I groaned, face first into the throw pillow. My husband, Min Yoongi, was on World Tour, while I was here, at home, with the best, yet worst curse ever. I was pregnant.
We had been trying, and he was hoping that I would get pregnant before he had to leave for a year.
He got what he wanted, but now he won't be able to be here when I have the baby.
"Perfect timing," I sighed when I heard my computer ringing. It was Yoongi calling me on skype.
"Yeoboseyo, babe," I laid my head on my hand as I stared at the most handsome man in the world.
"Yeoboseyo~ how's my beautiful wife? Is she surviving?" Yoongi smiled.
"Ne, but it's hard feeding two people," I sighed again, rubbing the exhaustion from my eyes.
"Two people?! Who's there?" Yoongi frowned, narrowing his eyes.
Standing up, I showed off my baby belly. "Just me and no name here," I rubbed my stomach.
"Uwa..." he widened his eyes.
"Is that (Y/n)?!" Someone practically shoved Yoongi away from the camera. It was Taehyung. "(Y/n)! Where are you going?"
"I'm not going anywhere. I was just showing Yoongi my stomach," I sat back.
"Why?" Jimin was now in the screen.
"Because she's pregnant, pabo," Yoongi rolled his eyes.
"You should've waited for Hyung's birthday to tell him!" Taehyung grinned.
"Well, Yoongi called me today, so I told him today. Aish I feel miserable though," I groaned. "The fucking morning sickness is killing me."
"How long have you been pregnant?" Yoongi started playing with the black band around his ring finger.
"I'm four months in," I rubbed my swollen stomach.
"Ya! It's been about four months since we left! Hyung, naughty Hyung," Jimin put his arm around Yoongi.
Yeah yeah, I know. Jimin has a crush on my husband, but it doesn't bother me.
"She's my wife. It's normal," Yoongi argued.
"Ew... I'm going now. I have a boyfriend to see," Taehyung fake gagged. Yup, he's dating Hoseok. (Sorry, I love Jikook)
"Kids," Yoongi muttered, running his hand through his hair. "Speaking of kids, when are you due?"
"In five months, so before you get back," I held up five fingers, then put them down sadly.
"Oh... I'll come back early then," Yoongi said confidently.
"Hyung, you can't. We aren't BTS without you," Jimin gave a pout.
"Yeah, but that's my kid. What if your wife or whatever was having a baby?"
"Hyung.." Jimin bit his lip.
"What?" Yoongi replied grumply.
"I'm gay. My 'wife' will be a 'husband', which will make it impossible for him to have a baby."
"I was rhetorically speaking!"
I yawned, but when I closed my eyes, I felt all of my dinner come back up and rushed to the bathroom.
"Jayiga?!" Yoongi called.
"I'm fine," I came back in, holding my stomach. This was going to be a long trip.
"I have a concert. Don't throw your guts up," Yoongi cooed. "Saranghae~" he blew me a kiss.
"Saranghaeyo," I blew him a kiss back before he hung up. Shutting the laptop, I sat back and stared at the ceiling.
"I miss you."
"Yoongi-oppa~ are you married?" A fan in the crowd noticed the ring on the black haired man's ring finger.
"Ne," he put his left hand up and let the others get a good look at the band.
"Did your wife come with?" Another person tilt their head.
"Aniyo. She's at home watching our kid," Yoongi tsked.
"Kid?!" The fans, and the members who haven't heard, gasped.
"She's pregnant," the rapper smiled in triumph, probably at his dongsaengs who have failed to get dates, except Taehyung and Hoseok.
Some fans felt their hearts break while others shouted congratulations.
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