18.You are my angel 😇
Avantika didn't like the Idea of Sudha staying at her son's home at all. She agreed that Sudha was his mother in law but that was before.Now ,Kunj was married to Twinkle.She would only put them in awkward situation by staying with them.She didn't understand why Sudha was planning to stay with them when there were so many people to look after Ansh.
The main reason she left to her daughter's house was to give newly- weds some privacy.She wasn't there when Sudha suggested staying with them or else she would have never allowed that to happen.She knew that this woman was nothing but pure trouble in the form of a human being.
She didn't want her sweet Twinkle to
suffer by being with that woman and being the silent one, Twinkle would never be able to handle Sudha.So,she called her plans of going back to Amaira.
Ansh spent three nights at the hospital and in those three nights, he was miserable and cranky due to pain and sedatives in his body.
He clung to Twinkle the whole time that he was awake and whenever he was asleep he wanted to be within Twinkle's warmth .The moment she got away from his sleeping form ,he would stir up and cry, asking for his mumma.
Due to all the crying, he also caught a cold which just intensified the severity of the situation further.
Natasha visited every morning with her parents and each time Ansh refused to greet them or even look at them ,they complained that he behaved better, when Twinkle was not there and also she was spoiling his life by over-pampering him.
Twinkle tried to take no notice to their words .She had much better jobs to do.She stayed at hospital, with minimal to no sleep every day.Each night,Kunj went back home since only one person was allowed to stay with patient.He would wait for the night to pass so that he would go back to his family in the morning.
Twinkle understood that Ansh was going through traumatic shock due to accident and realised that it would be impossible to leave him with Lily . She claimed her medical leave and took two weeks off from college to be at home with Ansh.
After three days,Ansh was discharged.
Twinkle carried him out of hospital room while Kunj went to settle the bills and finished all the formalities.
K-Hello you two! Ready to go back home?
Kunj extended his hands to take Ansh from Twinkle .He looked up to his dad's voice only to rest his face back against Twinkle's neck , silently refusing to leave her.Kunj sighed and ruffled his hairs
K-Give her a break buddy.
T- It's alright.He is just undergoing separation anxiety ,i guess. He will be back to normal within a week .
Twinkle assured Kunj as she passed him the bag that was hung on her shoulder.
K-I hope so.
He huffed and walked them to the parking lot.
When they reached home,Sudha was already there before them, sipping her tea and talking over the phone .
A-Welcome home, baby.
Avantika kissed Ansh as she opened the door for them .
'Twinkle take him in his room and make him rest till breakfast is ready '
T-Ji mom.
She went straight to his room to give him a warm bath.She carefully slipped his shirt out of his arms and poured the warm water gently on his body.
After bath, Twinkle wrapped him in a towel and placed him on the bed .She dressed him in a button up shirt.
T-What do you want to do now, baby?
She rested her head against the headboard and asked him.
A- 'Play,play' .
He pointed at the box which had his toy cars. Twinkle's lips curved up into a smile.
T- Okay then, let's play.
She was happy that he was a little better after coming back home.She brought the toy box and tilted it a bit so that Ansh could choose whatever he wanted.He took out two of his favourite cars and handed one to his mumma before rolling his car on the bed making "vroom-vroom" sound.
Twinkle laughed and began to mimic his actions.They were so involved with their games that they missed to notice Kunj's presence in the room.
K-Mind if i join you guys?
He asked standing at the doorframe .
With a smile , Twinkle patted the small place beside them on the bed, gesturing him to come.
Kunj strode near them and laid on the bed , balancing his body on his right elbow while both his legs were touching the floor.
He grabbed another toy car from the box and started playing with them. They didn't know how long they played but soon ,the room was filled with Ansh's laughter.Kunj was smiling seeing the slight change in Ansh's mood. He hoped things would go back to normal soon.
He shifted his attention to Twinkle who let out a fake gasp when Ansh dashed her car, causing him to laugh hysterically . Kunj's face was close to Twinkle's arm.She didn't mind his stares until she shuddered from his kiss on her bare arm.He never ceased to make her pulse raise with that melting look in his eyes.His lips were pressed as he flashed a lopsided grin at her . After some seconds when he was still staring at her ,she looked away from his intense gaze with a tint of pink on her cheeks.
T-Why are you staring at me like that?
He shifted on both his elbows to get a better view of Twinkle.
K-Thanks Twinkle
His face suddenly turned serious.
T-Hmm.. for what?
She was uncertain about for what he was thanking her.
K-For everything.For coming into our lives,for making it better with your love and affection and for all those sacrifices you are making for us.
