4.First Meeting(Edited)
A-I can't believe you're getting married in a week.
She is still in shock and the first time Twinkle told her that she is going to marry a guy who has a two years old son.She literally freaked out.
She thought her friend must be mad to get married just because she doesn't want the child to end up with a cruel step mother like hers
A-There are si many children out there with stepmothers like yours.Would you be able to save them all? What are you?Their fairy Godmother?She freaked out
T-No i wouldn't be able to do that but atleast i will be able to give a better life to this one child.I know you must be thinking me crazy for taking such a drastic step but i have been in Ansh's place and i know how it feels to be hated whole life by the people whom you calls family.I have wondered so many times is it difficult to accept someone else's child as your own.
And see looks like God has given me a chance to find it myself.
Alisha stood there for a minute staring her friend then said "You are unbelievable"She exclaimed throwing her hands up in the air making Twinkle chuckle.
She knew that Alisha is just worried about her and it made her heart swell with contemptment for having such a great friend.
T-Yeah i am so nervous.
She is glad that Alisha understood her and supporting her in this decision
A-Have you talked to your fiance?
She tried to look down to hide her blush
A-Oh my god! Are you blushing ??
Alisha squealed as she nudged her arm playfully.
T-What no i am not
She protested with a pout
Alisha kept teasing her until they heard Yuvraj's deep voice behind them
Uv- Hey girls,what are laughing at?
Twinkle's laugh died down the moment her eyes landed on him.She knew he had feelings for her and she
was waiting for right moment to tell him her marriage news
She shifted her gaze to Alisha who gestured her with eyes to drop the bomb.She sighed and decided to give him the simple invitation Nisha had managed to get designed for her wedding.
T-Hey UV i have something for you.
She pulled out the invitation card from her bag and gave him.
His smile disappeared when he read on the names "Kunj weds Twinkle"
T-I am getting married in a week,it happened so fast that I didn't get the chance to tell you before.
Yuvraj's eyes were fixed on card.He didn't know how to react to it.Even after her rejection he had hope that she would give him a chance one day.
He tore his eyes from invitation and looked at Twinkle.He forced a smile on his face.
Uv- "Congratulations..I am happy for you.
Twinkle could see the dejection in his eyes and felt sorry for him.There was nothing she could do but she believed that he would get someone better than her as his life partner.
T-Thanks it's a simple wedding and we have called only close family members and friends.I want you to come
UV smiled at her with a pained expression on his face.
Uv-I will be there,i promise.
Alisha heaved a sigh that didn't go unnoticed by Alisha's heart crushed inside to see the sudden gloom on UV's face .She knew that Twinkle has a special place in his heart and for the first time in these four years,she wished that it was her instead of Twinkle whom UV liked.She would have readily agreed to date him.
Alisha drove Twinkle back to her massi's house before waving at her 'See you tomorrow '.
T-Bye see you.
Twinkle wanted to tell her friend that it was ok if she wanted to date Yuvraj but decided against it .She didn't want Alisha to rush into anything and wanted things to happen on its own pace.
She walked inside and saw her Massi who was beautifully dressed.
T(teasingly)- Are you going on a dinner date Massi?
She had a naughty grin on her face.
N-Yes darling
Twinkle's wide eyes widened more listening this. Offcourse it's her life and she can do whatever she want to.
Nisha chuckled at her niece's cute expression.
N-I am joking beta ,we are going out for dinner
'Oh', Twinkle smiled back at her.
N-Now go and get ready fast.Kunj will be here in an hour.
She said pushing her in room
Twinkle stopped in her tracks as soon as she heard the name Kunj
T-Who is coming ?
N-Kunj, you haven't meet him yet and there is only one week left for your wedding.You should get to know each other.Seeing sudden panic in Twinkle's eyes she continued
But don't worry Avantika and i will be there with you guys.
Twinkle stood there fidgeting with her fingers until Nisha came closer to her
N-Are you nervous ?
