♬ 49 - Rise of the secret soldiers (Part 2)
Donald and Leo enter the lab through the elevator.
"Donny, get in here, quick!" Douglas points to video chat whit the president "Mr. President." Donald says.
"He said he'd only talk to you. Apparently, I'm just the help!" Douglas says "Thank you, Douglas, that'll be all." Leo says, Douglas walks away.
"Davenport, a high-security military base was breached, and communications equipment was stolen." The President says "I'm sorry to here that, sir. Do you need some of my tracking technology?" Donald asks "No, I need Adam, Bree, and Chase." The President says.
"Well, with all due respect, sir, they dissolved the team." Donald says "Look, our national safety is far more important than a squabble between besties. The Vice-President and I are going through that right now. Drama!" The President says sing-songy, Donald and Leo frown.
"Fix this, and get them back on the job." The President orders "Yes, Mr. President." Donald says.
"And if Adam, Bree, and Chase won't stop those criminals...then I will" Leo poses, President laughs "Thanks, kid. As awful as things are right now, it feels good to laugh." The President and Leo makes an offended face.
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In the living room.
Chase walks through the front door while Donald gathers the team in the living room "Hey, what's with the urgent text alert? I was out buying sunglasses for my astronomy cruise." Chase says putting bags on the floor.
"Check these out! They double as telescopes!" Chase puts on glasses with built-in telescopes "All's I'm seeing is another reason to throw you overboard." Adam says.
"The President called. There's an emergency and he needs you." Donald says "But we told him we quit." Bree says "Yeah, we don't even want to talk to each other. Why would we want to work together?" Chase says.
"Yeah! And I'm not agreeing with him, I'm just emphasizing his point." Adam says "Look, I'm getting tired of your selfish attitudes. It is your duty to complete this mission." Donald says.
"No. It was our duty. But then people started protesting against us on our own front lawn. Maybe the world needs to get a taste of what it's like without us." Chase says "Yeah! Still not agreeing with him, I just feel the exact same he does." Adam says.
They leave the room separately.
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Everyone is in the lab.
McKayla is sitting at the cyber desk in front of Chase's console, scrolling through her cell phone.
Chase discreetly diverts attention from what he's doing to her, he looks at her seriously, She doesn't notice his look because she's focused on her cell phone. Chase slowly runs his tongue under his bottom lip in thought.
"Uhg! I hate how beautiful she is, she kills me" he thinks, he sighs loudly, McKayla looks at him and he looks away to the console again.
Douglas walks in "Where's Donny?" Douglas asks "Probably out trolling the streets for a new set of bionic kids to control." Leo says sarcastically, Donald walks into the lab "I heard that!" Donald says.
"Donny, you gotta see this news footage! Those criminals the President was talking about? Busted into the Pentagon last night!" Douglas says "What? The Pentagon is the most secure facility in the world." Donald says
"Yeah, with all those sides, it'd take me all day just to find the entrance." Adam says "No one knows how they did it. But at least they finally got 'em on surveillance cam. Look, they're kids." Douglas shows them a picture of a boy with glowing green eyes.
"Kids?" Donald says "What kind of crazy person would implant bionics in kids..." McKayla says sarcastically, Douglas gales at her, McKayla smiles wildly and sarcastically.
"Look. Their eyes are glowing green, which means..." Douglas says, Adam gasps "It's the Irish again, isn't it?" Adam says, McKayla rolls her eyes.
"No. It's Krane." Douglas says "That guy? Again?!" McKayla says "Yeah. He upgraded the Triton app so he can control S-1 with his brain. Now he must be controlling multiple bionic kids." Douglas says.
"Multiple kids? How is that possible?" Chase says "I don't know, but if they busted into the Pentagon, I'll bet they're looking for classified information." Douglas says.
"Why don't we just go to Krane's cell and tell him to stop?" Leo suggests "Good idea! Then maybe we can tell him that being evil is bad and he'll give us all a great big hug!" Douglas says sarcastically "Worked for you." Leo shrugs.
"Sometimes true heroes have to sacrifice themselves for the greater good. I'm not asking you to come back forever. Just one last mission. Take out Krane's bionic thugs and you're done." Donald seriously asks the trio.
"Fine. But just to make it clear, when we're done, we're done." Bree says "Yeah. I can do that" Chase says, Adam laughs, Donald frowns "I-I'm sorry, can you repeat that? I was thinking about growing a mustache." Adam says.
"At least I'm glad to know he thinks of something" Chase thinks.
"Just get suited up!" Donald says, a hold music plays on Douglas' tablet "What is that?" Leo asks "Oh, I get bored waiting for 'em to change, so I added hold music." Douglas says.
