(B/n) - Boy's name
"What if they don't like me? What if they don't want us together anymore because I got you pregnant?" Yoongi tapped his foot anxiously as we waited at the airport.
"Stop worrying," you laid a hand on his shoulder, "I've never seen you act like this. Is the grandpa losing his swag?"
"Excuse me? I could never lose my swag," he scoffed, suddenly able to get his confidence back.
"Then stop worrying. All your tapping is going to wake up (B/n)," you gave him a gentle smack on the shoulder.
"I'm surprised he hadn't woken up yet. The airport is so loud," Yoongi muttered, but his feet kept flat on the ground.
"Oh well," you shrugged, then received a text.
아빠 - We landed. Meet us by the restrooms
Smiling, you pick up the carrier, then grabbed Yoongi's hand.
"They're here?" He asked, suddenly sounding small again. Nodding, you saw fear flicker in his eyes.
"What if they don't like that I'm an idol?" He bit his bottom lip harshly.
"Could you worry any more?" You rolled your eyes, cooing at (B/n) when he squealed happily as the carrier rocked, grabbing his foot with one hand and sucking on his other hand.
You spotted them, your little sister and brother sitting on a bench, and your parents looking around the busy Seoul airport. Your sister was doing homework and your brother was playing a game on his game-boy.
"(Y/n)!" Your mom spotted you, waving you over, even though you were already walking towards them.
"Eomma, appa!" You squealed, handing Yoongi the carrier, and ran towards the two adults.
Your dongsaengs looked up at the same time, creeping you out with how twin like they are some times.
"Is that him?" You heard your brother murmur to your sister, slightly nodding his head toward the rapper who adjusted his sunglasses and mask as he followed you.
"Not sure... kinda creepy how he's not showing his face," Your sister whispered back.
"Guys," you cleared your throat, glaring at the set of twins, before smiling and indicating Yoongi, "meet my fiance, Yoongi."
"Nice to meet you," the mint haired male bowed.
"And this is (B/n)," you cooed at the baby boy, who squealed back at you, blowing slobbery bubbles.
"Nice to meet you, Yoongi," my father stuck his hand out, that Yoongi nervously shook.
"Why doesn't he take off his creepy mask," my little brother frowned with narrowed eyes.
"Because he doesn't want to get recognized," you shrugged, taking (B/n) out of the carrier to cuddle him, then gave him to Yoongi, who put down the carrier.
"Why would he get recognized? This city has twenty million people living here," your sister said childishly.
"Can I ask you a question?" You bent down to your sister's height. She shrugged.
"Do you like BTS?" You asked gently, and she gave you a 'duh' look, so you continued, "and how would you react if you saw one of them?"
"Well... I would tell my friends," she said slowly, "Then I would ask for an autograph, because it'd probably be a once in a lifetime chance."
"And then how would you feel if you caught one of them with a female?" You pressed, "you would feel jealous and would tell your friends things, things that may or may not be true."
She nodded.
"What does this have anything with Yoongi?" Your brother rolled his eyes.
"Wait. You're joking, right?" Your sister widened her eyes, looking back at Yoongi- who was smiling down at (B/n)- then looked back at you.
"Mmmm... nope," you shook your head, standing up straight again.
"I'm confused," your mother looked at you quizzically.
"I'll tell you everything once we get back at the dorm," you assured, winking at your sister who's jaw dropped.
"Wait. Why are there so many?" Your brother scoffed at the other six, who looked at your family for a quick second before going on with their business. Jimin stayed and held (B/n), playing with him and tickling him.
"Guys, meet BTS," you lowered your eyes. Jimin smiled at them from the couch until (B/n) cooed and took his attention away. Yoongi removed his mask, sunglasses and lowered his hood, letting his slightly sweaty fringe be shown. Your sister's jaw dropped once again.
"That's Jimin," you pointed to the orange haired dancer, "he's a singer and an amazing dance. Also super flexible. He can do the splits."
"What does Yoongi do?" Your father had his eyes slightly narrowed. Maybe it's the expensive clothing they all wore, or the amount of people that lived in the one dorm. It could possibly the fact the you were marrying a famous idol that could easily cheat.
"He's a rapper," you looked back up at your father, "he produces and writes lyrics."
"I also play the piano," he added, grabbing a baby toy and made his way towards Jimin, joining the younger boy in playing with (B/n).
"What about the rest of them," my mother eyed seokjin who was carrying a basket of laundry with Namjoon following him. They rest of the floor and started folding.
