Mark snickered, lowering the folder down to the table and slinking back on his seat. "You were right about one thing. She is a woman of impeccable character and beauty."
"And wealth," Harrison added, taking a sip from his wine glass and smiling.
It was over a month since his father passes, and he felt cornered at both fronts of his life; private and business. He would never describe himself as 'spoiled' or 'conceited' but, he couldn't classify himself as a businessman either, seeing as he had never really run one. His college degrees and studies were child's play when matched to his lifestyle of travels and carefreeness. All that did a complete three-sixty when his mom called to inform him his father had passed.
Working was new to him, and he was adjusting as quickly as he could. Not only to the office schedules but also with how he had to juggle the time he spent. With the amount of work he had to do, he spent less time at home and even less where his girlfriend, Josephine, was concerned. It had made their relationship a little tense, but he planned to correct that later during the week. For now, his main problem was Cassandra Hernández.
"I sent the offer she made for the company back to her a few days ago but I haven't gotten a reply."
"Reply?" Mark barked out in laughter, rubbing his palms over his khaki trousers as he looked over the balcony. "You basically told the woman to take a hike. Not in those words, I know, but the actions kind of speak for themselves. What kind of reply are you expecting?"
Harrison smiled at that, "Right. I think I am judging her based on her very public reputation. You hear people speak of her like she is the myth around this town. They say she is ruthless in business and even more so when crossed. I figured she would raise hell when she got my refusal. I am dealing with a lot right now; I don't know if I want to add her to my issues?"
"Amongst other things." Harrison sighed, exhausted. He scrubbed his face with his palms then ran his fingers through his hair. "After my dad's burial, I have just been working, working, working. You dragging me out here to eat is probably the only break I have today. I have my new assistant coming in to work soon, and I will have to leave in the next twenty minutes to meet her. Back-to-back meetings, plans and designs to go through."
Mark tsked, using his knuckles to push the wine bottle towards Harrison. "You might need more of that."
"What I need more of is coffee. I need to be energetic, not drunk."
The restaurant that was barely filled when they entered was crowded with people now. They sat in one of the rows by the balcony, overlooking the busy city. The restaurant, living up to its name, had bright red umbrellas positioned at the centre of each polish mahogany table. It protected them from the sun as they ate their breakfast.
Harrison took another savoury bite of his Denver omelette, chewing as he looked around. "Don't think I ever thanked you for bringing me here. The food is amazing."
"So, is their wine." They clinked glasses, and Harrison agreed. "You have been away for a long time, and some things have grown out of your memory, but give it time. You will fall in tune, and soon, maybe you'd be the one showing me places."
"Is there a place you don't know already?"
Harrison choked on his wine, lifting his hand to his mouth to catch himself before he spoiled his shirt. He managed to swallow the drink, coughing out the rest of his surprise. "What?"
"Your girlfriend is walking this way."
Harrison turned just as she reached their table and stood, hugging Josephine firmly. She kissed him in greeting before walking around the table to hug Mark as well. He kissed her cheek and pulled a chair out for her. Josephine thanked him half-heartedly, her eyes glued on Harrison as she took the seat, reaching forward to grasp his hand.
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming out to eat? I could have joined you."
"And I am leaving." Mark smiled, checking his watch for the time as he tried to eat the remainder of his breakfast. He gulped his wine down and kissed Josephine nosily on the cheek. "I'll leave you in good hands, Harry. Talk to you later?"
Harrison shook his hand, nodding with a grin. "Of course, man, thanks."
Josephine watched him leave, her cherry lips stretching in a coy smile. Her hair was different from when he saw her three days ago. He was used to seeing different hairstyles on her, he usually marvelled at how they all seemed to fit her oval face and plump cheeks. Her hair was straight today, flowing freely with the wind, highlighted by light brown colours at the tip.
"You look beautiful, babe."
"Thanks, but that doesn't get you out of my question." She traced his jawline with a finger. "You could have called. Or at least texted."
Harrison nodded, he was too tired to argue or give his reasons. "I am sorry. I have the weekend free. What do you say we correct this date and make it then? I have so much to do, I don't want to leave you eating by yourself."
"As always." She sighed. Her eyes fell on the folder by his side and she picked it up. Carefully, she opened it, her eyes widening when she saw the first page clipped inside the folder. "Cassandra Hernández?"
