Harrison stayed close by Cassandra's side as they sat together; his fingers gently folded in hers as they talked with Maria and Julia. His mother had been accommodating throughout the evening, trying not to ask too many questions while also trying not to make their discussions awkward. Her life was hers to live, and she was tired of leaving up to people's expectations when it never got her anywhere.
Her personal life aside, she looked around and smiled wildly at the beauty of the dim and bright lights mixing on everyone's face. The ushers seemed to enjoy their job; no one looked tired, and no one was complaining. Julia was the MC for the show, and she had barely said more than ten words since Cassandra arrived. Her eyes kept scanning the pages of the event order even as she contributed short answers to some of the chatter. Cooper had not arrived, but she was sure he would be there before the party began.
Keeping a close eye on her mother, who threw in a few kisses towards her whenever their eyes met, she fell back into conversation with Harrison. A few girlfriends, most of which she never kept in touch with, still came over to kiss and hug her while saying hello to Harrison.
He probably thought all this was coming easy to her, but she really was still afraid of failing. Late in the night, some time ago, she had sat by the pond, discussing by herself, and strangely it always helped. There were doubts in her mind, no question, but there was also a burning need to stop being weak. Her eyes dropped to their hands as they rested on the table, and she raised his hand to her lips so she could place a little kiss on it.
Almost, immediately he turned his head and looked her in the eye. With no questions, he leaned forward and dropped a small kiss on her lips. When he leaned away, she used her free finger to wipe the smudge of red lipstick off his lips, but she dropped her arms and turned back to Julia without a word.
"What's going on with the models?"
She looked up from the list and smiled as she dropped the microphone against the table, but she didn't reply immediately. She whispered something to Maria and listened to her answer before she smiled and returned the stare. "They are fine. The heels they chose and all the lingerie is set. By seven, we would begin the show, and we have a surprise for the both of you."
Harrison was as surprised as she was; he looked at her then turned a bored look over at Maria. Shantel had once joked that she had to watch the friendship between Maria and Harrison, but she really didn't feel threatened in the least. Why? She couldn't say, but she knew in her heart that there was nothing to be afraid of. They were good friends, and Cassandra saw nothing else to alarm her. She couldn't attack or suspect every woman that came near him.
Harrison returned the kiss on her hand before letting go and placing both his hands on his table. "I always thought you never told anyone to expect a surprise. Is it still a surprise when we both know about it?"
Maria shrugged and wiggled her tablet in front of their faces.
"Don't worry," she coaxed as she pushed the tablet into her purse, "It won't be anything degrading or mean. Julia and I placed so much effort into this, and we would really love for you to trust us on it."
All she did was fold her fingers back into Harrison's as she watched and listened for what he had to say. She couldn't say anything because if Julia was part of the planning, no threat would ever work. In hopes that he could cajole them into spilling the beans, she allowed him to speak.
As soon as his words settled in her ears, she dropped her head before turning to give him a bored stare while he sent her shrug as his only reply. Tightening her grip on his fingers, she allowed one long nail to poke deep into his palm and sent him a bright smile when he winced. Then, before he could say another word in protest to her assault on his palm, every bit of warmth dropped from her face.
The feeling of shock as her worst nightmare replaying right before her eyes; live and in HD. The moment Harrison set his eyes on Josephine, he was nearly up and out of his seat when she tightened her grip and dragged him back to sit where he was. As he turned to face her, confused by what she did, she draped her palm against his cheeks and shook her head without listening to the slow click of the woman's heels as she drew closer and closer.
"Not completely sure about you, but I know that I won't give her the satisfaction of getting on my nerves." Burring her emotions in her chest, she leaned forward and kissed his cheek, "This is our day. Luckily your company is still standing, so be happy. Okay?"
At that, he leaned back into his seat and scoffed at her before nodding in agreement. "We won't let her get away with making our day horrible, but please, my company made its way even with all your obstacles. We deserve that respect."
Feigning shock, she flattened her arm against her chest then allowed her lips to hang open for a while, "What obstacle did you face from me? Trust me if I put an obstacle in your way... you won't be standing here or sitting beside me either."
