Tickle Fight
^^^^ Picture of (B/n) and yes, I know it's a picture of baby Suga. 😋
"But please-"
"No," Yoongi waved the maknae line away. "I'm not going to play your dumb tickle game."
"At least, not yet. Guys! I have a plan! Taehyung yanked Jimin and Jungkook away, them sitting in a circle and whispering is hushed voices to each other.
"Do I want to know what they're planning?" Namjoon asked, grabbing a mug of coffee and leaning next to Yoongi.
"Probably not," Yoongi shrugged and walked towards the cabinets to find something to make. On his adventure, he found some banana baby puffs and smiled, grabbing them and turning them around his hand. That reminded him he should probably wake you and (B/n)-
"Yoongi!" A screech came from your room with a whole bunch of giggles. Namjoon choked on his coffee as Yoongi narrowed his eyes, slamming the canister down on the counter. "Oh hell no."
When Yoongi reached your shared room, he was bright red with anger.
"What the fuck are you-"
"Yoongi!" Another squeal along with some pained laughed came from you as you were thrashing in your bed to push the three boys away along with your son.
Yoongi stared blankly at them, anger slowly turning into amusement. "So this was you plan?" He walked over to you five where you were batting all of their hands away.
"Hey, we got your attention. We even got (B/n) to help us," Jimin giggled, his hands pausing.
They made room as Yoongi slipped onto the bed and hovered over you, an innocent enough gummy smile coming across his face.
"Hey babe," he chuckled, both hands resting next to your head.
"Appa!" (B/n) giggled, climbing onto Yoongi's back.
"Ya! I'm an old man!" Yoongi huffed out, looking behind him and into his son's face. He had kitten-ish features like his father, and had gotten his (h/c) hair from you.
"I tickwled eowmma!" He blubbered out happily.
"Wanna help me tickle eomma?" Yoongi asked evilly, smirking at his son. The three youngest left so Yoongi could have some family time, so it was up to Yoongi and (B/n) to tickle you mercilessly.
"Yes! He jumped off of Yoongi and sat next to you. Before (B/n) could tickle, though, Seokjin came in after noticing Yoongi hadn't fed his kid yet.
"What the hell guys?" Seokjin came in, his motherly figure coming out. "You realize your son has to eat? (B/n), want some french toast?"
"Yay! Fwench toast!" The little boy cheered, climbing off the bed and running into Seokjin's arms. Before Seokjin was completely gone, you could hear a 'horrible parents.' out of him.
"That's my kid," Yoongi and you said in unison, then gave each other a weird look before laughing.
Yoongi sad on your stomach, all of his weight distributing towards his legs while his hands slid down your arms soothingly.
"My hero-" you started, but Yoongi's smirk came back as his hands went to your armpits and traveled up and down your sides. The worst part, you couldn't escape because you were trapped under your evil husband.
"You were supposed to me!" You laughed out, flailing your limbs and trying to push him off, "stah- sta- stalp- stop!"
"What is going on?" Hoseok rubbed his eyes as he lazily walled into the kitchen that was full of giggling kids.
"I tickewled eowmma!" (B/n) giggled, showing a gummy smile just like his father's.
"(Y/n) is loud," the tired rapper grumbled. "I was honestly hoping for more sleep."
"It's actually their fault," Namjoon pointed at the three maknaes, who paused in their eating.
"No!" They could hear a screech and some padding of feet. More laughing erupted and everyone watched as Yoongi walked out with you in his arms as you were calming down, taking deep breaths.
"I caught her," Yoongi said triumphantly.
"Eowmma!" (B/n) squealed happily, making grabbing hands for you.
"Wow, I didn't know Yoongi was capable of having fun. He looks dead inside 24/7 (Heaven... not sorry)," Seokjin laughed his window cleaner laugh.
"What's for breakfast?" You asked, sitting on one side of (B/n)'s highchair as Yoongi sat on the other.
"I made some french toast," Seokjin dished up a plate for you and Yoongi.
"Tickle fight after?" Jimin asked you innocently. You looked over at Yoongi for a split second, a playful smirk erupting on your face. "I wanna get revenge."
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