Humming, I smiled to myself as I looked through my phone. My friend, Min yoongi had texted me only five minute ago, asking if I wanted to stay over. Me, having a crush on him, plus being friends with him since high-school, instantly replied with a yes. Though, he lived quite far from me. I had to take the train, then walk about two miles until I reached his house. Or take a taxi...
"Annyeonghaseyo! Could I have a ticket to Gangnam-Gu?" I asked the ticket lady with a smile.
"Of course! And I want to know... do you know that guy over there?" The lady pointed behind me and I looked over my back, tilting my head. "Who?" Inside, I was hoping that it was Yoongi, maybe that he had come to give me company. But no, it was a guy in all black looking my way. Maybe he was debating about getting a ticket, or maybe waiting for someone.
"Aniyo, but I have to meet someone. I should get going!" I waved at the worried woman and walked towards the train.
That's where it got strange. People say you can feel a stare, making you shiver, and that's what I felt, so I turned around. It was the same man and he was slowly following me.
Looking back about every two seconds, I saw the guy, still following me as I walked towards Yoongi's apartment.
"Yeoboseyo," I gave a soft giggle, but my heart was racing. Maybe the guy was also going somewhere?
"(Y/n)? Ya! You on your way?" Yoongi responded.
"Uh.. yeah, anyways.. did you invite anyone else?" I tried to giggle out of it again, but when I passed near a bright light, I saw something shine in the man's hand, and I felt like crying.
"Ani. I told the others that I was gonna hang out with you this weekend... why?" I heard a pop and a sizzle, and knew he had gotten wine.
"Fuck," I quietly cursed.
"(Y/n)?" Yoongi sounded fully confused now.
"Do you think you can pick me up? I'm by Dosan Park. Please? I think someone is following me and I think they have a weapon," I begged, hurrying into the the semi-busy park. Maybe if I hid in a crowd until Yoongi got me, maybe I'll lose the person.
"Yeah, of course. I live kinda close actually. See you in about five," I heard him grab his house keys, since he didn't own a car.
"Please stay on the phone. I need someone to talk to," I sat on a bench next to a group of teenagers.
"Okay... so where are you in the park?" The friend asked. Was he already here?
"I'm by the fountain. There's a group of teens next to me," I heard a click and bit my finger, shaking. The man following me was taking pictures.
"Who's taking pictures of you? Do you know him?" Yes! Yoongi was close!
"ANIYO! He's the fucking stalker! Please, hurry up and come over here! Please," by the third flash, I started crying. The teenagers had left, and I was alone, with this man who had a weapon and a camera.
"I'm over here. See me? The guy is walking towards you. Do you think you can run to me?" Yoongi made eye contact with me. "Now hurry. He's getting closer."
Launching myself out of my seat, I sprinted towards my friend, who caught me. The man who's been following me watched me run and balled up his fists.
I woke up with a shudder, hitting my head with someone else's.
"Ow..." It was Yoongi. Taking a breath of relief, I looked around the dark living room and out the open curtains, convinced that that man was watching us.
"You okay?" He noticed by anxious gaze at his windows and doors, and when the rain started, I noticed a dark figure by his window. Crawling into his arms, I hid into his chest. "Hey now..."
"He's still watching... what does he want?" I clawed at Yoongi's bare arms.
"Want to go see?" The boy teased, and I felt fear crawl up my spine. "I was just joking... He'll go away. My door is locked."
"Are you crying?" He gently shoved me away from him so he could look at my watering eyes.
I was going to deny it, but then the man started banging on the window and started crying harder.
"Yoongi," I cried into his chest.
"Let me call the police," he wrapped a hand around me, and I used his shirt to muffle my cries.
"Yeoboseyo?! We need help! There's someone trying to break into my apartment. He's been stalking my friend and now trying to break my window with a knife. Please hurry." I listened to his rushed heart and almost forgot that the man was breaking in, until I heard a crack.
