Season One - Episode One
The Pilot
Tatum Cross, with her long strands of dark hair cascading down her back, laid upon the soft fabric of her comforter stomach down. Eyes laid heavy upon the words in the book in front of her. Mind focused upon the words of historical fiction, as the lady fell in love with her lord. The house around her quiet, perhaps eerily so for others. But this was usual for Tatum, her life at home often seemed surrounded in silence. Silence had become a good friend of hers, something she found comfort in. Something that gave her peace.
Therefore, two slams against the front door, that was more than enough to bring her attention away from the book, away from the fantasy land she was trying to escape into. And towards the front door just a few meters away. Tatum rolled over, sitting herself up in her bed, slipping on her slippers that lay discarded on the floor. She shuffled towards the front door, just a short distance away from her downstairs bedroom. She stood gently on her toes to peak out of the privacy hole to see two familiar figures on the other side of the door. And as she lowered herself down she fought the urge to roll her eyes. Because of course standing on the other side of the door, would be her idiotic best friends. And she knew they were up to no good. Jiggling the key within the lock, Tatum would open the door to see two very different expressions awaiting her.
Stiles was the first one she took in the appearance of. The tall, lanky and awkward boy had a look of excitement etched upon his mole littered face, he clearly was the person behind whatever the trio were about to do. His converse clad feet bounced and she questioned why she had even bothered to befriend the boy back when they were toddlers. For signing up to be the best friend of the Stillinksi boy, meant signing up for a lifetime of adventures, rule breaking and illegal activities.
Scott on the other hand, looked about as fed up with whatever was going on as Tatum felt inside. He stood there in posture which was a mixture of awkwardness and agitation, something that only Scott seemed to pull off. The boy looked exhausted and Tatum wondered if he had spent their last day of their summer vacations practising for Lacrosse like he had been talking about all week.
"Tate!" Stiles shouted and Tatum rolled her eyes at the boy, he really took the ability to speak at whatever volume he wanted at her house literally.
"What do I owe the pleasure of having my boys turn up the night before we go back to hell?" Tatum responded.
"They found a body in the woods." Stiles continued on his excitement evident in his tone and it was clear that there was more than what he was saying.
"Okay and?"
"And we're going to check it out."
"Dude." Tatum paused as she thought out the next words she was going to say to him "That's fucking sick, why do you want to go look at it?" Tatum knew Stiles had an interest in law enforcement, but even this was a bit out of it.
"Because my dearest Tato, they only found half of a body." Stiles gave the information like it was the most innocent thing ever.
"You want to go look for the other half?"
"Well not alone?" Stiles's words were clearly working on Tatum, she knew she couldn't let idiot 1 and 2 go out there alone. Something stupid would happen if she did, and therefore she supposed rather than finishing her chapter and getting a good night sleep before her alarm woke up her at an unholy hour in the morning, she would be venturing into the woods which surrounded their homes instead.
"So you're going to bring me and noodle arms?" Tatum, didn't consider herself weak in any manner but she was considerably unfit, she didn't even think she could run if her life depended on it.
"Hey! I've been working out." Scott defended himself.
"Yeah working your right wrist whilst looking at magazines." Tatum jabbed and before she knew it the taller boy had her in a head lock. The two play fought for a few seconds laughter echoing as they played around on Tatum's front porch.
"So come on then before your parents notice the light on." Stiles hurried the pair and Tatum looked down at her slippers before looking back up at them both.
"I'll change my shoes and grab a coat, I'm not walking the woods in my duck slippers." Tatum mumbled before quietly opening and closing the door. She hoped that she wouldn't have disturbed her parents who were both elsewhere in the house but it would turn out otherwise. As the tall figure of her father stood in the hallway waiting on her. His hands moved quick and she worked fast to try and establish what he was saying to her.
'What is going on out there?' She translated the ASL quickly and thought quickly as to what her answer was going to be, there was no chance she was going to tell her father the truth. He would kill her before allowing her into the woods not only this time of night.
'Scott and Stiles, they're asking if I want to go for a drive before we start back at school tomorrow.' Tatum replied trying to keep her face steady so that her lie could not be caught. Her father stood there for a minute before giving her a nod and turning to head back in the direction of the study he had most likely come from. She shook away the nerves, making a move to head to the coat rack. Plucking out her own converse and her thickest coat she prepared herself to head into the woods, making sure to pick up a snack bar to stick in her pocket. Just incase they were out until the early hours of the morning. Something that could be completely expected when it came to Stiles and his mission to find something.
