10.Starting of Love💝
The same morning Kunj drove Twinkle to her college.During the whole drive she was silent and it was nothing like her usual silence.
With Tara the situation was very different.Whenever he did something she would be mad at him or argued many times till he didn't apologise to her but Twinkle's approach was not like Tara.He didn't understand how can someone could be so unreactive to a situation and still managed to affect you deeply.He had never screamed at a woman before.He had tried to apologise to her for a few times at home but she just said it was okay but he knew he hurt her really very badly.
When the car stopped Twinkle got down muttering a 'thanks' and again it was not like she used to say everyday.Kunj was about to start the car when he saw the guy from the other day carrying that annoying grin on his face .Kunj turned his eyes towards Twinkle to see her reaction and as expected a small smile became visible on her plum lips.
They both were young and even looked good together.He was giving her all the attention that Kunj couldn't give her and it will take him a few seconds to make Twinkle fall in love with him.A sudden sense of panic grew in Kunj.
Kunj didn't think twice before he hopped out of car and stood in front of Twinkle.She was surprised with his sudden intrusion and stared at him with her innocent eyes.
Kunj could feel the presence of that guy behind him.He wanted to show him that Twinkle belonged to him and unfortunately how much ever handsome the guy was,he had no say on her.
T- What's wrong?
She broke the silence
Kunj moved forward and touched her cheek running his knuckles over her soft skin.She resisted the urge to close her eyes and give into his touch but reminded herself how he had reacted the previous night.She tried to pull back from him but he was fast enough to grab the nape of her neck , pulling her even more closer than before.Twinkle's breath hitched with their close proximity.
K-I am so sorry for what i did last night.
He apologized once again sincerely.He
truly wanted Twinkle to know how guilty he was feeling.
'Its ok, Twinkle said in a whisper.
From the corner of her eyes she could see a lot of people staring and giggling at them.Though many of them knew Twinkle was married ,this felt quite awkward.Also she could see Yuvraj studying her keenly.
K-No it's not okay.He shook his head in self disappointment.What i did was not okay.I was a jerk to you last night
I let out my anger and frustration on you last night, which was totally wrong.So , will you forgive me Twinkle?His hand was back on her cheek cupping it gently.
She couldn't say anything and just stared at him.After a few minutes she took a long breath and then her lips curved into a beautiful smile,'I forgive you '
She heard him let out a huge sigh of relief.
K-Thanks for forgiving me.
Then she saw that breath taking smile on his lips which she witnessed Last night ,but now it was really radiated towards her unlike last night.
When she heard Yuvraj clearing his throat,she pushed Kunj farther in an attempt to put some distance between them and he let her go this time.
T-Um... Kunj...this is my friend,Yuvraj.
Kunj turned around and acted as if he had no idea that he was standing there.
K-Hlo Yuvraj, I'm Kunj, Twinkle's husband.He wound his arm possessively over her shoulder and claimed proudly.He didn't miss that look of annoyance oh his face and mentally hi-fied with himself.
Twinkle stood there frozen, trying to process his words.In all these five months they spent together ,it was first time he was admitted to someone that he's her husband.
Y- Hi ,nice meeting you Kunj.
He said pressing his lips in a thin line
Kunj looked down at Twinkle who was gawking at him.
K-See you , jaan.He winked at her making her heart flutter.
'Jaan' she liked the new endearment.
Kunj started his engine before shooting a glare at Yuvraj.
UV(teasingly)- What was that?
T-Mmm we are getting late.
She shyly walked away and heard him laughing behind her
Uv-Arey Twinkle wait yaar.He stopped her.Are you free tonight?
Uv-There is a small party at our house and i want you to come.I have invited Alisha also.
T-I don't know Uv.She shook her head uncertainly. I have to ask Kunj.
Uv-You can bring Kunj along with you if you want.
T-Is it okay if I confirm it in the evening?
UV(grinning)- Yes absolutely okay.