T-A little
N-Don't be.Kunj is a great guy and i am sure he would like you the moment his eyes land on you.
She winked at her and Twinkle gave a small smile to her.
Within minutes she managed to shower and got ready in a navy blue anarkali that hugged her waist perfectly and flared at bottom .
She had never felt so jittery before not even when she was asked by her chief doctor to make an incision on a pregnant woman's tummy for the first time.Her palms were sweaty and feet felt like ice cold.
When Kunj reached home his mother
asked him to get ready for a family dinner with Twinkle and Nisha.Ansh was looking excited to go out as he stretched his hands towards his dada to carry him
K-Mom i am tired,can we have it some other day? He said taking Ansh in his arms and kissing his forehead.
Kunj was glad that he didn't have to meet the girl for another week until wedding,but his mother his two steps ahead of him ,she arranged a dinner for them which he was least interested to attend.
A-No way i have already told them about dinner and we can't cancel it on last minute.She took Ansh from him.
Hurry up .We need to pick them up.
K-But mom i am not ready for all this.If you don't remember i already told you not to expect anything from me.
Let me remind you again i am marrying her only for my son.
He rubbed his forehead frustratedly.
A-Kunj what you are doing is totally wrong, think about the girl .This is her first time she is getting married unlike you.How can she learn to love your son if you are not a caring husband who showers her with love she deserves.
His mother had a point,what if she showed all the frustration on his son?
God! now he had to act like a caring husband.He wanted to bang his head somewhere,why he agreed to marry again?
Much against his heart he had to get ready.He walked out of his house with his mother behind him carrying Ansh.
There was no traffic on the road so they reached at Nisha's house within an hour.
N-Twinkle they're here
Twinkle's breathe hitched in her throat.She breathed in and out to calm herself and went down without delay.
As she entered the hall she found herself staring at a pair of brown eyes.
A little over six feet tall with broad shoulders and thick black hairs which were gelled perfectly,Kunj stood at the door, warmly talking to Nisha.He was wearing a pair of faded blue jeans with white shirt.
Twinkle had meet a lot of attractive men in her life but Kunj was the first one to make her heart thump in her chest.She started to feel butterflies dancing wildly in her tummy.
N-Ah meet Twinkle,my niece
Twinkle heard Nisha saying but couldn't peel her eyes off Kunj's face.
K-Hi.. Twinkle ... I'm Kunj
Twinkle didn't know she was staring at him until he stands in front of her bringing her out of her dreamland.
Then only she noticed that he is standing with his hand stretched in front of her
T-Hi... Please to meet you.She shook her hand with him and felt an electric spark at his touch.
She noticed that the smile which he had earlier was now disappeared.
She didn't think much about it and turned her attention towards her favourite person Ansh.
He took a few seconds to recognise Twinkle but when he did he gave her a shy grin.
T-Hey Ansh baby.... Remember me?
Twinkle cooed at his ear as she softly tickled his side, making him chuckle and bury in face in his grandmother's neck
A-He's shy.She rubbed his back lovingly.How are Twinkle beta?
T-I am fine aunty.
A-Stop calling me aunty,it's mom now.
After all you are going to be my daughter in law soon.
The drive to the restaurant was filled with Nisha's and Avantika's constant talks.Twinkle was made to sit beside Kunj on passenger seat while others took the backseat.Kunj was awfully quiet during the whole drive.
Reaching the restaurant Avantika made Twinkle sit beside Kunj with Ansh in his arms.She thought this way they will be able to talk to each other.
Twinkle buried her face in the menu book in an attempt to hide herself somewhere.Her eyes were on menu but actually she was lost.She was feeling nervous, uncomfortable and awkward all at once.
K-What would you like to have?
He asked her which caused her to look at him for a spilt second then again she looked at menu.
She hadn't decided yet and read the first thing her eyes landed on.
