Police Savior Pt.2
"You really are quiet," Yoongi noticed, his hands folded across his chest as he stared at the ceiling.
"I was told to stay quiet," you replied, drawing on a small notepad the hospital had in the room.
"So were the others, but they usually don't listen," he hummed in amusement.
"Well, they have places to stay. I'd rather not be kicked out of my only safe place," you looked up from the notepad for a moment then looked back down at your drawing. It was your fifth drawing, and now that you have covered half a face, you realized you were slowly drawing Yoongi.
"The police department," he looked over at you and you slyly hid the notepad from his view.
"The boss is going to think I'm there," you looked back at him, a cold feeling settling in your gut.
"Mr. Min, you have a visitor," the nurse came in, and Yoongi closed his eyes for a small moment when nodding.
"Can you hand me my police uniform," he asked the nurse, pointing to the button up shirt that had a rip with blood stained around it where he was cut.
"Uh, of course, Mr. Min," the nurse nodded, grabbing the hung up shirt and handed it to him.
"Now you can send them in," Yoongi told the nurse while he put the top on, buttoning it up. The nurse nodded again and quickly left, closing the door and went to grab the visitor.
"Could you help me?" Yoongi hissed while trying to move his right arm to button up the uniform.
"Uhh, yeah," you set the notepad down and walked over to the bed. With shaky fingers, you helped him button it up. Every now and then, you'd flinch when your fingers hit the bandage or his bare skin.
"Knock knock," a gruff voice came through the door. Shivers traveled down your body and your hands froze, getting a confused look from Yoongi, because it was 'the boss'.
"You must be my visitor," Yoongi said, bemused.
"Not really. I'm her visitor," the man stuck his hands in his pockets, shrugging. "She has something for me."
Yoongi made a small face a understanding, calmly nodding his head, "I see. What is it that she has?"
"It's really something personal. You of all people should know that, as a police officer," the man shrugged again. You went to look at the man, but Yoongi gingerly grabbed you chin with a whisper 'keep buttoning. I'll make sure he leaves.'
"It's not personal if it's saving people's lives," Yoongi rubbed your arm as to say 'ignore him and I. You're safe' as he talked.
"Hmm.. do you know (Y/n)?" The man asked, leaning on the doorframe.
"Isn't that personal?" Yoongi mocked.
"It isn't personal when she and I are together," you could practically hear his smirk, making you jut your bottom lip out in anger. It was only until Yoongi flinched in pain the you noticed how rough you were being.
"Together huh? What kind of together because I don't really see a ring," Yoongi mused, innocently taking your left hand and looked it over.
"Oh my. She must've lost her ring," the man faked sighed. "It must've happened when she was hanging off that building."
"Ah. Do you want me to find her ring?" Yoongi asked, putting your hand down and let you finish up your job. The man was about to answer, but Yoongi interrupted him, "the ring that doesn't exist?"
"How dare you! You know nothing about my precious wife," the man screamed. Hold up a fucking second, you thought, pausing at the last button with fury dancing in your eyes.
"Except for the fact that you've tried to rape her when she was twelve," Yoongi stated calmly.
"How do you- I mean, why do you accuse me at such things," the man balled up his fists, then calmed himself sown, now taking notice of the rooms and cameras. He also noticed the notepad that was on the chair. "My my my. Someone's been doodling, haven't they?"
"Are you changing the-" Yoongi flushed red in slight anger, scrunching up his nose.
"Wow... this man looked familiar," the man chuckled grabbing the tape and ripping all the drawings out. When he taped them all together, it made Yoongi. "How long did it take you to make this, (Y/n)?"
"Don't speak to me like we're friends," you spat, now looking at him, "it doesn't matter how long it took me."
"Did Mr. Min know you were drawing him?" The man cackled, crumbling up the papers.
"Yes," Yoongi lied, "she asked me to stay still so she could draw me."
"Okay, how close are you really," the man growled, now slowly ripping up the drawing.
"We-" you started again, but Yoongi interrupted you once again.
"We're together," he lied straight through his teeth.
"What?" The man said exactly what you were thinking.
"You heard me," Yoongi shrugged. "I was planning on asking her to marry me, but I guess we had a change of plans," then he pointed to the bandage the was shown through the ripped fabric.
"Why didn't she say anything to me?" The man raised an eyebrow.
"Do I care?" Yoongi chuckled shallowly, throwing his head back on his pillow in exhaustion.