"That's Seokjin. He's the oldest and is also a singer. The guys sometimes call him eomma," you pointed to the elder, who waved with one hand as he folded. "And that's Namjoon. He's the leader of BTS and is the youngest rapper."
Jungkook and Hoseok walked out, bags with them.
"Where are you two going?" Seokjin asked, looking up from his 'masterpiece of folding'.
"Hyung is going to help me with the choreograph," Jungkook pointed a thumb toward Hoseok, who was already out the door, ignoring you and your family. Jungkook bowed quickly and ran to catch up with the second oldest rapper.
"That was Jungkook and Hoseok. Hoseok is also a rapper, and is quite smiley. Jungkook is the youngest. He's considered the 'golden maknae'."
"What's that?" Your brother still wasn't impressed.
"Maknae means he's the youngest in the group, and he's the golden maknae because he can practically do everything," you explained, looking down the hall for the last member. "Where's Taehyung?"
"He's in his room playing video games," Jimin hummed, handing Yoongi the little boy.
"Aish... whatever. Anyways, Taehyung is the second youngest. He's a singer, but he can also rap. Jungkook can also rap," you felt your feet start to get sore from walking and standing. "Please, make yourself comfortable. The bathroom is the last door on the left. Just don't go into the guys' rooms please," and with that, you sat down next to Yoongi. He recoiled one arm to wrap around you. You enjoyed the comfort and rested your head on his shoulder, looking down at (B/n) with a smile.
"You'd think she'd spend more time with her family," your brother muttered bitterly, then got hit by your mom, "hush! She is spending time with her family. Yoongi and (B/n) is also her family!"
"I was talking about us. We haven't gotten to see her for three years, and then last year she told us she had a baby," your brother crossed his arms like a child, then glared at Yoongi.
"Knock it off," your mother scolded him. Rolling your eyes, you looked at your brother, "Would you like me to baby you? I have diapers and some milk. We could also give you some baby food and let you sleep in (B/n)'s crib while he sleeps with us."
The guys snickered, and so did your sister while your parents gave the teen pointed looks.
"NO! I don't need to be babied-"
"Are you sure? You're acting like a baby more than (B/n), who is only one and a half," you narrowed you eyes.
"Ugh! I just want to spend time with my sister!" He snapped, "yet, even when we are here to spend time with you, you seem to want to hang out with this guy instead! Why is he so special? Because he's famous?! Or maybe because he's your fiance? Would you pay attention to us more and visit us more if he didn't join your life?! Well, I hate him! You're my sister, and I hate him for taking you away!"
Yoongi froze, didn't even snap out of it when (B/n) started crying. Taking the baby gently out of his hands, you tried to calm both of your boys down. Yoongi just simply lowered his head.
Your mom dragged your brother outside, slamming the door.
"What is wrong with you?" She screeched.
"I told you! I want my sister back. She's my sister! Mine! Not his!" The teen yelled back.
"You hurt Yoongi! He didn't do anything to you except try to be a good brother-in-law!" Your mom clenched her fists.
"He doesn't need everyone to like him," your brother rolled his eyes. "Doesn't he have, like, a billion fans?"
"Yes, he has fans, but you're going to be his family. His fans may be super special to him, but you're going to be his brother. Of course he'd want you to like him!" Your mother snapped.
"(Y/n) should've taken my side instead of his!"
"Don't bring your sister into this. She loves Yoongi, and with how you've been acting towards the man, of course she'd take his side. Yoongi hasn't been accusing you with everything. He's been trying to be nice. Now, when we go back inside, you better apologize!"
"I'll go back in, but I'm not apologizing," your brother said under his breath, too low for your mom to hear.
When they walked back in, your dad, you, and Yoongi were gone. Your sister was holding (B/n), pointing down the hall when your mom looked at her.
Your mom dragged your brother through the house, stopping at a slightly opened door.
"Why does he hate Yoongi so much? He's done nothing," your brother heard you calmly talking.
"He's just being dramatic. Your brother has been super rude lately, especially after he found out about (B/n)," your father sighed.
"Well, I won't take it. Yoongi was already anxious about meeting you guys and your son isn't helping," you huffed.
"He's your brother also," your father reminded.
"No. My brother wouldn't hate my fiance and kid for no reason," you denied, and a boulder dropped in your brother's gut, tears already swelling up in his eyes.
"It's fine," he heard Yoongi whisper quietly, "I don't want to force him to like me. Not everyone likes me and that's okay."
"Yoongi, he's not being fair. He hasn't given you a chance," you told him sternly.
