Childhood Friends
"Yoongi oppa, do my parents love each other?" You asked innocently, pausing in playing with your kumamon plushy with your older friend. You and him were neighbors, and your parents and his parents were practically best friends. When they first moved to your neighborhood, your parents set up a play date while the 'adults' talked and got to know each other.
"Well... yeah," he shrugged, sitting back on his ankles, his own kumamon toy in his lap. "They married each other because they love each other."
"So you marry people when you love them?" You asked again.
"You marry the love of your life," he said in a cheesy tone. "And there are only one of those," then he held up one finger.
"The love of your life?" You stared at him, dumbfounded.
"The person that's not related to you that you love the most," he shrugged again.
"Oh," you thought for a little bit before giving him a good smile, "then will you marry me, Yoongi oppa?"
"W-what?" He blushed, looking away slightly, "you only get married when you're an adult."
"But you just said you marry the love of your life," you started to get confused, your seven year-old mind having trouble taking in all the information.
"I'm not the love of your life," Yoongi shrugged calmly. He was always mature for his age. He may have been only nine, but he was smart.
"But you are," you whined, giving him a pout that resembled a kicked puppy, "because I love you, Yoongi oppa!" Crawling over to him, you gave him a big hug.
"You guys having fun?" Your mom walked in, taking a quick picture before of you hugging before you could hid from the camera.
"Our Kumamon were pirates!" You said cutely.
"Appa has some ice cream for you," she pat your head and you immediately let go of Yoongi and ran out the bedroom door.
"Thanks," Yoongi urged his rosy cheeks to go back to their pale tone.
"(Y/n) really enjoys your company," your mom nodded towards him.
"She's cute," Yoongi giggled, "and she gets really happy."
"Your parents and I were thinking about letting you guys have a sleep over. Maybe every year," your mom gave him a smile. "Would you guys like to have a camp out?"
Yoongi's eyes slightly turned scared. He wasn't the best with outdoor camping. The random noises freaked him out, but he smile and nodded. For you.
"Wanna help me set up the tent?" Your mom held a hand out for him. Yoongi accepted her hand with another nod and stood up. The two grabbed the tent and your mom told Yoongi to find some blankets, pillows, and some toys. When you finished your ice cream, your dad gave you a battery-powered lantern and shooed you outside.
"Yoongi!" You gasped happily, running towards the tent, your plushy still in your arms.
Your mom cooed at you two, taking another picture and going back inside.
"Did you decorate it?" You asked, crawling inside the tent. There were kumamon toys and coloring books piled in the corner.
Yoongi nodded with a small smile, and stared at the sliding glass door that was noticeable through a small hole.
Yawning almost immediately, you curled up in one of the blankets, closing your eyes. Yoongi stared at you quite shocked. He was quite the sleeper, but you always outdid him.
"Goodnight Yoongi oppa," you gave a tired smile that barely rested on your lips.
Every year after, Yoongi stayed for a camp out, even when you turned sixteen. Actually, for your sixteenth birthday, you invited Yoongi for the yearly camp out instead of the day you usually had it. He couldn't say no, always had a soft spot for you, but he came with a surprise this year.
Three knocks rang through the house and you knew immediately who it was, but your hands were covered in flour and cookie dough.
"I'll get it," your appa smiled, drying his own hands then went to get the door. Yoongi was quite shocked, which is an understatement. He was sure you were going to answer the door, which is why he was now staring at your dad with a shocked expression and a bouquet in his hands. "Oh... Hello, Mr. (L/n)."
"Hello, Yoongi," you father laughed. "What're those for?"
"Oh... uh.. a present," Yoongi looked away shyly, brown locks hiding his eyes.
"Well, (Y/n) and (M/n) is in the kitchen making cookies. Would you like to help?"
Yoongi nodded, gently setting the bouquet on the counter then rolled his sleeves up, washing his hands, and went to help.
"Hi Yoongi!" You wiped some flour on his nose. He was quite shocked for a small moment before he dramatically gasped. Holding chest, he acted like he was shot, making you laugh.
Your mom shook her head with a chuckle, rolling small cookie dough balls and placing them on the cookie sheet.
"I got you something," you remembered the gift you had found him when you and your parents went to Seoul for a small vacation. Leaving the cookie dough, you washed you hands off and ran towards your room. Yoongi followed more slowly, leaning against your doorframe as you searched for his gift.
"Shouldn't I be the one to be giving you a present? It's your birthday," Yoongi stated the obvious.
"But I missed your birthday when I went to Seoul, so while I was in Seoul, I was looking for the perfect gift," you told him, a slight guilty tone.
"It's fine," Yoongi sighed, "I can't take anything."
"You will take this," you told him sternly, giving him a box.
"Fine..." he couldn't hide the smile, even though he wanted to be mad at you.
"Happy late eighteenth birthday," you giggled shyly.
He unwrapped the box, looking at the cover in disbelief, then some guilt. "You really shouldn't have.."
"I saw you eyeing them down at the music store.." You hummed in thought, "and I know you like music."
"But these are expensive. They were 250,000 won here. I can't imagine how expensive they were in Seoul," Yoongi inspected the headphones.
"It's not important," you waved it off. "What's important is that you're happy."
"Well, I also got you a gift," he pulled out his phone. You gave him a lost look. "Just wait," he scoffed gently. "You'll see later."
The wait was agonizing, you had found the flowers and you were happy and content with them alone. They were your favorite type of flowers.
It was only a minute before midnight that Yoongi did something. You two talking in the tent when he brought out his phone for the last time, checking the time then opened his camera, "Let's take a picture."
Nodding and scooting close to him, he wrapped an arm around you and pulled you closer. You started getting suspicious when he didn't take a picture, just kept trying to look you in the face. Actually, he was chasing your lips.
When he was finally able to connect them, he took the picture, then put his phone down and wrapped his other arm around you.
"Happy birthday," he whispered, giving a shy smile. It was no secret that you liked him, but he was better at keeping his feelings hidden.
Now, it was four years later. You were twenty, and still happily dating the man, he had even asked you to marry him! He was a music teacher, and quite the popular.
Yoongi was known as the 'rainbow bastard' to the teachers and the 'handsome teacher' to the students. He was called the first nickname because of the amount of times he's dyed his hair, and then he was also considered the most handsome teacher in the school.
"Happy twentieth birthday," he grinned. It was lunch break and you were hanging out with him.
"I'm an old lady now," you joked dramatically.
"If you're an old lady, does that mean I'm an old man?" Yoongi asked, taking a bite of his chicken.
"I mean, you act like one," you muttered quietly, but he heard.
"Ya! You ass!" He pulled you in his lap before you could run away, wrapping his arms around you in a bear hug.
"You have class in a few seconds, you should let me go," you tried, squirming in his lap.
"Nope. You're staying here," he nuzzled his head in your neck. "I'm never letting you go."
"I'm can work with this punishment," you giggled happily.
"Ya, (Y/n)," Yoongi murmured in your neck.
"Hm?" You tried to looked back at him.
"I'm the love of you life," he chuckled quietly. "And I have been since we were kids."
"Oh, but you are. A love of my life and my best friend," you tried not to cringe at the cheesy moment.
"I could never wish for anything more," Yoongi sighed happily.
"Neither could I," you agreed, now content in your spot.
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