"Why is it that I'm having such a hard time believing that you two are together?" The man rolled his eyes, throwing the ripped up drawings on the floor.
"Not sure," Yoongi closed his eyes.
"We're together," you finally said, getting a slightly shocked look from the boss.
"Why don't you prove it, pretty gal?"
A lump formed in your throat and you took a deep breath, leaning over Yoongi who opened his eyes to look at you. He nodded in quiet permission and you reluctantly kissed him. It was gentle, and it felt new. His lips were soft and the feeling was sucking you in. His hands traveled up your arms, leaving a trail of goosebumps, and wrapped themselves around your back. It felt safe and welcoming, and once again for the first time you felt relaxed. The kiss made you feel like you've known Yoongi for longer than you actually had.
"You realize that's not her first, right?" The man cackled, pulling you off Yoongi with the tug of your hair. You slightly screeched, and Yoongi sat right up, not minding the searing pain in his side.
"Let go of my hair," you tried to pry his hand open, but his other hand came around your throat, threatening you.
"Why are you hurting her?" Yoongi slid out of the bed, his legs wobbling for a small moment.
"Well, officer. She's mine. Her dad gave me to her, and I can't allow random guys to kiss her except me," the man brought you to his lips. In frustration, you brought you knee up and kneed him in the crotch. The man dropped you to grab his nuts, groaning in pain. When his hands released you, you ran towards Yoongi, who opening his arms and hid you behind him.
Yoongi then grabbed his radio.
"Namjoon," he spoke, and immediately got a reply back.
"Hyung? You're up? How's (Y/n)?"
"Listen. Come as fast as you can, we have as problem."
"Is she okay?"
"She's fine, but that asshole's boss is here."
The line went dead and Yoongi reaches and arm behind and gave you the radio. "If something happens or one of the guys talks, click the red button and hold it to talk."
"Why do you have to bring the police force in? You could just have had the nurse's escort me out," the man groaned , still holding his privates in slight pain.
"Because you, sir, are under arrest for rape, human trafficking and attempted murder," Yoongi said confidently.
"Like you can catch me. By the time your friends will be able to get through traffic, I'll be gone," the man went to go, but Yoongi's next words made him stop and think.
"When police officers have their lights and sirens going, everyone has to move aside and wait. By the time you get downstairs, they'll be waiting at the doors to escort you out like the gentlemen they are."
"How's everything going up there? Give me a sign and we'll come up," Namjoon's voice cackled through the radio. Yoongi looked back at you, nodding to tell you to answer.
"Uhh.. it's (Y/n), Yoongi gave me his radio while he deals with the boss. What sign are you looking for?" You remembered Yoongi's instructions, pressing down the button an spoke.
"Haha, cute. The sign were looking for is any sign. Is Yoongi alright?" Namjoon chuckled.
"Yoongi is fine... you can come up. The boss is trying to leave," you replied, shaking from nervousness.
"Alright, Captain (Y/n)!" Namjoon joked.
"You could be a police officer," Yoongi reached a hand back to ruffle your hair.
"So, are we disrupting anything?" Namjoon asked as he shimmied past the man.
"Nope. Kiss already happened," Yoongi shrugged and Seokjin ran in, "what kiss?! Min fucking Yoongi, I swear, if you kissed (Y/n)-"
"Actually, she kissed me," Yoongi said smugly.
"Wait. You don't know each other?" The man seemed slightly confused.
"Nope," Yoongi popped the 'p'.
"Then why would you kiss her?" The man seemed mad now. If he wasn't mad before, he definitely is now.
"I actually enjoyed the kiss. It was the first gentle kiss I've ever had," you whispered before any of them could say anything, "the first willing kiss I've ever had."
"What does that mean? Seokjin frowned, sitting on the hospital bed while Jungkook and Taehyung cuffed up the man.
"I was forced on. My first kiss was forcefully stolen from me," you coughed awkwardly.
They all nodded in understanding.
"Don't act like you didn't like it, slut," the man growled as he was being tugged away.
"I didn't. You made me feel trapped and tense," you shrugged calmly, feeling a weight being lifted off your chest that had grown for years.
"Yoongi saved (Y/n) again!" Taehyung cheered.
"I-It wasn't that big of a deal," you blushed.
"Admit it, you like me saving you," Yoongi said cockily.
"I never said I didn't like you saving me," you coughed.
I'm not really fond of this ending, but oh well. I don't know what to add to it.
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