A few days back Kunj was invited to a
business party by one of his partners.He wasn't interested in attending it but then a thought crossed his mind.After their marriage, he hadn't taken Twinkle out even for once and now that his guilt is taking a toll on him,he wanted to take Twinkle to the evening party.
He requested the nanny for extending her working hours a little more and she readily agreed to help him .Then he sent his secretary to buy a saree, preferably a maroon one because he thought it would look good on her and also all the accessories that Twinkle would need.
When his secretary was back he opened the package and check it and found the saree absolutely stunning.
He took a piece of paper and wrote a note on it.
Would you like to accompany me to a party that i had to attend tonight?
If yes then text me.I'll pick you up at six in the evening.
And don't worry about Ansh,i have made the arrangements.
Yours Kunj
He placed the note on the saree before covering it with the lid of box and asked the driver to deliver it home.
L-There is a package for you mam.
Lilly informed Twinkle as soon as she returned home.Entering their bedroom, Twinkle found the package placed on the bed and she opened.She found the note and a beautiful saree beneath it .She smiled as she read the note .She kissed on the note and picked up the saree.
She couldn't believe that Kunj was asking her out.
She grabbed her phone and realised that it was the first time when she was texting Kunj.
T-Hi Kunj, i recieved the package you sent.This saree looks beautiful and i would love to go out with you.
K-I am glad you liked it and thanks for agreeing to go out with me. I'll pick you at six.
T- Great, I'll be ready.See you soon.
K-See you!
She decided to take a relaxing aromatic bath and spend the afternoon with Ansh.He wouldn't want them to leave him and will surely cry to see them going.She was feeling a little bad for not taking their baby with them but she also wanted to go out with Kunj.
Suddenly she remembered about the party at Uv's house.
She dialed his number to inform him
UV(happily)- Twinkle,are you coming?
She felt a little guilty for what she was about to say
T-Sorry Uv, i am not feeling well from this morning.I don't think i can attend the party.
UV (lowly)- Ohh.. we will miss you.But don't worry. Take rest and I'll see you tomorrow.
T-I know, I'll miss you both too.See you tomorrow.
She felt a little guilty for lying to him but Kunj was asking her out for the first time and she could sacrifice anything for it.
In the evening,she got dressed and the saree looked absolutely stunning on her.She did limited makeup and left her hairs open.
Ansh was seating in bed and playing with his toy, looking at her and occasionally calling her to show what he was building with the building blocks.
At half past five,she heard a knock on the door and soon Kunj walked in.
K(smiling)- Hey guys.
He greeted them and ran his eyes all over She was glowing and he had to admit that he found her very attractive.
She felt a bit self conscious under his gaze.Before she could completely burn into ashes from his intense stare,she walked near Ansh and carried him in her arms.
T-You can get ready. We'll be in the living room.
She said without looking at him
Hmm,she heard him say in return.
She carried Ansh out of the room giving Kunj some space.
After few minutes he walked out looking dashing as ever. Twinkle's eyes glittered and cheeks flushed when he stood beside her.
T- We'll be back soon baby. Be a good boy and have your dinner.She said kissing his cheek .Love you,she kissed him again on his forehead.
Kunj kissed him while he was still in Twinkle's arms.
K-Good night buddy.
He was so close to her that his musky scent filled her nostrils and it was causing her stomach to flip crazily.
K-Shall we?
He stretched out his hand for Twinkle to take it.She took it with trembling hands.
As they walked to the door they heard Ansh's cries, Twinkle couldn't help but look back sadly.
K- Don't worry,he will calm down.
He put his hand behind her back and she felt like she was touched by fire.
Twinkle nodded still feeling bad for leaving Ansh.
Inside the elevator Kunj pressed the buttons and put his hands in his pants pocket.Twinkle stood in one corner, fidgeting with her fingers nervously.She could feel his hot stare on her.For a second she couraged to look at him and their eyes met and she felt the world slowing down around them.The temperature in the elevator increased and she felt herself melting like an ice-cream.
T-What is this party for?
