Chapter 12
After we made love, I snuggled closer to him and whispered, "I love you" I felt him stiffen beside me, but I could not deny it any longer. It was true, I was completely, madly, and deeply in love with him. I don't care if I just scared him with my declaration. I had to let him know. We continued like this in silence. All I can hear is the steady sound of our breathing. I closed my eyes and will my self to sleep.
I woke up around 6 in the morning next to a cold sheet. I see a note laying on his pillow.
I had to leave early this morning. Feel free to use anything you need and take all the time you need. I will see you later in the office. Let yourself out when you're ready.
I feel the tears threaten my eyes. This is the Alex the world knows. The one who beds women and leaves their bedside before dawn. Well in this case, his bedside. He sounded so cold and distant. I felt as if I was one of those women he picked up and decided to have fun with. He managed to make something so special to me, seem so cheap and amount it to nothing. He was my first. I wanted to give myself for the first time to someone I love completely. I've loved him from the first moment I saw him. He had this hard look on his face, but he still managed to look handsome. One look at him and I was a goner. I watched him with countless women, and I have given up hope that he would notice me, until a week ago, when he asked me to accompany him to a meeting he has in Paris. The meeting ended early so we had a few days to explore the place. It was the best days of my life.
Remembering the time when we danced together, I can't believe I actually thought he has already fallen in love with me. Clearly, I was trapped in my own fairy tale. He doesn't love me. I finally give up the fight and let the tears fall on my face.
After a while, I wiped my tears away and make my way to grab my clothes and head to the bathroom. Feeling like I'm finally ready to leave. I look around the room one last time, thinking that this will be the last time I will be here.
I make my way to the door. I set the alarm and with one last glance around, and I leave. I feel the tears threaten my eyes again, but I wipe them away. how am I suppose to face him after what happened? Well if he can act so cold and distant after what we just shared, then I will do the same. I will not let him get the satisfaction knowing that he has hurt me so deeply.
As I was leaving Alex's building, I see Roger waiting for me. He sees me and he starts to walk towards me.
"Harry, Mr. Harrington has asked me to drive you where you need to go," he said smiling politely at me.
"Thanks Roger, but there's no need for that. I'll take a cab," I said to him. I don't need any favours from Alex.
"Harry , please, let me drive you home."
I smile at him, "Ok, but I'm taking the cab to the office." Roger has always been nice to me, and I don't want to get him in trouble with Alex, so I accepted.
"It's a deal."
As we were driving him, I was trying so hard not to cry. I really don't want Roger to what happened. I suspect he already knows I slept with him, from the fact that I stayed the night, but I don't what him to know the whole story. I don't need to be humiliated even more.
Once we got to my building, I quickly thanked Roger and went inside my building. Once I was inside my apartment, I let myself cry again.
There was definitely something wrong. I could tell that Harry was trying so hard not to cry. Alex seemed to be in a bad mood as well. After last night, seeing them so close to each other, I would have thought things were finally getting serious between the two of them. So serious that Alex took her to his place and prepared dinner for her. I've worked with my son for years and not once did he bring a woman home to his place. It was always their place or a hotel. So now I'm sitting here in my car, outside Harry's apartment wondering what in the hell has gone wrong between the two of them.
After what seemed like forever, I finally make it the office building and I quickly make my way to the elevator. The elevator door opened, and I was immobilized by what I am seeing. Alex is kissing Anya. I gasp,and it must have been loud, because he suddenly stopped to look my way. Shock registering in his face. What happened to things were over between us crap he told me when I asked him while he was taking me with him on his trip, instead of Anya?!?!
"Harry," he whispered.
The elevator was starting to close. I will my voice to speak, "I'll catch the next one," I said before the door completely closed. I angrily wipe my tears away. I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest and stomped on repeatedly. I don't know how I will be able to go up there and pretend that everything is ok.
I make my way to my office quickly and give in to the tears that has been threatening to fall. I have no one to blame but my self. I knew his reputation and yet I allowed my self to fall in love with him. I never imagined I could feel this kind of pain. The phone in my office begins to ring, it's Alex. I try to pull my self together before I answer, "Hello."
"I need you in my office," he said and hung up.