"Are you sure? I am pretty sure that pretty we faced and defeated all your hurdles."
He was trying to talk her into distraction, and she leaned into it, following his lead. It was sweet; she felt his cool fingers as they crawled over her neck before it settled. Sighing, she leaned into him some more, lost in her own little bubble of joy before a cough broke into her haze.
"Speaking of which, I am climbing up there, you know, in the ranks." He kissed her hand. "Since we are in a relationship, I wonder if it would be awkward when I overtake you? I wouldn't want to see you cry when I leave you in the dust."
"Oh, honey." She held his chin with her thumb and index finger, lifting one shoulder for him to see. "You see this shoulder right here, this very one. It would be waiting for your tears after I mop the floor with you."
Julia coughed again and rolled her eyes when Cassandra didn't bother speaking on the interruptions. Sending her an air kiss, she pulled up to her full height as she adjusted the sides of her gowns then patted her hair. Cassandra watched her walk away before she kissed Harrison again before sitting back on her
"Ready?" she queried with a smile, laughing when he tapped a finger against her nose, wearing a smile of his own.
Just as planned, the night was more than a success. They were getting offers from all sides, people preordering before the products were on the market. Of course, she knew there would be negative reviews, but she didn't have the heart to focus on any of that while celebrations were going on. Cooper loved all the designs, and his wife did as well. It was encouraging that he promised to find more projects for them to work on together. Of course, nothing happened perfectly in her world, so she had Josephine watching her back all night.
After an awkward goodbye to Harrison, with Josephine watching, he made plans to come over to her house and keep her company because her mother was flying out right after the party. Every fibre of her being wanted to disagree, but she said yes anyway, ignoring the looks of disgust Josephine threw like daggers. They agreed on a time to meet, and he left right after that, so did she, heading straight for her car that Dylan was bringing around.
She arrived at her house and waved goodbye to Dylan as he left before walking in, strutting up the stairs to her room. She was exhausted, from moving around, her speech and all the weeks of work that went into all of it. It was a surprise that she didn't crash in the back see of her car.
Gently zipping down her gown as she stood in front of the mirror, she watched as it slid over her shoulders, calves and then pooled unceremoniously to the floor. Next, she kicked off her heels then paraded around her room, dancing to the music in her underwear as the tub filled with water. The music and the thrill of success built up her good mood, adding to the quick movements of her feet as they pattered to the beat.
Harrison called earlier, when she arrived home, to inform her that he would shower and be on his way over to her house. She loved that idea more than anything her mind could cook up.
When she undressed, she moved into the tub and sighed at the warm water filled with scents of blueberries from her perfumed soap. She stayed in the tub until the water cooled before she drew herself up to her feet and wrapped her towel around her body. Just as she stepped out of the bathroom, a bang from something downstairs caught her attention. Looking towards her door, she immediately ran to the closet and threw on a pair of shorts and a top. She draped her robe over her body and pushed the door open.
"Harrison?" she called loudly, with a small smile on her face as she paced towards the staircase. He loved sneaking up on her, which was why she made sure, at least, to lock her doors, but he had a way of always coming in without her noticing. Jokingly slamming her hand against the wall, "I have a weapon. Whoever you are."
When she landed on the last step, she giggled as she rushed over to the parlour and then the hall, but there was no one around. Now she frowned and listened for any movement, but there was none, not from downstairs or upstairs. Laughing at her own foolishness, she ran up the stairs, playfully watching her feet as she moved.
She wasn't looking.
She didn't get a chance to see the hand before it shoved her back down the twenty-seven flights of stairs. The darkness didn't encroach on her or take her swiftly into peace like they once told her it did. Oh no, she felt it all, the pain, the bruising of her back muscles and ribs as she tumbled down the staircase. The roughness of the wooden floors marred her skin, biting into her exposed skin, snipping at it and reddening it. Her body landed hard against the floor, her mouth feeling like wet cotton as the darkness then chose to come over her.
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