The cat you are is a Turkish Angora.
First edit: 8/10/2017
Second edit: ???
Yoongi went into a peculiar store, only noticing it that day. It had a name that intrigued him.
Jung Hoseok's Hybrid Shop.
While maybe one or two of his friends had a hybrid, he had never heard of such a thing until they said something.
"They're so cute! They'll do anything for you, hyung!"
"You can form them into anything. From just a companion to a sex slave, Yoongi."
He knew his friends' lives were sad, but were they really sad enough that they need to buy someone just to have sex? Can they not even get a simple hook up or something? Well, instead of meeting one of his friend's hybrid that was just for the pleasure purpose, he met his friend, Jimin's, hybrid. His hybrid was a fox, and quite a nice one.
"You should really get one. Jungkook here is really sweet. If I'm having a hard and stressful day, he'll make dinner and give me a massage until I fall asleep. He also helps clean and goes shopping with me," Jimin cooed at his fox, rubbing his back. "But you have to give them attention or they start to get really sad and needy."
"Which way needy?" Yoongi frowned at his tea.
"Depends on how you shaped your hybrid. If you shaped it how Namjoon shaped his, then they'll become needy for intercourse. If you shape it like Seokjin's, then they'll lock themselves up until you let them help you. Jungkook personally won't stop pestering me until I give him a hug or let him cuddle with me. They get lonely fast," Jimin explained, smiling at how Jungkook was peacefully coloring, not minded how his 'master' (Jimin prefers boyfriend) was speaking about his kind.
"Do they all like to color and play with toys?" Yoongi noted on how all if his friends' hybrids loved being babied.
"Depends again. I think they do most of the time, but I spoil Jungkook."
"Well, if I ever get one, I'm not spoiling it," Yoongi said, and how he was so wrong. Actually, he loved how adorable the taller hybrid was acting. He personally wasn't into males though, like his friends (except Namjoon... he had two hybrid of both genders). If Yoongi ever had to chose between a male and a female hybrid, he would pick female in a snap. But it's also depending how adorable they are. If the male is cute like Jimin or Jungkook, then yeah.
"Hello sir! Would you like a male or female?" The man at the counter smiled. He was just a warm ball of sunshine. Yoongi hated him already. He was too happy for Yoongi's taste.
"Uh... female please," Yoongi blushed.
"Follow me," the man, Hoseok by the name tag, waved Yoongi over. The shorter had no option then to either run or follow, so he followed.
"Each hybrid has a name, there is a paper information sheet taped to each of their cages," Hoseok explained. "Some have had previous owners. If you look on the sheet, you can see what they are usually bought for," Hoseok pointed to one sheet. It said 'cleaning'.
"And some never had owners before, so they can be used however," the smile Hoseok gave Yoongi was slightly dark, and it scared the pink haired rapper.
After looking at five of the female hybrids, Hoseok explaining and talking about each of them and them begging to be bought, they had come across a quiet cage. Inside was a calm hybrid that had a white cat tail happily streaming behind her. She was too fixed upon her brand new puzzle that she didn't- nor cared- about the two that approached her.
"This is (Y/n). She's quite spoiled rotten. Out of everyone, I think she has managed to get me to buy her the most things. That's why you can see expensive clothing on her and more toys than anyone else. She's quite the charmer," Hoseok smirked and your ears twitched, quietly giggling slightly at the compliments.
"I can tell. She's the only one with a white silk collar and a gold bell around her neck," Yoongi thought for a moment, then looked a the chart.
Name: (L/n) (Y/n)
Age: eighteen
Type: Feline
Purpose: To be spoiled and loved
Likes: Being spoiled, toys, coloring, puzzles, mind games, TV, dancing, cuddling, kisses, hugs
Dislikes: water (unless they're bubble baths), being punished, pain
"There's not many dislikes," Yoongi stated, looking back at you.
"She's not picky. She just hates being in pain. One time, she got a simple paper cut and cried for an hour straight. Another time I had to punish her for fighting with a male hybrid that tried to mate her. I punished him too, but she wouldn't look at me for a month," Hoseok sighed.
"Got it," Yoongi nodded in thought, "I'd like her."
"Fairly good choice, just beware, you're gonna end up blowing a lot of money," Hoseok unlocked the cage, despite the whines from the other hybrids.
You finally looked up, immediately noticed the adorable looking adult in front of you that was signing paperwork.
"Your hair is so cute!" You squealed, running away from Hoseok to stand on your tip toes and run your hands through his soft fringe. Honestly, you didn't even notice Hoseok, who snorted in amusement. Yoongi was bright pink, looking at you in some shocked before giving a small smile.
