As days passed, Abhishek began to show up at Natasha's house unannounced , demanding for more money.
N- Seriously Abhishek ? How much more money do you want?
Natasha crossed her arms over her chest and gave him a hard glare.
A- Natasha I hope you don't want to face any unnecessary trouble by refusing to give me any money.
He said with a smirk
N- What would you do? Go to court? Expose my lies? She raised her eyebrows and him questioningly.
'I don't care. Do whatever you want I'm not going to spend another rupee of mine on you. But remember it ,you won't be able to walk out of it without facing any lawsuit, since you equally lied to the court. She spoke vehemently. She was done with his threatening game and she blindly believed that Kunj would favour her in case Abhishek tried to expose her at the court.
A-You will pay for this. He said pointing his forefinger at her and began walking backwards.
N-Like I said do whatever you want... She groaned before slamming the door on his face.
'Fuck... Fuck... Why did I have to pull this idiot into this?'
She cursed walking back into the living room. She slumped on the couch where Ansh was rolled into a ball. He wasn't sleeping but his eyes were closed tightly while he was sucking his thumb.
N-Hey baby! She scooted closer to touch him but he winced before kicking her hand and crawling to the edge of the couch.
'You little...' she growled lowly. She wanted to be close to Ansh but he wasn't ready to mingle with anyone in the house. She never saw him play, sleep or eat without protesting. It was like Ansh had forgotten to laugh after coming to this house. All he did was to whine about going back to his annoying step mother.
Natasha didn't understand what trick she had done on Ansh but she was aware that if she had to take a place in Kunj's heart, she had to got closer to Ansh and gain his love just like Twinkle did.
An idea popped in her mind. She suddenly decided to take Ansh out for shopping. He was crazy about cars. Even when he was upset, he used to spend his time playing with his cars, alone.
She thought she could take him to a toy shop and bribe him with hell lot of toys. That would definitely take his mind off Twinkle and get him closer to her,she presumed.
N-Ansh,shall we go out? Sne asked excitedly but he looked uninterested and laid there unaffected by her offers.
'How about we go to the toy shop and buy some new cars? Monster cars, bikes and aeroplanes?'
She asked again and this time she thought she got a slight response from Ansh when he glanced up at her.
N-What do you say? Let's go?
She huffed, giving up on him when he climbed down the couch and walked out silently. But to her utter surprise, a moment later he came out of his room fully dressed and ready to go.
N- That's my boy! Just give me minute and I'll be back... She strode into her room and came back with her bag. She placed Ansh on the baby seat and drove him to the largest toys showroom in the city.
Helping down Ansh from the car, for the first time she noticed a twinkle in his eyes.
N-Come... She took his hand and walked him inside. Entering inside,he vanished into the piles of toys, squealing loudly. He grabbed every car that came in his sight, throwing the best ones into a trolley.
His face beamed brightly when his eyes fell on the tow mater and MC queen car combo pack.
Natasha laughed as she followed behind him in slow steps. She decided to take pictures of his gleeful face and
show Kunj how happy Ansh was with her. She quickly pulled out her phone, and clicked some pictures of her and Ansh together before sending it to Kunj.
When she didn't get any text from him, she impatiently dialled his number.
K-Hello. She heard his gruff voice.
N-Hey Kunj! Did you see Ansh's picture which I sent you?
The line was silent for sometime as he checked the photos.
K- Where are you two? He asked after a long silence.
N- I brought him to his favourite toy shop. Did you see how happy he is?
She asked him in delight.
'You know when we get together, we should come here often as a family.'
She spoke on phone shyly causing Kunj to roll his eyes.
He wanted to say in your dreams. It was never going to happen.
K-Sure. He muttered instead. Just take care of him. He often tends to get lost in crowded places. He warned.
N-Oh don't worry about him. He is absolutely safe with me. She assured him and before she could say anything more,he hung up.
