Bloody Bathroom
You stuff above! Also just to let you know! I haven't watched the movie because my mum is DEAD scared of clowns isn't not even funny, I have watched the clips of the scenes because I'm using similar dialogue.. sooo
ALSO! Not sticking to the plot line!
3rd Person POV
Y/n was released from the hospital and has been giving a splint so she doesn't have to use a crutch anymore.
Y/n's POV
Me and Bev were talking as laughing until she handed me a small carton of milk (I am addicted to milk)and suggested we catch up with the boys. So we did, me not questioning the milk yet.
Bev's waking was at a normal pace and me at a slightly slower pace.
I stood in between Bill and Stan, with the milk in my hand, and unwrapping the straw
"Why do you a milk carton?" Stan asked me in the tone of "Really... again?
"I'm addicted to milk. And Bev just handed to me" I say as I got the straw out, stabbed it in the cartoon and started drinking it. Like a six year old.
"Well well well if it isn't the Losers and the slut!" He said with a small cast in his nose.
Beverly looks at him, fire in her eyes.
I hid behind Stan and Bill.
"How's your sister doing Tozier, a little birdie told me that she somehow survived.
"Well you must be on some weird shit if you are talking to birds..." I spoke
'Shut did I say that out loud!' I thought.
"This summer is going to be a hurt train, for you and your faggot friends" he said, getting right up in Richie's face.
I arrive at Bev's house while the boys went to their places to get ready.
I walked inside and looked for Bev. I found her in her bathroom reading a postcard in her tub. (I warned you I wasn't sticking to the plot line!)
"Hey Bev... what are you doing?" I ask.
"I have a Secret Admirer" She replied, in a sort of trance, while staring at the postcard.
"Spill the tea! What it's say?" I ask her, sitting in the tub myself.
"Your hair is winter fire,
January embers,
My heart burns there too." She read out.
"Awwww So cute!" I shout, a little to loud.
"You hair! I say as I notice it's really short now.
"I cut it... my dad he... he held me and smelled it..."
This sounds ridiculous but if you had a Dad like Bev then your reaction would have been the same..(As I said the plot line isn't like the movie at all.. 😂)
We continued talking until we heard a voice.. three voices... coming form her sink?
Bev got up and put her head above the hole so she could look down it. Her house key, scratching on the sink.
"Hello? Who are you?"
"I'm Veronica"
"Betty Ripsom"
"And Patrick Hocksetter"
I side looked Bev.
Bev walked out the room and returned with a tape measure.
I was now a bit frightened because the voices were all giggling (I should NOT be writing this stuff at like 2:25am! 😂)
She got the measuring tape and started putting it down the drain. It kept going.. and going.. and going... until it couldn't go any further. "Bring it back up.. the pipe shouldn't be that long..." I say as she pulls it up, she seemed to be having difficulty.. I was now hugging shaking, petrified.
When the tape came up I'd was covered in her hair but it was drenched in.... blood?
She looked at me then hair.
It sprung to life and warped around Bev. As much as me. We tried she to get it off but it would not budge, it was like it had a mind of its own. It wrapped around my legs, pulled me off my balance. It was pulling at me and Bev.
It was wrapped around my wrists.
Both were now both screaming and the hair was pulling me closer to the pipes underneath and Bev closer to the drain.
"HELP SOMEONE HELP!" Was all she was screaming while fighting against the hair, and me trying to kick it off.
The hair stopped dragging me and stopped pulling Bev... and blood. That's all that I could see.. it is all and there wasn't a clean speck in sight.
Bill's POV (This is new)
We were waiting for the girls, we were outside her house, as we were going to make plans for the Quarry soon, when we heard screaming form the house
I looked at the others and we all bolted to the stairs. We looked in her room and the living room.
"Where are they!" Richie said desperate to get to his sister.
"Guys..." Eddie piped in but no one seemed to hear him.
"GUYS!" He shouted a bit louder.
We all looked at him.
"The bathroom" was all he said and we got the hint.
The bathroom door was closed but we hear the screaming suddenly stop behind the door.
I opened the door to reveal a horrible sight.
Blood everywhere and in the corner was Bev, stuttering and shaking and Y/n hugging her knees and to her chest.
Both were sittings, backs against the wall opposite the sink. Bev in tears...drenched in blood.
Bev was whimpering and Y/n was muttering nonsense under her breath.
Before anything Richie ran over to Y/n and tried to get her to talk while Ben and Mike was trying the same thing with Bev.
Eddie started gagging and I honestly didn't blame him, the metallic smell was getting to me slightly too
"Y-you can w-w-wait outside E-Eddie" I say to him with that GOD DAMN STUTTER.
"You don't have to tell me twice!" He whisper shouted and ran out of the house.
We were walking to the Tozier household so they could get cleaned and changed. We cleaned the bathroom. The girls were fine but still a bit shaken up. I have to admit, I do feel jealous because Y/n is cuddling Stan. I LIKE HER OK! I know they're best friends, but still..
Ugh! What are with these feelings!
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