This chapter is dedicated to Listless-Smol-Bean, who gave me this idea. I'm sorry it's not the best. I actually worked a lot on it. The ending is slightly rushed, but I really tried. School is hell and I have no time to update. I'm currently also writing a chapter.
If you want, I can start making teasers for my chapters, but that's up to you guys!
"Wow! This feels so surreal!" I babbled, staring out of the plane window and down into the Atlantic Ocean.
"You remember your Korean studies, right?" My manager asked, looking up from her magazine.
"Of course!" I assured with a smile. "I won't survive in South Korea if I didn't."
"And you know your schedule, right?" She asked, putting the flimsy book away.
"We're going to the hotel, right?" I tilt my head, suddenly sick of the long trip, too excited to wait.
"And then we're going out to eat. After that, we'll return to the hotel, get some rest, and then tomorrow we have a interview with BTS," she looked at her phone, typing the schedule into her notes.
"Ah... who is BTS again?" I asked curiously.
"Mmm... Bangtan. They're very famous right now," she explained, shutting her phone and putting it back in her coat pocket. "And I personally think this interview will help both of you."
"Who are they again? Like, what are their names?" I tucked a stray hair behind my ear.
"Kim Seokjin, eldest. Min Yoongi, eldest /rapper/. Jung Hoseok, second eldest rapper. Kim Namjoon, leader and youngest rapper. Park Jimin, third youngest. Kim Taehyung, second youngest. Jeon Jungkook, maknae."
"I think I remember now! How exciting. I remember seeing them at the Billboard Awards. Quite handsome," I giggled, "and they seemed like nice people."
"Mhm, and I must congratulate you again on Best Album," my manager smiled stiffly.
"It all comes with hard work," I muttered shyly, looking down at my black mask.
* * *
"We are so lucky to have you here!" The MC smiled prettily.
"It's amazing to be here. South Korea is beautiful," I smiled shyly, thanking any lord out there for my gift of languages.
"So I've heard..." the MC giggled, "that you and one of the BTS' members are going to be recording a song together!"
"It's honestly up to him. My manager offered and she was gonna talk to him and his manager," I replied in honesty.
"Could we have any hints on the guy you're gonna be with? Then we can call those lovely boys out!"
"Hmm... last time I saw him was at the BBMAS and he had black hair. He was very quiet," I smiled gently.
"It's definitely not J-Hope!" The MC laughed and I joined.
"Now we introduce... BTS!" The MC finally introduced the guys. It was my fist time talking to all of them.
All seven men walked out, 'J-Hope' had a fake pout until Taehyung punches him on the shoulder. Both boys started laughing.
"Any hints from you?" The MC asked, "Ms. (Y/n) has been giving me poor hints."
"It'll be no fun if you found it out in a snap," I explained nervously, licking my bottom lip in anticipation.
"Well, it's one of the rappers," Yoongi said calmly, making me clear my throat and avert my eyes.
"Hmm.. black hair. Quiet. Not Rap Monster or J-Hope. It's gotta be you!" The MC clapped her hands excitedly.
"It couldn't have been that easy!" Yoongi protested jokingly.
"So you and (Y/n)-ssi are planning to make a song-"
"Album," Yoongi said, once again, calmly. Jin looked over at him, a fed-up look on his face.
"-oh~ an album!" The MC cheered, "that's better than just one song!"
* * *
~ One Month Later ~
"So, how does this sound?" I asked, opening my mouth to sing. Yoongi wasn't paying attention, obviously. He looked away with a burning red hue on his cheeks. It drove me nuts. At this rate, we'll never get this album finished.
Instead of singing, I looked away in anger, crossing my arms with a angry huff.
"What is your damn issue?" I grumbled, fury in my eyes as I looked him from the side.
"You really want to know?" He asked, cheeks fading back to their pale look. With a nod, I turned back to face him.
"Alright. Fine. It's that you're too pretty. It's hard to work with someone when they have such an amazing voice and personality. It drives me to the brink of insanity knowing that I'll never get a chance because you're leaving next month and going six thousand miles away back to America," he sighed through grit teeth. "Now you know."
"Wait. You have a crush?" I gaped, a small, evil smirk finding it's way on my lips. "The Min Yoong?"
"Shut up," he snapped, looking away again. Stifling a giggle, I scoot my chair closer to him and laid my head on his shoulder. "Everyone has a crush. It's normal. Why so embarrassed?"
"I'm embarrassed because I've never liked a girl before. It's hopeless, and you live in America," he never looked back at me, too red with embarrassment and anger.
"You've never heard of long-distance relationships?! Wow... you are hopeless," I laughed into his shoulder.
He tensed up, finally looking down at me. Batting my eyelashes at him, I winked.
"Why not? I'll regret not dating you and letting another female take you away."
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