Your mom knocked, knocking the door open wider. All of your heads snapped towards the two. "Your brother wants to apologize," your mom said, pushing to boy towards Yoongi. Both of them sniffled, and your brother realized that he really did hurt Yoongi. Yoongi may not have been crying, but he was hurt.
"I-I'm sorry, Yoongi," your brother whispered, shaking.
The rapper didn't know what to do. He was itching to just leave to boy with a nod, but he also wanted to comfort the boy. Going with the second thought, he grabbed your brother and stood, bringing the teen into his chest for a hug. Your brother didn't hug back, just cried in Yoongi's chest.
You and your parents exchanged shocked looks.
"I'm sorry if I'm not the most comforting. Jimin is better with kids," Yoongi gave a bitter chuckle, grabbing your brother's head so he would look up at him and ruffled the teen's hair.
"Guys! Dinner's ready. If Yoongi refuses to come out, I'm going to kick his ass!" Seokjin called, and your brother laughed. The forgiving smell of Seokjin's food made you all walk out. You gently took (B/n) from your sister and put him in the highchair. Yoongi generously grabbed you a bowl of rice and kimchi, setting it in front of you while you started opening up (B/n)'s baby food.
The twins fought for a spot next to you until your mother broke them apart, telling your sister that she could sit by you tomorrow.
"(Y/n), you haven't touched your food," Taehyung had finally come out of his room.
"I'm busy feeding (B/n)," you waved the alien off.
"Do I need to feed you?" Yoongi asked. The members laughed, and so did your parents, but he was totally serious.
"I-I'm fine. I'll eat after our son is taken care of," you blushed, clearing your throat and kept feeding the needy baby boy.
"I'll feed him. I'm finished anyways," Yoongi said, putting his empty bowl aside and put his hands out, subtly telling you to give him the baby food.
"Yoongi, it's fine," you sighed.
"No, I'll feed him," the rapper insisted. You groaned and gave up, jokingly narrowing your eyes at him before taking a bite of your food. "Thanks Seokjin, this is really good."
Seokjin nodded in thanks, grabbing all the empty tableware and went to do dished. Your mom bounced after him, telling him that she's helping.
"How often do the two fight?" Your father asked the others.
"Hmm... it's mostly over (B/n). (Y/n) gets so tired because she doesn't get any sleep at all, and Yoongi tells her that he'd be more than glad to take care of (B/n), but she tells him no because he needs his sleep and he always had work," Jimin shrugged. "Every now and then, one of us will take care of (B/n) so both of them can sleep."
"Do they actually sleep?" Your brother asked, aiming a smirk at Yoongi, who almost dropped the baby food in shock.
"Ew!" Your sister almost pushed him over, giving him a look of disgust.
Namjoon laughed, right as Jungkook and Hoseok walked through the door, all clean. They had taken showers at the studio right after practice.
"What's so funny?" Hoseok asked, setting his bag down.
"(Y/n)'s dongsaengs," Taehyung whistled innocently, "I think."
"Yes, they actually sleep," Jimin cleared his throat awkwardly. "They're too busy to do all that stuff. They rarely have time to even hug. Yoongi is always working, and (Y/n) has to watch over (B/n)."
Hoseok made an 'o' shape with his mouth and smirked. "Well, I'm beat. See you all tomorrow."
"But, aren't you all busy?" Your father asked, confused.
"Tomorrow is an off day!" Taehyung said, excited.
"Tomorrow is a sleep day," you and Yoongi reminded the younger at the same time. "We never get off days."
"And whose fault is that?" Taehyung stuck his tongue out.
"I'm not teaching him the bird and the bees," Yoongi groaned and you shook your head, "nope. Not my job."
"Well, I think it's time to get to the hotel," you father said slowly. "This conversation is going downhill..."
"Okay," your sister jumped up from her seat, "goodbye! Bye bye Yoongi and (B/n)!"
Yoongi waved a small bit before continuing to feed (B/n).
"Leave it to you guys to bring up sex," you said bluntly once your immediate family left (except Yoongi and (B/n).
"It was your brother!" Namjoon protested.
"Yup, blame it on the sixteen year old, Mr. Porn," you smirked when he turned a slightly pink hue.
"Hey, everyone else watches it! I just download it!" He accused.
"I don't need to watch it," Yoongi smirked, and it was your turn to become pink.
"Well, not all of us have wives! Much less girlfriends!" Jungkook whined, "It's not fair how you were allowed to be married."
"We keep it a secret," Yoongi pointed out.
"Whatever," Jungkook sighed as he got himself another bowl.
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