7 Sins
No, I have not seen the anime. Don't even ask.
Seokjin - Gluttony
Yoongi - Sloth
Namjoon - Pride
Hoseok - Greed
Jimin - Envy
Taehyung - Wrath
Jungkook - Lust
You - a child who ignores her parents and commits all seven sins.
Gluttony- flashed through your mind as this boy and you raided a bakery to eat all the treats, though neither of you were hungry.
"This is a sin," the boy looked at you, smirking. His teeth were perfect.
"Who cares," you shrugged, gobbling down a cinnamon roll, while your stomach was protesting. His smirk got even wider.
" My name is Kim Seokjin," he held his hand out. You eye it for a small bit before placing a small bite of the roll into his hand before finishing it. He simply chuckled and ate the bite.
Later the day when you arrived home before curfew, you threw up every pastry while your parents rubbed your back soothingly.
Sloth- the light shone through the curtains, and all you did was cover your head with your blankets. You weren't tired, not at all - thanks to all the candy you ate last night.
A tired hum came and a arm tightened around you. You shrugged in your head and went back to sleep, living the feeling of the heaviness of your closed eyes. Beside you was a blonde boy that came over last night for an assignment. You two had fallen asleep very early, right after you both ate until you felt like exploding.
Your parents complained that you were eating too much and sleeping to much, even tried to wake you up along with the boy - Yoongi. It was a dumb try and nothing came out of it. You two kept sleeping.
Pride- as you and Yoongi presented the assignment, a swell made your chest heavy, casting you to puff it out and smirk. Everyone except you had gotten a bad score. You didn't even bother to thank him, just gave him and sat down.
"That was good," a tall boy next to you commented.
"I know" you replied with a shrug and took out a poptart, eating the whole thing in a matter of minutes.
Greed- Hoseok, a friend you've had since you were a kid, watched as you looked into a Jewerly store window. With hungry eyes, you observed each piece of gold and diamond.
"You're sinning~" Hoseok sang in your ear, trying to drag you away.
"I want that necklace!" You dragged him back.
"You don't even wear necklaces," he reminded, trying to drag you away again with a knowing smirk. You had always been a greedy child.
"Don't care," you whined, dragging him inside the store and using up half your savings.
Envy- your eyes traveled over a skinny girl that was openly flirting with your crush, putting her hands all over him. You weren't skinny, nor pretty.
A pout formed and a sigh left your lips. A kid next to you, Jimin if you remembered correctly, looked over with a smirk like the other boys.
"Jealous?" He asked, curiously, while he tilted his head.
"Of course," you gave a whine, looking over Jungkook. To his long, thick legs to his bunny smile. It made you even greedier. You wanted him. It wasn't fair.
"Hm," Jimin gave a hum similar to Yoongi's and observed Jungkook himself, a knowing smirk growing on his face.
Wrath- you didn't mean to snap at your parents, but the button has been pushed. You were stressed, always hungry, always tired, longing for your old friend Jungkook.
"If you cared, I wouldn't be like this!" you yelled, pointing to the carving that was forming on you right wrist, to the sharp fangs starting to sharpen up, to the purple hue around your irises.
"If you had listened, you would be like that!" Your mother yelled back. She always had a short temper.
"If you had been better parents and made me listen-" you started, yelling and screaming before someone knocked. You opened the door and slammed it behind you.
"You okay?" Taehyung had the same knowing smirk, and if you had known better, you could see sharp fangs and green eyes.
"No, let's go."
Lust- you didn't know how it happened. Taehyung pushed you into Jungkook's arms and left. Next, you were being pushed down onto a silky bed, red eyes faintly glowing at you while fangs nibbled at your skin.
"You're lusting," Jungkook whispered and fear paralyzed you for a split moment before you smirk.
"Its all your fault."
You knew later you would regret everything and wish for your parents, but Jungkook was finally yours. Not that one chick's.
"You want me," he simply answered after a while.
"I do, and you're all mine," I whisper back. He gave a knowing smirk and kissed me deeply.
"Oh really?" He arched an eyebrow.
"Yup," I smile, pride feeling in my chest along with a small amount of wrath as I seethe, "and no one else's."
Jungkook chuckled and the night went on, a small dull pain in my mouth with a weight on my wrist.
I am a sin itself.
Relatable BTW. I'm a sin. So yeah. Just a small filler chapter while I work on the other chapters.
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