"you have a great taste in music" McKayla smiles at him, Leo frowns and looks over to Donald, who is dancing slightly. Donald notices he's being watched and becomes embarrassed "And you dance very well, Mr Davenport" McKayla puts her hand on his shoulder "Thank you McKayla" Donald becomes more comfortable.
Adam, Bree, and Chase get suited up "Let's go get 'em!" Adam shouts starts to run out of the room "We don't even know where we're going yet." Chase says "Right you are." Adam comes back.
"When I created the Triton app, I integrated a tracking element. We can use that to locate 'em. Ah ha! There's eight of 'em. They're at an abandoned junkyard, right near Pike's Crest." Douglas says
"Let's go get 'em!" Adam shouts and starts to run again but stops suddenly "Where's Pike's Crest?" Adam asks, Chase rolls his eyes.
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At junkyard.
Adam, Bree and Chase hide and watch the other bionics teens "All right, I know we haven't been the best of friends lately, but if we're gonna do this, we have to work together." Chase says softly.
"Agreed." Bree says "Which means I'm in charge." Chase smirks slightly "Oh, no, you're not!" Adam says loudly "Shh!" Bree covers his mouth "Get down!" Chase says.
"What are they building?" Bree asks "That must be the communications equipment they stole." Chase says "They're probably just trying to get the Sunday football package. Ugh, I bet they're Jets fans!" Adam says.
"Wait, there were only eight before. Where did they come from?" Chase says, several kids geo-leap suddenly into the junkyard "It's an entire bionic army!" Chase says.
"What do we do?" Bree says "I say we go back to hating each other and take our vacations." Adam says, Bree and Chase galres at him.
"No! If we're gonna take on that many, we need a better plan. Let's go tell Mr. Davenport and re-strategize." Chase says "Good idea, let's go" Adam knocks over a box while standing up, alerting all the soldiers "Uh-oh." Adam says.
"Grab on!" Bree super speeds away with Adam and Chase, one of the soldiers. S-3 approaches "Get ready, brothers and sister. The war is coming." S-3 tell the others.
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In the lab
Adam, Bree and Chase walk in "Mr. Davenport! It's worse than we thought! Krane isn't just controlling a few random kids. He has an entire bionic army." Chase says.
"Girls, too! Some of 'em were hot." Adam smirks "Seriously?!" McKayla says raising her eyebrow.
"A whole army? How is that possible?" Donald says "When Krane bought my technology, he must've started genetically engineering those kids behind my back!" Douglas says.
"Although it does explain the hundreds of baby pictures all over his warehouse." Douglas says "you didn't find this suspicious at any point?!" McKayla questions "I thought he had a lot of nephews" Douglas shrugs.
"So what's our next move?" Bree asks, a video call connects to the lab, showing the President with Krane behind him "Ew!" McKayla turns away from the monitor "Krane!" Leo says.
"Aw, nice job, Mr. President, you caught Krane. Our work here is done." Adam says "Whatever you do, do not negotiate with this man." The President saysz Krane laughs "I don't negotiate." Krane says.
The President attempts to flee but Krane uses his bionics to stop him "Sit...down!" Krane says "How did you escape?" Leo asks.
"It's amazing what an army of bionic teenagers can do when they really put their minds together." Krane says "We're onto you, Krane. We know you're using your Triton app to control them." Chase says, when approaching the monitor he gently takes McKayla's arms from behind.
"What are you doing?!" McKayla says softly, Chase clears his throat and walks away a little "N-nothing" Chase says.
"Oh, I'm not just controlling them. Now that I've perfected this technology, I can transmit the Triton app to anyone. Allow me to demonstrate." Krane pulls out a device that puts the President under the Triton app "Well, will you look at that? Now the most powerful man in the world...is under my control." Krane laughs.
"Why are you doing this, Krane?" Donald asks "Ordinary humans are inferior. My soldiers have proven that. So together, we're gonna create one nation-state under bionic rule." Krane explains.
Adam puts his hand over his chest "With liberty and justice for all!" Adam says, McKayla elbows him lightly.
"That's your plan? To create a bionic dictatorship?" Chase says "No one in their right mind would ever bow down to you." Bree says "They won't have a choice! Once my Triton signal connects with the government's satellites, it'll beam an electromagnetic wave over the entire planet. Then...I'll be the most powerful man in the world." Krane says.
"Good luck. You can't access the government's satellites without the classified security code." Donadl says "Oh, right. And that is?" Krane asks the President, and he enters code while under influence of Triton app.
"Did I have to ask?" McKayla tells Donald "Well, he obviously planned this out." Donald says.
