♬ 58 - Bionic Dog
Paige came to visit McKayla for a few days while her boyfriend was away with his family, the two friends really missed each other and wanted some time together
McKayla and Paige walked through the academy halls talking.
"So how are things with Chase?" Paige says with a giggle "They're great. It was great to make up with him and talk again" McKayla says "What about the kiss?" Paige smiles brightly.
McKayla smiles and rolls her eyes "We only kissed once Paige. Take it easy" McKayla says, Paige groans "That's your problem Mack, you take things too easy, and slowly" Paige says.
"We jus taking it slow cuz..." "For years" Paige rolls her eyes "Paige" McKayla says "Sorry. It's just that I've been watching you two fooling around for years, when it's obvious that you guys want to make out, so why don't you just do it!" Paige says, McKayla laughs shyly.
"That's not how it works" McKayla says "Yes it is, you two are just too naive to understand" Paige says, McKayla rolls her eyes "No. That's not how it works because I don't just want to make out with him...I want date him" McKayla thinks.
Paige hugs McKayla "I'm sorry if I keep pushing. You know, I'm watching this from a box and I'm an anxious person, who can't wait for the couple to get together soon!" Paige says, McKayla laughs.
"seriously when you called me and said you guys kissed I spent the night squealing! Dean slept with earplugs that night" Paige laughs "Dean is a warrior for having a girlfriend like Paige and being such a calm and peaceful guy" McKayla thinks.
"But he was also happy for you" Paige says "Really?" McKayla says "Yeah, Dean and I have been shipping you and Chase ever since you told me he taught you math with dance moves." Paige giggles.
McKayla smiles at the memory "At that moment I was already in love with him" she thinks "We're waiting for the moment when you two will finally date" Paige says, McKayla sighs.
"But relax, I know what you're going to say..." Paige says "Everything in its time" McKayla says next to Paige "Yeah, I know. I tell you that the wait for the first kiss was worth it" Paige smiles fixing her friend's hair "It really was worth it" McKayla blushes remembering the kiss.
Paige smiles proud of her friend "Promise you won't hide it from me if he gives you a hickey?" Paige says, McKayla gasps "Paige, Shut up!" McKayla lightly pushes her friend, Paige laughs.
"I know you don't like turtlenecks so if you show up wearing one I'll know" Paige narrows her eyes mockingly "You're so weird!" McKayla laughs, Paige shrugs.
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Later the girls find Leo, Bree and Chase in the common area.
While they talked the hydraloop opens and Adam walks out.
"Guys, guess what I found!" Adam says, a dog comes out of hydraloop and Leo, Bree, McKayla and Paige start to pet it.
"Aww oh my god look at him!" McKayla says rubbing the dog's belly "Hey little guy" Paige says "Where did you get a dog?" Leo asks "And please do not say from a guy with sunglasses and a cane." Bree says.
"No. He started sniffing me when I got on the hydraloop, then he went crazy and wouldn't leave me alone." Adam says "And did you by any chance have meat in your pocket?" Chase smirk.
"No! Wait, is salami a meat?" Adam asks "Really dude?" Paige says, Adam shrugs.
"He can't stay." Chase says, the dog sits "Whoa! Did you see that? You said stay, and he did. He's a genius." Adam says "Yeah. Compared to you" Paige mumbles "what?" Adam asks "Nothing" Paige smiles.
"Aww he's so cute" McKayla says, Chase looks at her "She liked the dog. Damn now you gotta let it stay...Look how happy she looks" Chase thinks.
Douglas walks in "Otis?!" Douglas whistles and Otis comes to him, and he starts to pet him "Oh, that's my dog! He was a stray I took in and nursed him back to health, back when Krane and I bought our first evil lair together! Actually, it was more of an evil townhouse." Douglas chuckels.
"You see? how you did you even thought about being a villain" McKayla says "Ooh, this guy got me through some pretty rough times." Douglas pats the dog.
"Well, its nice to hear that you had someone to comfort you while you were plotting to kill us." Leo says frustrated "Is this kind of talk normal around here?" Paige asks "more than recommended" Leo presses his lips together.
