The pediatrician comes to check the kids out
"Logan are you ready to see Ariel glasses?" Erin asks him
"I'm ready" he says to her
Logan was blown away when he saw Ariel with her new glasses on
"Oh Ariel you look gorgeous" he says when Ariel comes into the house with her glasses on her face
"Really daddy?" Ariel asks him
"Really you are one pretty two year old" he says as he hugs her close
Logan decided to get some pictures with the two of them with their glasses on
"Daddy can you tuck me in?" She asks him when she rubs her eyes
"Sure princess" he says as he takes her upstairs to her room to tuck her in for her nap
"Are my brothers asleep?" She asks as daddy pulls down her bed for her nap
"Yes sweetie they are, but you can see them when you wake up from your nap" he tells her as he puts her in her bed
"Thank you daddy" she says as she gives him her glasses
"Oh you're welcome" he says as he tucks her in for her nap
Logan checks on the others to see how they were doing. Krista was crying her head off when he entered her room
"Oh Krista it's okay lady bug daddy is right here" he tells her as he picks her up to comfort her
Logan goes over to the rocking chair to rock her back to sleep
"There we go big girl" he says as he holds her in his arms as he rocks her back to sleep
Krista studies daddy carefully
"What little girl?" He asks as he continues to rock her in his arms
Krista reaches up for him with her little hand
"Do want daddy finger?" He asks her as he gives her one of his fingers to squeeze
"Come on we will get paci for you to suck on" he says as he carries her to the kitchen for her pacifier
Logan gives her paci and she was contented
"There we go all better now huh?" He asks the baby that was in his arms getting ready to close her eyes once more
Krista closes her eyes and goes back to sleep for daddy
"Night lady bug" he says as he places her in her crib
Krista sucked on her paci as she slept
"Daddy isn't that far away" he says as he leaves her to go help Erin with what she needs done before the pediatrician came that night to give the kids their check up and maybe a shot or two
"Erin honey what do you need done?" He asks as he comes downstairs and into the kitchen
"Nothing right now Logan thank you though" she tells him
Logan decides to go out for a motorcycle ride to clear his head a little bit since he has four kids now, and he barely has time for himself any more
(That night)
"Okay Erin I have the girls in their night gowns, so it's easier for the doctor when he comes" Logan says as he comes down with all four kids
"Thank you I suspect the boys have a sleeper on?" She asks him
"Of course they do babe" he tells her as he takes all four kids to the family room to wait for the pediatrician to come
"That has to be the doctor" she says when she hears the doorbell
She was right the pediatrician was at the door
"Come in doctor" Erin tells the doctor
"Thank you Mrs. Henderson" the pediatrician says as he heads to the kitchen with one of his nurses following him
"Logie you can bring the kids into the kitchen" Erin calls to him
Soon Logan appears with all four kids
"Ariel you get to go first sweetie" the doctor tells her as she steps on the scale that mommy had brought down from the bathroom
"She is a little under weight for her age, so I want to monitor her closely" the doctor says as Ariel goes over to the height chart that was in the kitchen
Ariel was right on track height wise
"Now to give you a full checkup" the doctor tells Ariel
Ariel was healthy as a horse, but she needed to have some shots that night
"It's okay sweetie daddy is right here" Logan says when the nurse did the shots
Krista was overweight do her age group, so the doctor put her on a diet as well
"You eat too good Krista" Logan says as he tickles her causing her to smile
The pediatrician ordered some test for her cause he wants to see if everything was working the way it should
"Now for her shots" the nurse says as she gets the area ready for her shot
Krista fought the nurse, so Logan took Krista upstairs to her room cause she was being naughty
"I'm concerned about the boys cause they are a bit tiny" the doctor tells Erin
"Will they have to go to the hospital?" She asks scared
"I'm afraid so I'll have the children hospital ambulance come to take them to the hospital" the pediatrician says as he leaves
After the pediatrician leaves Erin locks the house, so no one could take her boys away from her
"Erin what happened?" Logan asks her when he comes back down
"The boys have to go to the hospital cause they are tiny" she says between sobs
"Oh honey it's going to be okay they need better care then what we can give to them" he says as he hugs her close to him
"Logan i don't want our boys to go away at all" she says between sobs
"I don't either they will be home before you know it, and you can hold them in your arms once more. Besides it gives me time to do their nursery right while they are in the hospital" he says as he continues to hug her
"Really?" she asks him
"Really with juggling all four kids and helping you out I haven't had time to get to their nursery, and paint it and decorate it the way i want it" he says when he sees the ambulance pull up to take the boys to the hospital
"I want to shop more for them like clothes wise and everything else since we had to cut the trip short last time" she tells him
"We can do that and the both of us can work on the nursery and get it together while the boys are in the hospital
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