"The window's breaking!" Yoongi yelled into the phone. I heard a muffled voice from the phone, then felt myself being carried as Yoongi carried me somewhere.
"Yoongi... will we die?" I whimpered, holding onto him tightly.
"Ne, that is my friend speaking. She's scared. The guy was taking pictures of her and following her from her house."
"If we die like this, I want- no.. I need to tell you something," I was set down on a chair as Yoongi went to lock his office door. He kept the light off, and I only knew where he was by the light filtering through the window. It was probably the safest room in his house because it was on second floor, and the creepy maniac wouldn't be able to get through the window. His doors in his house are pretty strong too, considering the fact that when he pissed off his ex, she threw a hammer into one of his doors and it's just fine.
"Sir, please stay on the phone. The police are on their way."
Looking for something to calm me down while he quietly talked with the lady, I found two balled up pieces of paper that didn't make it to the trash can. The first one was a letter.
Dear (Y/n),
Even before I started dating my ex, I noticed my feelings for you.
Then the note stopped and so I looked at the second paper. It was also a note.
Dear (Y/n),
Remember high-school? I remember when you started dating that one kid... Jimin, right? I would be lying if I said I wasn't jealous. So out of jealousy, I started dating Allee. It was difficult to be a good boyfriend for her, though, when my heart was already set with you. When you broke up with Jimin years later, I found my opportunity and let Allee go.
Aish... she wasn't happy, and it made it worse for her to bear when you were staying with me that week. I've been finally looking for the perfect time to tell you how I felt. I'm going to tell you when you come over this weekend.
When I finished the note, I heard the sound of glass breaking and Yoongi instantly stopped stalking and took me out of his squeaky chair, then hid us behind his equipment.
"Shh.." he silenced me, listening to the creak of the stairs.
"It's important," I whispered almost silently in his ear. Quietly handing him the ruined piece of paper, I tried not to cry when I heard the man opening the doors down the hall, and bit my lip.
"I want to tell you this incase me die. Please... I always had a crush on you," I gripped his hand, biting my tongue when my lip started to tremble.
The man gripped the knob, then twisted it, then shook it when he couldn't open it. Next, he started banging in the door.
"Why are you telling me this now?" Yoongi quietly hissed to me.
"Because... I was scared to before. I was going to tell you tonight since it's just us time without your other friends around," I whimpered, hearing sirens in the distance.
"We will live. He can't get in," Yoongi lifted my chin. The moonlight sure did make him even more gorgeous.
"How can you be sure? Oh Yoongi. This isn't fair. I never wanted to confess because I didn't want to make out friendship awkward. Besides, it seems like you never liked me like that," I rushed out my words.
"I never saw you as a friend because I always wanted more," Yoongi kissed me. It seemed like a rush. Panicked. We were both scared, and even though the sirens were now loud and I heard pounding of footsteps up the stairs should've given us reassurance.
"Put your hands up in the air!" I heard an officer yell and fell into Yoongi's arms, crying happily that we were safe.
"You will be locked away until court," another officer grunted and I heard the metal snaps of handcuffs.
"Annyeonghaseyo? Ma'am? Sir? Are you in here?" A female officer knocked on the door. Yoongi set me down and got up from our hiding spot, unlocking the officer door that now had chipped wood around the handle.
"Is anyone hurt?" The female walked in, turning the light on and looking around the room that was littered with sheet music and pencils. "Aish, what a mess."
"This is my work space, and that is-"
"Your girlfriend? Or is she just a female, maybe relative," a male officer gently helped me from the hiding spot. Yoongi clenched his jaw, eyes blazing.
"Ne, she's my girlfriend. She was walking to my apartment when that guy started following her."
"Miss, could you tell us the whole story? You boyfriend can hold you hand or something if it's too frightening," another male officer gently asked, and I nodded.
"Humming, I smiled to myself as I looked through my phone..."
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