I quickly make my way to the ladies room to freshen up. I look at my tear stricken face in the mirror. I decided to reapply my make up quickly to try to hide my tear stricken face. When I finally feel ready, I make my way to Alex's office.
As I make my way to his door, I can feel my heart beating so fast. I bravely walk through his door. He looks up from his computer and sees me. "You wanted to see me?"
"Yes, Harry look we need to talk"
This is the second time he has called me by my full name. I feel disappointment roll throughout my body. I love the way he calls me Ry.
"About what you saw in the elevator, it's not what you think."
"Oh? So I did not just see you kiss Anya?"
"I didn't kiss her, she kissed me"
"Look, Alex, it doesn't matter. I get it. What happened last night did not mean anything to you. You don't have to explain anything. You don't owe me an explanation. What happened between us was nothing. You were in lust, and I was convenient"
"Harry, look I don't know what last night was, but you make it sound so cheap, and it is anything but. I never lied to you about anything. You of all people should know that I'm not interested in a serious relationship. Last night happened because we both wanted it too. Don't act like I forced you. I don't need to force a woman to come to my bed"
"Oh I'm sorry, I forgot, we're talking about Alexander Harrington here. Billionaire extraordinaire. Who has women left and right." I feel anger rise through me. But I can't deny the fact that last night meant something to me. There is no point in denying it. "But you're right, last night happened because I wanted it too. I'm not denying that. And it was special to me. What I said last night, I meant it. Alex, I'm in love with you. I have been for 2 years."
"This is exactly why I avoid women like you. Harry, I don't do love. I don't believe in love. It's a fantasy. I thought that it was safe with you since you're in love with someone else. I guess it's not true, what your dad said, you won't know who you're meant to love forever, because you fell in love with me..." Then he stopped. Understanding came to him. I was talking about him.
"You're wrong Alex. Love is not a fantasy. Love is a gift. My parents were blessed with it. They loved each other. That's the kind of love I want. That's the kind of love I feel for you. I know that you are capable of love, because the last week we have spent together showed me that you care. That you're not the self-centered, playboy billionaire everyone thought you were. I saw the real you, the one that you try to hide. Alex if you give us a chance, maybe you could fall in love with me too"
"Harry you're wrong. I do care about you, but not the way you want me too. Harry, this is what I do. This is how I take care of women. I'm always honest with the women I get involved with. I'm sorry if I made you think otherwise. I'm sorry if I made you think that what we have is different. I take care of the woman I am with until it is over. This is all I am capable of giving. We have to end this Harry. I don't do love."
I know I should just walk away, but I just can't make myself walk away from Alex. One last time I try to change his mind. I grab his hand and I look at him and said, "But I love you Alex. Please Alex, look at me. Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't feel anything for me. Tell me last night meant nothing to you. Look at me, tell me that I'm not just another body in a bed to you." I look at him straight in the eyes. I beg him with my eyes and I see his face harden, his eyes emotionless and I knew...
"Harry, you ARE just another body in a bed," he said coldly.
There's the Alexander the world knows.
I dropped his hand as if it burned me as tears pricked my eyes.
Hearing those words from Alex was like being hit with a dagger straight to the heart. At that moment, I hated my self for being pathetic. I was begging a man to love me and give me a chance. Love is not like this. Love is pure and giving.
I look him straight in the eyes. I want him to see how much he hurt me. I want him to remember this moment. After what seems like forever, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again.
"I'm sorry if what I said hurt you, but you need to stop living in a fantasy. It's nice to think about, but reality has a way of slapping you hard on the face with the truth. And the truth is, not everyone has it in them to love."
"I feel sorry for you. You actually believe that," I said shaking my head. "You may have all the money in the world and you may be able to have and buy everything you want, but you're life is and will always be empty without love. What you have now, it means nothing. Once it's been stripped off you, you'll have nothing."
He snorted. "And what? With love I'll have everything?"
"Yes. You'll have everything because you'll have someone to share all the good times and the bad."
"And that's what makes you so naive. You can't live on love."
"No. You can't. But you'll have the strength and the inspiration to fight against all odds because of it," I said. "Love is the reason we fight."
He remained devoid of emotions as he stared back at me. "No matter what you say, it won't make me feel something I don't. It won't make me love you."
I nodded as excruciating pain radiated throughout my body.