"I think Otis ran away because Krane terrified him. He must've been searching for me forever. I bet he smelled my scent on Adam and followed him back here." Douglas says "Wait, you smell like salami?" McKayla frowns.
"Are you sure that's the same dog?" Bree asks "Absolutely, watch this! Otis sit," Douglas says, Otis sits "look left," Douglas points left and Otis looks left "look right," Douglas says, Otis looks right "speak." Douglas says, Otis barks.
"Whoa. I can't even do all that!" Adam says "I believe that" Paige says "I'll tell you another little secret: Otis has super strength." Douglas says.
"Wait. You gave bionics to an animal?" Chase asks "Yeah, he was injured and I did it to save his life." Douglas says "If that's so nice" McKayla smiles "Well, I'm glad you saved him but I also can't believe the fact that you wasted bionics on a dog." Chase says.
"I wouldn't say wasted. Do your thing Otis." Douglas says, Otis kicks Chase with his super strength "Whoa! Cool! I thought I was gonna have to train him to do that" Adam chuckles.
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At the mini cafe in front of the training area.
Chase sneezes. Paige walks in and sits with Chase, he frowns "Uh did you get lost?" Chase asks "Nope. I'm right where I'm supposed to be" Paige leans on the table with a wildly smile.
"Uh Okay then" Chase looks away from the tablet in his hand "So, what do you like to do? Do you have any hobbies?" Paige says looking interested, Chase frowns.
"Uh, I'm a mentor here at the academy" Chase says "Cool, I work at a mechanic shop with my dad" Paige says "Cool" Chase says "Okay now that we're intimate. What are you waiting for Dude?!" Paige says aggressively.
Chase frowns, he quickly looks at Adam he isn't paying attention as he is with Otis. Chase looks at Paige confused "What are you talking about?" Chase asks "When are you going to ask Mack to be your girlfriend?" Paige says.
"Who gave her the right to corner me like that?!" Chase thinks.
"Wait.." Chase sneezes, Paige makes a disgusted face "Okay where were we?" Chase says "Look if you're waiting for my permission, you already have it!" Paige puts her hand on his shoulder.
"Why would I need your permission?" Chase says "Everyone knows that before you date a girl you should ask her best friend's permission!" Paige says "I don't know that social rule" Chase says "Well you should!" Paige's eyes widen.
"Paige with all due respect..." Chase says "Oh my, you're the dumbest smartest guy I've ever seen!" Paige says "rude" Chase galres at her "McKayla's into you, you're into her, you're already kissed""Shhh!!" Chase interrupts and looks at Adam.
"Damn she knows. Macky must have told her. At least I have a reputation as a kisser now...Okay, a small reputation but it exists!" Chase thinks convinced.
"What?" Paige asks "I haven't told my brother about this yet because I'm afraid he'll ruin everything...kinda similar to what I feel like you're about to do" Chase whispers "Okay, good to know that tho" Paige smirk.
"So what are you going to do?" Paige says, Chase sneezes "bless you." Paige says "thank you." Chase says "and I'm going to do something, I have a plan that doesn't interest you!" Chase says.
"Excellent. I'm glad to hear that" Paige says, Chase rolls his eyes and sneezes "Chase, could you keep it down? Otis and I are playing cards." Adam says.
"Alright, what do ya got? Another ace? Man, you're a lot better than the other dogs I play with." Adam tells Otis.
Chase sniffles "Dude what's wrong?" Paige says "That fur factory is making me sneeze." Chase says "Okay get rid of him" Paige suggests "Stop right there. Otis is the best thing that's ever happened to me." Adam says.
"Oh, really? Better than being a bionic superhuman, and going on life-saving missions?" Chase asks "Mm-hmm. He lets me rub his belly." Adam smiles.
Douglas walks in "'Sup, Otis?" Douglas says, Chase sneezes "Is he still making you sneeze?" Douglas asks, Chase sighs "Yes. I must be allergic to him." Chase says.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. How do you know he's not allergic to you?" Adam says "Adam!" Chase says.
