Y/n's POV
Me and Richie were wondering around town having, as I call it, Twin Talks.
We got to the diner, when a text buzzed from the Losers Chat
ItTozierGurl- You
Trashmouth- Richie
MARSHmellow- Bev
BirdBoi- Stan
Stutterbrough- Bill
Wheezy- Eddie
HomeSchool- Mike
Haystack- Ben
Losers Chat
Stutterbrough: Sleepover at mine tonight?
ItTozierGurl: HELL YEAH! 😋
Trashmouth: If My duplicate is going so am I
BirdBoi: Sure, also, love how everyone has practically given up with Y/n as Admin
MARSHmellow: Yep..
Haystack: I'm down to come
Wheezy: I'm free
HomeSchool: Don't have work today so I'll come
Trashmouth: Yep me and Y/n are coming now
ItTozierGurl: When did I agree to this?🤔
Trashmouth: When you said 'Hell Yeah!'
Stutterbrough: Also, Tozier Twins, the back door is open and you know where the fridge is
ItTozierGurl: Oh ffs
Wheezy: ^^
BirdBoi: ^^
ItTozierGurl: Welp I'll plan Richie's funeral
Trashmouth: And I'll plan yours xD
ItTozierGurl: And then slit all of your throats in your sleep
Stutterbrough: Welp ima set up the sleepover
Wheezy: Love how everyone went silent at
Y/n's comment
TiMe SkIp BrOuGhT tO yOu By EdDiEs BuLlShIt GaZeBos
When everyone arrived, Richie attempted to start WW3.
I stood up. Because we are the same height, he doesn't intimidate me
"Fuckin hell of you know how to shut that mouth of yours?"
"Nope, And your stuck with me!"
"Fuck sake, STOP!" I shout
"That's what Eddie's Mum was screa-"
He was cut of by me tackling him to the ground.
I lunged at him and pushed him to the ground and punched his stomach
He stood up quickly even though he was in pain.
"You punches are weak as shit" he said, though the pain in his voice told a different story.
By this point, everyone was in the room
"Ok Y/n, what did Richie do?" Everyone asked
"Eddie's Mu-"
Bill's POV
"Eddie's mu-"
Richie began when Y/n practically sucker punched his stomach.
"Shut the fuck up about Eddie's fucking mum!" She screamed.
"R-r-r-Richie-" I began
"She has a point" Bev piped
"O-ok w-we n-need t-t-t-to hold Y-Y/n back before she murder R-Richie!" I say, she is bout to beat the shit outa him
We held Y/n back, when she looked towards I couldn't help it get lost in those eyes
"Imma kill you Richard! Burn your porn magazines!!!" She shouted.
Somehow, in the logic of Y/n Tozier, she wiggles out of our grasp and tackled Richie to the ground
We left them to it and went to make bacon as eggs
Y/n came down with a look of triumph on her face.
"Did you win!?"Bev asked.
She winked and helped herself to some bacon
Her brother came down with a huge bruise on his cheek and slap marks EVERYWHERE.
"We aren't related anymore!" He said to Y/n.
"I did warn you! Don't get pissy with me, because I went into survival mode when you tickled me!" She shot back
"That's explains a lot..." Eddie said muttered
TiMe SkIp To SpIn ThE bOtTlE
Y/n's POV
We were playing spin the bottle, Richie spun it and it landed on Eddie.
And everyone went into a fit of laughter.
The bottle was spun by Bill and it landed on me
...Kill me now...
The kiss lasted about 5 seconds but it was the best 5 seconds of my LIFE.
Bev spun the bottle and it landed on Ben
U learned over to Stan and whispered in his ear "I ship it!" I and and 'uwu' face and sta chuckled and nodded
Me and Bev ended up painting are nails
"Welp.. th-the girls l-left.." Bill sighed
"Fuck you..." Richie said
"I'm not you!" I say and roll my eyes.
"I swear down!" He shouted obviously annoyed.
I stand up, my nails have dried, and stared at him with fire in my eyes.
"Fight me bitch"
"I'll pass thanks.. I've learnt my lesson!" He replies
I smirked "Good" and painted Bev's nails
We decided to watch The Goonies.
We sat down. Me and Bill took the couch, Bev and Ben were snuggling on the floor with Ben. Bev had her head in the crook of his neck and Ben hugging her around the waist.
My ship.. has sailed.
Richie and Eddie had taken the hammock Bill had. Eddie on top of Richie with his head in his chest and his hands were wrapped around his torso. Richie having on arm over his back, the other resting behind his head. I smiled slightly, it was cute. Fight me.
Mike had a beanbag to sleep on. Welp imma find that bean a girl... or guy? I don't know what that farm boy is into!
We were halfway through the film when I guess I fell asleep?? I don't know.
I was disturbed by feeling a something wrap around my waist. I had fallen onto my side and there was a blanket covering me and Bill... wiat
Someone prepare my funeral.
I mentally screamed. His grip tightened and he pulled me close to him. I giggled. He. Is. So. Damn. Cute!
I got more comfortable and let sleep over take me.
Ok! So, I am actually in shook that I got as many reads as I have! Like it ain't 1k but for a small writer like me.. it's a lot
ALSO! Go check out my other book
Muted| Stan Uris X Reader!
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