There are stories in the magical realm of a fairy who lives in his isolation, never speaking to anyone. Not even his fairy friends.
There are also stories of a simple human girl who accidentally stumbled opon the forest.
"Hyung! There's a girl!" A boy stumbled into his leader's room, pointing at the door. He was panting with sweat.
"You realize you can fly, right?" The leader indicated the boy's colorful wings that fluttered in embarrassment.
"I forgot," the boy muttered. "Besides, it's good exercise to run."
"So about this girl..." the leader ran his hand through his blonde hair, messing it up.
"She's in the entrance of the forest! I'm afraid it's going to trap her, and then she's going to end up seeing one of us and it's just going to be a big mess!" The boy stumbled on his words, wiping his sweaty forehead with the back of his hand.
"Jimin, calm down. There's a small chance the girl will actually-"
"Hyung! A girl is getting close to Yoongi-hyung's house!" Another boy flew in, eyes wide with panic.
"Yoongi-hyung's house?!" The leader blinked before widening his eyes in fear, "you have to get her away. You know how Yoongi has been after he ripped his wing!"
"Yes, hyung!" The two boys flew away. The leader paced around his room for a small moment, then followed them.
Jimin immediately saw you as you admired the beautiful scenery, not noticing the tree house for a small bit. When you noticed, you felt your heart speed up.
"Hello? Is anyone there? Am I on private property?" You called, stepping back and feeling twigs snap under your feet.
"Who the hell is there?" A young male stomped out, gripping the railing tightly in annoyance. "Who told you to- wait. Where are your wings?"
"Wings?" You said, confused. Is this man on drugs?"
"You know... wings," the man tried to fly down, falling and hissing in pain when he hit the ground painfully.
"Are you okay? Are you suicidal? Do I need to call the ambulance?" You rushed to the man's side, gasping in surprise and jumping back when two skinny things fluttered weakly.
The man groaned, looking up at you, "what are you?"
"I-I could ask you the same thing," you stuttered, backing away until you tripped on a log, yet you still continued to crawl back. It wasn't until your back hit two legs that you stopped, screaming when you looked up. Three men- all have wings- stared back down at you.
"You were saying, hyung?" Jimin asked, crouching down to help you up.
"W-was I drugged- no, I had to have been drugged. There is no way this is real. Yeah, I'm just sleeping and when I wake up, I can just go back to the hospital and start work like a normal day," you crawled away from Jimin, now slipping and landing on the first guy. He groaned and pushed you off.
"You work at a hospital?" The leader asked, sitting on a log.
"U-uh.. y-yeah. I'm a student," you looked back at the man, who had his hand over his eyes in pain and there was a small cut under his lip. "What happened to him?"
"It's a long story," the second boy sighed at his hyung sadly.
"Do you have anything I can use... maybe a needle and some string, and also something to wrap," your eyes trailed to the man's bent and torn wing that was under him, wiggling pathetically.
"Uh yeah. Taehyung, go grab the medical stuff," the leader shooed the boy away.
"While I fix up his... wing... could you mind telling me?" You crawled toward the man, who eyed you with a glare and fear.
"You're going to fix his wing?" Jimin stared at you in shock.
"Of course. I'm training to be a doctor, besides, it's probably the same as sewing up a wound," you murmured, hesitantly touching his wing. He flinched at the touch, still eyeing you.
"Namjoon, go ahead and tell her," another man came up, putting his arms around the leader.
"But, Jin-hyung, she's a human. Don't you think she'll be offended?" Namjoon grabbed Jin's hands, rubbing his thumbs on the back of them. "She's probably offended already," the man finally spoke. "And where is Jungkook? He was supposed to be here ages ago to help me clean m'house."
"Hush, Yoongi. Let the boy hang out with his school friends. He's still growing," Jin scolded his dongsaeng slightly.
You kept quiet, hangs running over the smooth material before reaching the rip, then the bent part. Lightly testing the wing, you bent the bent part slightly.
"Fuck!" Yoongi hissed, pushing you away.
"Calm down. If you push me away, I can't help you," you said gently,grabbing his hand is your small ones and putting his arm back over his eyes. "It might help if you don't look."
"What're you doing to him?!" Jimin ran towards you, throwing you away from his hyung.
"Look here, kid," you stood up with a glare. "I don't care if you're a fairy or whatever, but I'm the doctor here. I'm only helping your friend."
"Jiminie, come back," Jin ordered the younger male. "Let her do her job."
"Thank you," you nodded towards the eldest male before sitting on your knees and tapping Yoongi in the arm. He removed it and looked at you, his face bright red with pain. "Sit up."
Yoongi gulped and weakly sat up, leaning forwards slightly and grabbed a root of a plant in his hand.
"This is going to hurt, I bet. It's like popping a bone back in place," you explained, going behind him. Running your fingers up his wing again, you avoided the rip and gently grabbed the top of the wing. "Ready?"
Yoongi merely nodded, gripping the root tighter.
"On three," you said gently, instantly popping the wing back to its original form, "three."
"SHIT!" He curse, ripping the small root from the ground, shaking.
"Hyung, are you okay?" Taehyung came back, a basket full of medical supplies.
"Yeah, just hurts like a bitch," the older man forgot that Taehyung wasn't there.
"What does? Your wing? Is it okay?" Taehyung went up to his hyung, giving you the basket before grabbing Yoongi's face in his hands, "It's alright, hyung. The nice lady is going to fix your wing."
"It's (Y/n)," you hummed, grabbing the needle and thread. The threat was soft and silky, just like the feeling of his wing. "You ready?"
"Yeah, but actually count to three this time, asshole," he gripped Taehyung's arm tightly.
"The least you expect it, the less painful," you explained, driving the needle into his wing. He hissed, hands gripping tightly, creating bruises on the younger's arm.
Almost finished, you must of pinpointed the weakest park in his wing because he flinched with a cry of pain. "Shit! Fuck! Stop!"
"Hyung?!" Another boy, Jungkook you suspected, ran out, holding a whole store's worth of cleaning supplies. "Who's harassing you?!"
"Calm down, Kookie," Jimin held the boy back.
"Who's that?!" Jungkook struggled again Jimin's hold. "What is she doing to hyung?!"
"Calm down," Yoongi snapped. "She's fixing m'wing," he hissed.
"There... all done," you told the blonde, wrapping the wing up carefully. "Are you okay?"
"Y-yeah," he let go of Taehyung, slumping back into your hold weakly.
"Can we get him into his bed?" You tried to hold him up.
"Of course," Jin signaled Jungkook and grabbed Yoongi by the arms- while Jungkook's grabbed his legs- and flew him up and into his house.
Jimin grabbed you bridal style and carried you up there. "We have to have our doctor with him, no?"
"Uh... okay," you looked around the tree house, then made your way towards Yoongi, who was laying on his side, wings closed together and resting next to him.
"We'll leave him to rest. Ring this if you ever need help," Namjoon gave you a small bell, that you looked over with a smile and nodded.
The six other men left, Jungkook was a little hesitant, and you looked at Yoongi, who gazed back at you.
"C'mere," he opened his arms, completely catching you off guard.
"I like cuddling," he shamelessly admitted, waving you over. Your face heated up as you slowly walked towards his duvet, crawling next to him and letting him embrace you.
"Thank you," he whispered.
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