He spoke with so much sincerity that her breathe was caught in mid of her throat .
T(with a smile)-Then i too have to thank you both , because no one has ever made me so happy and feel loved in my entire existence.
She descended her face to peck on his forehead. There was no doubt she was falling deeper and harder for him but she was also struggling to say it out loud since being scared of getting hurt in the process of loving him.
He let out a loud breath before turning onto his back and resting his head in her lap .He was fast enough to pull her head down and steal a kiss from her inviting lips.
T-"Kunj". She pulled back and hit on his chest.Then she eyed at Ansh to tell him that they were not alone whereas he just shrugged winking at her.
A-Dada play.
He said in an attempt to get his parents attention back on him.
K-Yeah buddy, let's play. She is distracting us.
He said with a playful scowl. Twinkle shook her head with a smile.
T-You guys play, I'll go ans and get something for Ansh to eat . She got out of bed and luckily Ansh didn't cry after she left.
Twinkle saw Natasha coming out of kitchen with a plate of sandwich,cut fruits and a glass of milk.She wondered when she came home and what she was doing in their kitchen.
She watched her knocking on Ansh's room door before pushing it open.
N-Baby,look what I have got for you.
Twinkle heard her say before making her way inside the room .To say she was stunned would be unfair.She follwed her and saw her climbing on the bed, next to Kunj where she was sitting just few moments ago.
N-Come on, let's taste it now.She cut a piece of sandwich , which in Twinkle's opinion was too big to fit into Ansh's mouth. She brought it closer and nudged him to open his mouth.
K-I didn't know you were coming.
Kunj got up from the bed feeling uncomfortable with Natasha being on the same bed as him.
N-Ohh.. i came here to drop my mom's bag and then i thought Ansh would be hungry.I prepared breakfast as Twinkle wasn't going to do it anytime soon.
K-Well, Twinkle was a little busy with Ansh.He defended Twinkle before his eyes fell on her, standing at the door.
N-She is always busy with some or the other thing .She remarked in a mocking tone.
Ansh stood up on his bed, trying to lift the plate in his hand.
Natasha turned around and saw Twinkle at the door.
N-Ansh, sit down. I am here to feed you.
She said in a firm tone tugging at the plate.
A-No..mumma feed .. He protested with an angry expression , leaning the plate as he walked to edge of the bed .He thrushed his hands up to reach for Twinkle.
N-What have you done to him?He has become such a headache.
She stood up dropping the plate harshly on bed and scattering the apples all over the mattress.
K-Natasha,calm down.He is just a baby and he is used to Twinkle feeding him.
N-Then, it's time to get used to everyone .He can't always have his ways with everything.He should be disciplined every now and then.She rambled on and on.
Ansh started to whimper and his tears threatened to fall from his eyes when he sensed that Natasha was scolding him for something.
N-Great! Here they come.She referred to his tears, 'Always ready to cry'
She mumbled before leaving the room.
Twinkle kissed on his head to make his sobs stop.
K- It's alright,baby.She is gone now .
He caressed Ansh as he tried to suppress his anger but he was miserably failing in it.
In the last few days,there was not a single day when Natasha hadn't criticised Twinkle and Ansh.
He asked himself for how long he had to tolerate with Natasha's tantrums.
Kunj showered and went to his office room to finish some of his pending Twinkle fed Ansh and gave him his medicines and painkillers to put him to sleep.She closed the door behind her and went to prepare lunch.She just prayed that she wouldn't encounter Natasha or her mom for the rest of the day , even when she knew that it was impossible.
As she expected they were sitting in the living room whispering something among themselves .She didn't mind them and continued with her work.
S- Twinkle,do you need any help?
She asked too sweetly and Twinkle didn't know how to turn her down.
T-Sure,she pushed the veges towards her.You can chop them,if you like.
Sudha got hold of knife and started chopping way too slowly that Twinkle thought that lunch would be ready to be served in the night.
She thought she worked less and talked more.
S-And you know my Tara had such amazing cooking skills.Kunj loved all her dishes.Did he ever tell you that?
T-Umm..no. Twinkle felt a pang of jealousy when she heard her talk about Kunj and Tara.It was true that she always had wanted to know about
Tara but definitely not this .
S-She was such a beauty and Kunj was so madly in love with my baby girl.
They were like soulmates and were made for each other.I wonder how he
is coping up with her, suddenly gone.
I doubt he would ever be that happen again in his life.
She turned to check for Twinkle's reaction and sniggered , satisfied by the self doubt and humility visible on her face.