"There. Now the satellites are orbiting right into the path of my Triton signal. Don't you just love technology?" Krane ends the call.
"Krane's army is constructing a satellite dish. That must be how they're gonna transmit the signal." Chase says "Okay, we have to shut it down." Adams says.
"But how? He has too many soldiers." Bree says "We don't have a choice. If Krane succeeds, it'll be the end of the world as we know it." Douglas says.
"He's right, but if you're gonna face a whole army, I'm gonna have to max out your bionics. Get in your capsules." Donald tells the trio.
"Douglas, go and find us our most powerful weapons." Donald tells Douglas, McKayla tries to stay in Donald's field of vision at all times in the hopes that he will have some role in the mission.
"And Leo..." Donald says "I know, stay here and monitor everything on the com-set." Leo says "No, not this time. You're coming with us." Donald says.
"What? Is this another "Let's use Leo as bait" plan?" Leo says "No, we need all the help we can get, and after all the hard training you've put in, you've earned the right to fight alongside this family." Donald says
Adam, Bree, and Chase nod, McKayla smiles proudly "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Whoo!" Leo runs around lab and does a cart wheel "Yes! Yes! Ha ha! Ya-ha! Ha!" Leo stops next to Donald again "Let's do this" Leo says seriously.
"I'm proud of you." Bree says with a delicate smile " Way to go." Chase slight smile "Don't mess it up." Adam says "You deserve it" McKayla says.
McKayla goes to Donald "Uh Mr Davenport, not to be annoying or anything but...is there anything I can do?" McKayla says, Donald looks around "Look, McKayla appreciates the intention. But it's a dangerous mission against our greatest enemy, you'll be safer here" Donald says and walks out.
McKayla frowns and shakes her head, she takes a deep breath "However. This is no longer about what they want me to do, it's about what I want to do. And I want to take Krane down!" She thinks with a determined smile.
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Leo puts on his new mission suit and reveals it to the rest of the team.
"Well? What do you think?" Donald says "I think you should donate the rest of my clothes to charity, because I am never taking this thing off." Leo says excitedly.
"Wait! One more thing." Douglas presses a buttons on console "There. I just unlocked a new ability for you. Energy transference. Now your bionic hand will be able to absorb energy from any power source." Douglas says.
"Go ahead. Give it a shot." Douglas says, Leo uses his new ability to absorb the energy and light from the nearby lamp "No way! Oh, I could definitely get used to this." Leo says holding the energy sphere in his hand.
"Nice, Leo, now you can suck all the energy out of things. Just like Chase!" Adam says, Chase galres at him "Well, I wouldn't mind if he sucked my energy...okay, enough McKayla!" McKayla thinks and leaves the lab.
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At the junkyard.
Adam, Bree, Chase, Leo, Donald, and Douglas walk in a dramatic slow-mo before coming to a stop.
"And there's nobody here." Chase says frustrated "Maybe they left." Bree says "Where would they go?" Douglas asks.
"Well, Jets are playing Green Bay." Adam says "C'mon, let's go make sure they're not hiding over there." Bree tells him and they walk away.
"I'll calculate the satellite's trajectory to see how much time we have left." Chase scans it "Only eight minutes until Krane's signal connects with that satellite." Chase says.
"This area is clear." Adam says, the bionic soldiers geo-leap into the clearing "And not anymore." Adam says frustrated.
Donald, Douglas, Chase and Leo are distressed when they hear an "Ahhh!" They get ready to attack and McKayla comes out of a bush "Relax, it's just me" McKayla says.
Chase gasps "What are you doing here?!" Chase asks "I came to take down the guy who almost turned me into a barbecue a while ago. I don't know, but I kind of took it personally" McKayla says sarcastically.
"I told you to stay in the lab!" Donald says "Yup, and I totally ignored it" McKayla says with a delicate smile.
"That's your problem Chase" Douglas says hitting him on the back, Chase rolls his eyes "Leo, go help Adam and Bree. We'll take care of that satellite dish." Donald says "Copy that" Leo runs off, Donald and Douglas walk away.
"You shouldn't be here!" Chase firmly tells McKayla "The point is none of this should be happening, that's why we're here to stop it!" McKayla says equally firmly "Since when did you take that much risk??!" Chase says "I don't think we've met yet" McKayla says with a delicate smile extending her hand.
McKayla walks away and Chase is left to confront S-3 "So, I hear you're the smart one." S-3 tells him "Oh, I'm a lot more than that." Chase forms laser bo.
"That's cute. Too bad this isn't a piñata party. But let's see what comes outta you when I hit you with this." S-3 forms his own laser bo, a red pitchfork "Okay, then." Chase says slightly surprised.