"Yeah." Harrison shrugged, draining his cup and reaching for the bottle. "She sent me a proposal a few weeks back. Well, to be truthful she sent it to my father, but since he couldn't reply, I had to do it."
Harrison frowned thoughtfully, he tapped the napkin against his lips, chewing and watching Josephine look down at the folder. "You know her?"
Josephine nodded solemnly, tossing the folder down. She crossed her legs and shrugged her bare shoulders. "You can say that. Not personally, but we went to high school together, and she was... well she was a very impressionable character even back then. She was one of those girls who had everything. The triple threat, the boys used to call it. Seeing her now, I am sure the men will agree. Money, brains and beauty."
"Josephine," he teased, taking her hand. "Is that jealousy I hear in your voice."
When she slipped her hand out of his, he got his answer. "I know the effect Cassandra has on people. She walks in and steals the room. She did it back then. I do not doubt that she does it now. Everyone just is drawn to her, and she acts like she doesn't notice. I want to call her shallow, but I never interacted with her personally enough for that. Yet, I know what I saw."
Harrison knew that 'The Ice Queen of Santa Montes' was a ruthless businesswoman. He also knew that she was actively pursuing the expansion of her business. Still, Harrison did not get the sense of her being snobbish, but then again, the woman refused to let his father's company rest from her claws.
"Josephine, I am in the business now. I will have to know people. I don't think Cassandra Hernández is someone you should be jealous about."
Josephine snort was a strong indication that she didn't believe a word he said. He tried not to be offended, he hadn't been the best boyfriend of late, it made sense that she wouldn't have much trust in him at that moment. He knew coming out for breakfast with Mark without inviting her still ate at her. Still, he didn't think he would have to defend himself when it came to this, it wasn't like he even knew the woman.
"Whatever you say. I just want you to know that I know the kind of woman Cassandra is. You might not want to be attracted to her, but it could happen. I said it before, she is like a magnet, just sucking in everything within range."
Harrison bit the insides of his mouth, skilfully looking down at his watch to see that he was running late. He listened to Josephine rant, then took her hand in his to say firmly, "trust me. This is business, and you don't need to be threatened by a girl you knew in high school."
"I have to run." He slipped some money out of his wallet and dropped it down on the table. Josephine wasn't too pleased to hear this, but she took his hand when he offered it. "I promise I will make it up to you on the weekend."
Josephine didn't reply, and she jumped into her car the moment they stepped out of the building with a small goodbye to him. Harrison threw his head back, his hands shoved into the front of his suit pants. Josephine was a lovely girlfriend, except when her jealousy kicked in. He never knew if he should leave her alone to wallow and walk out of it or talk to her. Sometimes both choices didn't yield positive results.
Choosing to let her talk herself out of her past fear with Cassandra, he drove back to work. His new assistant was waiting for him when he arrived. She wore a long-stripped skirt with a tucked in sleeve shirt, and her hair was pulled into a ponytail, revealing her studded earrings and making her smile seem brighter. She had a confident demeanour, Harrison laughed to himself, he could already imagine the drama that would unfold the next time Josephine stopped by to visit. If a picture got her jealous, the sight of his new assistant might send her into a rage.
"Good morning."
"Maria Angeles Jonathan. Nice to meet you, sir." They shook hands, and she widened her smile. "It's a real pleasure to start working with you."
"I read your resume and saw the recommendations. They praise you, call you efficient, immaculate with detail and reliable."
"I am all that." She nodded firmly. "I am going to work triple time to make sure everything you need to work as well is always ready for you."
"Amazing." He dropped her hand, looking towards the desk that sat in front of his office. "Have you settled in?"
"Yes. I was preparing some documents for you to sign and also to fill you in on a few meetings you have lined up." Maria walked into the office behind him. "Before anything else, you had a call here this morning. Miss Claymont, your girlfriend. She was calling to check-in, but I had to inform her that you were out."
Harrison shook his head. "She already saw me. Let me hear what's in store for me today."
Maria didn't waste any time and immediately takes a seat. He shoved the folder on Cassandra into the drawer of his table and pushed it shut. Whatever Josephine's relationship with Cassandra had been, he will deal with that bridge later. Whatever Cassandra's plans with his company might be, he will deal with that bridge some other time. What mattered most, at the moment, no matter the stress he was under, was his father's company.
Now his company.
He didn't intend to fail at it, not for a single second.
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