Chase sneezes "Adam, I know you love Otis, I do too. But Chase can't live like this." Douglas says "Fine. I have a solution...Chase lives in a bubble." Adam says "I'm not living in a bubble!'" Chase says.
"Yeah how is he going to kiss his girlfriend like that. Oh wait" Paige says sarcastically "Really?" Chase Galres at her annoyed, Paige tilts her head.
"You're right. It'll be much easier if you just leave the island. Thank you for your service, and good luck." Adam tries to pull Chase out of the room "No, no. He's right. Chase was here first, so Otis has to go." Douglas says.
"Oh, thank you so much for choosing me over a dog." Chase says sarcastically "Well, it wasn't easy." Douglas says.
Chase and Paige leave.
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In the common area, Chase walks up to Paige and McKayla.
"Hey Macky" Chase says "Hey, have you seen Otis?" McKayla asks "Yeah about that, Douglas thought it best to get him off the island, I was allergic to him" Chase says "Oh" McKayla says worried.
"I'm sorry, I know how much you liked him" Chase says worried about upsetting her with this, McKayla smiles and approaches him "Yes. But I like you a lot more." McKayla says softly.
The tone of her voice makes Chase shiver slightly as she runs her hand over his arm, Paige makes an impressed face.
"Y-you do?" Chase blushes, McKayla bites her lip "Yeah, are your allergies better?" McKayla says, Chase swallows hard "Uh Yeah" Chase smiles nervously.
McKayla moves away a little "Great" McKayla smiles, Chase walks away taking his phone "What is your problem? When she flirts with you, you flirt back, silly!" he thinks.
Paige approaches McKayla "You can kiss him, drag him to your room I'll watch the door for ya" Paige whispers quickly in her friend's ear, McKayla makes a frustrated face "You Know. I would even do that if you didn't keep ruining the mood!" McKayla whispers annoyed, Paige walks away.
Adam was with Otis on the other side of the room when Chase approached. "Otis, Chase is coming. Hide." Adam says, Otis rolls himself up in a blanket "I can still see you." Adam adjusts the blanket and picks up a book.
Chase walks by and then pauses "Adam, are you reading a book?" Chase asks "No, I am pretending to read a book." Adam says.
Chase sneezes "Ugh, why am I still sneezing?" Chase says "Because you refuse to live in a bubble." Adam says, Chase leaves the room.
"Pretty smooth, huh? Come on, Otis. I think it's time for you to teach me that chess game you're always talking about." Adam tells Otis, Chase runs back in the room "Aha! I knew it. My allergies are worse than ever. You kept Otis!" Chase says.
"What? No, that's not Otis. Stand, Otis." Adam wraps Otis with a blanket "This...is our long-lost cousin..., Bolgia. From, the old country where shaving is illegal." Adam says.
Chase crosses his arms "Adam, that's a dog in a blanket." Chase says "Look, I know she isn't the most attractive woman, but she's family." Adam says annoyed.
An alarm sounds "Oh no, there has been an accident in the explosives area." Chase says "Oh, let's go. Come on, Bolgia. Let's show Chase that trick where you run like a dog." Adam says as they run away.
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Adam, Chase, and Otis go to the weapons area, where they see Douglas buried under a pile of explosive barrels
"Douglas!" Chase shouts, Adam lifts the barrel off of Douglas and Chase helps him up.
"What happened?" Chase asks "I don't know. I was in here doing inventory and when I turned the corner I tripped on something and everything fell." Douglas says.
Chase picks up trip wire "Well, we know one thing. This was no accident. Someone stung a trip wire." Chase says.
"You're right. And it was stretched from here to here, which means, it had to have been someone with at least... 12-foot arms." Adam opens his arms "Someone rigged that wire to the explosives. If it had worked, the whole place would've blown, with you in it." Chase says.
"Otis, sniff. Okay. Go get the bad guy." Adam says, Otis walks up to Chase and sits, Adam gasps "I knew it! It was you!" Adam says in disbelief, Chase frowns.
"I live here! Why would I want to blow this place up?" Chase says "Don't ask me to explain the motives of a mad man. Let me measure your arms. Got a tape measure?" Adam says opening his arms to Chase who seems annoyed.