She groaned and went back to join Ansh. She got him almost everything on which he laid his hands on. It wasn't a big deal for Natasha with a huge bank balance. All she wished for was to show Kunj that Ansh had forgotten his step mother and moved on. She wished she had saved Twinkle's number so that she could send her pictures and rub it on her face.
After a fulfilled shopping, she took him to an ice cream parlour.
N-What flavour do you want, sweetheart?
A-Tawberry. He said without looking up at his Massi. He was rolling his car on the table.
N-Alright, strawberry it is. She placed their orders and began to post their pictures. She started uploading both of their pictures on her Instagram profile with a satisfactory grin on her face. Soon she got involved herself with replying to each and every comment on their pictures, totally forgetting about Ansh, who started to walk towards the door without his massi's knowledge.
Ansh stopped walking when he saw a man whose face was almost covered with his huge hoddie.
M-Hey little fellow,do you want to go back to your mumma? The man asked pointing back at his car that was parked on the other side of the road.
A-Yes I want Mumma. He replied in his babyish tone. He was holding onto his all cars tightly as the man carried him and disappeared from the place as fast as he could.
The next time Natasha took her eyes off her phone screen, Ansh wasn't sitting where he was a few minutes ago.
N-Ansh.... Ansh... Her eyes roamed around the shop looking for him.
Hi ,did you see a little boy going out of here? She asked the manager of the shop.
No, but you can ask the security if you want to... He replied coolly.
She jogged out tonthe security guard.
N-Did you see a little boy walking out of here?
S-Yes mam, he went out with a man.
N-What? Why didn't you stop him and alert me? She shrieked out angrily.
S-Sorry mam, but I didn't know he's your child. I thought he was with the man. He shrugged.
N-Fuck off, she pushed him aside and ran out to look for Ansh. Her pulse rate began to race up when she didn't find him anywhere out in the streets. Sne began to search for Ansh frantically but all in vain.
N-Oh my God, Kunj is going to kill me. Where did this brat go? She combed her hairs for the hundredth time in the past two hours."Shit". She murmured and pulled out her phone to inform her parents about Ansh's disappearance.
N-Dad, I took Ansh to an ice cream parlour but lost him while I was paying the bill. She explained with a slight change.
'What are you saying Natasha? How can you be so careless? Her dad freaked out.
N-Dad, I'm sorry. I swear I wasn't being careless. He is just too handful at times .
'Where are you now?'He questioned.
Send me the location and I'll will come there with my guards to look for him.
N-Thanks dad. She waited for her dad to come. Meanwhile she roamed around the streets, going into every shop on her way. Soon her dad came and a vigorous search for the three year old began around the place.
It was midnight when they finally decided to involve the police
D- Natasha,call Kunj to ask if Ansh is with him. Her dad suggested before filing a missing complaint to the police.
N-But dad he will kill me. Her body shook with dread when she thought about what Kunj is capable of when he is angry.
D-No one will be able to hurt my princess. It wasn't really your fault that Ansh got lost. He patted her back encouragingly.
With shaky hands, she dialed his number. Her first call went unanswered but he answered when he tried again.
K(sleepily)- Hello.
N- Kunj , it's me Natasha.
K- It's almost midnight for god's sake, Natasha. What do you want? He groaned in frustration.
She gulped. Somehow she knew that Ansh wasn't with him but she decided to try her luck.
N- K...Kunj, is Ansh with you by any chance?
K- What? Ansh? His sleep flew out of the window the moment he heard her ask that.
'Why would Ansh be with me?'
He waited for her to explain what was going on.
'Natasha where is Ansh?' ' What did you do this time?'
He peeld off the sheets and jumped out of the bed.
N-I...I didn't do anything,Kunj. I swear. He went missing all of a sudden .
K-Cut it Natasha. I don't want your fucking excuses. Where's my boy? Where is he? His shrill voice filled her ears.
N-We are looking for him. We would get him soon. She promised uncertainly.