I turned around and walked out of his office m, keeping my head held high, even though all I wanted to do was bust into tears.
I hear Magda ask me if I was okay, as I walked out of his office in shaky legs. I ignore her and continue to walk on my wobbly legs to my office and grabbed my purse and jacket ready to leave the building. I cannot spend another second here.
The look on Harry's face was like a punch in the gut. I squeezed my eyes shut as unexpected pain razed through me at the fact that she was hurting, and it was my damn fault. I've been insensitive and cruel even. The truth is, what happened last night meant something so much more to me too. I just can't let my self admit that. Nothing has changed. I can't give her what she wants. She deserves better. I put my head in my hands, taking deep breaths. As I try to control my emotions, memories of our first meeting greeted me. I remember her determined look. But above all that I remember how beautiful she looked with her long wavy auburn her cascaded past her shoulders, and her green eyes with specks of gold. I was captivated by her beauty, and even more captivated by her intelligence.
For the past two years I tried to ignore the feelings I was having for her and convinced myself that it was just my libido reacting on a gorgeous woman, but I knew it was more because I couldn't keep her out of my mind. I dated all those women to try to erase her from my mind, but it never worked, so I kept dating and dating. I kept my distance from her for the past two years, until a week ago when I asked her to accompany me to Paris.
Fuck, I shouldn't have done that, I scold myself.
The few days we spent together exploring Paris, wasn't nearly enough, I wanted to spend more time with her. The next day, I couldn't help myself I invited her to dinner with me. We made love that night. It was the best night of my life. Our lovemaking was so tender and passionate. It was by far the best sexual experience I've ever had. I knew she lacked experience, but she was so generous and giving, she was perfect. Then after we made love she whispered the words I love you and I was shocked to my core. I was surprised by her confession. I couldn't bring my self to say anything, so I just held her until she fell asleep. I watched her sleep, until I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't want to leave her, but I knew I had to. She was so beautiful and kind and she deserves someone who can love her.
Love her? The thought of someone else having Harry brought pain to me.
What were all these feelings? I have never felt this kind of pain before. Why am I even hurting this way. Yes, I care about her, but that's as far as it goes right?
Then it hit me, Could I be in love with her? That's impossible I don't fall in love.
At this moment, I feel so lost. I don't know what to do. Hearing her say I love you shocked me to the core. It made me happy for a second, but then I realized what I am not able to give her is love. I just don't believe in love lasting long. People eventually fall out of love. But why do I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest. All I can see is the look in her eyes when I said those words. I didn't even mean it. She is not just another body in a bed to me. She means more to me than any woman I have been with. She was different.
I know what I have to do. I can't continue to work at Harrington Enterprises. I'll hand in my resignation first thing in the morning. I can't stay here. I can't continue working for him.
I quickly typed my resignation letter. I'll make sure Magda gets this first thing in the morning. After finishing my resignation letter, I went to pack my bags. I know for sure that Alex will come for me, once he finds out about my resignation. I just can't face him.
I don't know where I'll go, all I know is that I can't stay here any longer. Wait, I could call Emma and maybe I can stay with her for a while. I just need to get away from all of this. I dial her number.
"Hey Harry, oh my god, finally. I haven't heard from you in over two weeks!"
"Hey, Im sorry I was away for a week on business, but something has come up. I was just wondering if I can take you up on that offer to stay with you and Dylan for awhile."
"Absolutely. I miss you so much, I can't wait to spend more time with you. When are you planning to come?"
"I'll try to book a flight for tomorrow, is that okay?"
"Yes, the sooner you get here the better. I am so excited. I can't wait to tell Dylan. But wait, are you okay Harry"
I pause for second, contemplating whether I should tell her now or wait, I decided to wait, "I'll tell you when I get there, I just really need to get away"
"Okay then, just let me know what time you'll be here so I can come and get you at the airport."
"Thanks hon, see you soon!"
"Can't wait"
After talking to Emma, I went online to book a flight to Melbourne.
I enter my apartment, and I imagine Harry everywhere. I walk into my bedroom, and Harry's scent greets me. Pain washes through me again. Every time I think about her, I feel pain. I can't get her tear stricken face out of my head. She is the first woman I have ever brought home with me.