"What's your name?" You pestered, circling him and smelling his 'scent' to get familiar with him.
"Min Yoongi," Yoongi shrugged you slightly off while he tried to finish paper work.
"I don't see why no one has bought her. She has an amazing personality," Yoongi whistled, hanging to sheet back to Hoseok.
"She's territorial. Her last owner had gotten married and of course her and the wife didn't get along," Hoseok shrugged.
"Well, I think that's it, ready to go to your new home?" Hoseok pinched your cheek gently. You puffed out you cheeks and pawed his hands away.
"Hyung! You really got one!" Jimin cheered. "And it looks like she's spoiled already!"
"Her name is (Y/n), and she likes being spoiled," Yoongi watched as you played with some Legos, eyes flickering over to him and Jimin to make sure Jimin didn't get too close, your pupils slitting up when Jimin got to close or touched Yoongi.
"She doesn't seem to like me," Jimin had noticed how you looked at him, and even Jungkook was scared of you, learning first hand after he tried to get Yoongi to pet him. When Jungkook started licking Yoongi's hand, you lost your shit. Meowing furiously, you chased the poor fox all around the house until Jungkook hid behind Jimin.
"She's territorial," Yoongi waved you over. "She doesn't like other people getting close to me."
"How's that going to work if you ever want a girlfriend?" Jimin asked curiously.
You hissed at the word 'girlfriend', nuzzling your lead in Yoongi's lap. The words were left unspoken, but they all knew what you were thinking; which was that you were good enough.
"Well... if I just wanted a girlfriend for company, then I don't need one. (Y/n) is enough company," Yoongi chuckled, bringing one hand to gently pet your ears. You purred at his words, edging into the touch.
Then the door bell rung.
"Shit," Jimin and Yoongi both muttered, Jungkook hiding more behind Yoongi. A waft a pure disgust came over your nose and you furrowed your eyebrows. Sex hybrids.
"I'll get the door... we don't want (Y/n) hurting Namjoon's hybrids if they get too out of hand," Jimin's rose from his spot, walking towards the door and opening it. Two hybrids came dashing in, hands roaming all over Jimin until Namjoon called them off, glaring at them.
"We're not here for that. We're here to meet Yoongi's new hybrid."
"Who is Yoongi?" The male asked.
"Is he the cutie on the couch?" The female smirked. She was also a cat and the smell of milk came through and you gagged. "She's pregnant," you whispered to Yoongi, opening your eyes to glare at the female cat hybrid. Your tail was twitching threateningly, pupils slitting.
"Seriously dude?" Yoongi groaned at Namjoon. "You got your fuckin' hybrid pregnant?"
"Hyung!" Jimin slapped Namjoon upside the head. "She's part cat!"
"I didn't get her pregnant! It was Taehyung!" Namjoon rolled his eyes. "I was coming home from my studio and Alex here was in heat," he then pointed to the pregnant cat who was still staring at Yoongi with hunger.
"Back off," you growled, "you may be pregnant, but Yoongi is mine."
"Says who? He's never marked you," the other cat, Alex, purred, "and you haven't marked him."
"Says me. Yoongi is my owner. Mine. Stay away from him," your ears flattened back and your fangs were slightly bared.
"Woah, woah, woah. Calm down Alex. You will not do anything to Yoongi," Namjoon heaved a sigh through his nose.
"Why is Yoongi Hyung's hybrid so mean?" Taehyung pouted, nervously itching his doggy ear.
"She's just territorial," Yoongi sighed deeply, trying to calm you down by petting you.
"So this is (Y/n)?" Namjoon asked, sitting next to you and Yoongi. You hissed, trying to block out his scent while also trying to get away from him.
"I really don't understand why she doesn't like you. She was all over me when I adopted her," Yoongi bit his lip, scratching slightly behind your ear, making you mewl.
"Najen, or whatever his name is, stinks. I hate the scent of sex hybrids, and sex period," you growled, eyes narrowing threateningly towards Namjoon.
"Why don't you like me or Jungkook-ah?" Jimin asked, shyly joining Yoongi in petting you.
"Yoongi is mine and you touched him," you closed your eyes until someone grabbed your tail. With a yowl, you jumped up from Yoongi's lap and attacked the person. Let's just say... Taehyung ended up on the ground with multiple scratches.
"(Y/n)! Calm down," Yoongi rushed towards you where you were digging your claws through his skin, breaking the skin and letting the blood pool around the claws. Yoongi didn't want to pull you off, scared to hurt Taehyung more or you, so he gently pulled your tail, taking your attention away. Alex was already stalking towards you, furious how you hurt her mate, claws shining.
"Alex, stand down," Namjoon yelled to her. "Or no pleasure time."
