personal hygiene." Dr. Ryan chuckles "Uhg, You remind me of my cousin before he met his girlfriend" Luke says.
"This guy is disgusting in every sense of the word" Chase thinks annoyed.
"Really? 'Cause I have no problem cleaning up after myself." Chase says "And that's what makes you a good assistant." Dr. Ryan says "You want me to hit him, would you give me this honor?" Luke asks Chase "Eh, I can handle it for now" Chase says.
"I am not your assistant! I'm a genius!" Chase says confidently "Right. Aren't you like a really smart robot? Which button do I push to make you go away?" Dr. Ryan says "How dare you!" Luke gasps.
"I am not a robot! But you are pushing my buttons." Chase says annoyed "Oh, okay. You wanna go? Come on. I take karate classes every Saturday at the mall!" Dr. Ryan says "Kick him in the face!" Luke says encouraging Chase.
"Oh, yeah? Karate, huh? What, does you mommy drive you to that too?" Chase says "Yeah Mommy's boy!" Luke mocks Dr. Ryan who glares at him "I ride my bike." Dr. Ryan says.
"Oh, you ride your bike? With its training wheels?" Chase says "Daamn!" Luke says and he and Chase high five.
"Okay, Luke is definitely the best. The best friend, and the best moral support I could have. I hope I can reciprocate soon" Chase thinks.
"No! They're not training wheels, they're horizontal stabilizers." De. Ryan says "Oh Go see if your mom is around the corner Ryan!" Luke says
Leo walks up to them "Guys, break it up. Big D sent me down here to help you out. So you guys need to both set aside your differences and work together." Leo says "Yeah!" Luke shouts in a crowd, Leo frowns at him "Sorry, I was in the discussion mood still" Luke clears his throat.
"Whatever." Dr. Ryan says "Fine." Chase rolls his eyes "I'll run some algorithms for the tether gravity test. And Chase, you can go over to that support column and screw in the lug nuts." Dr. Ryan says.
"Or...I could use my bionic intelligence to work on the algorithm while you screw in the lug nuts." Chase says "You know, I would, but Davenport said you work for me. So...lug it up, Robotron" Dr. Ryan says and makes whirring noises.
"I can't send him to space and like...just leave him there" Chase thinks.
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By the space elevator.
"Looks like we are ready for launch." Dr. Ryan tells Donald, Chase, McKayla and Luke run to them "Hold it! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! I thought I told you guys not to start without me." Chase says.
"Oh, Chase, geniuses can't be bothered...""I am a genius! Stop telling me what geniuses do!" Chase says annoyed.
"This guy" Luke says "I know" McKayla says, weird how things have turned out. But McKayla and Luke have the same opinions when it comes to defending Chase.
They both also see how Chase is often insulted, or put down and how he is affected by this because they, who have an exaggerated sense of empathy, feel Chase's hurt.
Each one putting themselves and dedicating themselves extremely to their respective positions as girlfriend and best friend.
"I'm very impressed, you guys. Because of you two, we're about to make history." Donald tells Chase and Dr. Ryan "Yes, thanks to my expert engineering. And if it wasn't for Chase, the lug nuts would still be in a tin can." Dr. Ryan says.
"I didn't do the lug nuts. Leo did." Chase says "And I did them well." Leo says proudly.
Donald addresses the crowd of students "Behold, ladies and gentlemen, you are looking at the world's first space elevator, and my new haircut. Which one is more impressive, only time will tell." Donald says, students clap.
"Don't you think I should do a microscopic scan with my bionic eye first just to make sure""Tut! Tut! Tut! Trust me. My work is flawless." Dr Ryan interrupts Chase.
"I graduated college when I was fourteen." Dr. Ryan says "Was that supposed to intimidate me?" Chase thinks "Oh, yeah? Well...I went to high school for a year and a half." Chase says and walks over to Leo.
"You showed him." Leo says sarcastically "I'm gonna do the scan anyway." Chase says angryly "Of course you are." Leo says "And I highly recommend you to do It" Luke says.
Chase scans the elevator with his bionic eye "A-ha! There's a design flaw in the breaking system. He won't be able to stop." Chase tells Leo, Luke and McKayla "For Real?" Luke asks "Yeah" Chase says
"We have to tell Dr. Ryan." Leo says "No! Wait. What if we don't? He'll humiliated in front of everyone and Mr. Davenport will...""Send him packing and reassign you to head of the project." Leo says Chase nods.
"That's a brilliant plan. Shady, but brilliant." Leo says "Not me Chase, are you sure this is how you want to gain your father's trust?" McKayla says "Well, that's already guaranteed because Dr Ryan has already failed" Chase says.
