Beauty Masks
Disclaimer: I do not own Clevver, you, Bts, or Suga!
"She's back! They're back! Beauty break!" Joslyn screamed, holding an arm full of Korean and American face masks. Some in tubes, boxes, and containers.
"So yeah... these guys are back, expect this person's fiance didn't want to participate in this video," a stunning girl with dirty blonde hair gave a lopsided smile.
"Guys! So Mehgan hasn't met (Y/n) yet. We went to their concert last night and it was amazing, but anyways, Mehgan, this is (Y/n)," Lily nodded. "That's BTS. They're the people we went to see last night."
"Wait. Seriously?" Mehgan gaped at the seven boys behind camera.
"Yeah. That's..." Lily waited for me to introduce them, for she forgot their names.
"Youngest to oldest? Shortest to tallest? Alphabetical?" I asked.
"Alphabetical," Joslyn grinned, then went back to trying to read the boxes that were in Korean.
"Okay, so that's Hoseok," I pointed to the red haired rapper. "He's one of the rappers."
"Jimin. Shortest, yet sweetest," I pointed to the small boy. He smiled and waved. "He's one of the singers."
"Ya!" Yoongi protested.
"Wait your turn!" I scolded him, making everyone laugh.
"Jungkook. He's the youngest, so we call him the maknae. He's also a singer."
"Namjoon, who is the leader of BTS. He's the tallest, as you can see, and is a rapper."
"Seokjin," I paused to take a breath. "He's the oldest. Also a singer."
"Taehyung. Vocalist."
"And last, but definitely not least, Yoongi. He's a rapper and also my fiance."
"Swag," the black haired rapper made a peace sign.
"Oh! Would your fiance like to join you?" Mehgan waved the reluctant man over.
"There's no seats," he shrugged.
"She can sit on your lap. She's your fiance after all, and I think that's what you did yesterday," Joslyn helped me out of my seat. I blushed and sat back down, but was now sitting on Yoongi's lap, who had his arms around my waist.
"So what masks are which. I can't read these," Joslyn put all the Korean masks in front of me to organize.
"So these are peel off. These are just the fabric-ish ones. And these ones are the ones you rinse off," I separated them in three different piles.
"Okay, let's put all the peel offs in one pile and the others in the other piles," Mehgan grabbed the American masks and did the same thing.
"So how about us three use the Korean masks, and you two can you the American?" Lily looked at us, and I nodded.
"I never agreed to this," Yoongi gave a pout. "By the way, your lips are stained blue from the lipstick."
"Hush... are you allergic to anything," I turned to face him and looked at the back of one of the one you just put on, then take off and throw away.
"Hm?" He gently grabbed the box from me and looked through the ingredients.
"Are you allergic to anything? I don't want to burn your skin," I turned, grabbed a makeup wipe, and gently started to wipe off Yoongi's makeup off while he looked through the ingredients.
"Wait. We're supposed to take off our makeup?" Mehgan blinked at me before she put on a panda mask.
"It's probably recommended, so the mask can actually do its job and not just be cleaning the makeup off," I shrugged.
Yoongi handed me the box and I gently opened it, looking to see if there were directions, and shrugged when there were none.
"Aish, it's cold," Yoongi tensed up when I gently placed the mask on his face. "It also tastes disgusting."
"You look so scary, Hyung!" Taehyung grinned.
"Why do these always get in your mouth?" Mehgan complained against her mask.
I grabbed an American peel off and read the directions and ingredients.
"Wait. You follow directions?" Lily asked in awe, while Joslyn giggled.
"Of course. I don't want to ruin my face."
"Wait, before you put that on, we have a Korean product that Lily ordered on ebay we want you to try," Joslyn went to a little thing and dug through it, pulling put a tan fabric. "Let me help you get in on."
"What is it supposed to help with?" I felt it start to choke me as she strapped it together.
"Double chin," Mehgan started laughing.
"You're supposed to sleep in it," Lily instructed. Yoongi 'nope'd.
"Hell no. You are not sleeping with me with that fucking thing on," he gave me his judging face.
"Wait! Let's make you the devil!" Joslyn smiled, and started pulling my hair slightly out of the holes.
"Okay. Give me a mint wig and mint hair spray," I instructed. They surprisingly had the items and I put them on, making sure my devil horns were poking out. Then I puffed my cheeks out. "Min Yoongi, genius."
"Aish, so mean. Don't tease me," the black haired man poked my cheeks.
"Can I take this off now? I seriously can't breathe," I took the wig off. Joslyn helped me out of the thing and I took a deep breath, finally free.
