11.Unwanted visitors
(Don't wait for a perfect moment, make a moment perfect 💖)
On a weekend, Kunj woke up from his afternoon nap hearing Ansh's squeals
from his room.Kunj got up from bed and went straight into Ansh's room and found the bathroom door wide open.Walking in ,he found Ansh was in the bathtub and Twinkle was sitting down on the floor.Twinkle was splashing water on his body causing him to make those squeals that woke him up.
Kunj crossed his arms over his chest and leaned on the door frame admiring the beautiful scene in front of him.
No one could tell that Twinkle was Ansh's step mother by the way she cared for Ansh.He was grateful to God for giving such a loving mother to Ansh. Twinkle had made him realise that not every stepmother has to be an evil one.
Dada, Ansh called him when he saw him standing on the door.
K-I didn't know bath time could be so much fun.
He said and took a place beside Twinkle
T(complained)-He doesn't want to come out of bathtub.
She splashed more water on Ansh,who was also trying to do the same with her but his small hands were no match to hers and couldn't hold as much water as her.
K-This is how you do it buddy.
Before Twinkle could understand what he was up to two handsful of water landed on her face making her whole body wet.
Twinkle gasped and Kunj let out an evil laugh.
Ansh giggled and clapped his hands
A-More dada more
T(whined)- KUNJ
She didn't waste any other minutes and filled her hands with water before spattering it on Kunj, drenching him fully.She got up to ran out of bathroom but Kunj quickly blocked her way
K-You are so dead baby.
He began to take murderous step towards her .With each step she moved backward until her back hit the wall.
T-Kunj , please nahi na.You are the one who started it,we both are equal now.
She tried to reason with him.
K-Well, i don't think so.
He kept walking like he was about to pounce on his prey. Twinkle's eyes shifted to the door trying to figure out if she could make it on time.When she thought it was possible see made a quick attempt to escape.
K-Ahh no.. no.. baby.Dont even think about it.He encircled his arms around her waist trapping her between wall and his body.Twinkle let a scream in between her chuckles.
Their laughs died in their throats when they realised how close their bodies were.Kunj rested his forearm against the wall beside her head. Twinkle's heart began to race like a wild animal.
Kunj stared in her eyes and felt like he was sucked into a blackhole.
He felt attracted towards her.
Kunj didn't take away his eyes from hers when he turned on the shower.
Twinkle didn't know that she was standing right under the shower until cold droplets touched her skin making her gasp loudly.
Kunj noticed her every reaction closely and felt like he was drugged with her innocence.His eyes were fixed on the droplets which made its way from her head to her nose then neck and then disappeared in her shirt.
He used his fingertips to trace along the wet line over her sharp nose, then her juicy lips,then her chin before moving to her slender neck.His eyes left hers and moved down.
He noticed her white shirt was all wet and hugged her body like another skin .His eyes fell upon her ample chest that was heaving and for the first time he noticed what a beauty she was.An extreme urge of hunger ,that he didn't experience in a long time jolted his whole body.
Twinkle had completely lost the ability to think.She was feeling so hot even after standing under the cold shower.All these feelings were alien to her.She didn't know a man's touch could make her feel things that she never felt before.
Twinkle's wet lips were so inviting that Kunj dipped his head down.Twinkle could feel his hot breath on her lips and unconsciously parted her lips.
When his parents seemed busy with whatever they were doing, Ansh's attention shifted to an attractive squeaky duck that was floating in the bathtub.He leaned forward and grabbed it before pressing it between his tiny hands making a Loud quack sound that brought Twinkle and Kunj out of their wonderland. They backed away quickly.Twinkle's skin almost turned violet with blushing when Kunj looked at her again.
Twinkle bowed her head down and smiled shyly not able to meet his gaze.
K(stammering)- Get changed if you don't want to catch a cold.
He said putting small distance between their bodies but in his mind he was thinking, 'Get changed if you don't want me to devour your perfect body.'
She sounded so funny to herself too,she moved away from Kunj and walked out of bathroom and when she came out she felt like she escaped a death itself and let out a huge breath.
Kunj scratched the back of his neck and moved his hands through his hairs before moving towards Ansh.
K-Lets get you out buddy.
He lifted Ansh and carried him before wrapping him in a towel.
Later in the evening,Anita called Twinkle and informed that she and Mahi are coming to visit her.Her family hadn't even talked to her over the phone after her wedding.She was wondering what could be the reason for this sudden visit.She immediately became nervous.