Donald and Douglas go to take out the satellite, fighting soldiers along the way until they fall on the floor from the blasts.
McKayla takes a deep breath and sees the soldiers fighting Bree and Adam, she holds the blaster in her hand and just like Douglas and Donald she starts shooting at the soldiers.
Leo sees Adam and Bree fighting the other soldiers and starts to fire a laser sphere, before being tapped on the shoulder by S-1.
"Ugh. You again!" Leo says "Don't worry, this'll be the last time you see me, or anyone, for that matter." S-1 throws energy sphere at Leo, he ducks.
"We gotta take out the satellite dish!" Douglas says "Look, we got a clear shot!" Donald says, Krane geo-leaps in front of them "Correction, you had a clear shot." Krane says "Okay, I know he's the bad guy, but his timing is impeccable." Donald tells Douglas.
Bree flips over two soldiers and knocks them to the ground.
Chase and S-3 fight with their laser bos, Chase eventually gets the upperhand and knocks S-3 to the ground.
S-3 kicks Chase and he falls to the ground, S-3 gets up and Chase tries to jump to his feet again, but S-3 tries to hit him, Chase avoids it by jumping to his feet and defending himself with his own laser.
S-3 dodge Chase's laser bo preparing to attack him off guard. Chase dodges, jumping over S-3 and activating the laser bo again.
Chase spins the bo laser, blocking S-3's and pushing him, finishing with a kick to S-3's stomach that makes him fall to the ground.
With S-3 on the ground he sees McKayla shooting and a soldier sneaking up behind her "McKayla!" Chase shouts and knocks the soldier down, McKayla sees him.
"I'm not going home, already saving your time!" McKayla says seeing that her blaster has been damaged and throws it to the ground, Chase groans "It's too dangerous!" Chase shouts.
McKayla narrows her eyes at him and a soldier advances towards them, Chase prepares the laser bo, but before he can attack. McKayla gives a boost, spinning around and kicking the soldier hard in the face, knocking him to the ground immediately.
Chase looks at the soldier on the ground and then at McKayla, stunned and with his mouth open, McKayla stops in an attack position with her fists closed and gives a loud sigh "Who's in danger now?" McKayla says with a serious look, she walks away.
Chase gasps and and his open-mouthed expression slowly turns into an impressed smile.
Krane knocks Douglas to the ground, and Donald jumps in shooting at the satellite, but misses and lands hard on the ground, and Krane geo-leaps away.
Leo and S-1 are fighting nearby, Leo tries to punch S-1 but he misses "Give it up already! Your dinky arm isn't gonna save you this time!" S-1aims an energy sphere at him but Leo uses his energy transference ability to absorb it.
"Actually...I think it is." Leo says "Where did that come from?!" S-1 says "It came with the threads. S-1...you're S-done!" Leo aims the energy sphere and sends S-1 flying through the air.
"Yes! Oh, yeah!" Leo celebrates.
McKayla runs towards a soldier who shoots energy spheres at her, halfway through, she grabs another soldier, turning him so that he is in front of her and is hit by the spheres, like a shield.
She throws one soldier against another and finishes by pushing him with her foot. Another soldier comes from behind and elbows him hard on the face.
And another comes to her in the other direction trying to hit her but she throws her body back, dodging and spins underneath him, tripping him.
"So that's adrenaline!" McKayla sighs with an energetic smile.
Donald is surveying the area with the guns when Krane suddenly geo-leaps behind him "Krane." Donald says, they fight until Krane blasts Donald with an energy wave "Big D!" Leo screams in despair "Mr Davenport!" McKayla shouts and they both run to him.
"Cover me while I check the signal!" Krane tells his soldiers.
"Guys, we only have three minutes!" Chase kicks a approaching soldier "We'll never get past all of them in time!" Bree uses super kick on a approaching soldier.
"Every time we take out five, twenty more show up!" Adam says as he punches an approaching soldier.
"Wait...we don't have to take out the army or stop the satellite signal." Chase says "Then why are we here?!" Adam asks "If we take out Krane, the Triton app will be disabled and the soldiers will deactivate" Chase explains.
"But how? Krane is a powerhouse, and we're already exhausted. There's no way we're gonna beat him in time." Bree says, Douglas pops out from behind bush "Yes, there is! ...I'm not hiding. I'm...picking berries to use as weapons." Douglas says, they frown at him "They could be poisonous!" Douglas says.
Douglas walks over to them "Look, when I created you chips, I installed a link that fuses all of your bionics so you could fight as one." Douglas says "Wait, why didn't you tell us this before?" Bree asks.