"Not even during heats?" She gave a pout.
"Nope," Namjoon shook his head as he tried to help Taehyung up.
Meanwhile, you have pounced on Yoongi, eyes softening at your owner and getting off. "Don't pull my tail."
"Taehyung, what were you thinking?" Namjoon heaved a deep sigh.
"Her tail is so white and fluffy and I wanted to know if it was real," the curious puppy said innocently.
"Of course it's real," Namjoon rolled his eyes, "just like Alex's."
Jimin and Jungkook just stayed as far away as they could, Jungkook's pupils blown in fear and his fox tail was hanging in between his legs.
"Can you go now. Your scent is making me gag," you had to dig your nose into Yoongi's neck to get slight relief from the disgusting scent that the three visitors carried.
"When did you buy her?" Namjoon asked, rubbing Taehyung's scratched chest gently.
"Yesterday," Yoongi smiled, his hand rubbing the silk collar that Hoseok let you keep.
"And she's already acting like she owns the place?" Alex gaze was accusing.
"It's my home," you argued in a bratty tone, "and Yoongi is my owner, so back off!"
"Well, I think we should get going... I need to put ointment on Taehyung's scratches and I don't want to anger (Y/n) anymore," Namjoon stood up. When he opened the door, he was met face to face with Seokjin, who was just about to knock. Seokjin noticed Taehyung with and gasp.
"I see I missed a party," Seokjin blinked down at the puppy.
"Yeah... don't make Yoongi's hybrid mad," Namjoon rubbed the back of his neck. "Bye."
Seokjin walked in, without a hybrid (thankfully. Yoongi really didn't want anymore fights) and smiled. "That must be (Y/n)! Isn't she precious looking."
Your ears perked and you snapped your head towards Seokjin, trying to smell him, but only got a nose full of Namjoon's hybrids. Scrunching up your nose, you left Yoongi's side to walk to Seokjin. When you were closer, you could faintly smell him. It smelled like cookies and brownies.
"You smell good," you giggled, holding your hands behind your back innocently like you hadn't just scratched Taehyung's skin off. "Almost as good as Yoongi."
"You know what's funny, Yoongi?" Seokjin chuckled slightly, petting your (h/c) strands. "My hybrid still tells me the same exact thing. I'm curious about what makes you smell so nicely."
"Well, you smell like freshly baked cookies. Yoongi smells like home and warmth," you giggled. "You both smell a lot better than Namjoon."
"I'm going to guess (Y/n) didn't get along with Namjoon's hybrids?" Seokjin mused, slightly chuckling.
"Nope. I think she was okay with Taehyung until he pulled her tail, where on the other hand, she hated Alex," Yoongi grabbed some air freshener. "Here (Y/n), spray it until you think you're okay."
"Hyung, you're allowing your hybrid to poison us. We can't smell what our hybrids do, so all were going to get are lungs full of air freshener," Jimin spoke up. Jungkook shyly walked over to you, telling you when he was able to smell some of their scent.
"It seems like her and Jungkook get along," the three owners moved to the kitchen to avoid the toxins.
"Now they are," Jimin muttered.
"Yeah, (Y/n) doesn't like other people or hybrids setting close to me," Yoongi agreed with Jimin.
"So she wouldn't be okay with me hugging you?" Seokjin smirked.
"Hyung... that wouldn't be a good idea," Jimin looked afraid, watching your ears as you listened to the conversation. You had put down the air freshener, walking in the kitchen with Jungkook. The fox hybrid had walked over to his owner while you grabbed your sippy cup full of milk.
"Mmm... but I missed Yoongi. He's been so busy," Seokjin smirked, wrapping his arms around the small producer. Your head whipped around in a second, pupils slitting up, eye mostly filled with (e/c) irises. Calmly putting down your milk, you watched Seokjin through a narrowed gaze.
"H-hyung," Jimin squeaked out. Seokjin turned around and a small amount a fear came through his throat like bile. You were gazing at him, foot tapping in anger and you had a terrifying frown. Way different from the you he had meet when he first walked through the door.
"Yoongi is mine. Let him go," you growled out.
Seokjin knew when to stop, so he let go of the producer with hands up in the air and back away. You watched him until you thought he was a good enough distance away before you skipped towards Yoongi. Nuzzling your head in his chest, you wrapped you arms around him and purred.
"Why don't you scold her?" Seokjin asked. "You're not going to be able to have friends around when she's so territorial."
"Because it's just her nature. She doesn't want to loose her owner to someone else," Yoongi loosely wrapped him arms back around you, making you purr more.
"I have a small question," Jimin spoke up. "What're you going to do about her heats?"
