Fantastic 8
Please take in consideration that I have watched the movie... 2 years ago when it came out... I personally didn't find it bad... I love marvel movies.. anyways, I can't find the movie ANYWHERE so I'm gonna try to remember the most I can... with the help of Rapmon's music video...
And yes, it is Fantastic 8 instead of 4 because... there are seven members including you... so..
Rapmon - Kim Namjoon
Powers: Super Intelligence, Size-shift, Leadership, omnilinguilism (the power to speak all languages)
Jin|Worldwide Handsome - Kim Seokjin
Powers: Super Yell, Flight, Healing
Suga|Agust D - Min Yoongi
Powers: Fire Manipulation, Ice Manipulating, Invulnerability
J-Hope|Sunshine - Jung Hoseok
Powers: Speed, Lazer Vision, Intangibility
Jimin|Chim Chim - Park Jimin
Powers: Superhuman elasticity, Superhuman Agility,
V|Alien - Kim Taehyung
Powers: Shapeshifting, Telepathy, Talking to Animals
Jeongguk|Maknae|Kookie - Jeon Jungkook
Powers: Super Strength, Martial Arts, Superhuman Endurance/Speed
(Y/n) - (K/n) (Korean Name)
Powers: Invisibility, Force Field, Power Mimicry
"Ya, (K/n), did you get the samples?" A male doctor walked up to me, setting a clear tray with red filled tubes next to mine.
"Of course. It's my job. Hmmm... I got seven, plus mine; making eight," I ran the pad of my finger across each vile.
"I really am going to have to thank you for volunteering. You didn't have to," he put a hand on my shoulder.
"It's no big. You're my boss," I fiddled with the hem of my lab coat nervously as my boss took my tray and left my office. He was going to analyze him. The whole purpose of our whole facility was to try to make us humans able to teleport.
Grabbing my clipboard, I ran through each person that volunteered.
Kim Seokjin
Age: 24
Height: 179.80cm
Weight: 60kg
Blood Type: O
Min Yoongi
Age: 22
Height: 176.26cm
Weight: 57kg
Blood Type: O
Jung Hoseok
Age: 21
Height: 177.80cm
Weight: 59kg
Blood Type: A
Kim Namjoon
Age: 20
Height: 181.34cm
Weight: 64kg
Blood Type: A
Park Jimin
Age: 19
Height: 175.72cm
Weight: 60kg
Blood Type: A
Kim Taehyung
Age: 20
Height: 178.80cm
Weight: 58kg
Blood Type: AB
Jeon Jungkook
Age: 18
Height: 177.80cm
Weight: 61kg
Blood Type: A
They were all pretty healthy, except that I couldn't tell with Min Yoongi. While I drew his blood, he told me he loved sleeping... and potato chips, but overall, his bodily signs were great, so I just put him down as No Answer.
"Okay, (K/n). It's ready," my boss called me in.
Nodding, I felt bile rise in my throat again. What if this whole experiment blows up? These poor innocent men will die!
Getting to my station, I sat down in my comfortable chair, brushing my bangs out of my face.
All seven men walked out in black suits with gas helmets on. Upon walking up to the machine, they turned in sync and got in, in sync.
"You all good?" I asked through the earpiece when the capsules closed tightly.
"All ready," one confidently answered, Kim Namjoon if I remember correctly.
"This was such a stupid idea," another one whimpered. Taehyung?
"Yeah. I should be on my couch right now catching up on Kumamon," Yoongi, if I remember correctly, grumbled bitterly.
"Guys, shush. Imagine what we're doing for the world!" Seokjin chided then all confidently.
"Let's go!" Another one cheered, enthusiastic to see the world he's going to land in. Jimin. Yeah. Him.
Typing a few codes in with a few more buttons, the machine glee a bright blue, fading in a blinding white before they flashed. When the flash was gone, and I could see again, they were gone.
The cameras starting working, eight camera screens appearing on one computer screen, and eight more on the other screen.
"Hold sh-" Namjoon was about to curse, but he was interrupted by Seokjin, "if you curse, I will push you into a lava pit."
"Calm down, hyung," Jungkook finally spoke.
They opened their capsule doors one by one, stepping out into the rocky ground.
"Woah! WE DID IT!" Hoseok cheered, clapping. His black gloves making thud sounds when they hit each other.
"This place is totally sick," Yoongi noted, looking around and tried to use his nose to adjust his glasses.
Green spurts of hot whatever fuzzed and trailed into the sky. Taehyung went to the edge of one of the cliffs, bending over at the steep fall. Then, some rocks crumbled under his feet and he shrieked. The rest of them ran over and tried to grab onto Taehyung, who slipped from their grasp and rolled down the rocky mountain.
"We might as well go after him," Jungkook shrugged, jumping down.
"What the actual fuck. He's going to break his ankles," Yoongi hissed, looking down. Jungkook started sliding as he flailed, trying to create friction and stop himself. I winced at his screams that were, well, screaming in my ear.