"Because it's never been tested. The results...could be catastrophic." Douglas says "We only have two minutes left. How do we do it?" Chase asks.
"Chase, did you not hear him? If we fuse our abilities, we may not make it." Adam says "We have no choice. We're the only chance this world has." Chase says worried "He's right." Bree says "Okay. What do we do?" Adam asks.
"Chase, use your Override app on Adam and Bree. Then stand back-to-back so that your chips form a perfect triangle. The energy will flow from one person to the next until you've built up a massive force." Douglas explains.
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to my bush." Douglas walks out "All right. C'mon, let's go." Bree says "Wait. In case anything happens to us, I want you guys to know that I'm really sorry about the way I acted." Chase says.
"Me too." Bree says "Apologies accepted." Adam says, they look at him "Okay, I'm sorry, too." Adam says.
"All right. Let's do this." Chase says, they walk into the clearing of soldiers "Let them through." Krane tells them soldiers.
"I think it's time we finish this, don't you? You could have ruled right alongside us. But instead, you chose to defy me. And, for what? To sacrifice yourselves for a world of ungrateful humans that won't even accept you!" Krane says.
"They may not accept us, but it's our mission to protect them." Chase says, Krane laughs "Then I guess...this is the end of you!" Krane's army begins to charge towards the trio "Stand back, soldiers! I want this victory all to myself." Krane says.
Chase links Adam and Bree to Override app "Get into position." Chase tells them.
They stand back to back and link arms, and a circle of energy forms at their feet, Krane laughs "Silly children, ,you're no match for me." Krane says, Adam, Bree, and Chase grunt with pain as they create more and more energy, Krane begins to form his own balls of energy.
"The signal transmits in ten seconds!" Chase says in agony "Your day has come!" Krane shouts "Five seconds! Four...three..." Chase says he, Adam and Bree grunt.
"THE WORLD IS MINE!!!!!!" Krane screams
"Now!" Chase screams, they lean forward and blast Krane into the sky with their linked ability, and the signal doesn't transmit, they faint for a while.
When they stand up, the soldiers' bright green eyes go out "It worked! The Triton app is deactivated!" Bree says, the soldiers faint.
Douglas tô them "Yes! You did it!" Douglas celebrate "Wait, guys. I don't want this to be our final mission." Adam says "Then it looks like we're a team again." Bree smiles.
"No, I mean, I wanna do one more but that's it." Adam says, they frown at him.
"Guys! Get over here, quick!" Leo shouts "Guys, help!" McKayla says worriedly, Adam, Bree, Chase and Douglas run over to Leo and an unconscious Donald "I don't think he's breathing!" Leo says.
Chase kneels next to Donald, checking for a pulse. He looks at everyone in worry and concern.
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In the lab.
Everyone is in the lab anxiously waiting for news about Donald who is in the hospital.
Leo's phone rings "Mom! How's Big D?" Leo says on the phone, he walks away.
"Poor Donny. This is all my fault. I should've protected him." Douglas says " It's not your fault Douglas" McKayla says.
"Don't blame yourself, Douglas." Adam looks toward Chase "Blame Chase." Adam smiles "It's no one's fault." Chase says upset "See, that's what people say when it is their fault." Chase whispers to Douglas.
McKayla takes a deep breath and briefly takes his arm to comfort him "I'm glad she's here tho" he thinks "I know he'll be on the mend soon" McKayla says calmly.
She lets go of Chase's arm and hugs Bree who was visibly worried.
Leo walks toward them and they stand up "How is he?" Bree asks "Not good. He's out of surgery, but it's still touch and go." Leo says.
"Then I guess all we can do is wait." Chase says, everyone waits worried.
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In the lab, later on a video conference with the President.
"...of a grateful nation, thank you for setting aside your personal difference to fight for a greater good." The President says "You're welcome, Craig!" Adam says, Bree hits Adam.
"I'm sorry, Mr. uh President. Guess we're not there yet, are we?" Adam says "Anyway, I think you'll be happy to know that the team is back, sir." Bree says
"There may be some people who still don't accept us, but...that doesn't matter. We know who we are." Chase smiles.
"You're heroes. And I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure the world knows that." The President says "Better yet, why don't you just cut to the chase and put this on a twenty?" Leo says.
The President laughs "I like you, kid. You always know how to make me laugh" The President says, Leo looks offended and the others laugh.
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A/N - We're almost at the end of the season!!
I want to know what you think of the chapter, especially McKayla's new attitude of joining the team's fight?
And if you have any ideas, theories for next season, let me know, I'd love to know and draw inspiration from your ideas.
Hope you guys are liking it, don't forget to comment and vote 😘
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