More Creepy Stuff
Here is the next chapter hope you like and as always I hope you Enjoy!!
I woke up the next morning to my phone going off, Evan Fong was calling me at this early in the morning? I picked up the phone and answered it.
"Hello Evan?"
"Oh hey, Brian... Listen have you heard from Tyler this morning? He hasn't been responding to my calls nor messages!"
"Uh no hold and let me text him.."
I still had Evan on the phone while I Texted Tyler.. I waited and waited but he didn't reply.
"Evan, he isn't replying to my texts!"
"He was supposed to meet me at Starbucks rn when you left last night when you got tired and went to bed.. it's strange that he isn't answering at all."
Ding! New Text Message from Tyler!~
"Hold on, Evan he texted me!!"
I opened the text from Tyler but something was wrong...
"He is a Worthless worm... He doesn't deserve Evan and now he is gone from this world as we speak..."
I stared at the text in shock as I reread it and then sent it to Evan.
"This is what he sent! This isn't Tyler!!" I said
"Should I call the cops. Tyler always comes to my place because we are dating and he didn't show up and I thought he was seeing someone else behind my back and now where is he?" Evan says
"Go by his house and see if he is there? I would go but we live far away from each other or else I would!!" I said
"Okay, I will head over to his house and I will call the cops if I need to.. talk to you soon."
That isn't like Tyler to just disappear without telling Evan. And who was this mysterious person that got ahold of his phone..
Ding!! New Text Message from Tyler!!~
I looked at my phone and I screamed at what I saw!! And I called Evan right away.
"Brian, what's wrong!!"
"Don't go to his house please I beg you. Call the cops now and let them follow you to the house!! Just trust me on this one!!"
"Okay, call you back later!!" Evan says
I put my phone on the table and drank my tea when I get a text from Moo Snuckel, a guy on the dating app.
"Good morning, Brian! How are you today?"
"I don't feel up to talking right now.."
"What's wrong?"
"It's none of your business..."
"Come on, I just want to talk to you, Brian~"
"You are really creepy you know that!?!?!"
"Look.. I'm just trying to get a friend on this dating app I have.. I'm sorry to have bother you!"
Now I feel really bad about being rude to Moo Snuckel and I texted him back.
"I'm sorry, just having a bad day.. a friend of mine was killed by someone and I just got off the phone with my best friend, who was upset about his boyfriend being killed..."
"Holy shit!! That's sucks dude! I didn't mean to have bother you.. I am lonely and don't have no one to talk to on here.."
"Maybe we can be friends?" I said
"I would love to be your friend, Brian! Oh I have to go now see ya.."
"Okay, bye!!"
It seems that I have a fly caught in my web of lies.. I wonder what else I can do make him be mine before someone else has a shot for him. Yes, I did hate humans and their feelings but this Guy was very different from the others I have killed.. something about him makes me feel strange and I wanted to know more about him, so that's why I killed his friend Tyler to get information about him. And boy, he was fun to kill. Hearing him beg for mercy~
"ReMeMbEr WhAt YoUr MiSsIoN Is~" says the voice in my mind
"Oh, don't worry Moo Snuckel.. I know what I'm doing~" I said with a evil smirk on my face
I glitched a little as I laughed....
~Back with Brian~
I swear I felt like I was being watched but I was the only one in this house. I looked around on Brock's phone again, seeing if there was a way of tracking to where he could have gone but so far I found nothing but just old text messages and photos of Brock.. but what was really strange was that yesterday when I got the phone charged up, there wasn't a lot of pictures of him but now there is and even videos of him. And then I watched one of the creepy videos on Brock's phone which was very disturbing in many ways!! He was talking to himself and it sounded like he was having a argument over something but it was just his voice I heard until I turned up the volume on the phone and I heard a Demonic voice talking t
Back to him. Then the phone malfictions and turns itself off and then back on. And when I went to find the video I was watching it was gone, which made me scratch my head in confusion. Then my phone goes off and it was a call from a unknown number. I answer it and I was very nervous about this.
"You could have saved him, Brian~"
"Who is this?"
"My name is BIMULACRA and you should have saved him but it's too late now. Poor Evan, is going to be so lonely since his boyfriend is died~"
"Whoever you are, you're sicked and twisted!!"
"I Maybe Sicked and Twisted but at least I didn't sit around and do nothing while Tyler was getting stabbed to death~"
"You're behind this ain't you!!"
"Why, yes I am and I wonder who will be my next victim~"
And the call drops as I hear the door bell ring and went to answer it! I opened the door and saw no one there. This was starting to get a little creepy. I called Evan to see how he was doing. After a hour of talking to Evan and making sure he was alright, I went up to my room and took a little nap as my phone charged up and Brock's phone was still downstairs on the counter. As I slept, a Glitched figure comes into my room and jumps into my phone and makes it start acting up and making noises to where it woke me up.
~Ding! New text message from Moo Snuckel~
"How are you, Brian?"
"I'm good just taking a nap, I have a headache.."
"Oh, okay! I was just wondering what you were doing. Sorry to have bother you!"
"Oh no, you are fine.. I need to get up and make something to eat anyway."
"I wish we could meet up sometime..."
After my text, this Guy stopped texting me and then Brock's phone goes off and alerts me that he has a text from Lui.
"Brian, I have been getting a bunch of texts messages from his cell phone. Have you seen the texts?" He says
"No, his phone is clean of texts except for the old texts and that's it!"
"That's strange! It says that these texts were sent five minutes ago!" Lui says
"Are you serious right now!?!?!"
"Yeah! Are you sure that Brock isn't there?" Lui says
"No, it's just me in my house!"
"It's strange that Brock isn't there. I wonder if you could get a backup for his phone and see if you can find anything strange. Text me and let me know." Lui says
"Okay, I will try."
I decided to look around even more into Brock's phone but so far I haven't found anything. But then I come across a few texts from the Girl named Shannon.
"Brock, I can't believe that we got to meet face to face today. Maybe we should get together soon and go to that some area to party."
"I don't know, that was a really creepy place to have a party. Out in the middle of the woods and those guys in black..."
I reread that part and this was a clue to what happened to Brock. I copy and paste these texts and sent them to Lui.
"Who is this Shannon girl?
"Some girl on this dating app on his phone. They went to a party on April 31. Wait a minute, something just pop up on his phone!"
"Walpurgis Night Walpurgisnacht. Tonight we celebrate with a Sacrifice..."
I sent this to Lui on Brock's phone and it was from Shannon.
"That's the night of the Witches! I know some German and that's not a good sign!" Lui says
"What does it mean? Sacrifice?"
"It means a human sacrifice.." he says
"So, basically maybe Brock is the Human Sacrifice?"
"But where is he! He text me two days ago before you found the phone. He has to be around somewhere!" Lui says
"I will keep digging and see what I find."
"Send me any strange stuff." He says
I put the phone down and before I could say or do anything, I hear a sigh and then laughter.
I looked around and nobody was there but me. I knew it wasn't me laughing. This was freaky as hell and I need to figure out what is going on before it's too late!!
I was totally unaware that I was a fly in a Spiderweb waiting to be eaten by the Spider...
I hope you like this chapter!! See you in the next chapter!!
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