"Well.. we need to go after them," Namjoon concluded once he saw them stop, Jungkook sliding into Taehyung, who almost slid into a green lava pit.
"Dammit," Yoongi sighed as the four nodded. When they slid down, Yoongi followed them. "Nope! Nope! Fucking shit fuck, fuck, shit,"
"I can't stand your guys' screaming. I'm going to go deaf," I sighed.
"Yeah, hyung! Shut up!" Jimin joked, which ended in a slight scream when he almost ran into Jungkook, who was trying to move out of the way with Taehyung. The cameras attached to their helmets made me feel like I was there instead of them, which felt terrifying.
"I will kick you into one of the pits, Park Jimin," Yoongi threatened.
"Hey babe-"
"It's (Y/n). Don't be an asshole," I growled at Jungkook.
"Alright, (Y/n). Is everything okay?" He asked. They were all walking now, exploring the planet. Jungkook, being a smart-ass, noticed dark clouds traveling quickly towards them and commented on the obvious.
"Actually... there is an increase in the-" before I could finish speaking, a crack of lightning flashed before them. The ground blew debree, and then it shook. "Get out of there! The ground is becoming unstable!"
They didn't need to be told twice. All of them bolted. Jungkook sped ahead of all of them, climbing upon the rocks. The others pursued, all climbing. Yoongi was the last one, getting help from the others. The clouds by then were already over them.
"Get us out of here!" Taehyung shrieked, closing his door the best he could.
"I'm trying!" I said, frantically typing on the keyboard.
Then things went wrong. A lighting bolt hit the machine right in the middle. It traveled to all of them, making them scream. Next, scorching hot fire blew up in front of Yoongi's capsule, burning away the glass. It licked up his body, making him flail and kick. Next, Ice shot through the sky from the clouds, stabbing into his skin and slightly taking out the fire.
Seokjin was screaming bloody murder as he tried to get his door to shut.
Taehyung had passed out, laying limp in capsule with slight charges of electricity dancing around his body. Jungkook was the same, body on the closed door, unaware of everything that was happening.
Hoseok was holding his hands over his eyes, screeching."Oh god! My eyes are burning. Holy shit!"
Namjoon was busy locking his capsule when another lightning bolt hit his.
Jimin had his closed, squeezing his eyes shut and trying to block the screaming out.
A beep went off, a green label appeared, and the guys flashed out. From forcing the machine back, a whole thing in the time space continuum messed up. The machine exploded, blowing me back and on the ground. Once my head thumped on the cool concrete, my consciousness disappeared.
* * *
When I awoke, I was in a dark gray room with medical supplies attached to me. Groaning, I held my head.
In the other room, I heard screams and 'what the fuck!'s. Getting up, I unhooked everything and clumsily walked out. Looking into the window on the door, I saw a body that was flaming, then freezing then flaming again like it didn't know if it wanted to be cold or hot. There was heavy smoke in the room, making it even hard to see the person. I couldn't make them out, so I grabbed the chart by the door and opened the paper folder.
Min Yoongi
Oh god... poor guy. He wasn't even the person screaming!
Next, I walked down the hall and stopped at another door.
Park Jimin
Looking in the window, I didn't notice someone come up behind me until I felt a thud.
"What the hell?" It was Taehyung.
"Why did you run into me?" I asked, turning around in shock and fear. Something blasted off and before I realized it, Taehyung was thrown into the wall by a blue force.
"What do you mean 'run into me?' I can't even see you!" He flailed in frustration or anger.
"Then get your eyes checked because I'm... right... here.." I waved my hand and pointed at him, but couldn't even see my own hand. "W-what?"
"See?! I can't even see you. How was I supposed to know that you were standing there?" Taehyung shakily got up, his limbs burning.
"I-it'll go away," I stuttered.
"Did you see Yoongi?" Taehyung changed the subject, sighing and looked in Jimin's window.
"It looked horrible. I'm glad he's still asleep. Imagine waking up and finding your whole body on fire, extinguishing itself and freezing," I also sighed, looking at my hand. It flickered and I could see it for a small moment.
"And look at Jimin's leg," Taehyung pointed to the stretched limp.
"I feel-"
"Sick?" Taehyung looked over at me, knowing where I was from my voice.
"Yeah.. I mean, I-"
"Can't imagine what the others look like? Well they're all passed out like Jimin and Yoongi," Taehyung shrugged. "And I don't know why we're the only ones awake, before you ask."
"And I also don't know how I can read your thoughts. I can just hear them like you're speaking them out loud," Taehyung said when I opened my mouth. Opening and closing it like a fish, I felt a chill and looked down, embarrassed. The embarrassment faded when I noticed I could see my legs. Putting my hands in front of my eyes, I smiled in relief.
"Woah," Taehyung hesitantly touched me like I was poisonous. A small tingle and a spark flew between us and he ripped his hand away.
'H- the -k' I heard him slight, except it was all static, so I couldn't understand him clearly.
"Woah. Why is your voice like that?" I frowned.
"Huh?" I heard him again, except it was louder and sharper. "Wait. Did you just..."
