29.A New Hope🙂
The next day, Twinkle started packing Ansh's bags. Ansh remained by her side the whole time.Though he couldn't bring out his thoughts , Twinkle could clearly see the confused look that he was throwing at her.He probably wondered why his mumma was packing his things.
She was almost done when she remembered how her baby was used to falling asleep beside her. She broke down once again in front of Ansh.
A- Mumma,don't crwy. He wiped her tears with his small fingers.
T- I'm so sorry baby... I so sorry for being so cruel to send you away from us. She pulled him and cried against his round belly. She sat on the floor, hugging him until she heard the door knob being turned open.
K-Twinkle,they will be....He froze when he saw Twinkle's broken state.
'Twinkle, you are going to make it more difficult for Ansh.' He crouched on the floor beside them.
T-I can't do this, Kunj. She shook her head while crying like a baby.
It was pure torture for Kunj to see his family crumbling down into pieces.
He felt silent and kissed the crown of her head.
He pulled Ansh and placed his large hands on the side of his chubby cheeks. The little baby had a worried expression on his face seeing his parents cry.
K-Hey buddy, i promise it's going to be alright soon and one day you'll understand why we did this to you,but remember we will always love you, no matter how far away you are.
Kunj's eyes were becoming moistened and hearing him utter those words, broke Twinkle's heart even further and her cries became even louder.
After several minutes of grieving,Kunj walked out of his room and returned back with one of Twinkle's dupatta.
He used to give it to Ansh whenever Twinkle was away on night shifts and he had trouble sleeping without his mumma.
K-This would help you with your sleeplessness, sunshine. He muttered tucking it under his clothes. Twinkle stared at Kunj before buring her face into his chest.
'Shh Jaan, it's going to be ok'.
That was all he could hope and say, that things were going to be okay but he was sure that it was never going to be okay again .Ansh was going to be like a missing piece of puzzle in their life and with him, he taking a large piece of both of their hearts.
It was in the noon, when they heard several voices from the living room.
'They are here', Amaira mumbled pushing the door open. Her brother was helping Twinkle placing Ansh's favourite toys in a trolley bag.
Kunj got up wiping his tear smeared face into the crook of his arm.
K-He are coming. He said staring at the floor.
Amaira nodded and left the place hurriedly. She thought she might die of heartache if she stood there for another second.
"Twinkle",He croaked extending his arm to help her stand up. He got up carrying Ansh in her arm who was sucking his thumb as if his life depends on it. His brain still couldn't process anything but he was smart enough for his age to sense the dark aura around him.
As they walked out his room, Ansh noticed a small crowd gathered in their house and when his eyes landed on his Natasha Massi,his hands automatically held onto his mother's dupatta tightly. He turned away his head from her and placed his head on his mother's soothing heartbeat.
N- Ansh baby, we are here to take you Natasha announced happily,not bothering the child's anxiety.
The child care authorities were also present to make that adoptive parents didn't make a scene.
Natasha walked ahead and tried to tug at Ansh's body away from Twinkle. Hsi little hands came up and wound his mumma's neck firmly.
A-Mumma,no Nats Machi.
N-Oh come on baby boy, she applied all the force she has was successful in peeling him away from Twinkle.
T- Careful please,she whispered when she felt the force with which her delicate baby boy was taken away from her. Ansh's tiny hands slowly slipped away from her palms.
A-Mummaa....Mummaa... No want Mumma...Dadaa pease... His loud cries filled the air around them and broke everyone's hearts... Hearing his desperate wails, the little baby in Amaira's arms began to cry on top of her lungs.It was a total chaos at their house.
Twinkle's hands were stretched out in the air as tears kept rolling down her face endlessly. She watched them all walk out of the house with Ansh who was thrashing wildly. When she couldn't tolerate it anymore,she turned away and threw herself in Kunj's arms. Her whimpers were turning into howling cries that echoed around the house.
Twinkle felt like her life was sucked out of her slowly but brutally. That's when Kunj felt her slowly collapsing in his hands.
K-Twinkle.... Twinkle....Oh my God!
Her head and both hands were suspended to the sides lifelessly.
A-She fainted... Place her on the couch
Avantika yelled rushing next to them.
'Amaira, get a glass of warm water.'
Amaira came back with water. Kunj splashed some of it on her face before wiping her eyes carefully. 'Twinkle, please wake up.'
Am- Bhaiya,she needs some rest. Take her your room and let her sleep.
Kunj nodded and put his hands under her frail body to take her to their room.At that moment,she looked nothing less than a withered flower in his arms.