She quickly called her Massi Nisha and asked her to come as soon as possible.Only Nisha was the one who could handle Anita perfectly.
Twinkle informed Kunj that her mother, sister and massi were coming home.
Kunj always wondered why no one from Twinkle's family had ever come to visit her after their marriage.
He remembered his mother telling him that Twinkle's father was her old friend but except for that he knew nothing about him.He didn't see any of them in their wedding too.So when Twinkle told him that her mother was coming he was eager to meet her mom,who raised such an amazing woman.
Kunj noticed nervousness in her eyes.
There were so many thoughts roaming in his mind all at once.
Why was Twinkle so nervous?
Why didn't her parents attend their own daughter's wedding?
Did her parents not approve of Twinkle, marrying him?
Why did she even agree to marry a widower with a child in the first place?
He knew she didn't marry him for his money and power because she had her stipend money and she had never taken a rupee from him.
When the doorbell rang , Twinkle prayed it should be her Massi and her prayers accepted.
Massi,she launched herself in her arms and hugged her.
N-How are you, beta?
T-Main thik hu,andar aaiye.
Twinkle dragged her inside.
Kunj stood beside Twinkle with a welcoming smile unlike the other times she had visited.
He touched her feet and took her blessings.
N-Stay happy beta.She smiled at him.
Then she turned to Ansh who was clutching Twinkle's dupatta shyly.
N-Hey baby,she bent down and kissed his forehead.
Twinkle served her coffee and biscuits and to Nisha's surprise Kunj offered to help Twinkle.From the secret glances and shy smiles that Twinkle was throwing at Kunj,Nisha could tell that something was going on between the couple and she couldn't contain her happiness.
Everything was going well when they heard the bell ringing again making Twinkle nervous again.
N-Main dekhati hu.
She opened the door and found Anita and Mahi standing there
A(rudely)-You? I didn't expect you to be sticking around here.
Nisha rolled her eyes at her.
N-Are you going to come in or stand there and taunt me?
T-Maa, Mahi please come in.
Twinkle walked behind Nisha to invite them.
The mother and daughter entered inside with a look of arrogance in their eyes as they looked around the house for the first time.
They couldn't digest the fact that Twinkle was well settled in such a good family and big house.Back at their house she didn't have her own room.
Kunj kept studying them.They didn't even ask Twinkle how she was and kept wandering around the house.
T-Kunj this is my mother and sister,Mahi.
She introduced them
K-Hello Mrs.Taneja nice to finally meet you.
He didn't like the way they were behaving with Twinkle.
A(fake smiling)- Nice to meet you too, Kunj.I hope this lazy girl isn't troubling you and taking care of you and your son properly.
She asked looking at Twinkle
A scowl immediately became visible on Kunj's face but he didn't say anything as he didn't want to hurt Twinkle by disrespecting her mother.
M(wickedly)-Is this your stepson?
T-He is my son,Ansh.
She carried him in her arms.She looked a little pissed for the first time .She didn't like anyone reminding her that she didn't give birth to Ansh.
M-Whatever,we are here to invite you to my wedding .
She shoved an invitation in her hands haughtily.
T-Thats a great news.
She let down Ansh and opened the invitation.
A(boasting)- Offcourse it's a great news.Varun is very handsome and rich just like your husband but i have to say he loves my Mahi very much and it isn't a marriage of any convenience.
She started blowing her own trumpet.
Kunj felt sad for Twinkle.Her mother was clearly trying to tell her that Mahi is being loved and she was not.He was looking at Twinkle's face but there was no trace of jealousy or regret.
T-I am happy for you Mahi.She wished her wholeheartedly and Kunj could only wonder that how she could be so calm
T-Have dinner with us maa.
She said when she saw them getting up.
A-Oh no no..We have to do so much work.Mahi had to do her packing for her honeymoon.She showed off
T-Maa, papa kaise hai?
She finally asked when she gathered some courage
A(smirking)-He is doing great I asked him to come with us but he refused
Twinkle bit her lower lip to stop herself from crying .She thought her father might have missed her and wanted to visit her but he proved her wrong like every time.
A(taunting)-Twinkle beta, did you really think he would come to see you? Don't tell me you were expecting your papa here.
N-Anita, i hope your work is done here.She wanted to scream at Anita but stopped herself because of Kunj who had no clue what was happening and also for Ansh's sake.