"Suppressants," Yoongi thought, biting his lips. He hadn't really thought that far, and he doesn't want you to become sex deprived like Taehyung and Alex. "You're okay with that, right?"
You nodded in his chest, smiling.
"What if they don't work?" Jimin sighed.
"If push comes to shove, then okay, but if I don't have to, I'm not going to. I'm not going to turn my kitten into whatever Namjoon made his," Yoongi shook his head.
Turning your head, you saw some magazines and grabbed them. Jungkook followed you to the bar and looked through them with you. The three adults watches with adoration.
Turning through one magazine, an item caught your eye. It was a silk color, but this color you could have words imprinted into it along with the tag/bell. Squealing at it, you hopped off the stool and ran towards Yoongi, showing him the collar.
"But don't you have a collar?" He asked, slightly confused why you'd want a new one. The one you had now was quite nice.
"Yeah, but I want you to get me one with your name sewn into it," you explained. Yoongi now saw that, yes, you could get whatever you wanted sewn onto the collar. Next, you could have whatever you wanted engraved into the bell. "Alright. My name of the collar and-"
"On the bell too!" You giggled.
It was hard to say no to something as precious to you. That's probably why Hoseok bought you everything.
"People are going to think her name is Yoongi," Jimin giggled. And he was right.
A few days after you got the collar, Yoongi had taken you got the grocery store. Many hybrids avoided him because of how you rubbed your scent all over him. But anyways, when an older woman saw you, following Yoongi with a lollipop, she cooed and just wanted to squeeze you. Of course you were adorable. Baby blue sweater that gave you sleeve Paws and almost went down to your knees, white leggings that blending in with your tail, so when you had to hide your tail, it wasn't too hard, and you just wore a white headband so it looked like the ears were fake.
"You are so cute! Is this your boyfriend? He sure does look like he spoils you!" The woman cooed. "He even got you a collar. You have such a pretty name! Though, quite boyish, it makes you even cuter!"
"Yoongi isn't my name," you shook your head while Yoongi was grabbing some catnip (Namjoon said cats love it). "It's his name," you pointed to the pink haired producer.
"Oh. Quite possessive of him, don't you think?" The woman was ruffling your hair and it took every ounce of willpower you had to not purr.
"I asked him to get me this," you giggled. To someone else without a hybrid, it just looked like a simple choker, but hybrid owners knows it's a collar.
"Well have another lollipop," the woman smiled and dug out a light blue round, swirly piece of candy. Your eyes brightened and you looked towards Yoongi, asking permission. He met your eyes for a moment and smiled, his way of giving a thumbs up while he was grabbing the things on his list. Happily taking the candy, you said thank you and skipped up to Yoongi, handing it to him.
"Hm?" He looked at it for a small second before looking back st the list.
"Here," you pressed the wrapped lollipop to his cheek.
"Don't you want it?" He arched an eyebrow.
"I already have one that you got me!" You smiled brightly. "Mine is better!"
"Okay okay," he chuckled, grabbing the lollipop.
"Ma'am? You realize your ears arr showing," someone tapped you on the shoulder. It was a young man, around Seokjin's age, and he was frowning.
"Ears? You mean my headband that Yoongi got me?" You asked innocently. "They look real, don't they! They were quite expensive."
"You mean... you aren't a hybrid?" The man frowned. He was quite disappointed. You were cute, and he was quite the hybrid collector.
"What's a hybrid?" You blinked, and Yoongi was wrapping and arm around you protectively.
"Hun, don't you know not to talk to strangers," Yoongi joked and you smiled, knowing that he was pretending. Quite the actor he is!
"Sorry! He tapped me on the shoulder and I was thinking maybe one of us dropped something!" You grabbed his hand and played with his pianist fingers.
"Do you need anything?" Yoongi grit his teeth into a smile.
"Uh, no sir. Sorry for disrupting your evening," the man coughed and ran away.
The cashier was nice.
"Aw, your choker is adorable. Nice to meet you Yoongi," she held a hand out for you that Yoongi shook with a chuckle, "nice to meet you too."
"I was talking to Yoongi," the cashier said, confused.
"No... I think you were talking to (Y/n)," Yoongi said, paying.
"Oh wait! Yeah! You are Yoongi! I've seen you in magazines before!" The cashier had a twinkle in her eye, one that you didn't like.
"You're in magazines?" You tugged on his sleeve to get his attention.
"Yup. I'm a music producer," he pat in between your ears.
"I would say that I'm surprised you have a girlfriend, but it's not very surprising with how handsome and talented you are," the cashier flirt, and you bit your tongue, ears threatening to flatten against your head. You had to look at your boots so no one saw how your pupils slit up.