Otis watches them, strangely staring at Douglas "Oh, shoot, I forgot my ruler." Adam says "You can't measure his arms, it's not Chase." Douglas says "Dad, quiet." Adam says and Douglas hangs his head.
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In the common area.
The girls are sitting on the step next to Adam and Douglas who are playing with Otis "Bang, bang." Adam imitates a gun with his hand, Otis falls over, Adam, Douglas and the girls chuckle, and Chase walks in.
"Did you discover anything?" McKayla asks "No, I checked every inch of the explosives area and I still can't figure out who set that trap." Chase says "Oh, please, end the charade, you demented genius." Adam says, McKayla and Paige frown.
"I'm gonna go scan the security footage to see who's responsible." Chase sneezes "Aw the dog is still giving you allergies" McKayla says with pity "Yeah" Chase sniffs "Aw poor ba...boy" McKayla lemons her throat.
Chase frowns and leaves, McKayla sighs and closes her eyes "All right, Adam. The jig is up. I have to take Otis back to the mainland." Douglas says "Do you have a house for him?" McKayla asks "I need to look" Douglas says.
"Look, I always wanted a dog" Paige says "Do you want to take care of him?" Douglas says "Yeah, wait first I nerd to ask my mom" Paige takes out her cell phone.
Otis whimpers to Adam "Oh, wait, he wants to say good-bye. I know, buddy. I'm gonna miss you, too." Adam puts his forehead on Otis' forehead "I'll think of you every time I drag my butt across the rug" Otis connects to Adam with an Override app, and Adam begins to lick Douglas' face.
"Euh! Euh! What are you doing? That is disgusting. And why do I think Otis' tongue is cleaner than yours?" Douglas says, Adam licks him again, Otis runs away "Otis!" Paige runs after Otis "Come on, we have to go get him!" Douglas says Adam starts biting Douglas' leg "What are you doing?!" Douglas asks.
"Adam, what's your problem?" McKayla asks, Adam growls at her "Did you growl at me? Did he growl at me?" McKayla says irritated, Douglas shrugs confused "I can't stop. But your pants taste surprisingly good. It's like you ran through a field of bacon." Adam tells Douglas and bites his leg.
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In the common area.
McKayla and Chase are at a console when Paige enters one door and Douglas enters the other.
"Did you find him?" McKayla asks Paige "No, I lost him" Paige sighs "I've been all over the academy too, and I can't find Otis anywhere." Douglas says, Adam runs up and starts sniffing Douglas "And this one, I can't get rid of. Hey, cut it out!" Douglas pushes Adam away.
"I'm trying, but I can't. Ooh, I heard a cat." Adam says "Get down." Douglas says Adam kneels on the floor.
"I found out what happened in the explosives area. Look." Chase shows a short clip of Otis stringing trip wire "Yeah. Otis was the one who tried to take you out." Chase says.
"That's impossible. We've always been best friends." Douglas says "Just like you were Krane's best friend?" McKayla raises her eyebrow.
Otis walks into the room growling, with red flashing eyes "Red means love, right?" Douglas says in pain "Deadly love, Yeah" Paige says sarcastically.
"I better scan his chip to see what's going on." Chase scans the chip, Paige makes an impressed face "Huh, Can you imagine dating a guy who can scan you and..." "Quiet Paige!" McKayla says afraid of her friend's wild ideas.
"He's got super strength, heat vision, and an override app? Why would you give Otis an override app?" Chase says "I didn't. Why would a dog need...Wait a minute. It must've been Krane. After I turned on him, I bet he reprogrammed Otis' chip and gave him a mission: find me a take me out." Douglas says "Nice friendship huh" McKayla says.
Otis joins Adam "And now, he's controlling Adam to help him do it, which is why he's acting like a dog" Chase says, Adam growls "Adam, stop. You have to fight it." Chase says.
"Can't you use your override app on him?" Douglas asks "No! I can't override an override app, Guy-Who-Built-Me!" Chase says annoyed.