K-You better be or i will fucking kill you all. He sounded like a freaking phychopath with the way he was screaming at her.
She nodded even though Kunj couldn't see her before ending the call and breaking down into tears.
A-I want to go to mumma.Ansh sounded sleepy. He was being driven around the whole city until they reached the city's limits late in the night.
'Your mumma is waiting there for you.' The man said pointing agar into the dark. And the man was none other than Abhishek. From the driver seat he opened the door letting Ansh walk out in the middle of nowhere.
Ab- Wait here,your mumma will come and take you home.
Ansh nodded clutching his toys against his chest. He spotted a bench few feets away and walked towards it.
He climbed on it and decided to wait until his mumma came to take him back. Though the night was cold and dark, it didn't't bother him because he was happy and eager to go back to his mumma.
He sat trembling on the bench due to chilling wind that pierced through his skin until his eyelids dropped and he became drowsy.
Avantika startled up to her son's loud screams from his bedroom. She saw he was talking to someone on the phone before throwing it angrily on the bed.
A-Kunj, what's wrong? She went closer to him and placed her hand on his shoulder.
K- Mom , Ansh is missing. His voice came out as harsh breaths.
A- What do you mean he is missing? She became nervous and confused.
How could a child suddenly got missing in the middle of the night.
K- Natasha took him out in the evening and he's missing since then.
He answered in a heavy tone.
A- You mean he is missing since the evening and she thought of informing you only now?How can that woman be so careless? Oh God, i hope my baby is safe. She prayed by joining her hands.
K-Mom, i need to go.
A- Please take care,Kunj.
Kunj nodded grabbing the car keys and hurrying out of the house.
He drove to the spot where Natasha had asked him to come. The police had already reached the spot along with a search and rescue team to find the child.
One of the officers was taking down her statement. Natasha's eyes flickered towards Kunj who looked like nothing less than a raging bull.
She averted her eyes fearing for her life and kept giving details where Ansh was seen last and when she noticed him gone.
'Thank you miss '. The young cop walked away.
N-Kunj, it really wasn't my fault. Ansh was being really naughty. She began to prove herself innocent.
K-Even now also all you care about is yourself, right? Do you even have an idea what he might be going through now? This is why I told you that you are unfit to raise a child. He said in a bitter tone. Pray to God that Ansh is safe or no one can save you from me this time, Natasha. He rasped causing a shiver ran down her spine before he moved to the police officer to get the details about the search mission.
Kunj was busy talking to the police officer when something caught his attention.His mom's car being parked at a distance. He excused himself and began to walk near the car but stopped midway when he saw Twinkle getting down from the car.
K-Twinkle? What are you doing here? His legs slowly dragged him near her.
T-Mom called me. Have you found him yet? Her eyes wandered around the place to see if Ansh was anywhere in sight .
K-No... But they are doing everything they can to find him. He assured moving closer to her. His heart was hammering within his chest after seeing Twinkle so many days but sadly she didn't spare a glance at him.
'It's cold out here ,Jaan. Why don't you
be in the car.'
T-I am fine,Kunj. I don't want to sit inside and chill when my baby is missing. Let's go and help the police in locating Ansh.
Twinkle walked past where Natasha was standing with her back facing Twinkle.
Twinkle turned her around and didn't give her a minute to realise what was going around and landed a tight slap on Natasha's cheek.
T-If you dare to come near him next time , i wouldn't stop myself from killing you and .... I don't give a damn about what court decides because once we find him, I'm not letting you take him away from me.
Twinkle shot a murderous glare at Natasha who stood stunned there by Twinkle's little action.
' Mr. Sarna, we found a child a few kilometres away from the city and i think it's Ansh. The police officer informed causing everyone to rush to the location.They reached the place within minutes. A team of policeman and paramedics was already present there.
K-Where is he? He asked as soon as he got down from the car.