As I walk to my bed, something catches my eye. BLOOD? There's blood on the sheets. Did I hurt her?
Like a strike of lightning, it hit me. She was a virgin. That explains it. I'm thought she simply lacked experience. I mean, she was 24 years old. How many 24 year old virgins is there in the world? But still I shouldn't be surprised. Harry is different and special. Fuck!How can I be so stupid and not know? I was just so captivated by her, that I didn't even take the time to make sure she was ready. But why didn't she say anything? I must have hurt her last night. My heart twisted in agony, as realization hits me. She gave me something that was so special to her and I managed to make it seem so cheap. Fuck!
My anger suddenly turns to remorse, as I remember how she told me she loved me after we made love. The way I didn't want to leave her. The way I wanted to be there when she wakes up. The things I said to her earlier today.
Will she be able to forgive me after the appalling way I have treated her?
I have to see her. I have to talk to her, to apologize. Would she be sleeping by now? Probably it's past midnight. I don't want to disturb her. I'll see her soon enough. I'll just have Magda call her down to the office, that way she won't be able to avoid me. She will have no choice but to listen to me.
I went to bed scared, scared that I have lost Harry.
The next morning, I make my way to my office and make a stop at Magda's desk. "Could you call Ms. Adams to my office please"
"Mr. Harrington, that's what I was going to talk to you about this morning. I have just received her resignation"
"Her what?" No. No, no, no!
"Her resignation sir. She sent it to me through email, and I just printed it out. Here it is."
She hands the letter to me, and I read it quickly. Panic comes over me. This can't be happening. "Cancel all my appointments today, I have to go." I rush out of my office and head to her apartment. She'll be there. She has to be.
After what seems like forever, I finally reach her apartment complex. I ring her apartment, but no one answers. I ring it again, but still no answer. Thank god a woman was about to leave. I slip through the door and head to her apartment. Once I reached her apartment, I knock and call out her name. There was no answer.
"Are you looking for Harry?"
"Are you her boyfriend? Don't you know?"
"Know what?, We kind of had a misunderstanding and I can't get a hold of her, do you know where she is?"
"She left early this morning. She no longer lives here."
She didn't just resign, she even left her apartment just to get away from me. Fear washed through me as I thank her. What have I done? I drove her away.
"I can't believe you're finally here Har"
"I know me too. I missed you so much." After I hugged Emma, I turn to Dylan and gave him a hug too. "Dylan, thanks for having me"
"Hey it's our pleasure. You're Emma's best friend and you're always welcome to our home. She was so excited that after your call she called me to say that we needed to go grocery shopping so she can cook all your favourite food" he chuckles.
Dylan has always been nice. I can tell he loves Emma very much. They are both lucky to have each other and to be blessed with the gift of love. Why can't Alex and I be like this? I scold my self for thinking about Alex. I shouldn't be thinking about him.
"I am looking forward to mac n cheese Em.
She laughs "I have it waiting for you at home."
We walk arm in arm towards the car. God I missed her.
"It shows here that she was on the 8 am flight to Melbourne this morning." Jason said.
"Melbourne?" What would she be doing there? "Thanks, Jason. I want you to give me an update, if there's any other movement on her passport. I want you to try every possible way to find her."
"Yes, sir."
"Oh sweety, god, I am so angry with him. I can't believe he said that to you! On the other hand, this reminds me of what Dylan and I went through early on in our relationship. Men can be so clueless sometimes. They have no idea how to sort through their feelings, especially if they have gone through something that has turned them against falling in love. But thankfully, Dylan came to realize that he loves me too."
"I know you both are so lucky."
"Oh sweety, it's gonna be okay"
I feel the tears threaten my eyes again. Ever since I started to tell Emma about what happened, I couldn't stop the tears from falling. It just hurts so much. "I'm glad I'm here"
"Me too." She hugs me tightly.
I have to move on. I can't keep living like this.
I will forget you Alexander Harrington. You'll see! I vowed to myself. I will not shed another tear for you.
He was right. Love is a fantasy...
4 months later.
Positive. I'm pregnant. I'm having Alex's baby. We're having a baby.
I can't believe it. I'm pregnant. I feel overjoyed about this blessing. I already love my baby. I may be angry with Alex, but I will always love my baby.
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