Adam lunges at them, and Otis starts barking, Paige hides behind McKayla "Are you using me as a human shield?" McKayla asks "You're the fighter here, I'm just a delicate ballerina" Paige says, McKayla galres at her "I'm a ballerina" Paige says "Better" McKayla says.
Chase jumps on Adam's back, but Adam throws him onto the floor "Chase!" McKayla says "I'm fine" Chase says.
"Oh, come on! How could I not get a treat for that? Ooh, I know. I'll throw him harder." Adam goes to attack Chase again, Paige steps in front "Oh no! Bad dog!" Paige says, Adam growls and throws himself at her and licks her "Uhg! Ew stop I have a boyfriend, get lost buddy!" Paige says.
Douglas holds a broom "Otis, please don't make me use this." Douglas says, Otis lunges and bites the broom and it snaps in half "Okay. Please don't make me use these." Douglas says.
Chase runs up to Douglas "Hey! I got an idea. Run!" Chase says "Run? That's your idea, smartest guy in the world?" Douglas says "Just go!" Chase says, Douglas runs out of room "Macky help me" Chase says "Hello!" Paige says "Uhg! You too" Chase rolls his eyes, they run out of the room.
"Who wants the stick? Who wants the stick?" Douglas runs into training area with Adam and Otis chasing him
Chase, McKayla and Paige runs into training area "Otis. Adam. Look what I got." Chase holds a dog ball, the girls hold other dog toys "Oh, it's a ball." Adam kneels.
"You want the ball? You want the ball?" Chase says "Yes, I do, I do, I do. I want the ball. I want the ball. Give me the ball, give me the ball." Adam says repeatedly.
"Go and get the ball." Chase hrows it and Adam chases after it "Hey little guy, you want the ball huh" McKayla holds a dog ball too "Who's a good doggie?" Chase says "Who is It?" McKayla says "You guys are so cute together" Paige smirk.
"Go get the ball" McKayla throws the ball but Otis doesn't follow through "Go get the ball!" Paige throws another ball, and nothing "Shit" Paige says "Paige!" Chase says "Oh stop little girl" Paige says irritated.
"Fine. Um...ahem. You stay here. I'll go get the ball." Douglas says, Otis starts to bark at Douglas again, he hides again.
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In the common area
Douglas is on top of the hydraloop with a chip extractor while Otis barks at him from below. Adam runs into the room and drops a ball. Chase picks it up and it starts to drip with liquid.
"Disgusting" McKayla says "How did you get this much saliva on it?" Chase asks "That's not saliva." Adam chuckles "I don't want to know what it is" Paige says with disgust, Chase throws the ball and Adam runs after it.
"If you can find a way to distract Otis, I can use the chip extractor on him." Douglas says "How? I've tried everything. Balls, toys, bones." Chase says, Adam pops in "You have bones?" Adam says, they glare at him and he leaves again.
"Everything a dog likes, but they only work on Adam." Chase says "Which is useless because all of this works with him when he's not on the Override app as well" McKayla says, Paige and Chase agree.
"Wait. Otis was always crazy about peanut butter." Douglas says "I'm on it." Chase runs out.
"Come on, Otis. I saved your life. I love you, man. You don't wanna hurt me." Douglas says, Otis fires heat vision at Douglas, which he blocks with the chip extractor "Or maybe you do." Douglas says.
"Man, you're insane to put bionics in a dog!" Paige says "Uh may I remind you that he put bionics on Adam too" McKayla says "Dude you are completely insane!" Paige says.
Chase returns with a jar of peanut butter "I got it. Hey, Otis, look what I got." Chase shows the jar of peanut butter "Look, Otis. Peanut butter. It's your favorite." Douglas says.
Otis looks at Chase and Douglas looking undecided "It's not working" McKayla says "We have to think bigger. Much bigger." Douglas says, Chase frowns.
After a while, Chase returns covered head to toe in peanut butter, McKayla and Paige laugh.
"Oh, Otis." Chase says and Otis looking back and forth between Douglas and Chase "I'm extra chunky." Chase says "Did you hear that.." Paige laughs and pokes McKayla "No, no" McKayla hides her face.