Anita and Mahi glared at her before turning towards Twinkle.
A-We want you to come to the wedding, Twinkle.Then she went near Kunj. "We will be expecting you too Kunj."
She said sweetly while batting her eyes feigning innocence.
K(plainly)- Yes Mrs Taneja
Anita handed over an invitation to Nisha
A(arrogantly)-This one is for you.Come and see what my daughter is blessed with.
The house became insanely quite after they left.Nisha agreed to stay for dinner and when it was Ansh's bedtime, Twinkle excused herself and took him.
N-I am sorry for all the drama you had to witness ,Kunj.
She apologized when they were sitting alone and eating.
K-Don't worry about it but do you mind if I ask why Twinkle's mother was so rude with her? Did she not like Twinkle marrying me?
N-Arey nahi nahi,it's nothing like that.
She shook her head and felt silent for a while, thinking where to begin,
Twinkle's mother means my sister passed away while giving birth to her.
K-Then ?Who was the?He stopped in the mid and his mouth fell open with realisation.
N-Anita is Twinkle's stepmother.She never considered Twinkle as her own.
She treated her nothing but like an unpaid maid.
Kunj's heart broke listening this
K-And what about her father?
He asked in a whisper.
N-Rt is no better than Anita.He blamed Twinkle for his wife's death.
He even went to extent to giving her for adoption.
It would have been better at least she would have got a loving family but unfortunately for Twinkle her bebe stopped her son from doing so.
She was a nice lady and took care of Twinkle until her death but after that my poor girl's life became a living hell.She couldn't control her tears anymore.Kunj was just silently listening to heer with a heavy heart.He never imagined that Twinkle had such a torturous childhood.
I could do nothing but watch her suffering .But with all that torture and pain she managed to excel her studies.She got into a medical college with her scholarship.She wiped her tears and smiled proudly at her niece.
Anita couldn't take it well that she was doing so well academically and tried every possible way to stop her attending college.She didn't want her to become financially independent.
And one night Rt beat her mercilessly and stopped her from attending college.Thats when me and Alisha rescued her.After that your mother suggested me to talk to her about marrying you.
Twinkle had met Ansh a few times before your marriage.When i told her about you she readily agreed to marry you for Ansh because she didn't want him to get a cruel step mother like hers.How crazy she could be,she laughed but said proudly ,' That's how kind-hearted my Twinkle is.She has a heart of gold that's why God gave her you and Ansh.I should say,i had never seen her so happy before.She is lucky to get you afterall.
Her words managed to stab him with guilt.He had done absolutely nothing to make her happy.It was him who was lucky to get Twinkle.
Before knowing her,he assumed her to be careless like other young girls of her age.If he could take his words back,he would have definitely did it.
N-I am so sorry to make this dinner horrible for you.
She wiped her face and cleared the plates from the table.
K-No no... infact I am happy you told me.Twinkle would never tell me all these things.
N-Thats true,she never speaks I'll of anyone, not even about the people who hurt her.
Kunj smiled knowing how true it was.
Then they heard Twinkle coming out of Ansh's room
T-Sorry for leaving you guys.Ansh didn't nap in the afternoon,i guess he was tired and wanted to sleep early today.
She spoke and saw Kunj cleaning the table and Nisha doing the dishes.
T-Why are you doing all this?She snatched away the plate from her hand.
N-Arey yeh meri beti ka hi toh ghar hai.Apni maa ko bhi aise hi madad karne se rokti?
Twinkle stopped snatching the plate and left her do whatever she wanted to.
After sometime he dropped Nisha at her home and when he came back he saw Twinkle making his bed like everyday before going on her small couch.Kunj silently climbed on his bed and stared at the ceiling.His mind was filled with Twinkle's thoughts.
Nisha's words kept ringing in his ears and he felt miserable for behaving like this with Twinkle.She was doing everything as a good wife and mother and in return he could even give her some love which she deserves.
When he turned to switch off the lights his eyes fell on Twinkle who was sleeping peacefully.
He saw how beautiful she was both inside and out.He realised that he was holding on to the last string of promise that he made to Tara and wouldn't be able to hold it for longer.
He questioned himself if it was acceptable to love two people at the same time because he knew he was falling for Twinkle deeply.
That's it for today guys
Hope you liked it
NB: Chapter is not edited forgive me for any mistakes.
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