"What?" I asked, confused.
"I don't know... I'm confused. Maybe Namjoon can help us when he wakes up," Taehyung stared at me slightly blankly.
"What are you two doing out here? You should be in your rooms," a man came up to us.
"Sorry sir... it's just that I was awake... and I feel just fine," I rubbed my pale arms.
"Same for me! And you don't need to tell us to go back to our rooms again, so can we just go check on our other friends?" Taehyung giggled, a sheepish boxy smile. "Really? Thanks!"
"But I didn't day anything..." the man said, backing away.
"Get used to it. He's been doing that to me too," I muttered, making Taehyung laugh.
"We're going to have to analyze all of you. None of you should technically be alive. Expecially Min Yoongi. His body had been burned alive, yet he's just fine... extinguishing itself and then becoming a human popsicle," the man was holding millions if clipboards, them almost falling out of his hands.
"What are you guys talking about?" A wild Jungkook appeared, rubbing his head.
"Mr. Jeon? H-how? You were just sleeping when I check on you a few minutes ago.. and your room is all the way across the facility?" The doctor held his clipboards tighter.
"Hmm... I guess everything did seem to go by quickly," Jungkook shrugged.
"I don't think you guys are s-stable enough to-"
"Hey guys... my eyes are killing me, I think I got some rocks or those ice shards in them..." Hoseok came out of a hallway corner, rubbing his eyes.
"Don't. Open-" the doctor was about to warn, but Hoseok interrupted him, "do you see anything?" He opened them. Nothing happened.
"Oh, phew. I thought your eyes were going to spew- wah!" The doctor started, then Hoseok turned to him and a bright blinding light flashed out. Beside the doctor was a hole with black surrounding it.
"Woah dude! What the hell!" Jungkook ran to his hyung, opening his eyes and looking at them closely." "How the hell were you able to do that?"
"I-I don't know! Wait, did I do that?" Hoseok noticed the blackened wall and walked over to it, running his hands across the surface. The wall rippled around his hand, sucking it in. Hoseok yelped and back away, looking at his hand like it just talked to him.
"What?" Taehyung and Jungkook ran over to him and did the same thing. The wall didn't do anything this time. Hoseok tried it again, and the ground rippled and he was able to stick his hand in.
"Woah! I wanna do that!" Taehyung cheered and tried to do the same thing, except it didn't work.
"I wanna see if I can pull you with me," Hoseok grabbed Taehyung's arm with his other hand that wasn't stuck in the wall and tugged. Both boys slid into the concrete and didn't come back. Jungkook widened his eyes with worry after a while and ran to the wall, beating on it, "Tae!"
"We're all good!" Taehyung yelled, his voice faint and muffled through the wall.
"I'll get you out of there!" Jungkook promised, pushing on the wall.
"He's fine," Hoseok sighed, both of them appearing in the window next to the scorch mark, knocking on the glass to get Jungkook's attention.
"Woah! Daebek! Look!" Taehyung yelped and a bark followed.
"Holy shit! A dog just ate Taehyung!" Hoseok screamed, melting back through the wall and back to the side Jungkook and I were on.
"Seriously?" Jungkook opened the door.
A dog yelped and ran out, almost tripping Jungkook, "no! I am the dog!"
"Taehyung just turned into a dog!" Jungkook gasped, picking dog-Taehyung into his arms and cuddled the fluffy animal.
"What's this commotion?" Seokjin appeared a few moments later, rubbing his eyes with exhaustion. "Aish... my throat hurts."
"It's probably raw from screaming," I told him, watching as he rubbed his sore throat.
"Wait. Why is there a pencil in the ceiling?" Seokjin noticed the skinny yellow wooden utensil.
Taehyung gave me a pointed look and I looked at the broken plastic bin and the ripped up folder, "oops."
"How the hell did you get a pencil in the ceiling? You're shorter than Jimin!" Seokjin looked around the hall, "and what the fuck happened here?"
"I-I'm going to go check on Namjoon," the doctor ran off, obviously afraid of us.
"Lots of things," Hoseok pat Seokjin on the shoulder, "my dear hyung."
"Seokjin!" Taehyung yapped, jumping out of Jungkook arms.
"Ah! A talking dog!" Seokjin partially jumped out of his skin. Taehyung laughed, the dog form melting and molder into a taller human figure.
"How the- what the..." Seokjin's eye twitched.
"I can Shapeshift!" Taehyung cheered.
"You guys are so loud," Yoongi walked out, rubbing his eye with one hand that was on fire and didn't notice.
"Yoongi," Seokjin looked him over and was staring at his hands. One was flaming- on fire- and the other one was like blue, cold fire.
Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows and followed Seokjin's gaze, staring calmly at his hand before looking up.
"What the literal fuck is going on?"
__________To Be Continued__________
Yes, this is the chapter. It took me three - four days to write. I actually looked up a video on how all of Fantastic four got their powers in the 2015 movie.
I DID MY RESEARCH! I think this is one of the few chapters/books I did research in.
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