"Unless she's not your girlfriend. I'd be happy to go get coffee sometime," the cashier tried to giggle cutely, but nothing was cuter than your giggle.
"Uh, yup. All mine," Yoongi wrapped an arm around your waist. "Now, thank you!" He grabbed his bags and sped walk towards the door.
"I didn't know you were famous," you looked up at him, starstruck.
"Not very. Just a simple producer," he shrugged. It was a lie, considering his nice car and apartment.
"Okay!" You giggled. When you had gotten home, you ran towards the couch and nuzzled into a blanket. After smelling the other hybrids' scents, you needed to get a main scent back. Inhaling deeply, you hadn't noticed you had fallen asleep until you felt someone take your shoes off and the headband off. You let out a soft breath, letting your ears twitch again. Next, a soft tug came on your tail. Opening your eyes, you felt uncomfortable.
"Can I wear one of your shirts?" You asked, rubbing your eyes and getting up.
"Yeah, but Jimin and Jungkook are coming over to eat dinner with us," Yoongi rubbed your arm. "And sorry about that boyfriend shit today. I hadn't realized how many people would bother you."
"It's okay! I liked it. None of my owners have called me their's," you beamed at him. He nodded and you got up, running to his room. A giant black tee was practically calling put your name, and you put it on. It went to your knees and you rushed to your room and slipped out of the leggings and sighed with the relief on your tail.
When you deemed yourself ready, you walked back to the living room, your bare feet making padding sounds on the wood flooring.
"So she is alive and hyung didn't kill her!" Jimin exclaimed.
"Of course he didn't kill me, silly. What kills me are pants. They're so uncomfortable on my tail," you gave a pout.
"Agreed," Jungkook grunted out while he helped set the table.
"I see you're wearing your new collar," Jimin chuckled.
"Mhm, and I can't believe how many people went up to her. I had to tell everyone that we were dating. This one guy was practically drooling on her, praying for her to be a hybrid," Yoongi rolled his eyes.
"That must be a hybrid collector. They collect hybrids for bragging purposes," Jimin shrugged.
"Well, no one is collecting (Y/n). She's quite expensive and she's actually good company," Yoongi said matter-of-factly.
It wasn't a secret that you had grown to love Yoongi. It wasn't a normal owner-to-pet love, it was a crush. Everyone, but Yoongi, had noticed.
In frustration, you realized you were going to have to be bolder. One night when all of Yoongi's friends (including their hybrids) came over, your plan sprung into action. The plan faltered a bit when Alex tried to get close to the producer, despite had just having kittens.
In pure jealously, you strolled over to them.
"Hey (Y/n)- mmph!" He widened his eyes in shock when you attached your lips to his.
"I knew she was going to confess someday," Namjoon laughed, "but I never imagined her to be so... so..."
"Bold? That was my plan," you giggled cutely, giving Alex a 'oops. I guess he is mine. Sorry bitch' look.
Yoongi was staring at you like you had just came from heaven right in front of his eyes, hands shaking and he pulled you into a hug.
"Hyung, why so nervous?" Jimin giggled. "She's just telling you that she sees you more than an owner."
"I'm just glad that I don't have to be lying when I tell someone that she's my girlfriend," Yoongi caressed you cheek, and you purred into his chest.
"No one is going to believe you if you tell them that you're dating a hybrid," Seokjin cackled his window cleaning laugh.
"Until I show them my beautiful hybrid," Yoongi said childishly.
"You realize you aren't together until you mark," Namjoon shrugged.
"How do I fucking mark?" Yoongi asked in slight disbelief.
"I can show you," Alex purred, inching close to Yoongi and you.
"Alex," Namjoon said in a warning tone, but you had it under control. You nosed Yoongi's neck, then bit into his scent gland. It felt new, a feeling that a Yoongi didn't know a human could even posses. It didn't hurt, but it sent a weird tingle around his body.
While you 'claimed' him, you raised a hand to search for your neck. A shiver passed through when you touched it, the spot, and you released your bite.
"Bite right here," you tilt your head, poking the bump that made your limbs like jelly.
Yoongi gulped and grabbed the back of your neck, bringing his mouth towards your neck. Everything about it seemed unreal to him. There is no way a human could claim a hybrid, right? Yoongi pushed the thought aside and gently bit down when you moved your finger. The patch of skin broke easily and when he felt the liquid seep into his mouth, he jumped away. It didn't really taste like blood, but it scared him. Yet you didn't look hurt, and the wound healed fast, only leaving a purple mark behind.
"Wow, now you really do smell like Yoongi hyung!" Jungkook said in awe. No one ever thought it was possible for a human to mark a hybrid, but there they were. Min Yoongi had marked a hybrid.