Otis starts to run after Chase around the room while he screams "My legs are sticking, my legs are sticking!" Chase runs through a door way, and presses a button on a remote to catch Otis in a net when he runs through.
"Good idea with the net, Chase." Douglas says "Thanks! Mr. Davenport installed it just...""Yeah, no one cares." Douglas extracts the chip "There. Got his chip." Douglas says.
"Hey boy" Paige goes up to Otis and pets him "Good to see you as a dog and not a killing machine, buddy" McKayla also pets the dog.
Adam runs into the room and drops the ball "Ugh, I'm exhausted. What's that smell? Ooh, peanut butter." Adam knocks Chase to the floor and starts licking him.
"Adam, stop." Chase says "Don't blame me. It's the dog." Adam says "Uh Adam?" McKayla says and points to the chip in Douglas' hand "I removed his chip." Douglas says.
"Okay, it's me." Adam resumes licking Chase, and Otis comes over to joins them, McKayla and Paige laugh "Don't you want to join them" Paige mocks McKayla "Shut up" McKayla grits her teeth.
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Later in the common area, Chase has a towel wiping excess peanut butter off his face and McKayla walks in.
McKayla laughs "I still can't believe you did that "Mr. Extra chunky"" McKayla mocks "Ha.Ha very funny You" Chase says.
McKayla sighs "Let me help you" McKayla says "No, I'm fine" Chase says "Chase... please" McKayla says softly, Chase looks at him with a slight smile "Say that again" he thinks.
McKayla holds his chin as she wipes his face with the towel, Chase smiles at her kindly, he chuckles.
"What's wrong?" McKayla asks "Nothing, you just have something on your nose" Chase says, McKayla frowns, rubbing her nose "Where?" McKayla says "Here" Chase puts the peanut butter on her nose quickly, McKayla closes her eyes and laughs "Chase" McKayla wipes her nose giggling.
Chase laughs softly, McKayla grabs his shirt "You're so stupid" McKayla says laughing, Chase laughs with all his teeth showing, McKayla sighs and leans towards him suddenly surprising him with a kiss.
Chase takes a second to close his eyes in surprise, but quickly tries to surrender to her soft kiss. However, the kiss was quick because McKayla quickly pulled away, distressed by his reaction.
McKayla looks at him, her face blushing intensely with her eyes slightly wide "Uh I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean..." McKayla swallows hard, wiping her peanut butter-filled hand on the towel.
"No! It's okay, I mean we have a thing going on now, so..." Chase says slightly agitated, McKayla feels an inexplicable feeling of anxiety and joy upon hearing this "We are a thing!" She thinks without being able to control a wide smile.
"Um, yeah. I think we have" McKayla says with a slight shy giggle, Chase smiles, biting his lower lip and then running his tongue over it "Kiss her again, but now for real" he thinks.
Chase stares at her, McKayla takes a deep breath "Kiss me again, Chase" she thinks approaching him, Both of their breathing becomes heavier as they get closer.
But before they can actually lean towards each other, Otis enters the room and barks at them, Chase turns to him "Oh Otis, no!" Chase says, Otis starts chasing Chase out of the room and McKayla laughs.
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In the common area.
"So, Is it okay with your mom if you keep Otis?" Chase asks Paige "Yeah, she said we need a guard dog and what kind of dog will surpass my bionic doggy, right?" Paige pets the dog.
"All right, Otis, this is good-bye. You'll always be in my heart. And after eating all that grass, so will those worms." Adam pats the dog "Well, you can visit him whenever you want man, just don't eat our grass, okay" Paige pats Adam on the back.
"And you think about our conversation" Paige says to Chase as she walks towards the hydraloop where McKayla is waiting for her.
Bree and Leo walk in, fighting "Give me back that phone!' Bree says "Don't worry, Shelly, I got you." Leo says.
"Don't listen to him, Liam. I'll save you." Bree says, Leo drops the phone after struggling with Bree for it, and Otis walks over and pees on it.
"You can have it." Bree says frustrated "No, I'm good" Leo says with a disgusted face.
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