He gently placed her on the bed and side her loose strands that was falling on her pale face. She was all that he had now. He dropped a feather soft kiss on her forehead before lying down next to her.
Days changed into weeks but the void in both of their hearts remained the same. Most of the nights Twinkle and Kunj slept in Ansh's now empty room.
The pillows and covers still had his baby scent.
Twinkle tried calling Natasha few times, begging her to put Ansh on line but she would always hang up saying he is busy playing with his dad.
T-What would he be doing now,Kunj?
Each night Twinkle asked the same question and soon she would be sobbing against her husband's chest.
After two weeks,Kunj and Twinkle kept themselves away from each other because whenever they were together, they would end up talking about Ansh that broke each other's hearts beyond repair.
Twinkle, who once topped the exams had a hard time even passing them now. Alisha and Yuvraj tried their best to cheer up their friend. They took her out for lunch and shopping during weekends but no matter what they did,she would always remain silent and lost.
Kunj remained at work for late hours in the night and Twinkle kept herself busy with endless night shifts and OP duties because now there was no point going back to that house. It felt soulless and dead without Ansh's loud giggles and babbling words.
One afternoon, Twinkle felt extremely
sick, nauseous and tired. She had managed two nights shifts together in the hospital, accepting her colleague's shifts. Her head was leaned back on the wall behind her when Yuvraj entered the room.
Uv- Twinkle,are you okay?
He asked touching her forehead to check her temperature.
T-Yeah...Yeah... Her eyes fluttered open as she tried to stand up but only stumbled back on the seat.
Uv- Oh God, Twinkle! What is happening to you? He held her wrist to check her pulse, which seemed normal.
T(mumbling)- It's nothing,I swear.
UV- No, it's not.
He pulled out his phone to call Alisha and within minutes she rushed inside the room.
A- What's wrong? She asked looking at Twinkle.
Uv-I didn't know. I checked her vitals .
Everything's fine but she looks like she will faint any minute now.
Alisha studied Twinkle before she leaned in
A-Twinkle,are you pregnant?
Twinkle's droopy eyes immediately shot open in shock. Her eyes wandered around the room, thinking of all the possibilities. She remembered pucking a few weeks back but other than that and a little dizziness, she had absolutely no other symptoms. Then she tried to remember the last time she had her period.
'Shit', she covered her mouth with her palms.
UV- I'll be waiting out.Call me if you need something, baby.
Yuvraj being the perfect gentleman, knew what the girls would be discussing next and decided to give them some privacy. He pecked Alisha's cheek and left the room, closing the door behind him.
T-I missed my period this month and also the previous two months.
Realisation dawned on her face.
A-God, Twinkle don't call yourself a doctor.
Alisha went near the landline in the room to call the pharmacy.
'Hello, Dr. Alisha here. Can you send someone with four pregnancy test kits to the dormitory please?'
After ten minutes, a nurse walked in with a brown paper bag . She handed it to Alisha and eyed at Twinkle suspiciously. She knew Twinkle was a married woman and there were high chances that the pregnancy kit was for Dr. Twinkle. She walked out quietly.
A- I don't think she is going to keep her mouth shut. Alisha mumbled to her friend as she helped her into the bathroom.'Go and check .' She gently pushed her into the bathroom.
Twinkle did her job and placed all the
four sticks on the counter. Her heart was racing like a mad horse.
After three minutes,she opened the door to let Alisha in. Soon,her eyes slowly travelled back to the counter and her breath caught at her throat.
Alisha leaned in behind her and lips curved into a huge smile.
A(squealing)- You are pregnant,babes!
She wound her arms around her shoulder.
'If you haven't got your period for three months, it means you will be entering your second trimester soon and you shouldn't delay checking upon the fetal growth.'
Come, she pulled her out of the room.
Uv(worriedly)- What's going on?
His face brightened when Alisha leaned into his ear and gave him the news.
Uv- Wow, congrats Twinkle.
He hugged her.
A- We will be back, please take care of my afternoon shift, Yuvraj.
Uv- Sure baby, don't worry about it.
He assured his girlfriend.
Alisha ushered Twinkle towards the obstetrician's office which was surprisingly empty unlike the other days.
She helped Twinkle on to the bed, so that she could have a look at her. Twinkle's head was slightly raised from the pillow as she tried to look at the screen. Alisha rolled the wand over her slightly protruding belly in a
slow and steady motion.
T-There it is... Twinkle pointed her finger at the screen, still lying on her back when Alisha was having a tough time locating it.
Alisha modded happily,'You are fourteen weeks pregnant, Twinkle.'