T- Ehmm I'll have vermicelli chicken biryani,when in real she doesn't like this dish much.
Ansh being very active baby tried to grab everything that was placed on the table.Kunj was having a difficult time diverting his mind from the cutlery in front of him.This was the first time after his wife's death that he is having food at a restaurant so he had no idea that Ansh can become so energetic just by looking at forks and spoons.
Kunj was feeding Ansh soup when he flailed his little hand in the air causing the spoon full of hot soup landing on Twinkle's upper body and lap.
Ouchh.. Twinkle jumped on her feet while Kunj too stood up giving Ansh to Avantika.
K-I am sorry He grabbed some tissues and handed her.
T-It's alright, please don't worry
She assured him and took the tissues from his hand and started to wipe the stain on her clothes.
Much to Kunj's surprise Twinkle acted very naturally more coolly he would say as he expected her to snap at his son for ruining her dress.
T-I didn't know you could be so handful.She grinned at Ansh who giggled as he understood what she meant.
K-Are you okay i am extremely sorry for that.He asked again as they took their seats.
T-No problem.
She gave him a beautiful smile.Kunj thought she looks pretty when she smiles but unfortunately nothing would made him attracted to her,he kept telling himself mentally.
In a while their food arrived, Nisha and Avantika kept conversing with each other to avoid the silence.
When Avantika realised that Kunj wasn't going to talk to Twinkle,she kicked at his leg under the table causing him to look at her.
She made some eye movements at her grumpy son , gesturing him to make a move, causing him to roll his eyes.
K-So Twinkle,you are a student right?
He asked when he already knew the answer.
T-Yes i am in final year. She slightly shifted on her seat so that she could face him and noticed that he just nodded at her reply
She expected him to ask her something else but he didn't making her disappointed.He just kept his focus on his food.
T-What do you do?
She didn't know from where she got this much courage to ask him.
K-I run a construction company.He didn't want to go inside his career details so kept his answer blunt .
She nodded and lowered her head.
When they were done with the desert Kunj called waiter to bring the bill.
Twinkle kept playing with Ansh until they reached Nisha's home .Kunj and Avantika got down the car to bid them
He bid farewell to Nisha and turned towards Twinkle making her heart flutter in excitement
K-It was nice meeting you Twinkle
He said with no expression.
T-It was nice meeting you too
She said looking down at her feet
K-Alright see you later, Good night.
He turned and left even without waiting for her reply making her upset.She had expected him to ask for her number or atleast give her his number.
Seeing the disappointment in her eyes which was clearly visible, Avantika took her hands in hers
A-I am sorry for his rudeness Twinkle.He needs some time as he is still mourning over his wife's death.
All i am asking you to be a little patient and give him sometime.
And i promise with time he will learn to love you.
Twinkle nodded at her as tucked her loose locks behind her hear.They hear a impatient honk from the car which made them turn.Avantika wanted to smack her son's head so badly.
A-I am sorry,i think Ansh must be feeling sleepy, Goodnight.
She hugged Twinkle before leaving.
T(to herself)-What else were you expecting from him?He is a widower and he must have loved his wife so much that he still grieving over it.
She was a little disappointed.
It was clear that he is marrying her just because his son needed a woman to take care of him.She promised herself that she wouldn't expect anything more from him.
A-Did yo really had to be so rude with her?
K(argued)- That wasn't being rude.
A-Did you see the disappointment in her eyes?
K-Oh really mom, what else were you expecting from me?
A-Kunj, you are not being fair to that poor girl.
K-Mom please give me a break,i am tired of your drama.He threw his jacket on couch.'This is why i didn't want to go for dinner.
She heard him say when he walked past her
Thats it for today guys
Hope you liked it.
Kindly vote and comment your views about the chapter.
Now i will not be able to update my stories regularly as my exams are coming and i have to study.So i will update any of them randomly.
Thank you so much ❤️❤️
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