"You have two mint poka-dots on your head now," Hoseok snickered.
"Shut it, horse," I rolled my eyes and grabbed the peel off mask again, opening the container and started putting it on my face.
"You look so cute, meghan!' Lily smiled at her friend, who was laying back so the mask didn't fall off.
"Thanks. It's hard to talk though. How the fuck does he do it, while sitting up?" Meghan sat up and the mask instantly fell off.
"He's special... in very many ways," I told her, remembering how goofy the RBF faced male can be.
"Is that a sex joke?" Meghan asked and I turned bright red, but you couldn't see it because of the mask.
"No... I was just saying... he can be very weird," I stuttered as I finished putting the mask on.
"Oh, okay," she shrugged and picked up a Korean peel off. "What does this say?"
"It's the instructions. Want me to show you how it works?" I asked, and all three of them snapped their heads towards me.
"Yoongi, are you allergic to anything in this?" I gave him the container, and he took off the face mask, wiping the excess liquid off, and read the back. He shook his head and I instantly opened the container. "So this face mask is actually different than others."
"How so?" Joslyn took a look at the contents.
"So you put on a thin layer. It cools over the twenty minutes as it dries," I explained, grabbing a small bit and started gently lathering up Yoongi's face.
"Why does it become cold?" Lily frowned at the camera.
"To remove puffiness," I bit my lip in concentration.
"Oh! Is it easier than using a cold spoon?" Joslyn seemed actually curious. Yoongi and I gave her a confused look.
"Cold spoons get rid of puffiness," she explained.
"Oh... well the spoon would heat up fast, wouldn't it? Because of the body temperature? Then you'd have to keep making it cold, whilst this you can do your whole face in one go," I tilt my head.
"It takes so long to dry," meghan complained as she put some if the face mask on herself.
"Why did you make me do this?" Yoongi gave a pout, nuzzling his cheek against mine.
"You're wiping off our masks!" I laughed. "They're supposed to be peel off!"
"It feel weird," he pulled away, his cheek missing some of his mask. "As it cools."
"It doesn't hurt or itch, right?" Joslyn picked up the container, like she could read the Korean.
"Aniyo, but it just feels weird," he yawned. He's always tired, but he also had a concert last night.
After about twenty minutes, Meghan started peeling off her mask, and I went to peel off Yoongi's, but he was fast alseep.
"I guess we can't prune with him," Lily gave a pout.
"I forgot about prune!" Joslyn slammed the box she was holding loudly on the table, yet Yoongi didn't wake up. He snored softly, and nuzzled his face in my chest.
"Prune," Lily said in a weird voice, along with Meghan. When it was my turn, I tried, and probably failed.
"You look like a mom," Meghan smirked.
"At least it's dry," I giggled. "Yoongi~ time to wake up~" I grabbed his cheeks.
"..." he didn't stir.
"Yoongi," I said slightly sterner and shook him slightly. That woke him up. "Fuck you."
"You wish, now anyways, it's time to take your face mask off," I started grabbing at the mask, peeling it off his skin.
"Ewww!" Jungkook gagged, and turned away.
"Hyung! You look like your face is coming off!" Namjoon chuckled.
When I finished his, I started peeling mine, and he gave me the look of disgust.
"I'll try this mask," I grabbed an American throw-away mask, then put it on and turned around, leaning against Yoongi's chest and tipped my head back on his shoulder so it wouldn't fall off. Yoongi took the opportunity to cuddle me and go back to sleep. The others looked like they were about to pass out also.
"These are so cute!" Joslyn cooed as she put on a dog mask.
"Really, they are!" Lily agreed as she out on a red panda.
"Aish... no fair... Hyung gets to sleep," Jimin complained, leaning his head on Jungkook's shoulder.
"He'll have to wake up soon anyways. We can sleep on the plain," Seokjin shrugged.
"Oh yeah... I forgot we had to catch a plane in thirty minutes," I mumbled against the mask, feeling drowsy myself because of Yoongi.
"Well, you guys. That's all for this video. We learned lots, like following directions! But we still aren't going to follow them. Anyways, we hope to see you in the next video, we also hope to see these guests soon," Meghan did the outro and the other members of BTS came behind us, Hoseok trying to wake up my fiance.
"Maybe we can go to Korea for a Beauty Vacation or something!" Joslyn clapped to herself at the great thought.
"That'd be fun! Stay in tune everyone!" Lily laughed.
When the camera shut off, Yoongi magically woke up, pissed off, and we thanked them as they thanked us before we headed out to the airport. You know that we all passed out right away when we got in our seats on the plane.
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