One flashlight between three of them was not essentially the groups brightest idea, and as Tatum trailed a little bit behind the two teenaged boys she really started to regret her choice to come along on the trip. She listened to the pair of them bicker about Scott's goal to play in the Lacrosse team this year, something that neither boy had been able to do since they had started high School. And whilst Stiles was non believing that Scott could do it, Tatum knew one thing. That was that if any of them in the group was actually going to accomplish something they set out for themselves, it would be Scott. He was the most likely to succeed of them all.
"Just out of curiosity, which half of the body are we looking for?" Scott asked and Tatum felt as the three of them paused for a moment.
"Huh! I didn't even think of that." Stiles thought and Tatum felt as Scott turned to look at her, the pair of them shared a look realising just what kind of situation they were getting themselves in on.
"And uh, what if whoever killed the body is still out there?" Scott added on, and Tatum didn't know whether it was an answer she wanted or not.
"Also something I didn't think about." Stiles confirmed what Tatum was thinking.
"It's comforting to know you've planned this out with your normal attention to detail." Scott responded to the words he knew was coming.
"Bro if you get me killed, I am gonna haunt your ass so hard." Tatum added on, waiting for Stiles to turn around and give her the usual cheeky grin that he used to respond to her threat of haunting him. After all, heading out on a stupid and potentially deadly trip was a rather common part of the groups friendship.
"I know."
"Maybe the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight." Scott attempted to slow Stiles down, the lanky boy who was on a mission. But before it could even be properly considered, Stiles had seen something and he was off. Heading into a random direction in the woods.
"Hey Stiles wait up, none of us know these woods well!" Tatum called after him, she might have come across a little bit rude in her words but she cared about the two idiots more than she would ever like to admit. And there was just something about these woods which made her want to stay on guard, something was out there. Something more than the dainty little woodland animals that were present in the Disney films. Something that wasn't a human murder.
Scott and Tatum attempted to stay together as they headed into the woods, the pair quickly loosing direct sight of Stiles, unable to really keep up with him. But if the voices of the police department were anything to go off, it was best they stayed hidden. After all, neither teen wanted to explain to their parent of choice, just why they were out in the woods searching for a dead body. And as the sound of the Sheriff taking his teenaged son away was enough to encourage them to gently creep out of the woods, the pair started what would be a significantly longer trek home as they had arrived in Stiles' Jeep. But things wouldn't exactly go well for the two teenagers as the horrible confusion of the woods would cause them to split up.
Tatum had seen many horror films in her life, many thriller films in her life. Plenty of which took place in the woods, where a creepy man took power over the teenaged girl who got lost. Others where they were attacked by animals. And those where something supernatural occurred. She just hoped she could find her way back and out before the sunrise.
Bright red glowing eyes were the possibly scariest thing Tatum had ever seen. And they were staring at her through the bushes. Whatever animal this was, it was not one she had seen before. It was not one she knew how to outrun, that was if she could outrun it. The animal drew closer, coming from out of the bushes, and started to stalk its way over to her. The animal was some sort of wolf, and as it creeped closer she found herself frozen to her spot. It was large, with dark thick fur, and it was sizing her up. She was unsure what its intent with her was, she assumed that this was how she was going to meet her end.
Yet when it got a few inches in front of her it paused. It seemed to truly look at her, as if it was searching for something. And it seemed as though it had found whatever it was looking for. It continued to creep towards Tatum, and she remained frozen to her spot. Its breath was warm as it rested upon her arm, arm which was covered with her coat yet she could still feel the warm. Almost as if the coat was non-existent.
And that was when she felt it. The wolf like creature bit down upon her bicep. The pain was intense possibly the worst thing she had ever felt. And she dropped to her knees almost instantly, tears welled in her eyes and it was not long before they were falling down her face. She closed her eyes, not wanting to see anything else if this was to be her end. Yet nothing more came, the pain remained bouncing in her arm, her head began to hurt. But as she pried her eyes open, the wolf like creature was gone and she was alone in the woods once more.
"Tate! Tatum!" She heard a familiar voice yell, the familiar figure of Scott coming from around the corner as he rushed over to the smaller teenager. He was quick to help her too her feet. Bringing her into his arms for comfort.
"Hey you're okay." He soothed rubbing his hands against her back as she continued to cry in his arms. "It's all over, whatever that thing was it's gone." He continued to soothe. The pair remained like that for a while, until Tatum had no more tears to cry, until she was left with the desire to just head to bed and sleep it all off.
"Can we go home?" Tatum questioned the boy and he was quick to slightly step back from the tight embrace he held her in.
"Of course we can, I'll walk you all the way home and come check on you first thing in the morning."
"Did it get you too?" She finally asked and watched as Scott pulled at his top to show her a set of tooth marks she was sure would match the one she was currently sporting on her arm.
"Do you think we'll need a rabies shot?"
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