Chapter 2 -I love you-
Bills POV
I woke up to see Dipper cuddling with me,"Heh so cute." I ruffled his hair up and planted a kiss right on his birthmark,"Huh?" He grunted and finally woke up,"Morning PineTree." Dipper just smiled at me and rested his head on my chest again,"Are you still tired?" He looked up at me and smiled,"Let's get breakfast." He stood up and walked towards the door but stopped,"Aren't you gonna join me?" I smiled and followed him wrapping my arm around his neck,"Let's go!" He smiled back at me and we walked down to the kitchen to see Mabel, Soos, Ford, and Stan,"Morning love birds." Mabel mocked Dipper and I,"Morning to you too Shooting Star." Dipper was close to my side as we sat down at the table,"So how did you two sleep?" PineTree had started to eat his pancakes so he couldn't respond,"I slept fine." I smiled and looked a PineTree,"Last night was fun.." Dipper nearly chocked on his pancakes,"Ohh spill what happened?" Mabel's eyes light up,"Yeah Bill what happened between us last night?" A smile appeared on my face,"While we we're sleeping I woke up to see that pinetree over her was spooning the life out of me." Dipper again chocked on his waffles,"WHAT?" He looked at me red in the face,"I'm teasing nothing happened." I patted his back ruffly,"Don't do that Bill I almost chocked!" He playfully punched my shoulder,"I ship it!" Mabel stood up and ran out the door,"I'm gonna go see candy and Grecian!" Dipper had finished eating and stood up to the dishes,"So Bill what are you planing on doing today?" I sighed and looked at Dipper again,"Probably just hang around the forest again maybe follow Dipper around. I honestly don't know." I looked at Dipper's butt as he moved side to side cleaning the dishes,"Hey you better not be getting any ideas with my nephew!" I looked back at Stan,"I'm not getting any naughty ideas I'm just thinking of what to do today." I smirked at him,"Humpf yeah sure you are." I chuckled and stood up,"Well I guess I'll talk to you later pine ehh?" He turned around and nodded,"I'll meet you here in thirty?" Dipper nodded again and gave me a hug before I vanished in thine air.
Dipper's POV
"Wel I guess I'll talk to you later pine ehh?" I turned around and nodded,"I'll be meet you here in thirty?" I nodded again and gave Bill a hug before he vanished to who know's where,"Welp I'm gonna go get ready." I walked back upstairs into the attic to change into a a grey hoodie and blue skinny jeans....
time skip of my lazyness
After twenty minutes of me just lying on my bed doing nothing but reading I heard a knock on my door,"Who is it?" I rolled onto my stomach my head at the foot of my bed and my legs up,"It's my PineTree." I just let my arms dangle off of my bed and sighed,"Come in Bill." I just returned my gaze to my book,"Hello PineTree are you ready for our little date?" I mumbled a yes and kept reading not paying attention to Bill,"Dipper? Hello Earth to Dipper?" He pulled my book away from me,"Noooo!" I whined and reached for it rolling back onto my back,"Gimme!" I motioned for him to give it back,"My child no!" Bill chuckled and closed the book,"Come on Dipper let's go." I pouted and crossed my arms,"Not until you gimme my book back!" Bill leaned above me his face inches from mine,"Oh yeah?" He got closer and closer,"You want your book back?" My face felt hot,"B-bill what are you doing?" He gently kissed me,"Come on Pine let's go!" He picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder,"BILL!" I laughed as he carried me out of me room,"Let's go!" I smiled,"Come on Bill I can walk put me down!" Everyone in the shack just watched us as we walked over,"Hehehe!" I laughed as he set me down,"Let's go to Circle park." he intertwined his hand with mine as we made our way to the park hand in hand..
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