'He's in the ambulance '. The officer guided Kunj and Twinkle towards the van where Ansh was tucked under layers of blankets. ' He was found freezing on the bench over there. He is running a high fever now but other than that ,he is fine, no injuries.'
Twinkle didn't wait for the officer to finish as she got inside the vehicle.
T-Ansh... Hearing her voice,Ansh shot open his eyes wide.
A-Mumma... He pushed away the blankets from his body and lunged in her arms.'Mumma...' His body began to shiver as he cried in her warm and familiar embrace that he missed so much.
T- My baby, I missed you so much....
She tightened her arms around him. His baby scent filled her nostrils, making her want to cry. She kept kissing all over his face.
'You are shivering, sunshine. '
She picked him up and she sat on the seat as she wrapped the blanket on both of their bodies.
She kept rubbing him with her warm palms while he snuggled more into her, feeling warm and homely.
Kunj followed them into the ambulance. He perched onto the seat and pulled them both into his strong hold.
If Ansh could feel love and affection in his mother's embrace, he could feel safe and secure in his father's embrace. This was what he needed. A safe and loving environment, which he could call a family not a life away from them where he felt scared and alone.
Twinkle didn't mind Kunj's hands around her body. She knew Ansh needed it badly and she could manage for her baby's sake.
Mr. Sarna we need to take Ansh to a children's home until further notice from the court. The officer said politely.
K-What the hell! He shouted at the officer for suggesting something like that.' Why a home?'
Ms. Natasha Kapoor told us about the legal battle and the court's decision to not give the child's custody to you but at the same time we can't send him with his massi due to her negligence.
You may have to go back to the court to get back his custody, but until then the child will be staying at the home.
K-No way ,I am letting that happen..
Kunj said pouring all his strength in his voice. You can do whatever you want but I'm not sending my son anywhere this time.
"I am sorry in that case we are free to arrest you." The officer threatened in his authoritative voice.
T-Officer. Twinkle came to negotiate this time. Please try to understand he needs us right now. He is sick and taking him away from us will only worsen his condition. Please let us take him home.
She pleased causing the old man's heart to melt for the mother and son.
He sighed, Okay but let me warn you that child care authorities wouldn't let him stay at your house for too long. The child eventually have to go to the children's home.
He began to walk away but stopped and turned around. Deep inside he wanted to help the child to reunite with the couple,who seemed to be like his real parents.
O- In case you want to stop all those drama, you can file a case of negligence against that woman. We already have all the CCTV footages from the parlour and we can submit it in the court during the trials. All the best Mr. Sarna.
T-Thank you so much,officer . Twinkle thanked him.
The officer nodded and walked away with a gentle pat on Kunj's shoulder.
Since Ansh clearly refused to go with Natasha,the police let Kunj and Twinkle take Ansh home after considering his health. Natasha created a huge scene but shut up when the police officer threatened to arrest her.
It was still early in the morning when Kunj and Twinkle got home with Ansh. Avantika was very surprised to see her grandson back. What she expected that Kunj and Twinkle would come back home saying he was found and they sent him back with Natasha but definitely not this.
Ansh too was happy to be back home but he couldn't express his happiness
since he was tired and burning with high fever. Twinkle wiped his body with warm water and changed into a fresh pair of clothes. She gave him a dose of paracetamol and antibiotics to reduce his fever
Kunj and Twinkle laid on their bed with Ansh snuggling in between them.
They kissed him repeatedly until he fell asleep. Kunj felt contented and satisfied for bringing back his family.
When he was sure that Ansh was in a deep slumber, he spoke in a low voice,
'Twinkle whatever you heard that day....'
T-Stop it Kunj. I am here for Ansh. I don't care about what you said or meant that day.
She stopped and turned her back towards him.
Kunj inhaled deeply and closed his eyes. It pained him that she wasn't ready to believe him and kept ignoring him but he promised himself that he wouldn't let this continue forever and would go to any extent to make Twinkle accept his love.
That's it for today guys
Hope you liked it💕.
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