"Sir, you realized your hybrid is marked," a man came up to you and Yoongi one day while you were enjoying some coffee. Both you and Yoongi were shocked. How did he know you were a hybrid? Your ears and tail were hidden..
"How do you know she's a hybrid?" Yoongi asked.
"That's besides the point. You know the dangers of a marked hybrid, right? Her mate that marked her might be looking for her," the man told Yoongi calmly.
"What if she's my mate?" Yoongi asked coyly, taking a small sip of his coffee.
"Impossible. A hybrid can't get marked by a human," the man frowned.
"Shut up," you spat at him, your ears flattening in your beanie. "Go away and leave us alone."
"Sir-" the man looked between you and Yoongi.
"You heard her. Go away," Yoongi said calmly.
"Sir, you can't claim an hybrid," the man tried to explain, slowly pissing Yoongi off.
"Well, how 'bout you piss off. Sometimes a hybrid falls in love with their owner and vice-versa," Yoongi snapped.
"Sir, you're gonna have to go... you're disrupting the customers," a waitress came over, tapping the man on the shoulder.
"And the customers are disrupting me!" The guy fought back.
"Come on, (Y/n)," Yoongi hissed, "Let's go."
"M'kay," you let him tug you out of the cafe, playing with the bell of your collar.
"I don't understand what was wrong with you being marked by me," Yoongi sighed when you were a good ways away from the cafe. "How did he even know?"
"You didn't see the tiny hybrid behind him?" You aksed, remembering the small rabbit hybrid. "He was a pretty young hybrid, but he could probably smell the marks. Though, he should've been able to tell it was your scent and my scent."
"You're too cute," Yoongi pinched your cheek gently.
"Nuh-uh! You are!" You giggled, batting his hand away.
"Mwah!" He kissed you on your button nose. "Wanna come to my studio?"
"Mhm!" You nodded your head. You had never been to been to Yoongi's studio because you were scared of meeting his co-workers, but you felt safe now.
"I'll introduce you to my partner. I'm not saying you'll enjoy her, but it'll be good for you to meet her, y'know," he slung an arm around you.
"I understand," you smiled.
"You haven't been acting so territorial lately. What's up?" Yoongi asked as you walked down the busy sidewalks.
"I don't need to act territorial because you're mine," you giggled , nuzzling your covered ears into his side. "All mine."
"And you're mine," Yoongi huffed a laugh, tickling your side a little. You squealed, squirming out of his touch.
"So Namjoon wanted us to come over and meet Alex's kits. Wanna go?" Yoongi asked once you calmed down. You scrunched up your nose. You loved kittens and their milky scents, but you hated Namjoon's scent.
"I understand if you don't. I was just asking because Jimin and Seokjin are going," Yoongi added.
"It's that I don't want to see the kittens, but Namjoon stinks. I can't imagine what his house smells like," you could already smell it and gaged. Trying to get rid of the horrid scent you remember, you stuffed your nose in Yoongi's neck. "I actually love kits."
"I'm just waiting for the day you cuss. It'll be the happiest day in my life," Yoongi smirked.
"Cuss?" You tilt your head at him.
"Y'know. The bad words I say. Shit, fuck, ass. Those words," Yoongi couldn't believe that you didn't know what cussing was.
"Oh," you looked down in thought.
When you got to his studio, you still didn't understand cursing, so you just stayed quiet.
"Sup Yoons! How're you, bro?!" A guy came up, fist pumping Yoongi.
"Good. Mark, this is (Y/n). She's my girlfriend," Yoongi addressed you differently, making you look at him, curious.
"Ah, nice to meet you (Y/n)! Such a pretty name!" The man, 'Mark', smiled down at you. It didn't take long for him to notice the choker looking collar. "Wow. You even got her a choker with your name."
"I asked him to," you giggled, speaking for the first time.
"So you spoil your girlfriend?" Mark seemed amused, flicking the bell.
"Of course he does! I like getting spoiled," you pawed his hand away from your collar.
"Yo, Yoons, can I talk to you for a second?" Mark bit his lip, giving you a small smile.
"Uh, yeah. (Y/n), sit here, okay? I'll be right back," Yoongi pat one of the benches , turned, then turned back to you and gave you his phone. "This is to distract yourself."
"So what did you want to talk about," Yoongi asked once they were out of earshot, a little farther since you have cat hearing. And he whispered.
"You realize Abigail has a crush on you, right? Your partner isn't going to be very happy knowing that you have a girlfriend," Mark was a little louder than him, almost making Yoongi face-palm.