"Now just one more thing. I need you..." Chase tells Leo and opens a box "to strap in the test dummy." Teas and holds the test dummy.
Donald walks over "Oh, you won't be needing that. I will be taking the inaugural ride myself." Donald walks to the elevator "What?!" McKayla says
"No, you can't." Yes, I can. Watch me." Donald gets in the space elevator and shuts the door "Chase do something!" McKayla demands slightly irritated.
Chase bangs on the window "Stop! You're gonna die!" Chase tells Donald "The capsule's soundproof. I can't hear you. But I read lips. Say it again.
"You're gonna die." Chase says enunciating "Oh, I guess I can't read lips. It looks like you're saying I'm gonna die." Donald laughs.
"Do you have a pen and paper there?" Luke asks McKayla who shakes her head worriedly.
45 second on the count down timer.
"Mr. Davenport's life is in danger. You have to abort the launch." Chase tells Dr. Ryan "Trying to sabotage my moment with straight up lies? It hurts me to say this, but you're out of the air band." Dr. Ryan says.
"Wow, that's a wound that's going to take a while to heal" Chase thinks sarcastically.
"I'll just tell Mr. Davenport myself. Give me the comm set!" Chase says impatiently "No!" Dr. Ryan says, Chase attempts to grab it, but it breaks in half, Dr. Ryan gasps "You broke my new comm set. You owe me $15.99." Dr Ryan says "Sad, but I'm sure your mom will buy you another one for Christmas" Luke says sarcastically.
"Great! Now we can't communicate with Big D." Leo says "What are we going to do? Chase tell him already" McKayla says.
"I scanned your elevator. There's a design flaw in the breaking system. One of your genius algorithms must've been off" Chase tells Dr. Ryand "And you tell me now? I take it back. You are not a good assistant." Dr. Ryan says.
Leo starts counting down with other students "10...9...8..." Leo counts "Leo!" Luke says "What are you doing?" Chase says "Sorry. I always get caught up in countdowns." Leo smiles.
"Where's the abort button?" Chase asks Dr. Ryan "Why would I make an "I'm going to fail" button?" Dr. Ryan says "Because you just failed!" Chase shouts angryly.
The space elevator launches and the students start cheering.
"Well he's the ETs problem now" Luke says watching the elevator go, McKayla shakes her head.
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By the space elevator.
"Whoa...I gotta say, people, from down here, it looks like my launch was on point." Dr. Ryan says "Really? Once the elevator reaches the end of the tether, Mr. Davenport will be floating in space with no way back!" Chase says.
"I won't say anything if you don't." Dr. Ryan says "We should have put you in that elevator" McKayla says annoyed "And now I'm where you two match" Dr. Ryan says.
"Hey! You can insult me all you want but never do that to my girlfriend!" Chase says firmly, McKayla raises her eyebrows in surprise "Oh okay, see Chase that's your problem if you focused more on your work as my assistant instead of making out with your girlfriend maybe we wouldn't be in this situation right now" Dr. Ryan says.
"Oh unbelievable" Chase rolls his eyes "Yeah...they don't make out much" Luke murmurs, Chase elbows his friend.
"Oh but i thinks that's about to change" McKayla thinks, still remembering how Chase defended her, she blushes.
"Guys! The elevator speed keeps increasing! I wonder if Big D even knows how fast he's going." Leo says, Meanwhile in the elevator, Donald is screaming on the floor.
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By the space elevator.
"I think I know how to stop it. What if we..."No!" Dr Ryan interrupts Chase "I didn't even say anything!" Chase says "You don't have to. I know it's gonna be wrong." Dr Ryan says.
"Never use that word to refer to me unless you want to swallow those ridiculous sandals and socks you wear" Chase thinks angrily.
"Hey, wait a minute. Isn't the elevator propelled by magnets?" Leo says "Duh." Chase and Dr. Ryan says, Luke snaps his fingers "If we reverse the polarity we can bring him back to the ground, right?" Luke says
"They're right." Chase tells Dr. Ryan "I know. What do we do? I've never been corrected before." Dr Ryan says ""I think you needed to be more often" McKayla says.
"Congratulations, you are the dumbest geniuses I know, now fix this." Leo says "Here." Dr Ryan beeps on a tablet "This should reverse the direction of the magnetic current." Dr. Ryan says "Okay." Chase is pressing buttons on machine "Done." Chase says.
The space elevator stops going up and pauses, the elevator starts to hurdle downwards, and Donald starts screaming again.
"It worked. It's coming back down." Chase says.
