Harrison leaned against his car, tapping against his phone screen, swiping left and right as he tried to control his moving car across the screen. The sound of the zooming car blasted around the peaceful atmosphere of the private airstrip his car sat on. Maria sat in the car, windows rolled down with her hair swirling across her face even as she tried to secure it behind her ear. She was busy with some details with the company. They had gone over some pressing natters on the way to the airstrip; she intended to ply him with information before he took off.
Cassandra's car sped in, picking up dust as it drifted to a rough stop. He walked towards the car, ignoring the dust that it kicked up from its neck-breaking speed as the windows rolled down. A jubilant Cassandra poked her head out of the driver seat as he looked on with confused amusement. Harrison could spot Dylan in the back seat when he leaned in to kiss her.
The door slammed shut, and she took his outstretched hand, her handbag swaying with her hands. Her skirt was stylish, hugging her thighs with stray strips of material attached to the sides of the skirt blew with the wind. She looked happy even her hair was different; she had curled it some more.
"Hey." She beamed, and he smiled back, easily slipping an arm around her waist. She laughed, tossing her free hand around his neck and smiling wider as he kissed her. She sighed and stretched on her toes, allowing him to hold her tightly and lift her off the floor.
"You look like you are in a good mood?" she nodded, dropping another kiss on his lips, this one a little shorter than the first. "What happened?"
She shrugged; her handbag was passed over to a flight attendant as she moved towards the plane. Cassandra didn't care for the audience; she held onto his chin and turned him to face her as she kissed him again before she pulled back but kept their hands interlocked.
"Nothing. Just feeling good about having my ribs feeling so right." To emphasize, she flattened her arms against her stomach and patted the spot that had been sore for about a week, she couldn't pat it without flinching, but now she did. He slid his palm up and down her hips and dragged her closer for a small hug.
"Did you pack for the trip?"
Her answer was a nod and a twist to face the car where Dylan was unloading the trunk. She turned her head downwards, his hands supporting her hips as she turned to watch Dylan. "From this angle, I am counting way too many bags for a trip. I think my mom added something."
She pushed away from him, walking towards the car, where she began to check the labelled bags. Her manicured fingernails ran through every label, turned the bags left and right before pushing some back into the car, she gave Dylan a pat on the shoulder then she jogged back to him. Her feet hitting the concrete faster and faster.
"My mom packed some extra things." She sighed, slipping an arm around his waist and steering him towards the plane. He stretched his arm across her shoulder and dragged her closer to him, feeling the smooth rub of her clothes on his arm. She was small, not too short but short enough for his height, even in her heels, but he didn't mind. Letting go of her shoulders, he pulled her arm away from his hips and stepped aside as she mounted the stairs. Two guards standing at the door stepped out so they could enter, and she shared her smile with them.
"So, Mr Cooper is really going big after one try. If not for the confidence I have in my company, I would not even consider this at all. Should anything happen to the first line, it could affect the others that come after it."
"Confidence in your company? I am almost offended." He strapped himself into the seat and watched for her to do the same. She rolled her eyes and dragged the belt over her waist, making sure to pout as she secured it, then reached out to the seat and grabbed unto it. Once they were safely in the air, she released the seat; her fingers leaving a dent around the armrest. Harrison said nothing about it, choosing to just reach over and pat her hand softly. He unbuckled his belt and dragged the bucket of champagne closer to uncork it, filling a glass for Cassandra.
"Not a problem." He filled his own glass, stretching out as they clinked glasses before he took a sip. Okay, so our hotel and everything has been paid for and set. Luckily for me, you have a bedroom that connects to mine," he raised his hand up and smiled before she could speak. "Calm down; I don't plan to sneak in on you. I feel this is going to be a very long personal business trip for me, and you can't even think of saying no to my awesome plans."
"You sound like a teenager." She teased and turned her head to watch the flight attendants roll in with their food. She sipped her champagne and pushed the bottle aside as they placed the food down in front of them. "I switched the menu a bit, so I hope you won't mind the food."
The smell of steak hit his nose, and he licked his lips in response, dropping his glass on the table and rubbing his palms together while his eyes feasted on the food. "Oh, wow, how could I mind when the food not only smells but looks delicious as well."
"Here," he swallowed, closing one eye in thought. "Here is to not seeing our ex's for the next few days."
"Yes." She laughed into her palm, eyeing the food as she picked a shrimp. She dipped it into the sauce in front of her and savoured the food, sighing in contentment, "I can live this life for more than a few days. Is it me, or does this taste top shelf?"
"It's not you. I went for the best."
"One day, you'll have to take my flight and allow me to drive you in my car because you have been spoiling me too much." He nodded, and she grinned.
They shared laughs as they forked their steak and continued to talk about many different things. When their plates were cleared, Harrison stood from the chair and walked over to the speakers. He plugged his phone into the speakers, fiddling with his phone while Cassandra watched behind him. She was on the sofa, her shoes off and her legs dangling off the seat with a drink in her hand. They had a lot of hours on them; sitting around wasn't much of his plan.
As soon as the music started playing, Cassandra giggled, looking at him as he danced towards her. He wasn't the greatest dancer, but it was just the both of them, he didn't see why not. She laughed as he dragged her to her feet, resting one arm on his shoulder and holding her glass in the other. She swung around in his arms, smiling as she swayed to the music, her glass raised as she danced.
The plane was big enough, and they went crazy in it. Cassandra danced on the seats, holding his hand as they walked around. After they had exhausted themselves, they stretched out beside each other on the couch. She sat between his legs with her head against his chest; they watched the clouds from the window. She fell asleep like that, her arms resting over his, her breathing making her chest rise and fall softly. Harrison only held her, enjoying the moment in the silence.
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