(OH NO!)
TITLE: 8/10! i personally like it and i see how it ties to the story, the summery also explains the title!
COVER: 6/10! i think it's just a little bit of a messy layout, but i like the coloring and font!
FACE CLAIM(S): 8/10! amazing faceclaim choices! they aren't overused at all, ( except maybe amybeth but not really ) and they are all such an amazing choice! i love all of your faceclaims! amybeth, sophie, oona, sydney, and quvenzhané are all underrated babes!
SUMMARY: 8/10! it's short and simple, it also shows how the title comes into play.
STORYLINE: 9/10! this plot is amazing and intriguing! the plot is such a page turner! i was on the edge of my seat the whole
time. it also had romance but it burned slow! ( personally i love when ships burn slow! ) the characters personalities and their development you can really see! it made me have so many differnt emotions all at once and it made me feel great! can i also just say, rose is my bby who needs love and she deserves stan!
OVERALL: 39/50! overall a very good story and i would definitely recommend!
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