T-Fourteen weeks? Twinkle felt a strong flutter against the walls of her frozen heart at the new discovery.
All this time she was pregnant but she didn't bother to care about it. How bad of a mother was she ,she accused herself.
Alisha studied her friend's reaction and held her palms in her hands. Guilt was written all over her face, for not paying attention to such a crucial thing.
A-Twinkle,it's ok. I know with everything going on in your life, it must have slipped out of your mind.
She gently said rubbing her thumb over Twinkle's knuckles.
Twinkle controlled her tears which were threatening to fall down her eyes. She bit her lip and nodded.
She suddenly remembered how Ansh was anxiously waiting to have a baby brother or sister. Her tears started to flow down her eyes like a stream of water from the dam.
A(softly)- Shh... It's not good for the baby if you cry so much, Twinkle.
T- Ansh wanted a little baby to play with and now that i have it for him,he is not with us. She sobbed more.
Alisha sighed deeply.
A- I know how difficult it is but you need to stop thinking about Ansh for now and concentrate on this baby, Twinkle. She placed her hand on Twinkle's belly to make her understand the situation.
T- I don't know if you ever understand me Alisha or not but Ansh is my first baby and it's impossible for a mother to not think about her baby.
Alisha felt bad for suggesting that to Twinkle.
A- I'm sorry, Twinkle. I didn't mean it that way... Of course Ansh is your first baby but this is your baby as well and is it not your responsibility to take care of him or her too?
Twinkle felt silent and stared at her hands.
A-Come, let's get you something to eat.
You look like you didn't have your lunch yet... She helped her to stand on her feet before taking her to the cafeteria.
'So when are you going to tell your husband?'
T- He must be back from his business trip today. I will talk to him tonight. I don't want to give this news to him over the phone. She answered with a small smile on her face for the first time in these weeks.
Natasha was at home, working for her upcoming fashion show when her phone buzzed beside her.
This idiot... She muttered under her breath before answering the phone.
N-Hi Abhishek, what's up?
As she walked out of her room, she heard Ansh screaming loudly, refusing to eat anything. The nanny was having a difficult time trying to coax him into having his meal.
Two weeks have passed but there was no improvement in his behaviour as if anything he was only becoming more adamant day by day.
Ab- Hey Natasha,i need you to come to the bar where we usually meet, with the cash that i asked you earlier.
N- What cash? I thought i gave you enough.
Ab- You mean the one you gave me last week? He laughed viciously on the other side. I am talking about the
five crores that you were supposed to transfer to my account as soon as you got Ansh.
N-I don't remember promising anything like that to you. She balled her fist.
Ab-Look i need the money, understood? And if you don't do what I say, i wouldn't hesitate to go back to the court to expose your lies. He threatened.
N(angrily)-What the fuck wrong with you, Abhishek? Ansh is your son and i thought you would want to be with him but you didn't even bother to visit him even once after he came here. All you want is money.
He snorted
Ab-Babe, you sound like a miserable girlfriend. Remember we are not a couple and i have no interest in Ansh.
You were the one who wanted him and helped you to get what you wanted. Now it's your turn to return the favour. So it would be better for both of us if you give me those 4 crores that I want...bye..see you tonight...
Before she could say anything the line went blank.
Fuck you,she spat before throwing her phone angrily on the couch.
S- What's wrong,beta? Sudha asked when she heard her daughter swearing loudly.
N- It's Abhishek,he is demanding more money.
S- I expected this from that jerk.
She looked back at Ansh with an irritated look. His screams were giving her a bad headache.
'He wouldn't stop crying and it's so annoying.'
N- I think I know what we need to do to end this altogether,mom.
He picked up her phone and dialled Kunj's number.
When he didn't answer any of her calls, she tried his office number.
Mr. Sarna's office. She heard his secretary's voice.
N- Natasha Kapoor here, i need to talk to Kunj. She demanded.
S-Mr. Sarna was back from a business trip this morning and didn't come to work today. You can meet him at home if you want.
N- Alright, thanks. She muttered and ended the call.
S-Where are you going, Natasha?
Sudha questioned when she watched her picking up her handbag.
N-To meet Kunj.
S-And may I ask why?
N-Mom, I am in a hurry right now but I'll tell you when I come back home... Okay? With that she strode out of house.
What will be Kunj's reaction knowing Twinkle's pregnancy?
What do you think,why Natasha is going to meet Kunj?
Is happiness going to return back in Twinj's life or do they have to face more problems for now?
That's it for today guys
Hope you liked it.
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