Just a little tipsy
I am Soo sorry for that last one y'all thought something was going to happen... NOPE.
Whatcha till the very end of
The video.
¥¥Dippers p.o.v.¥¥
I woke up with the sunlight shining through my window.
I looked around when my gaze landed on Bill, and realized that we were cuddling and he wasn't the only one doing it. I was so startled at the sight that I fell off the bed with a loud thump.
I looked at him and he started to stir in his sleep. Slowly memories started coming back.
I blushed a deep red when I noticed both of our shirts were off, but relived when that was the only piece of clothing we had off.
I went to the kitchen to see Will with his face in a bowl of cheeto puffs that was out.
I decided to leave him and make breakfast. I made bacon and eggs. I was almost dome making pancakes when Bill came in...... still shirtless. I was about to flip a pancake when he hugged me from behind taking me by surprise. He started to get closer to my face when he said-
"Your burning the pancake"
I flipped the pancake.
"What smells good!"
Will woke up.
"Good morning Will!" I said.
"What about me"
"Don't get me started on you. You blondy."
" Hey last night wasn't my fault"
"Your burning it."
I wiggled out of his grip and put the food on the table.
"Serve up."
"Hmmm, what on the menu, smells good."
"I'm not talking about the food."
He had pulled me in another hug from behind. He rested his head in my neck making me blush. It was a little harder to get out of this time but I managed.
"Hey I might be Gay but I don't know you!"
"I'm Bill f-ing Cipher!"
"I know, wait why does that name seem familiar. Hmmm. welp wanna go to the lake it's getting hot outside."
"Ok let's grab our gear and go."
"After breakfast!" The brothers said.
I went to pack when Bill came in.
"Hey did you mean it when you said you were gay?"
" Yah why."
"Well....." Bill said getting close. He had backed me up against my dresser and pushed me down on it. I tried to wiggle away but, him holding my wrists down made that difficult. He started kissing my jawline. He made his way down my neck and down my cheeks until it came to my pants. He came back up with the kisses and ended with a deep kiss on my lips.
A knock was on the door.
"Hey I'm ready are you two done.
?" It was Will.
"Yah one second!" I called back.
" Well I better go" Bill said getting up but not before planting another kiss on my lips, and left to pack. When I was done I went outside and met them. We were going to bike there but Will didn't know how so I let him sit on my seat with me. He held me as for fear of falling.
When we got there we got in to swimming clothes.
I was wearing blue shorts with white Pine trees on the pockets
Bill had black ones with yellow triangles and Will with a white T-shirt wore white ones with blue triangles on them.
I challenged them to a race to the deep end Will was for it but not Bill. Me and Will looked at each other and smirked. We picked up Bill then ran and jumped off of a rock that lead straight to the deep end. Me and Will popped up and laughed but couldn't find Bill
"Uh-oh!" I dive realising what if he couldn't swim. I had to squint to get a good look in the murky water. And I saw Bills limp body being pushed down and across the lake by a current that was easy to fight if you were conscious.
I swam down and across the lake. I got Bill by the shoulders about 14ft down be fore he hit bottom.
I swam to shore which was all the way across the lake from where we were. I could see Will in the distance, a tiny speck.
But there were more important things, Bill wasn't breathing.
I tried pushing on his chest but it didn't work the only thing left was mouth to mouth CPR. (Any one else Remember mermando XD)
I did what I knew and.... Worked. He spat out water and looked at me. I was just relived.
All of the sudden I pulled him into a kiss a long and passionate one. I felt a toung slip in to my mouth and the kiss got deeper and hungrier. By the time we stopped it was getting dark.
We found Will and headed back to the cabin.
I know cliff hanger I'm sorry but I'm going to humor you with a terrible pun. I guess you could say Bill is the demon....of his dreams. Da-da-ncccc!
See what what I did cause Bill's a dream demon. Eh...eh?!
Ok I'll stop know
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