So Twinkle tell me about you .I know you are a medical student and all but why did you marry Kunj?I mean there should always be a reason to marry a widower , right?Like financial problems, health issues and infertility etc.So what was your reason?
Twinkle froze with that question.She didn't want to give her any details about her past and family in which she grew up.
T(stammering)-I..umm.. married..him.. because... because...
Avantika who had obviously heard their conversation came to Twinkle's rescue.
A-Sudha, you ask way too many questions for your own good and what are you doing here?I didn't know you can cook as i clearly remember Tara saying that no one in her house could cook.
She ridiculed her for what she said earlier about Tara having great cooking skills.
She grabbed the knife from her hand and began to chop vegetables fast.
A-You must be tired Sudha.You should go and rest.
Sudha greeted her teeth before walking out of kitchen .
A- Don't mind her, Twinkle.I don't understand why Kunj agreed to let them stay here?She put the chopped vegetables into the pan to cook them.
T-They wanted to take care of Ansh,she explained
A-Yeah,i can see how well they are taking care of Ansh.She huffed and walked near Twinkle.Sweety ,you shouldn't be always so patient with everyone.You should sometimes make them stop degrading you.I wouldn't mind if you backlashed at her if she crosses her limits once more .
Twinkle thought about it whole afternoon but how could she do that?
Everything she had once belonged to Sudha's daughter ,her husband,her son,this house and what not?
Sudha was here to visit her grandson , the one on whom she had more rights than Twinkle would ever have.She had to remain calm,what my come.
It was just a matter of days.She had seen way more than insults than these.
Kunj remained at his study unit dinner.He had no idea what was going on in his absence ,but Avantika thought that she was supposed to make him aware of it.She told him everything when he went to see her after dinner and felt horribly bad for putting Twinkle in this kind of situation but there was nothing he could do.He couldn't disrespect Tara's family when they were here just for a week or so.
When he walked into his room,Anah was cradled into Twinkle's arms as she sat on the bed to rock him to sleep.Tjis wasn't the normal way to make him sleep but with the sling on his hand ,it was real discomfort for Ansh to sleep on his own.They decided to make him sleep with them until he gets recovered.Kunj laid on the other side of the bed, facing the ceiling and resting his arm under his head.
When Twinkle heard Ansh's soft and relaxing snores,she placed him on the bed before covering him with his blanket.She assumed Kunj was asleep and got up to turn off the lights. Sensing her shift on the bed ,Kunj opened his eyes and watched her half way through the room.
K(softly)-Twinkle, Come here.I have missed you.
T-I thought you were asleep.
She walked back to bed
K-I wasn't,i was waiting for you.
He pulled her gently beside him and plopped on his elbow ,so that he was looking down at her.Though he excepted her to complain about Sudha and Natasha ,he knew her too well and she wouldn't do that.
While she kept talking about random things ,his eyes went down to her slender body and immediately his desire for her rose up.He realised how much he had missed her.
He shut her up with an unexpected kiss.
K-You talk too much.
He held her chin and took her lips once again in a mind blowing kiss.
Before he knew her, he was crawling over her and kissing her everywhere.
T-KUNJ,she pushed him softly, 'We can't do it.We might wake up Ansh '
K(chuckles)- Who said we can't do it ,baby? We just need to be a little quite than usual.
She blushed at his words
He understood what she wanted to say .
K-I know, Let's go to the couch.
He stood up and pulled her on her feet.She yelped when he threw her on his shoulder like a sack.
He threw her on the couch making her bounce and giggle.A little later she could feel both their arousal and was clawing on his shoulder for more grip.
Soon they became one and with that amount of pleasure it was impossible for her to suppress her moans but when she felt him suddenly stop moving within her .She opened her eyes and looked at him.He was drenched in sweat and was panting heavily.
T-What's wrong?
K(seductively)-Baby,as much as i love hearing my name from your mouth like that,we don't want to wake up Ansh and leave this in middle, right?
She bit her lower lip and said shyly 'I am sorry'
K-Don't be, it's just make me want you more.
He claimed her lips and continued ramming her until they found their pleasure and became satisfied.
K- 'Twinkle'.They were lying tangled with each other on the small couch.
He wanted to say those three words that he was dying to tell her but instead kissed on her forehead and said,'YOU ARE MY ANGEL '
Twinkle's heart swelled with love for this amazing man, who was also an amazing dad to their son. She looked up to meet his eyes and answered him with a deep kiss on his lips.If only she could have the courage to tell him how much she loved him.
That's it for today
Hope you liked it.
Please guys vote and comment,i don't feel like writing without your feedback.
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