Your ears twisted towards them under you beanie unconsciously, not meaning to eavesdrop.
"Well, Abigail is my partner. I can't or wouldn't have feelings for her. The only relationship that's not business related I'm okay with keeping with her is friends and nothing more."
"Alright. Just wanted to remind you. It's not that I don't like (Y/n). She's quite amazing and adorable," Mark cleared his throat.
"Damn right you better like her," Yoongi muttered, "She's the sweetest kitten ever."
"Kitten, huh? Kinky," Mark laughed.
"What?" Yoongi flushed red, staring at his friend in horror.
"Is damn also a cuss word?" You asked Yoongi innocently when him and Mark walked back over.
"Hold up. I have so many questions," Mark looked like he was having a mental crisis. "One, how we're you able to hear us and two, you don't know what cussing is, yet you're dating Yoongi? Hold the fuck up!"
"Oh! That's one of the words you said earlier," you giggled excitedly when you heard the word.
"(Y/n) has really good hearing, and no, she doesn't know what cussing is," Yoongi sheepishly put his hands in his pockets.
"Wow," Mark looked over at you, "I pray for your innocence."
"Okay, shall we head to my studio?" Yoongi grabbed his phone from your hands and helped you out of the chair, even though you didn't need help.
"Oh, yes!" You clapped and waved to Mark as you were dragged to an elevator.
"Who is Ab- Abe- Abigail?" You asked, removing your beanie for a split second to itch your ears. Yoongi took the opportunity to pet them. Purring, you waited for his answer.
"She's my partner. We work on music together," Yoongi explained, holding you in his chest and ran his fingers through your hair.
"M'kay," you purred, curling up slightly while standing.
"She actually has a crush on me, so try not to be harsh and territorial, okay?" Yoongi whispered soothingly, pressing a kiss to the tip of one of your ears. It flicked out in shock, and he chuckled.
"I won't. Promise," you purred louder, then heard a ding. Yoongi rushed to out your beanie on and you looked towards the door. It was a stern looking lady who gave Yoongi a small smile. Pouting up at Yoongi, he rolled his eyes and rubbed your back instead. Holding in your purrs the best you could, you laid your head back on his chest, feeling drowsy.
"Which floor?" The woman asked and you jumped slightly in surprise, eyes slitting up before returning back to normal.
"Twentieth," Yoongi smiled. "You?"
"Mmm... third. I have a meeting to attend to," the woman replied.
"I hope it goes well," Yoongi waves as the door opened. Yoongi let him tug you out, too tired to process your surroundings.
"Abby! I'm here!" Yoongi called, turning on the lights. At one desk was a girl who had her headphones in, working on something.
"How about you lay down and take a nap. Alright?" Yoongi guided you to the couch, grabbing a pillow and blanket. Purring, you allowed him to put you back to sleep as he covered you with a blanket. It smelled like Yoongi, making you realize it was a Yoongi's blanekt. Bringing some of the blanket to your nose, you inhaled and finally fell asleep.
"Hey, Yoo," Abigail smiled at the producer, a slight pink tinge on her cheeks.
"Hey. Wanna meet (Y/n)?" He asked, putting his hands around her neck and looked over her shoulder to see what she was up to.
"Who's (Y/n)?" Abigail asked, slightly frowning as he closed her laptop and took out her ear buds.
"Her," Yoongi pointed to Your sleeping figure, who was still slightly purring.
"Who is she?" Abigail stood up, kneeling in front of you while Yoongi sat on the armrest, running his hands through your hair.
"She's my girlfriend," Yoongi hummed, feeling a little tired himself by watching you sleep.
"Oh," Abigail blinked at you, jealous.
"Mhm. She already met Mark, and she was wanting to hang out with me today," Yoongi gave a smile, not noticing Abigail's sad look.
"She smells a lot like your cologne," she noted, making Yoongi slightly blush and look a the slightly faded purple mark on your neck.
"I can barely smell it though. Only when I'm right next to her," Abigail hummed, making Yoongi frown a bit. Do I have to renew it? He wondered, why are hybrids so complicated?
"Hey Abb, can you go get me some coffee? I wasn't able to drink mine this morning because this guy was bothering me at the cafe," Yoongi had a plan. Yes, he could wait, but did he want to? Nope. Of course not. This is Min Yoongi we're talking about.
"Of course!" Abigail stood and went out the door, closing it. When the door clicked, Yoongi prodded you and tried waking you up.
"Hm?" You opened your eyes.
"Do I have to renew marks?" He asked immediately.
"Yeah. Why are you asking all of a sudden?" You asked, sitting up and rubbing you eyes. Now that he mentioned it, you couldn't even see your mark on him anymore, or smell your scent.