Chase and Dr. Ryan start jumping and cheering "I did it! I did it! I did it! I did it!" They says "I assume that for your happiness, you know how to stop it... especially because it's coming down ten times faster" McKayla looks at the elevator
Chase and Dr. Ryan stay a moment in silence, they point at each other "He did it!" They says.
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By the space elevator.
"Twenty seconds to impact! What do we do?!" Chase asks "Look away?" Dr. Ryan says "Or you're Go away, bye tachu" Luke waves.
"Forget it, I'll save him." Leo gets on elevator launch pad "No! Leo, get off that thing. The elevator will crush you." Chase says "Leo is very dangerous!" McKayla says worriedly.
"My bionic arm is strong enough to stop it." Leo says "At that speed, the impact will carry all the way through your body." Dr. Ryan says "It will grind you!" Luke says "My arm also absorbs energy. Maybe it'll withstand the impact." Leo says.
"It's too risky." Chase says "I hate to say it, but Chase is right." Dr. Ryan says "As always" McKayla grumbles, Dr. Ryan rolls his eyes.
"It's coming!" Chase says "We don't have a choice!" Leo says, the elevator comes hurtling down, but Leo stops it with his bionic arm.
"I did it. I'm okay. And it's heavy!" Leo says trying hard to hold the elevator, Donald comes walking out from behind students, covered in foliage and holding parachute.
"But..?" Luke points to the elevator "Mr. Davenport? How'd you get out of the elevator?" Chase asks.
"I ejected using the parachute I brought with me. You don't think I trust my life to some technology built by a couple of kids and an air guitarist, do you?" Donald says "Fair enough" Luke says.
"Hey, Leo." Donald says "What the-- You're not even in there?!" Leo points, Donald shakes his head.
Leo attempts to get out from under the elevator, but it slams down and crushes his leg underneath it, pinning him " Leo!" McKayla shouts.
"It's okay. If I don't look, it won't hurt as much." Leo turns around to look "I looked! I looked! I looked!" Leo widens his eyes and screams in despair as everyone runs to him.
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In the common area.
"Leo, you're okay!" Bree asks "The doctor said that his femur and tibia bones were broken so badly, he'd need a titanium rod put in." Donald says.
"Then Big D said "That sounds expensive" and wheeled me right out of the hospital." Leo says "Donald, nothing is expensive for you, stop being a cheapskate" Luke crosses his arms.
"That's not what really happened. I was just worried he wouldn't be able to go on missions anymore. So I did the procedure myself. Now he has a bionic leg." Donald says "Of course, it has nothing to do with money at all," McKayla says sarcastically.
"Wait, so, thanks to you, Leo got injured and now has another bionic limb? I am beginning to question your parenting skills." Bree says.
Donald walks up to Chase and Dr. Ryan "You two are my brightest minds. What happened out there?" Donald asks.
"We got so caught up in proving to each other how smart we are, that we did something really stupid." Chase says "I guess I need to learn how to work with others. It just ain't my thang." Dr. Ryan says.
"Yeah. Neither is proper English." Chase says, Dr. Ryan leaves through the hydraloop.
McKayla walks up to Chase "I'm proud of you for acknowledging your mistakes, but are you over it?" McKayla asks.
Chase shrugs, "Well, Sometimes we need to put our insecurities aside for the greater good. Trying to prove my point to my dad I almost lost him so..." Chase says "You don't need to prove it to him, he knows. And he loves you.Of course, not more than himself, but" McKayla says.
Chase laughs "Um and thank you for kind of defending me that moment with Dr. Ryan" McKayla lightly bites her lip "Obviously it's my job, isn't it?" Chase asks "I just hope I'm not the reason for any distractions" McKayla gives a charming smile.
"No, I can handle things" Chase says "Oh yeah?" McKayla smirks, Chase frowns "Y-yeah" Chase says nervously "If you know how to organize yourself so well tell me...do you have free space in your schedule right now?" McKayla says quietly.
Chase looks out the window "It's night so..." Chase says "Say yes! It doesn't matter what time it is, don't be a fool!" He thinks and looks at her "Totally" Chase smirks, McKayla smiles.
Chase blushes brightly and takes her hand "Okay let's go" Chase says and he and McKayla run out the common area giggling.
"Hey, Big D, are you sure this worked? My leg doesn't feel any different." Leo sua "Well, it may take a little while for the bionics to kick in." Donald says.
Leo kicks basketball out of Adam's hand with surprising force "Woah that's awesome!" Luke says.
"Whoa! Good thing my reflexes..." Donald is hit in the back with basketball and falls over "Ow." Donald says "Terrible, your reflexes are terrible" Luke completes the sentence "Looks like it worked to me." Adam says.
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