She cleared her throat and asked
Kunj looked away from her
K-My business partner is handing over all his business to his eldest son and he wants him to get to know everyone in his business circle for which he is throwing this party.
She looked down and they again became silent but soon heard the Ding sound and doors of lift opened.
Twinkle released a huge breath that she was holding all the while and heed her to his car.
They reached the venue in a few minutes .The party was held in a big mansion which was decorated beautifully.
Twinkle? She heard a familiar voice from behind and turned around,she was shocked to see Uv.
The shocked look on her face confirmed Uv that she didn't know it was his house.Seeing him Kunj immediately slipped his fingers between hers.
Uv-I thought you were not feeling well?
He narrowed his eyes on her.
T-I... UV... What am i supposed to say?
She blinked at him
UV(a bit angrily)- Save your lies,then sigh. Anyways,I am happy to see you here.
He outstretched his hand towards Kunj and he shook it curtly, Welcome
K-What are you doing here Yuvraj?
He asked trying to be polite
Uv-This is my home and this party is for my elder brother.He shrugged before turning his attention back to Twinkle.
I must say ,you are looking pretty in this saree.He winked at her making Twinkle to blush wildly, which in turn made Kunj fume internally.
'Such a big flirt', Kunj mumbled mentally.
Uv- Alisha will be here soon.She doesn't know about you being here.
T(cheerily)- Let's surprise her then.
Kunj stared at her.The Twinkle he knew didn't talk much.She acted completely different with Yuvraj ,more open and freely.He wished to see this side of her everyday.
Soon Alisha joined them and the girls giggled for every silly joke that UV threw at them.
Uv-Would you like to dance with me Twinkle?
Twinkle didn't answer him but looked at Kunj for approval.That small act was enough for Kunj to show Yuvraj t who the real boss was.
As much as Kunj hated the idea of letting her dance with him,he knew he couldn't hold her hostage.The guy might be the biggest flirt on this planet but he trusted Twinkle enough to let her go.
Yuvraj guided her to the middle of the hall and they swayed slowly to the music.
Uv-So why you lied to me?
T-Uv, i am really sorry for lying to you,she said feeling guilty. 'Kunj asked me out and i couldn't turn him down.'
Uv-So you turned me down.
He said raising his eyebrows
Twinkle's face fell down
T-I am sorry.
Uv-Hey come on Twinkle,i am just teasing you.You don't have to be sorry about anything.You two are newly married and i understand that you would want to spend all your time with your husband.
T(anxiously)- You aren't mad at me?
Nope,he said with a crooked smile.
Kunj couldn't take his eyes of Twinkle.
He wondered how Yuvraj could make her laugh so much? She seemed to enjoy his company very much and he wanted to throw several punches on his face for that.
When he couldn't take it anymore,he strode near them.
K-Do you mind? He didn't wait for Yuvraj's reply as he pulled Twinkle in his arms.
Sure,he heard Yuvraj say but it was too late.
Twinkle was in his arms now, staring at him with her lips slightly apart.
Kunj's hands crept around her bare waist pulling her closer and moving with the music.Twinkle looked everywhere but into his eyes as he was staring at her intensely.
She didn't understand what Kunj was doing to her.
'Twinkle', he called out softly to make her look at him when finally she looked into his eyes,she thought they were a little darker than usual and she blamed the dim lights for it.
He brushed his knuckles over her cheek, something he loved doing lately and immediately felt her shiver under his touch.
K-You look beautiful
He noticed how her face was flushed with a little compliment.
He smiled and slowly kissed her forehead.
She closed her eyes, thinking she must be definitely dreaming and dipped her head, resting it on his chest.She felt him wrapping his arms around her waist , breathing her soft vanilla scent and he didn't know why he felt
drawn to her , slowly yet strongly.
That's it for today guys.
Hope you liked it.
And i wanna ask you guys are you okay if i write dialogues in Hindi and English both?
One more thing it's not fair guys there are so many views on this story but so less votes.Please do some reham on this nanhi si Jaan yaar and vote if you are liking the story.
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