"Abigail is a dog hybrid, so she has a really good nose, but not even she could smell my scent on you," Yoongi blushed, feeling nervous. Yoongi rarely got nervous, but he was a human for Christ's sake. He didn't know how hybrids worked.
"Oh.. do you want to renew it?" You pat the spot next to you. He sat down and you instantly bared your neck towards him.
"I-I'm not a hybrid. Do I just bite it again?" He asked, anxious.
"Mhm," you nodded with a small smile, pointing at the fading mark.
He hesitantly brought his lips to your neck, biting the mark again. Blood fled through his mouth and he licked the wound that healed quickly.
"You sure do act like a hybrid," you giggled breathlessly.
You brought your lips to his neck, biting down of the previously marked area. It sent new tingles down his spine and he unconsciously and accidentally ripped your beanie off, holding your head in place while tangling his fingers in your hair.
"I didn't know you were a hybrid, Yoo," Abigail almost dropped her coffee in shocked at the sight of her crush getting marked by the she-cat.
"I-I'm uhm. I'm not a hybrid," Yoongi was finally able say when you released his neck.
"Then why was she marking you? And how in the hell were you able to mark her?" Abigail asked, confused.
"I-I don't know," Yoongi stammered, petting you as you cuddled against his chest.
"I wouldn't be surprised if you were a cat hybrid. You're cute and fluffy like one," Abigail looked for ears, running her hands in his hair, then looked for a tail. When Yoongi yelped, you opened your slit up eyes and hissed.
"It's fine, ( Y/n)," Yoongi tried to calm you down.
"Stop touching him," you growled, hissing once more at the female dog.
"There's no way you can mark a human, right? If I had known that humans were markible..." Abigail trailed off.
"Stay away from Yoongi. He isn't yours," you meowed.
"It's could say the same for you, sweetie," Abigail spat.
"He is mine. He's my mate," you growled protectively.
"You aren't mates until you mate, dumbass," she growled back.
"Hey, you two. Calm down," Yoongi didn't like being in the middle. If he had to pick one, he didn't know who. He really liked you, but he's been friends with Abigail since she moved from Mexico to Seoul.
"Yoongi," you whined, giving him a big pout.
"Yoo... c'mon," Abigail did the same thing.
"Guys, stop. Abigail, (Y/n) is my girlfriend. She marked me. Please let it go," Yoongi sighed, "I love (Y/n)."
Purring, you felt yourself calm slightly, curling up in his lap.
"How long have you even known her?"
"It's been about a year since I 'adopted' her. Only about three months since we've started dating," Yoongi remembered.
"And I'm not comfortable with mating yet," you looked down, hiding your face in Yoongi's shirt.
"We don't have to mate," Yoongi whispered in your ear.
"If you're just gonna hang out with her, go home," Abigail growled.
"Okay. Come on, (Y/n)," Yoongi spoke softly to you. Nodding, you got up and put your beanie on.
"Hello, Yoongi," the same woman met you and Yoongi in the elevator.
"Hello, ma'am. What floor?" The pink haired producer smiled at the woman.
"Fifteenth. You?"
"(Y/n) and I are heading home actually," Yoongi pat your shoulder.
"I don't think I've met her. Nice to meet you, (Y/n). I'm Yoongi's boss," the woman stuck her hand out. You stared at her curiously before looking at Yoongi. He leaned down, "you shake it."
With a soft 'oh', you grabbed her hand gently and shook it. "Nice to meet you, Yoongi's boss!"
Yoongi's boss laughed, "She's quite the special one, isn't she?"
"She is," Yoongi joined his boss, smiling down at you
"Is she a hybrid?" His boss asked, curiously.
"Actually, yes," he tugged your beanie off your head. Your white fluffy ears popped out and you giggled, hiding them with your hand.
"Cat?" The lady tilt her head. "Where's her tail?"
"Well, her tail is hidden because not many people are okay with seeing hybrids out in public without disguises," Yoongi ran his hand through your hair. Closing your eyes, you let out a soft purr, laying you head on his side.
"I don't see a big deal, really. Hybrids are just humans with special needs and attributes," his boss shrugged.
"And all of my friends have scolded me for liking her," Yoongi sighed, throwing his words out carelessly.
"Actually, my sister has three kids and her husband is a deer hybrid," his boss cooed, "so if you like her, then whatever. (Y/n) seems perfect for you. You know what people say! Opposites attract."
~~~~~~To Be Continued.. Maybe~~~~~~
Well here you go. A long chapter. It's about 6900 words. I spent two days on it...
And being honest, I don't know the whole hybrid universe, so I probably made like... 90% of everything up!
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